Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 171: Corpse Feast

The level range of members of the Yanhuang Army is in the range of 50 to 55. The maximum range of skills of this level is not more than 40 meters in circle! And with such a wide range of skills, very few, only a few occupations will have!

The scorched earth and rune of AIDS caused by Huang Yi were as wide as a 200-meter radius! This is completely the standard of sanctuary skills. At this stage, no player can learn such a wide range of attack skills! They froze for a while, thinking that it was a sacred powerhouse who came here.

Gradually, ten seconds passed, and within two hundred meters of the circle, the densely packed corpses were suddenly lying down! Huang Yi stood in the bones of the corpse, holding the huge hammer, panting slightly.

These iron soldiers had already been baptized by a long-range professional attack, and they were all in a state of residual blood. Huang Yi has more than a hundred BUFFs on his body, which is much stronger than his single brush. He can basically kill one with a hammer.

Both Aid Poison and Scorched Earth deal damage based on his attack percentage. The higher his attack, the stronger these two skills are. The 10-second disease of wormwood combined with the scorched earth effect is equivalent to having all these iron soldiers withstand his one-and-a-half full attack, and most of the iron soldiers did not carry it.

"Okay! Good! Good! The priest will quickly add spike blood. Don't let him die. The remaining melee classes will block the speed of the remaining iron soldiers, and the long-range profession will continue to clean up these iron soldiers!" Lin Yiqin said in succession Three good words, apparently did not expect that Huang Yi's two moves would be so fierce, and a large wave of monsters were cleared at once! A lot of time is left!

Huang Yi only felt that countless skills Guanghua smashed over himself, his original blood health was instantly replenished. From this moment, he has become the key protection target for the whole group of priests, and various blood addition skills have been thrown to him!

Huang Yi continued to rush towards the remaining iron soldiers and continued fighting. And some iron soldiers still rushed forward, I don't know when it will end.

"Ugh!" Soon, the long-range profession launched a second wave of attacks, hitting the newly charged iron soldiers and turning them into residual blood.

Huang Yi continued to rush up and tortured them with scorched earth and judgment. Gradually, the attack rhythm of those thousands of long-range occupations all began to adjust with Huang Yi, and soon the steel torrent of those iron soldiers was firmly stopped and could not be rushed up again.

Huang Yi's effect is actually a coincidence. Although there are thousands of long-range occupations on the field, the same, there are thousands of iron soldiers within a 200-meter radius, and they are spread out. Each iron soldier is equivalent to being attacked by two or three long-range occupations. After three players attack, it becomes residual blood, which can be killed by one or two hits. However, at this time, the long-range profession is in the stage of blocking after the attack, and is still singing the spell of the next skill, which cannot immediately make up for the last one or two attacks. And Huang Yi's scorched earth and AIDS poisoning effects are aimed at this outage period. Thousands of iron soldiers within the coverage area at once, which is equivalent to the last knife for each iron soldier.

Finally, the last iron soldier was killed by a hammer from Huang Yi and turned into a corpse.

However, the engulfing effect on his orange martial arts did not appear. After killing the enemy, he could not swallow the enemy to replenish his life value, nor could he prevent the enemy's resurrection skills. Because he is in a group state, he did not kill these monsters alone , So swallowing this attribute has no effect.

"All long-distance professions turned around and continued to fight Fest. The little sister-in-law continued to resist the BOSS attack!" Lin Yiqin continued to command.

Thousands of long-distance professions turned back and started playing Fist.

By this time, Fist had finished calling, and the golden shield on his body had disappeared, and he could be harmed again.

Huang Yi turned his head to look at the battlefield behind him. Many melee occupations fell there, but no priest went to fight them back. Obviously, these melee occupations would be useless next time. You can lie dead until the boss is killed Until death.

"Well, the most difficult level has passed, and then it will be easy. Kill the brother, come here." At this time, a clear voice rang out in Huang Yi's team.

Huang Yi immediately returned to the ten girls and stood with them, watching those long-distance professions continue to fight with Fest.

"Skill brother, what skills did you just have! Such a wide range, I have never seen it before! Is it your skills in those legendary shoes?" Soon, a girl asked.

"It's almost right!" Huang Yi said indiscriminately.

"If we kill the Zombie King for the first time, there will be legendary equipment too! If it is a legendary skirt, I will definitely wear it beautifully."

"Dandan, just dream about it! Even if it breaks out, it won't be distributed to you! Huh!"


The 10 girls in the group immediately chatted. He, Yingying Yanyan, Huang Yi stood aside and couldn't talk for a moment.

The next battle was indeed a lot easier. Fest's most threatening skill was the skill of calling soldiers before. Once this skill was broken, there was no major threat. Later, it used several new random skills in succession, but none of them had any effect, and it was successfully killed after fifteen minutes! There were hundreds of items bursting out of the sky, and they were all glittering on the ground. I didn't know what they were.

"The priest resurrects his teammates. Use ordinary resurrection skills, don't use battle resurrection. The logistics team picks up items dropped by the BOSS. The rest rest in place and fill up the state! Five minutes later, we will start to the top of the mountain where the zombie king is!" Lin Yiqin issued a rest order.

Everyone sat cross-legged and began to rest, restoring health and mana.

Some priests came to the battlefield where the iron soldiers were killed, and they began to revive their teammates. All the teammates who died in battle all stood up again and became alive again. If they are in a wild area, they will still be dropped even if they are resurrected by the priest. The role of the priest is only to revive the target in place without having to run again.

"Seckill, your skills are too strong, is that the skills of those legendary shoes?" Soon, several resurrected soldiers came to Huang Yi's body and asked excitedly.

Although these fighters are dead, in the group mode, they can still see the scenes of their teammates from the perspective of God. Huang Yi ’s scorched earth and AIDS poisoning are so prominent that they naturally saw them all.

"That's right!" Huang Yi nodded.

"I started to think that the sacred realm is here! The range is so wide, and it can be used frequently, and the legendary equipment is really strong! If I have one, it will be fine!" Said the soldier with emotion.

"Well, each group enters the suspension bridge in order, and then plays the No. 3 Boss Zombie King!" After five minutes of rest, Lin Yiqin issued a forward order.

The T group took the lead and began to enter the suspension bridge leading to the top of the zombie king's mountain.

Five thousand people passed the suspension bridge in an orderly manner and reached the top of the mountain where the zombie king was. They continued to maintain the original formation and began to advance, clearing the mobs along the way.

It didn't take long for the crowd to come to the area where the Zombie King was.

The 5,000-person zombie king is also extremely huge, more than ten meters high, covered with heavy plate armor, and a plate of steel reflects bright light in the moonlight. The bone shield in his hand also turned into a large iron block more than ten meters high, which was firmly in front of him, like a steel fortress.

The zombie king just seemed to have an unbreakable feeling, which made him feel a sense of weakness.

"Pay attention to each regiment, and everyone!" With Lin Yiqin's words falling, 5,000 people were dispersed again according to different formations.

But this time, the team distribution is different. The melee professions all stood inside, and the BOSS formed a large circle far away, while the long-range professions stood outside, the same as the traditional formation.

"Seckill brother, let's go in too!" Said the youngest little Loli in the group, tenderly, holding Huang Yi's arm, walking into the inner circle together, standing quietly. The rest of the girls followed Huang Yi and surrounded him.

"Xiao Xunzi, are you ready?" At this time, Lin Yiqin issued a confirmation of readiness to the main T Xiao Xunzi.

Little sister-in-law is still in giant form, and clicks a huge head.

"Donghuang, give him a fire shield!"

"Xuan drunk, give him rocky skin!"

"Wu Daoli, pay attention to continuous penetration."


Lin Yiqin issued several orders in succession, and the crowd on the field flew the corresponding Guanghua, giving Xiao Xunzi a variety of individual states, temporarily stacking him into a super strong state.

"Okay! Come on!" Lin Yiqin said briefly ~ www.readwn.com ~ launched a formal combat order.

The little sister-in-law rushed forward, like a bull, and slammed into the zombie king!

"Boom!" A huge impact sounded, but the zombie king remained motionless, like a steel fortress originally built on the ground, and could not be shaken at all! Instead, the little sister-in-law was taken a few steps back by the force of the shock.

"Don't want to break through my defense and enjoy this corpse poison feast together!" In the gap between the plate armor on the zombie king, a green poisonous mist suddenly sprayed out, spreading quickly in all directions, and yellow The effects of spilled worms are similar.

Soon, this poisonous mist covered the location of the large army of the Yanhuang Army. There was a thick odor of corpses floating in the air, which made people sicken, and Huang Yi soon found that he had a corpse poison. Status, losing 5% of your health every second.

"Reverend Guangming quickly disperse! The long-distance profession waits patiently, this minute the BOSS is basically invincible! Can't fight!" Lin Yiqin issued a response arrangement.

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