Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 227: Create race

Huang Yi finally relieved his heart, and with the words of Mr. Huang Sha, he was safe.

The poet had already posted on the forum before, and roughly guessed his identity. Once the World Federation checked it, it was easy to find that Huang Yi had a gold ring and was able to enter the second world. The ring would be confiscated by then.

Now, Mr. Huang Sha has made it clear that all criminals in the world have the right to enter the Second World, and this has become a normal phenomenon, no need to hide.

"I will arrange for people to send a set of virtual equipment to all prison criminals in the world. You can wait patiently for a few days." Mr. Huang Sha smiled and said to Huang Yicheng sincerely: "Seckill, I really appreciate it You, I look forward to using your own power to change the world and eventually be free. I will be an audience in this process and applaud you! "

"Thank you!" Huang Yi nodded. In fact, he also admires Mr. Huang Sha, who controls the most powerful force in the world, but instead of choosing to interfere too much in the world, he chooses to live in seclusion. Not many people have this kind of high spirits.

Next, Huang Yi returned to the oasis in the desolate sandy land.

The little skirt was sitting obediently next to Qin Shiyu, and saw Huang Yi reappear, she immediately rushed up, lying in Huang Yi's arms.

Huang Yi hugged her, just like holding Qin Shiyu many years ago, when Qin Shiyu was as small as a skirt and Huang Yi was still a little boy.

In a blink of an eye, the world changed and people grew up.

"Brother, what are you thinking!" At this moment, the little skirt looked at Huang Yi with a stunned look, and couldn't help pinching his neck and looking up.

"I was thinking about what happened when I was as young as you." Huang Yi said. Reaching out and touching the head of the skirt, "You're too young now, and you won't know this feeling."

"Will I miss the present when I grow up to be like you?" Asked the skirt with her eyes wide open.

"You will know when you grow up." Huang Yi smiled slightly, pinching her pink face, and asked, "You should be lively and active at a young age. Why choose refrigerated?"

"Actually, I didn't refrigerate before I knew you!" The skirt said with a small mouth. "But mom and dad often have to go abroad. Worrying that I'm not safe at home, I just met you again, so I just let mom and dad keep me refrigerated."

"Why refrigerate after meeting me?" Huang Yi asked a little puzzled.

"Because I can stay in the second world all the time! I can always watch you come, watch you leave, it will not waste a second." The little skirt leaned her head on Huang Yi's shoulder, tight Holding his arms gently, looking at the bright starry sky, obediently said: "I keep myself refrigerated, I just want to be by your side forever."

Huang Yi froze in her heart, looking down at the small skirt next to her. At this moment, her beautiful face looked up at the starry sky, and her bright eyes were like the two most shining stars at this time. Her ears seemed to be haunting her words.

I keep myself cold and just want to be by your side forever.


The night was getting deeper and darker, and the little skirt was leaning against Huang Yi's arms and fell asleep. The bright moon was shining, the lake was sparkling and the night wind was blowing. Cool and comfortable.

"Wow!" At this moment, the White Dragon King swimming in the lake came over and stopped in front of Huang Yi.

"Seckill. What are you going to do next?" Bailong Wang asked softly, lest he wake up the skirt.

"I intend to form a force." Huang Yi said, he has been thinking about this tonight.

"Adventure squad? Mercenary regiment? Guild? Country?" The White Dragon King asked four times in a row.

"Guild." Huang Yi spit out two words. The first two forces are too small, and the latter forces are too large. The guild is the most suitable.

The adventure team is the smallest force, with about ten people, mainly for small group adventures.

The mercenary regiment is a large team, like Her Majesty's Angel Corps. At that time, he had not yet created paradise. He only created such a team and won the first best team award. Many such teams also call themselves guilds, but they have not been recognized systematically.

The guild is a large force, and it is difficult to create guilds. At this stage, there are only dozens of them. After a while, the number of guilds created will increase.

As for the country, that is a higher category. At present, only the dragon thorn has the qualification to establish a state. He assassinated the king of the wind hammer country and obtained the jade seal of the country. This opportunity is not available to everyone.

"Then have you considered creating a race?" Bailong Wang said mysteriously.

"Creating a race? I'm not a stallion ..." Huang Yi shook his head and smiled.

"I'm serious." The Bailong King's tone was right, and said: "I always have a desire to create a subsidiary race of the Bailong tribe. After all, our dragon tribe is scarce, and the ethnic group is difficult to grow. The development of the Bailong tribe is only just now. There are only dozens of clan members. This is pretty good. There are three top-level dragons such as the golden holy dragon, dark demon dragon, and sacred dragon. There may not be a few in the whole world. In order to continue the blood, many dragons have created affiliates. Race, we call it Dragon Man. As far as I know, among your God-given people, Dragon Spike is a Dragon Man, who has a mysterious dragon scale, and that dragon scale is like the Golden Holy Dragon, I guess He should be a subsidiary of the Golden Holy Dragon. "

"Is Dragon Spike?" Huang Yi frowned. He probably heard about some of the iconic features of the master, such as the broken handle of the blade, the half-scepter of the pope. The dragon thorn has a mysterious dragon scale. I did not expect that this dragon scale was related to the golden holy dragon.

"Yes!" Bailong Wang sighed slightly. "Unfortunately, my Bailong tribe has never had an affiliated race. The affiliated race created by the Golden Holy Dragon is extremely powerful and few in number. I estimate that the whole world will stab a person with dragons. This kind of strength, I only pursue the number of ethnic people, I hope that the subordinate race of the Bailong tribe can become an ordinary race, as the races of the Orcs and Draenei are spread all over the world. This is a dream of mine. "

"But isn't the common race limited to 100?" Huang Yi asked again.

"No, this is only temporary, as long as we go to that central continent and look for a heart of race. Put the blood of the Bailong tribe into the heart of race, so that we can create a race again. Once again in this world, you can choose to become a subsidiary race of the Bailong tribe. "

"This meaning is not very great. Now the God-given people are basically saturated, and no new God-given people will appear." Huang Yi shook his head. Now there are almost no people in the world who have not entered the second world. Even if a new race appears, no player will choose, unless those players are willing to withdraw from the original race, but it is not reliable to think about it. . The White Dragon King just wanted to create an ordinary race, his strength must be weak, and there was not enough temptation.

"This is a dream of mine. I hope that our Bailong tribe will flourish and our blood will be passed on forever. How many dragons in ancient times, but because of the difficulty of reproduction, most of them have become extinct. I don't want to let the Bailong tribe. Extinction. Even if we make this kind of blood thinner and become an ordinary race, at least our blood is still there. "Said the White Dragon King, looked at Huang Yi, and said," You are the leader of the God-given man. I believe that one day your strength will be strong to a certain level, crossing obstacles, crossing endless oceans, to the distant central continent, where there is the Royal Academy of Oskan, there is a holy place of one hundred races, there is only This is where you should go. At that time you can create a race by finding a racial heart, and you are the patriarch of this race, just like Yang Yuheng, the patriarch of Delaney, who is also a godsend People, but he inherited the position of patriarch, and you created a race. "

"It will take a long time, at least a long time." Huang Yi thought for a while, at least he could not go to the central continent until his strength reached a peak. There must be a place full of strong men, without enough strength, to go there is to die.

"White Dragon King, I have something to ask you." Huang Yi glanced at the White Dragon King. "I found the treasure of the golden holy dragon in the desolate sandy land, but there was a trap inside to attract the dragons. Then absorb the essence of these dragons. What do you think is a conspiracy in it? "

"Well? Is this the case?" The White Dragon King suddenly became interested. "Although I am also a Dragon Clan, compared to the Golden Dragon, this Dragon Family is far worse. I don't know what kind of power the Golden Dragon has. ~ www.readwn.com ~ But from the situation you said, the golden holy dragon should be reserved for later strokes. It is estimated that there is a sacrifice ceremony, most likely to prepare for its resurrection. "

"So, can the Golden Holy Dragon never die? Every time it dies, it can do such a ritual to absorb the blood of the Dragon family and resurrect it again and again." Huang Yi frowned.

"No, generally, such sacrificial rituals are very complicated, and they have very demanding timing and a very long time. The golden holy dragon should just take this as a glimmer of hope, maybe it has not absorbed enough essence of life The treasure trap has been destroyed in a long time. The dragon has a long life span. No dragon can live forever. It can be resurrected once. It is great. Even if it is a sacred dragon with a resurrection talent, He can only be resurrected three times in his life. "Bailong Wang shook his head.

"Huh? Right!" At this moment, the White Dragon King suddenly thought of something, and said, "There is another reason, it may not be the Golden Holy Dragon, but its dragon egg!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

PS:-The second change today, there are three chapters next. Pick up. You can pick it up for free on the homepage. Do n’t miss it! Do n’t miss it!

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