Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 234: anonymous

PS: This is the fourth more-these three chapters are issued at the same time, there are several chapters above, first look at the previous chapters!

The player soon discovered the arrival of Huang Yi, and the attack rhythm was a little chaotic. It seemed that he was afraid that Huang Yi would come to grab the monsters, and it was a dangerous situation.

Huang Yi stood still and did not interfere with him in the past. Instead, he carefully observed his battle with the fighter and observed the combat ability of the fighter so that he would be more confident when he would challenge himself.

When the player saw Huang Yi standing there, he didn't know what to do for a while, and couldn't judge whether he was an enemy or a friend. He could not help slowing down the attack rhythm and was afraid of being robbed. As he beat, he turned his attention to Huang Yi's situation. After a while, the man suddenly frowned, as if thinking of something, wondering: "Kill God, are you spike?"

"Huh?" Huang Yi raised his eyebrows. After he won the Best Newcomer Award, almost everyone in the world knew his face, unless he could quickly rise to the 60th level, evolve again, and become a new one. Form, so as to prevent others from recognizing it.

"Yes! Don't worry! I won't blame you!" Huang Yi nodded and said far away.

"Okay! Thanks for killing my brother!" The man was immediately relieved, apparently he believed in Huang Yi at such a level. They are world-renowned masters. They generally value their reputation, and they wo n’t do it. Three excessive things.

Next, the man began to attack his warrior intently, sometimes invisibly, appearing momentarily, blinking sometimes, showing superb assassin skills.

This should be the case of the assassin, his whereabouts are strange, his steps are strange, making him invisible. Huang Yi was the first time to see such a strong assassin. In his opinion, it is estimated that among the Chinese players, Dragon Assassin can beat this Assassin, and it is difficult for other players to find such a strong Assassin.

After a while. The player finally relied on his powerful fighting strength, defeated the fighter, and eventually killed him. The fighter turned into a pile of ashes. The strength of this fighter is still very strong, and it is more difficult than the previous challenge of learning the level 45. The challenge will be more difficult the next time, it is estimated that it will be a few more times. Maybe there are very few people in the world who can complete the challenge at the same level. It is estimated that they can only be achieved by the blade, and the rest are higher than many levels. To play.

Next, the player pressed his palm on the ashes, absorbed the true meaning of the battle, and learned level 55 skills. Later, he came towards Huang Yi and laughed: "Thank you, Spike Brother, who just pressed me for the battle, otherwise I can't concentrate on dealing with this fighter."

"You're welcome!" Huang Yi nodded. Then he asked: "Your strength is strong. I have never seen an assassin as strong as you before. I do n’t know if you are off by the mirror or looking for flowers. Or an anonymous?" It is because they are one of the four major assassins in China, second only to the assassins of Dragon Assassins. Among the four assassins, there is another dragon in the Xuanyuan family, Huang Yi has already known, and this person is obviously not him.

"Ah? I didn't expect you to guess it all at once!" The man smiled and seemed very happy. "I'm Anonymous, I'm glad to meet you!" He took out a chapter of business card and handed it to Huang Yi.

Huang Yi took the business card, and the content on that business card was very simple. There was only one name, but nothing else. It was as simple as Huang Yi's business card.

Next, Huang Yi also took out a business card of his own and handed it to Anonymous.

Anonymous took it in surprise, then scratched his head and said with a smile: "Seckill brother, I respect you very much! I have been in the second world for two years, but you have only made it in a few months. So many great achievements. I wonder if you have any plans to create a guild? Count me in! "After that, he looked at Huang Yi with anticipation.

"Yes! About a month or so will establish a guild!" Huang Yi was also surprised. He is now short of talents. This anonymity is listed as the top four assassins in China. It is a rare talent that can be recruited first. As long as he does not let him know the secrets of some organizations, as a member of a general relationship, the origin of the other party is not very important. After all, any organization is eager for talent, but it is impossible to completely do not have a clean background. .

"I am lazy. It ’s too much trouble to create a guild, so I want to find a guild to play in. Xuanyuan ’s already has a world of dragons. I do n’t want to go there anymore. I don't look down on the remaining guilds. Only you and people like Thor can convince me. "Anonymous explained a little.

"I will create a guild, I will call you, and you are welcome to join." Huang Yi put the nameless business card into the storage ring, and then said: "I'm going to challenge the fighters first." "Okay! I give you Press the line, no one can interfere with you! "Anonymous nodded immediately.

Next, Huang Yi held a hammer and launched a battle against one of the fighters. Just now he observed the fighting process between the Anonymous and the fighters. The attack methods on the fighters were relatively familiar. What danger.

If the attack by Anonymous was very weird, very tricky, and highly technical, then Huang Yi's current method seems simple and simple. There is no extra movement and no ghostly posture. It is very natural. Fighting. This sentence is profoundly set off. The epee has no edge, and is clever.

It didn't take long for Huang Yi to kill that fighter!

The warrior's body was like a pile of ashes, all of a sudden the red ashes fell to the ground, Huang Yi pressed the palms up, and a red energy suddenly entered his body along his arms.

[System Tip]: Congratulations on your learning the level 55 skills of the judge profession. [Re-sentencing]

[Re-sentencing]: Very strong single attack skill, consumes 30 points of anger, is the next ordinary attack of his own, has 300% of the attack power, the enemy killed by re-sentencing will not be able to be revived by the resurrection skills, After killing the enemy, absorb the essence of the opponent's life and restore 20% health.

This time, Huang Yi finally began to have the strength of a single attack! Although the judge is a violent force-type fighter, Huang Yi chose a comprehensive profession at first. The professional skills of this judge previously covered all aspects, such as control, access control, and breakthrough. There was only one attack skill. Just trial. But judgment is a range attack skill, which is relatively weak for heads-ups. What Huang Yi lacks most is his heads-up strength. Now this skill has given him this kind of ability. Although it is only a 300% increase in normal attacks, his own attack power is already very strong, tripled. Later, most people couldn't bear it anymore.

However, there are still some shortcomings in this skill. The first is anger. This skill consumes the most anger, reaching 30 points, which is higher than the anger consumed by any skill before Huang Yi. Even if Huang Yi is full of anger, he cannot fight. Out a few times.

Secondly, this skill is only to increase the attack power by 300%, instead of subjecting the enemy to 300% attack damage. The two are completely different. Increase the attack power. After hitting the enemy, it is necessary to calculate the enemy's defensive attributes. Those with high defense will greatly reduce the possible damage. And if it is pure damage, it is ignoring the opponent ’s defense, and Huang Yi ’s Aid Poison effect is the same, causing the enemy to take 10% of his attack power every second, excluding defense attributes.

Finally, this skill has another disadvantage, that is, the extra effect is repeated. The extra effect of this skill is similar to the engulfing attribute in his orange martial arts, but the increase is more obvious. The amount of recovery after killing an enemy becomes 20 %. This additional effect is actually difficult for Huang Yi to bring about a greater effect. He has the engulfing property of Orange Wu is enough.

"Seckill, you just looked very easy to kill monsters!" At this time, Anonymous came over. "You have a fighting style similar to the blade. They are also simple and natural.

"The fighting style is not important. It is the most important to kill the enemy." Huang Yi said, looking at Anonymous, and said, "I'm leaving now, I look forward to you joining my guild, see you then!"

"Okay! I look forward to it too!" Anonymous nodded.

Later, Huang Yi returned to Tiantai City, then he came to the teleportation array and teleported back to the stronghold.

Then he immediately went offline, returned to Rose Prison, and went to the cafeteria for dinner.

"A Yi, you're here too!" As soon as he arrived at the cafeteria door, Huang Yi encountered Louis.

"Louis, haven't seen you for a long time, have you completed the rare task?" Huang Yi asked.

With a look of excitement, Louis nodded. "It's done!"

"Then what are your rare races and professions?" Huang Yi smiled and patted him on the shoulder, congratulating him.

"Related to what I like!" Louis smiled even more happily ~ www.readwn.com ~ My rare race is a volcanic dwarf, proficient in making gunpowder ammunition, and a profession is an artillery division! It is a very powerful long-range attack profession! "

"Yes, it's exactly the same as what you are good at!" Huang Yi is also very happy. Now they have a powerful helper. In the real world, Louis was originally a missile genius. In the second world, this This kind of talent will definitely be shown more.

"Yes! After I grow up, I'll show you what a Goblin missile is, and wherever you want to hit, I will hit you, super-long-range precision strike!" Louis patted his chest, confidently.

"A Yi, you are here for dinner too, come, let's sit together!" At this time, the little prison overlord only came to the cafeteria and invited Huang Yi for dinner.

"How many people in our prison have completed rare tasks?" Huang Yi asked.

"There aren't many, only more than forty people! The ratio is only more than 100 to 1, and there is only a rare professional among more than a hundred people, which is far from our expectations." Wang only looked a little bit uneasy. Thought. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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