Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 214: Public enemy

Huang Yi squatted down and carried Qin Shiyu on the ground again. Just now he was dragged into the void battlefield. Qin Shiyu was just an outsider and was not dragged up.

At this time, the ground around him was full of equipment and piled up into a mountain. After the death of more than 300,000 players, everyone broke out a piece of equipment. However, their equipment is not good, most of them are some green and blue clothes, even purple clothes are rare, Huang Yi did not even pick up.

Next, Huang Yi turned his head to look at the hundreds of thousands of players in the square. At this moment, they all stared at him in fear, as if looking at a demon king.

"The announcement was only a unilateral act of the King of Hell. I have nothing to do with them. All I just did was revenge, not revenge. In a sense, I and you are people on a boat. If you Trust me, join my team, and I will try to take you out of Longdu. "Huang Yi said, created a battlefield group mode, set the joining conditions to none, anyone can join his team at any time, without Undergo verification.

The people on the field hesitated for a while, then they joined Huang Yi's team. Huang Yi had saved them once before. Now most people choose to believe him. And just now, the powerful combat power he showed also made them feel a little guarantee. Others were driven by the atmosphere on the court and joined Huang Yi's team with the current.

Huang Yi looked at the number of teams. In a short while, more than 500,000 players joined his team and began to obey his instructions. It is estimated that in addition to the more than 300,000 players, the remaining people will join his team.

"According to the previous arrangement, you are divided into groups and groups." Huang Yi said, looking at the treasure direction of the golden holy dragon, and said to the group, "Next, we are waiting here, sand robbers. Wang may have a problem at any time. Once he has a problem, it is the moment for us to break through. "

"How do you know it will go wrong?" Some players asked boldly.

"Because I dug a pit. Waiting for the Sand Pirate King to jump." Huang Yi said, closed his eyes, and waited quietly.

Hundreds of thousands of players in the square are unknown, but they are all waiting together.

On the resurrection platform on the other side of Longdu, there were more than 300,000 players killed by Huang Yi. More than 20,000 of them were unfortunately incarcerated. The rest were dropped by one level.

"Seckill is so abominable! He even colluded with the Seven Demon Kings. I already knew he had a problem. Otherwise, how could a player in other areas steal the heart of Sand Pirate King? Why can he save Longdu?"

"Yeah! It is estimated that his equipment and strength were obtained from the Seven Demon Kings. In fact, he does not have a little strength, otherwise how can he grow to such a level within a few months! He has the Seven Demon Kings backing, no wonder just now Hundreds of thousands of us can't kill him. What's so interesting about going on like this? "

"This is not fair! We have to jointly protest to Times, which is obviously partial to spike. He has seven demon kings to help. It is estimated that his rare races and rare occupations were intentionally arranged by Times. His legendary equipment is also the Seventh. It was sent by the demon king, and the first kill of the zombie king was not made by himself. There must be seven demon kings to help! "

The crowd talked, all of them linked Huang Yi and the Seven Demon Kings. All the efforts before Huang Yi became a kind of enjoyment, all thanks to the Seven Demon Kings.

At this time, Fengzhi looked around again and said loudly: "Everyone saw it! Spike itself has no strength. It is only by the Seven Demon Kings that we have reached today. Everyone will go to the forum to post more and expose these truths. Everyone must start Relatives and friends of his own, start his own race, everyone chase and kill Spikes together. Let him never have peace! Everything we do is just, and everything Spike does is evil, all his relatives and friends are sure They are all his accomplices, and everyone wants to eliminate them together! "

"Seckill now has more than 300,000 points of evil value. As soon as it dies, all equipment will be exploded, and the level will drop to level 1. Now we can borrow a knife to kill people. All those skeletons SS outside the dragon capital will attack the dragon capital, and by the time the spike must not escape He is now a tumor of Longdu. Without removing him, we cannot take everyone out of Longdu! "At this time, Wei Yangsheng, who led the killing of Qin Shiyu, also fanned.


At the same time, some voices began to come out in the forum, accusing Huang Yi of collaborating with the Seven Demon Kings, all past honors disappeared, and countless dirty water splashed on him.

The negative effects of the announcement of the system soon began to show. Huang Yi suffered huge criticisms directly because of the announcement. After some more public opinion, he will become a public enemy of the world, and will usher in unprecedented public opinion pressure.

The king of **** has a deep calculation, and a casual act will directly destroy the rising star of a god-given person and reduce one future enemy. Maybe Huang Yi will join the Seven Demon Kings because he can't handle the pressure, so that they will truly welcome a God-given Demon with unlimited potential.


At this point, Huang Yi can probably guess his current situation. If he is truly designated as the public enemy of the world, then he will be unable to do anything. He must make a good-will feat as soon as possible, wash himself away, and clarify his relationship with the Seven Demon Kings. And this whitewashing opportunity is in saving Dragon Capital! He killed more than 300,000 people, but if he saves the remaining 600,000 people, public opinion will still be biased towards him, and all rumors will be broken.

Time passed minute by minute, Huang Yi and hundreds of thousands of players quietly waited.

The distant Golden Holy Dragon Palace also ushered in an uninvited guest.

A layer of sand and dust circled around this man, covering its mighty body, and could only be seen faintly. This was an emperor wearing a dragon robe and a crown, exuding an extremely powerful breath. When it came to the underground palace, the spiders on the ceiling were all quiet, motionless, lest a slight noise disturb the emperor.

This person, this is the true master of the desolate sandy land, the King of Sand Pirates. It has ruled the desolate sandy land since ancient times. After signing a contract with the fallen king Billev, its power becomes unprecedentedly powerful. Life has also become incredibly long, and the entire vast bleak sandy land is shrouded in its shadow, which has continued to the present.

When King Sand Pirate entered the palace of the Golden Holy Dragon, he immediately saw Huang Yi's headless horse. At this time, he was scared to the ground by the breath of King Sand Pirate.

"Huh? It's really that person's breath!" The King of Pirates saw Huang Yi's headless horse. It was immediately determined that Huang Yi had indeed been here.

Later, the Sand Pirate King saw the enchantment, and the ground beneath it was painted with a heart pattern, provocatively naked.

The Sand Pirate King immediately walked over and looked at the enchantment.

After this enchantment opened. Will exist for three days. Then it automatically closes. At this time, only one day has passed since Huang Yi opened the enchantment, and the enchantment is still intact and glittering. Nothing strange.

The Sand Pirate thought for a while and didn't go in immediately, it knew how powerful the Golden Holy Dragon was. As a precaution, it splits a clone, and then controls the clone to test the enchantment.

But that enchantment didn't stop at all. Its avatar went in easily.

The next moment, his clone saw a weird picture-

Inside the enchantment was a very wide corridor, with Huang Yi's body lying on the ground, and a dragon with two heads circling in the air. There are several doors in the further direction, three of which have been opened, revealing the breath of some treasures, and some treasures are scattered randomly on the floor of the corridor, which is extremely tempting.

Just then, the two-headed dragon in the air found the prince of Sand Pirate. One of the skulls immediately sprayed a scent of ice and blew it on the Sand Pirate King's clone.

However, the Sand Pirate King's clone did not immediately die, but was covered with a layer of ice.

Another head of the two-headed dragon spouted another flame. This kills the Sand Pirate King's clone.

"Guardian at level 193!" The Sand Pirate King outside immediately learned the level of the two-headed dragon, and his body trembled slightly. It is already a number of masters on this continent, but the level is only 178. Now I see a double head of 193. It was almost taken for granted as the guardian in Huang Yikou.

"No!" Sand Pirate King quickly raised a doubt, a 193-level strongman. Killing its avatar should be like chopping vegetables without effort. But the two-headed dragon just attacked twice before killing its clone. It can be seen that the strength of the two-headed dragon is not very strong, it is weaker than its body, but it is just a high level. If it really wants to fight, it will use all its strength, this two-headed dragon may not be its opponent.

"Maybe this two-headed dragon has been consumed by most of its strength in the long years!" The Sand Pirate King suddenly guessed, and then it thought of more. Even the guardians are already at level 193. You can imagine how powerful treasures are hidden inside! Once acquired by it, its strength will soar a lot!

In addition, the two-headed dragons always stayed in this enchantment, and did not come out. Obviously, they strictly followed the will of the Golden Holy Dragon, always guarded in the treasure, and did not step outside. It can enter the enchantment first, test the real strength of the two-headed dragon, and can't fight until it escapes. Anyway, the two-headed dragon won't chase it out and kill it.

And Huang Yi's body was in that enchantment. To get his heart back, he had to go in.

The King of Sand Pirates thought a lot, all kinds of thoughts urged him to have to look in.

"This two-headed dragon has a marked decline in strength. As long as I kill it desperately, what's the matter, even if it is seriously injured? Get the essence of its life, plus those treasures, how strong will my strength be?" Wang more and more excited, finally no longer hesitated, immediately rushed into the enchantment. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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