Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 186: Announcement sounded

"The zombie king has reached the last 1% of his health!" Huang Yi reminded loudly, the hammer in his hand was attacking the zombie king frantically, and his arm slightly jittered.

The final decisive moment has finally arrived!

At this moment, the zombie king waved his hand toward the distance, and then a turbulent green torrent rushed out from the distance, rushing towards their group of survivors, sweeping everything, there was nothing to resist!

"Everyone, don't have any reservations! Attack before you die!" Huang Yi commanded loudly.

Now, they have no time to export, and the time for the group's extinction is coming! When encountering the super skill of corpse water torrent, no team can survive, and can only cause some more damage in the last period of time.

In a short time, there was a terrible atmosphere on the field, everyone knew that they were about to die, and then issued a final attack!

Some players ’magic potions just cooled down, and they quickly drank a bottle to fight more damage to the zombie king!

Some mages have no magic value anymore, but they still took out these items such as darts and poison arrows and threw them towards the zombie king!

Now, the audience is all-inclusive, and all the methods that can be used are used!

Finally, the health of the zombie king dropped to the last million!

At this time, the torrent of corpse water also rushed over, suddenly bursting the formation of the Yanhuang Army, and then everyone began to float and float in the water involuntarily, struggling.

But all of them continued to attack the Zombie King, using their final strength to hit an extra fireball at it, shoot an extra bow and arrow, and cut a knife!

"Wan Jian penetrates the heart!" At this point, Lin Yiqin had also been drowned by the corpse water, but he still struggled to rise his head, struggling to raise the sword in his hand, and used a desperate skill. Then the long sword turned into tens of thousands of small swords, and smashed into the zombie king.

Immediately after, Lin Yiqin never surfaced. Fight to death!

"Death!" The blade also released a powerful attack at the last moment of his life. The huge golden sword slashed on the zombie king, causing huge damage to it.

Subsequently, the golden figure of the blade was instantly drowned by the endless body water!

Lin Yiqin and Blade. A desperate skill that can only be used when dying. There are some players on the field who have similar skills, and at this time they all use them without reservation!

"Transform into a white dragon!" The next moment, Huang Yi immediately became a white dragon and flew into the air. Leaving those corpses on the ground. However, he was the only one flying alone in the audience, and the rest of the people had no air combat ability and could only be drowned by the corpse water.

"Seckill brother, I will add the last blood for you!" At this time, Ruoshui shouted. A holy light was released, blessing was on Huang Yi.

Then, if the water disappeared without a trace in the torrent.

"Thin burial!" At this time, a shadow priest stared at Huang Yi in the sky, struggling to make the last thin burial in his life, and then he was washed away by the body water!

"Thin burial!" At this time, another priest put on a thin burial for Huang Yi. Although Huang Yi already had a thin burial on his body and could not be superimposed, he was released for Huang Yi. It seems that he has pinned his hope on Huang Yi through this skill.

"Thin burial!"

"Thin burial!"

"Thin burial!"


At this moment, almost all the shadow priests have used their last chance to release a thin burial for Huang Yi!

Others can die. But Huang Yi must not die. He is the hope of the entire Yanhuang Army. These shadow priests used Huang's sacrifice to extend Huang Yi's life time for 5 seconds!

Players use the last skill in their lives. Then they were washed away one by one, floating in the endless torrent of corpse water!

And the last attack of these players. It also caused a lot of damage to the zombie king, its health slowly dropped! 830,000




"Fireball!" When the last fire mage released the last fireball in the audience, the zombie king's health was fixed at 163326!

Later, there were no players alive on the field. Except for Huang Yi, the remaining 4,999 people in the Yanhuang Army were all killed!

"I declare, Zombie King. Iron Bone-Dead!" The next moment, Huang Yi in the form of white dragon, finally sentenced the zombie king!

"Boom!" The next moment, the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and then two thick lightning bolts split down, pulling Huang Yi and the Zombie King into the sky at once, isolating the torrent of corpse water.

Now, there is only one Huang Yi left in the Yanhuang Army, and the next battle for the first kill is on his shoulder. At this time, he carries the honor of the first kill of 5,000 people, and at the moment Eager hope for 100 million Chinese players!

On the other hand, there are two players, Fallen Angel and Kid, over the Angel Legion. They still maintain the advantage!


At this moment, the forum has been mad! The author of that essence post also wrote his own opinion-

"The single-player competition phase has arrived! The Angel Team has basically no suspense after winning the first kill. They also have two survivors, the Fallen Angel and Kid, and the zombie king's blood is only more than 90,000. In contrast, the Yan Huang Army, currently There is only one spike left to fight, and the zombie king has more than 160,000 blood! It is impossible to catch up! "

At this time, most people are optimistic about the Angel Corps, because the Yanhuang Legion's chasing advantage is now gone, and it is worse than the Angel Legion in all aspects! Want to win the first kill is basically hopeless!

However, there are still a small number of Chinese people who have always believed that Huang Yi can achieve a shocking reversal and finally come back. Now, everything depends on Huang Yi's performance. This is the most critical factor!


"Hunting!" Huang Yi made a direct impact and rushed towards the Zombie King, knocking him for 2 seconds!

Subsequently, the hammer in his hand smashed at the zombie king, and caused more than 10,000 points of damage all at once!

Then, the second hammer, the third hammer ...

A huge amount of damage appeared on the zombie king. At this time, 4999 people were watching his battle from the perspective of God. Countless players outside watching this issue stared at the leaderboard and watched the zombie king's health data!


"Kid, please add some blood for me!" At this moment, the fallen angels in the Angel Legion flapped their black wings. Quickly flew away from the zombie king. Although he has air combat ability in flight, it is not as flexible as standing on the ground when attacking. After all, using wings and legs to move is a completely different concept. He was just hit hard by the zombie king three times. His life The value suddenly dropped to 10%.

"Don't be afraid! After the zombie king has used the torrent of corpse water. The attack power has dropped a lot. We are attacking with all our strength, you will run out of blood and I will add it!" Kidd fluttered his meat wings and smashed his fist into the zombie king. He then took the time to add blood to the fallen angel. His rare occupation has both melee damage. He has healing power! In this case, it has played a greater role than ever!

After the fallen angel was filled with blood, he rushed up again and attacked the zombie king with Kidd!


"Please pay attention to the Yanhuang Legion. Now the zombie king of the Angel Legion only has more than 50,000 blood left!" At this time. Huang Yi heard a rushing voice watching the broadcast. The outside player always pays attention to the data on the leaderboard and gives them a notification! But there is only one living person left on the field, and the rest of the players have become corpses. No matter how rushed, it has no effect!

At this time, the zombie king facing Huang Yi had only 100,000 HP left, which was like a cricket, so difficult to cross!


"Bai Lin, it's not good. The corpse king of the angel army has only 30,000 blood left, and the zombie king who spiked has 70,000 left, and can't catch up!"


"Grass! At present, only 10,000 blood is left for the zombie king of the angel army! There are 50,000 zombie kings in seconds! Quickly catch up!"


"Haha! The first kill is about to be taken down by us!" At this moment, Kid laughed suddenly, toward the zombie king who only had 7341 health. Went a final punch!

At this moment, countless members of the Angel Corps are staring at this punch from the perspective of God, and their heartbeat is almost stopped!

Countless TVs, TVs. The players in front of the broadcast all held their breath. Waiting for the final news!

Countless players are watching the leaderboard, staring at the health of the zombie king!


"Haha, it's ours!" Kidd retracted his fist, looked at the dead body of the zombie king, and then laughed!


"No! The angel army has killed the zombie king!" At the same time, Huang Yi heard a desperate voice from the radio!

The next moment, a voice sounded between heaven and earth—

"[System Bulletin]: United States ..."

Hearing these two words, Huang Yi's heart sank and stared at the Zombie King with only the last 30,000 blood left!

All Yanhuang Legion members' heartbeat stopped, staring desperately at the zombie king from the perspective of God! Countless Chinese players shed tears, and the leaderboard showed that the zombie king's health of the angel army became zero.

Hundreds of millions of American players cheered and hugged each other!

An editor of a news site sitting in front of Guangnao immediately pressed the send button and rushed to all media before sending out the world's first killing news: "The first killing battle was finally announced, and the US Angel Army took the lead to take down the zombies. King World Kills First! "


"The player [Fire Dragon] has synthesized the world's first artificial energy stone ~ www.readwn.com ~ rewarded 1000 public reputation, and obtained [the only achievement]-[artificial energy], the United States national honor value +1."

The next moment, the announcement sounded completely!

Suddenly the whole world stagnates!

Everyone froze!

The announcement did ring, but it was an announcement from another player! Not Zombie King's first kill announcement!

"Ah! Also, it's not over yet!" The next moment, Huang Yi heard the player roaring in the broadcast, "their zombie king is resurrected! The fifth form appears! The 50th-floor zombie king is not the third resurrection, It is resurrected 4 times! "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

PS:-sorry! This chapter has been written for a long time, only now! I am now at work, but I will continue to write next, I will post it after writing, and strive to continue today!

Please recommend! Ask for a monthly pass! Huang Yi is fighting for the first kill alone, and urgently needs your monthly ticket support!

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