Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 176: Refrigerator

At this point, Huang Yi still has 27% health!

He has undergone the evolution of the half-orc form and the white dragon form, both of which have improved his physique, and his profession of judge can have improved a certain physique, but now he is awakened by the spirit of life and war. Therefore, his health is higher than that of ordinary players. Although the corpse water erodes him, it is still within his tolerance.

The zombie king's flexible body suddenly turned around and stared at the small yellow overflow on the ground. At this time, his health value was about to drop to 10%, but the enemy also had only the last one.

At this time, 4,999 members of the Yanhuang Army who died, all looked at Huang Yi silently from the perspective of God, and all their hopes were on him. The goal of today's training is to hit the zombie king's health to 10%, leading to a new basic skill he has never seen before, so that they can formulate a cracking method for this skill and prepare for the next training.

"Last Strike!" At this time, Huang Yi did not hesitate to use his racial skills. In the next 10 seconds, he will not die and his attack power will increase sharply.

"Yeah!" Huang Yi's hammer slammed into the zombie king severely, beating his carrion flying, causing huge damage.

The Zombie King waved a huge pair of fists and smashed at Huang Yi.

Huang Yikan hid and avoided this one, but the aftermath of the fight still hit him, and his blood was emptied at once. If he didn't start the last stroke, that would be enough to kill in seconds. Drop him.

Subsequently, Huang Yi continued to attack the Zombie King. He only needed to hit the Zombie King to 10% of his health to be considered a victory. Those who go against the sky will not be able to single out the last 10% of Zombie King's health.

Various wounds were formed on the zombie king, and Huang Yi's attacking force was displayed without reservation, and the zombie king's health was reduced less and less, infinitely close to 10%.

Ten seconds later, Huang Yi ’s last stroke was over, but the zombie king ’s health still did n’t drop to 10%, but it was only the last few. Just give him two or three seconds. Can succeed!

But at this time, Huang Yi had no life-saving skills!

If you are facing a general enemy at this time. Then he can also choose the shadow dance, stealth to attack for 10 seconds, but the super SS on the 50th floor ignores stealth. Whether it is Fest in front or the zombie king now, he can see through stealth Yi's skill has no effect at all.

"Hunt!" The next moment, Huang Yi attacked and defended, and smashed into the zombie king with this skill. Then stunned it for two seconds!

These two seconds are the last chance for Huang Yi! It is also the last hope of 4,999 Yanhuang Army!

The first hammer, Huang Yi hit SS to more than 10,000 points of damage. The zombie king's health percentage stays the same!

The second hammer is also more than 10,000 points of damage. The zombie king's health percentage has not fallen!

The third hammer, Huang Yi hit a crit, causing more than 20,000 points of damage, but the health of the zombie king remains unchanged! But it has reached a critical point, as long as it causes a little more damage, it will succeed!

Huang Yi smashed the fourth hammer, but the zombie king finally woke up. The agile body suddenly jumped to the side and avoided the hammer.

Huang Yi missed this final blow!

Then he has no chance. As soon as the zombie king launches an attack, he will be killed immediately, even if it is the aftermath of the battle!

The 4,999 dead members of the Yanhuang Army were full of despair. I never expected that they would be the last hammer away from the target! A shortfall of success!

But just then. Zombie King's health has suddenly dropped to 10%!

It was so unpredictable that it fell to 10% when everyone was desperate!

Huang Yi exhaled deeply and looked down at the scorched earth where magma was flowing on the ground.

Although he missed just now. But the scorched earth on the ground has been burning the zombie king. As early as when he and the blades killed those corpses, his scorched soil effect has never been turned off. At the moment of the most serious attack, the scorched earth effect was so small that it hurt the zombie king to 10% health .

At this moment, all Yanhuang Legions were in a daze, and then they finally reacted, staring excitedly at the Zombie King to see what skills he will make next!

This skill will directly affect what kind of play they should use to win the world's first kill of the zombie king!

The next moment, the zombie king finally used the basic skills that everyone was waiting for--

It turned its huge skull, opened its huge mouth, and sucked at the melee professional corpses around!

Subsequently, all the melee corpses flew out of a group of blood, submerged into the body of the zombie king, and each group of blood increased its health by 1%.

And there are 85 melee professional corpses around it!

Each corpse has increased his health by 1%. This skill made the zombie king finally drop to 10% of his health, and suddenly rose to 95%, almost intact!

At this moment, everyone has only one idea left-their play is wrong! Wrong!

Before, these melee melee careers rushed to sacrifice because the zombie king had a negative state and could bear five times the melee damage, so everyone took it for granted that the melee profession should do their best at this time To attack the zombie king, even at the cost of life.

What I didn't expect is that this approach has laid a huge scourge for the subsequent battles, and the melee profession rushed up, just to provide materials for the zombie king to add blood.

Now, only 5,000 of them in the world know the secret, and everyone else does not know it, even the Pope. Because they never hit the zombie king in this form to 10% health, nor is it clear that the zombie king has this ability. Therefore, their approach is still the same as the previous Yanhuang Army, and they are still silly to sacrifice all the melee professions ...

Now the Yanhuang Army has left the Pope behind them. They are the only team that knows how to play!

The next moment, the zombie king came down and shot Huang Yi directly!

At this point, the Yanhuang Army was completely annihilated, but at this price, they obtained a secret.

Then everyone was resurrected at the gate of the mystery. The blade found Huang Yi, and without a word, gave him a bear hug and patted him on the back. Everything is grateful for nothing.

And all the other Yanhuang Legion, also showed admiration towards Huang Yi. Without Huang Yi, they don't know the real play at all, and it will be harder to win the first kill.

"Today ’s training is over. We should be training again tomorrow night. At eight o’clock the next day, we will hit the world first kill of the Zombie King on time! At that time, everyone ’s career moves, resurrection scrolls, special potions, etc. It should have all cooled down, and with the help of spike, there should be a great chance of winning the first kill! "Lin Yiqin said loudly.

All members of the Yanhuang Army on the field all showed an excited look. Last time they failed Fist's first kill, this time there was another chance before them. Almost within reach.

However, for Huang Yi, it doesn't matter which day to go. He played with the Yanhuang Army today, and basically has figured out how the zombie king played. It ’s just that the Yanhuang Army must choose the time, not early, because some players ’professional moves and magic items may not have cooled down. Playing early will have a great impact on strength, and at eight o’clock the next day, Basically all members of the regiment are at a peak. You can hit the first kill with the strongest strength.

The same is true of the Pope Army on the other side. After three days, the strength of the members of the regiment is basically at a peak, so these top teams are not intentionally trying to compete for the first kill at the same time, but there are objective factors in it Yes, I have to do this.

Next, all five thousand people left the mystery. Back in Xuanyuan Town, Huang Yi also teleported out.

At this moment, the stars were bright and it was a wonderful night. The number of Huang Yi's towers of gods has been brushed up, and there is nothing to do next, simply walking around Xuanyuan Town alone.

"Seckill brother, can I take a walk with you?" At this moment, the voice of Ruoshui came from behind.

Huang Yi looked back. At this time, Ruoshui was standing in the crowd with slender eyes, and the bright moon was shining into her eyes, shining and touching.

"Okay!" Huang Yi nodded slightly.

Immediately after that, Ruoshui blinked an eyelid, showing a happy smile, jumping up like a fawn, standing side by side with Huang Yi, and walking in this Xuanyuan Town together.

"Seckill brother, do you have a girlfriend?" Wandering around, Ruo Shui's eyes secretly aimed at the shop on the street, pretending to ask inadvertently.

"No." Huang Yi lowered her head and walked on her own shadow.

"Which city do you live in?" Ruoshui's tone became slightly happy.

"I live in one, um, very far away." Huang Yi thought for a while.

If Shui turned to stare at Huang Yi, crooked his head and asked, "How far is it?"

"It's far, far, you can never go there, it's another world." Huang Yi raised his head and smiled at Ruo Shui. At this moment, his handsome face is just like any other boy in this world.

"Another world?" Ruo Shui Xiu frowned, "Are you a refrigerator?"

"Refrigerator?" Huang Yi muttered these words. Refrigeration is a technology that was invented decades ago. It can keep a person's body refrigerated for a long time, but consciousness can still enter the second world. Some people choose to keep their bodies refrigerated in the freezer in order to concentrate on fighting in the second world, so that they don't have to go offline. The lonely refrigerated that Huang Yi encountered at the Thorns City auction was a famous refrigerated person.

"Well, then you treat me as a refrigerator!" Huang Yi nodded. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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Some friends said that the update was slow. I'm really sorry. I told my boss yesterday to resign. It takes a month to go and wait for new recruits to take over. In fact, it has been updated daily at 6000 every day, but it used to be three chapters in 2000 and now two chapters in 3000. I can mention it after I resign. There will be an outbreak on the weekend, and the two leaders of Canada have not yet made up.

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