Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 224: Best Individual Award

The moderator continued to take the stage and enthusiastically said, "Thank you, Mr. Oster, the Federal President. Congratulations to God for winning the Best Newcomer Award. In fact, Thor is also a very good newcomer. The two of them in this period of competition are also obvious to everyone, let We look forward to a better performance next year ... "

Next, the awards ceremony has been in the climax, Huang Yi has been watching it, and successively issued three top awards-

Best Team Award-Japan Sky Team

Best Union Award-China Xuanyuan

Best Charm Award-Oda, Japan

At present, the biggest winners of the five awards are China and Japan, both of which have won two.

"Next, it is the most important best individual award. At present, the number of gold medals in China and the United States is 49. Both are tied for the first place in the gold medal list. Then who was the last one to win this gold medal? Mr. Huang Huapeng, presenting us the last award of this annual ceremony award ceremony-the best personal award, let us invite Mr. Huang Huapeng to play with warm applause! "

Next, Huang Huapeng stepped out from behind the curtain calmly, and then he nodded slightly towards the audience, saying, "Thank you very much for paying attention to this Second World Annual Ceremony. Last year, there were many births in the Second World. Let ’s take a look at the 100 finalists! "

Huang Huapeng was concise, cut directly into the theme, and began to broadcast a promotional video of 100 finalists.

The screams at this time are far more lively than the Best Newcomer Awards. Each finalist basically represents the country's strongest strength, and will cause a huge scream. The top batch of masters gathered together in Here.

"Next. Let's see which ten people are better and enter the nomination stage!" After the promotion video was played, Huang Huapeng immediately announced the list of nominees and played a promotion video—

"China-Dragon Spike"


"Japan-Heavenly Way"


"Japan-Miyamoto Musashi"


"New Zealand-Abigail"

"Russia-Winnie the Pooh"

"China-Sharp Sword"

"South Africa-the soul"


Among the ten finalists, some top players from last year did not make it, such as Kidd in the United States, and some dark horses appeared, such as Abigail of New Zealand, the soul of South Africa, and the Chinese sword.

Next, Mr. Huang Huapeng of Time. Took out a red envelope. Opening slowly is like opening everyone's hope.

At this moment, all audiences around the world are holding their breath again! Waiting for the final climax!

Countless manufacturers are staring closely, ready to sign the winner for the first time, endorsing their products!

And the presidents of some countries are also looking forward to receiving awards from their own countries in order to commend them.

Best individual, this is the deserved first award of all awards. Whoever wins this award will directly become the **** among all players. This is a supreme honor! Represents the highest level in the world!

At that moment, Mr. Huang Huapeng finally opened the envelope, took out the card inside, opened it and looked at it, and the winner's name came into his eyes. Then he smiled slightly, looked up at the world, and proclaimed: "What won the best personal award in the second annual festival is-"

On the big screen at the scene, the expressions of seven nominees who attended the scene were played.

The blade looks calm!

Dragonthorn reached out and touched his chin!

Miyamoto Musashi is sitting tightly!

The Pope bit his lip!


Every nominee is waiting for the final name!

"Sword!" That moment. Huang Huapeng said the final winner!

The whole world stopped for a moment, then everyone froze, and even the blade frowned.

"Well? Who is Sharp Sword?"

"This person is not famous! How could it be him?"

"I just remember that Li Jian was shortlisted for the Best Pagan Career Award last year. But he didn't even make a nomination. Why did he rush to the Best Individual Award now?"


The crowd talked for a while. If it was the blade, the dragon, the pope, or the heaven, they would only applaud, because everyone is a famous person in the world, and it is not surprising who wins. But now there is a sharp sword that I have rarely heard, and many people can't even tell what kind of achievements he has.

Next, everyone stared at the big screen desperately, preparing to see what kind of achievements the sword had.

however. His trailer was full of weirdness. From beginning to end, there was only one video of him killing a seriously injured Level 70 in a small town, and nothing else.

His promotional video is not convincing at all. Compared to the achievements of Blades and Dragons, they are simply negligible achievements.

But soon, everyone came up with an explanation-the promo just announced the public deeds of the winner, not including some of his secret feats.

The sharp sword can win, which shows that he has an extremely horrible place-his feats are secret, not public, no one knows, only he knows it.

Everyone felt the chills on their backs suddenly. How exactly did they need to achieve this level of sharp sword? It is impossible to imagine how harsh it is to complete the great feat without letting the system trigger an announcement!

Huang Yi is also full of doubts about this person. There are such strange people in the world, who concealed everyone, as if the same black horse rushed out, it was a blockbuster!

Huang Yi could not help looking at the player named Li Jian carefully.

Li Jian was around 20 years old, about 1.75 meters tall and very thin ...

"Huh? Footprints!" Suddenly, Huang Yi remembered a long memory!

A few months ago, after completing a rare mission with a gold ring worth $ 1 billion, he went to a place called "Garden of the Gods" to meet Mr. Huang Sha and accept his mysterious reward. At that time, he had inadvertently found a mysterious footprint in that "Garden of the Gods". The speculative character of the footprint was strikingly the same as that of the player named Li Jian, both of whom were around 20 years old, and his body and height were almost same.

At this point, Huang Yi was almost certain that the footprint should be this sharp sword! He is most likely the first person in the world to complete a rare task with a gold ring, and received a mysterious gift from Mr. Huang Sha. Then No. 4 got this information and finally told Huang Yi ...

Thinking of this scene, Huang Yi was full of jealousy about this sharp sword. This kind of character is so terrible, hidden so deep, it is completely contrary to the bright and bright image of the blade, which makes people indefensible.

But to the outsiders, the sword was just a dark horse, which suddenly came up. Only Huang Yi knew that Li Jian was already a figure at the same level as the blade, but it was not revealed.

"Sword." Huang Yi muttered the name in his heart, then left the forum and returned to the real world.

At this point, Huang Yi has been online for more than 30 hours, and has been in a highly tense state. He has been fighting and has been very tired.

He drank some water, then lay on the bed and closed his eyes.

The scorching sun shone into the room obliquely, and the hustle and bustle of the criminals outside the door came in, as if from another world, hazy, Huang Yi soon fell asleep.

With this sleep, Huang Yi slept for a long time, and it was already late at night when he opened his eyes. At this point, it was no longer the sun that shined into the window, but the bright moon, and there was nothing in the air.

Huang Yi brushed his teeth, took a bath, then stroked his wet hair, walked out of the cell, and came to the corridor outside.

Suddenly, Huang Yi saw Lei Shen. At this moment he was smoking a cigarette in the corridor silently. The flickering **** lighted the night slightly, showing his lonely face.

It seemed that Huang Yi was noticed. Lei Shen turned to look at Huang Yi, then nodded slightly.

"It's so late, why don't you sleep?" Huang Yi walked over and asked.

"Oh!" Lei Shen sighed, then took out the cigarette case and handed it to Huang Yi.

Huang Yi took out a cigarette and then smoked silently with Lei Shen. The two did not speak anymore. There was only white smoke in the air, blending with the darkness, and only the sound of tobacco burning in their ears.

"Go to bed earlier! Tomorrow is another day." Huang Yi finished smoking, then patted Lei Shen's shoulder, turned and returned to the cell.

Lei Shen shook his head, looked at Huang Yi's back, and continued to smoke in silence.

Back in the cell, Huang Yi went back online, entered the forum, and looked at the 24-hour hot post--

"The annual ceremony ended, and China became the biggest winner. The last-minute Jedi counterattack, defeating Thor, became the best newcomer. Li Jian became the biggest dark horse in history and won the best personal award in one fell swoop."

"Seckill and the sword's identity are a mystery. Neither of them has received any form of advertisement ~ www.readwn.com ~ never attended any event, I don't know what identity is in real life."

"With talented people, China has become the strongest country. Two annual festivals have produced three award-winning figures, forming a three-legged situation of 'sword killing!' In addition, there are two uncrowned kings of dragons and gods, five top world masters, and no country can compare!


At this time, the forum was overwhelmed by the inventory of annual events. Among the most talked about characters are Huang Yi and Li Jian.

People talk about Huang Yi because he has great achievements, and people talk about sharp swords because he hasn't achieved much.

The two people have been discussed by people all over the world for two very different reasons.

The country that has attracted the most attention is undoubtedly China. This time, the last gold medal of China Eli Sword surpassed the United States and became the first place in the gold medal list. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

PS:-There is another chapter, and it is also the last chapter of the first volume.

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