Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 238: Guild Challenge

"Well, in this case, I have to quickly create a guild. I do n’t even have a guild now, and everything is empty." Huang Yi nodded, feeling an unparalleled sense of urgency. He and Lei Shen did not understand this economic aspect, but this did not mean that they would abandon this one. There are various talents in Rose Prison, and there are still many financial talents like Tang Yunfei. Just take care of them. Huang Yi is still the same as before.

Next, Huang Yi hurriedly finished dinner, then returned to his cell and continued into the second world.

At this time, he was in the form of Beastmaster. After this new evolution, the form of Beastmaster also continued to change. The first is that the body is stronger, the height is increased by about 10 cm, the muscle lines are more obvious, it looks full of strength, and the skin is more compact and has stronger defense capabilities. Secondly, it is the sensory face. Huang Yi's hearing, vision, and smell are a little stronger, just like the most keen hunter in the world. In the end, the flames on his palms and feet changed again, turning into a green color, like the four ghostly ghost fires, looking slightly horrible.

Before that, he would normally extinguish the flames of the limbs, because this flame is difficult to have any effect, not as strong as his ordinary attack power. But this time, he suddenly found a strange thing, that is, this green manipulation is much more convenient than before. For example, he can control these flames to fly out in various shapes like a fireball. It's like turning into a fire mage and throwing a fireball.

He is a melee player. At this moment, he has a long-range attack method, but the damage of this fireball is far less than his ordinary attack, and it can only be used as an auxiliary method.

This time, in his Beastmaster form, all attributes have increased by about 3%, which is not as obvious as the previous two. This time the strength should be transferred to other places, just like his fireball attack method.

"Call of the Wild!" Next, Huang Yi tried his first racial skills.

The voice dropped, a few circles of ripples flashed in the sky, and then two weird creatures appeared in the void!

First of all. It is a hunting dog with green flames all over it, but this is very different from the previous hunting dog. At this time, there is an additional horn on its head. , Burning everything. Its body is also a bit stronger. Against the green flame, it was like a monster rising from hell.

Secondly, the falcon also changed, and it was still transparent. But there were some spikes on his body, like a hedgehog bird. It is estimated that when you dive down and hit the enemy with force, you will hit the opponent into a sieve.

This is the first time that Huang Yi ’s racial skills have been improved. In the two previous evolutions, the two summoned creatures have not changed much, they still maintain their original strength, and they have no combat effectiveness. More importantly, they need to be distracted by Huang Yi. In some emergency situations, this will hinder them. So Huang Yi rarely uses them again. Now that they have undergone this evolution, they can come in handy again, and they can keep up with Huang Yi's strength improvement.

Now, Huang Yi has undergone a brand-new evolution, and the strength in all aspects has been raised to a level, and the whole person is full of strength. It's time to do something big. The first is to see if you can create a guild.

Next, he immediately passed the teleportation array to Tiantai City, and then walked towards the guild hall in the city.

at this time. The rooftop city is bustling. Now is the peak period of online. Many players are enjoying a good night here. Some men and women walk into the hotel in pairs, pay money to open a room, and can't wait. In the second world, all kinds of people are like a real world.

Some people enjoy here, some fight here.

After walking for a while, through a small half of the city, through the alleys illuminated by the moon, Huang Yi came to the Guild Hall. It is deserted here, there are almost no players, and few people can create guilds at this stage.

"Hello, may I help you?" A waiter immediately saw Huang Yi coming and asked.

"I want to create a guild."

"Creating a guild requires completing a mystery challenge, defeating the SS inside, and getting a guild order. The mystery challenge is divided into five modes: single, five, ten, fifty, and five hundred." The waiter introduced, " Every time you open the Guild's Mystic Teleportation Array, you need to pay a fee of 10,000 gold coins. If it fails, we will not refund it! "

"Well, I challenge the single player mode." Huang Yi said, took out a diamond coin, and handed it to the waiter. He just came here to try the difficulty of the public household challenge, which is very likely to be impossible to complete.

"Ah! You are too generous! Please follow me!" The waiter took a moment's glance, and did not seem to expect Huang Yi to be so refreshing. He took the diamond coins with joy, and immediately followed the path respectfully.

Next, the waiter took Huang Yi to a room. This complex teleportation array is depicted on the floor of this room. The texture above it is denser than any teleportation array that Huang Yi has seen. I do n’t know how much effort it took to portray it.

"Go in!" Started the teleportation array, then reached out and made an invitation gesture towards Huang Yi.

Huang Yi stepped forward and stepped up.

The next moment, a force of attraction came, Huang Yi felt a dizziness in his head, turned around, and then changed his eyes and appeared in another place.

This is a town. There is a building inside the town. It looks like one or two thousand residents. At the end of the town, it is a tallest building, which is extremely conspicuous.

At this time, Huang Yi was standing at the door of this town. A group of guards not far away saw him. Without a word, he rushed up and waved the spear in his hand.

Huang Yi faintly understood this challenge. It seems that the player needs to break into the town alone, and finally hit the tallest building facade at the end. It is estimated that the ultimate SS is in it. As long as it is killed, the guild order will be revealed. .

Huang Yi quickly took out a hammer and smashed at the guards. These guards were not strong and were all killed by him.

After killing the guards, Huang Yi summoned the hunting dogs and falcons, and then focused on commanding the falcons, flying into the sky, flying into the town and exploring.

This town is no different from the towns in the outside world. People live and work here, the old people sit at the door and chat, the children chase in the alleys, the adults work hard, and the teenagers and girls walk in the garden holding hands.

"Well, where did you come from, you dare break into my territory!" Just then, a majestic voice came from the tallest building at the end of the town, and then a huge light suddenly appeared in the sky of the town. Curtain, covering the whole town, and then the light curtain was kept down, and the falcon manipulated by Huang Yi was immediately suppressed by the light curtain.

Immediately afterwards, the residents in the town, whether they were old people or children, all rushed up and killed Huang Yi's falcon, and the falcon's vision suddenly disappeared.

This canopy was obviously banned from flying, Huang Yi could not be transformed into a white dragon and flew directly in, only to walk in honestly.

Next, Huang Yi used a batch of magic items to improve his strength by one point, and then led the hunting dog into the small town.

"Let's take it!" As soon as Huang Yi walked in, a sleepy old man sitting in front of the house jumped up, looking fierce, waving his fists, and rushed up with his back.

"Yeah!" Huang Yike didn't respect the old and love the young, and smashed him into a pile of virtual life essence.

Later, Huang Yi seemed to ignite a gunpowder barrel. Everyone on the street found him. From the eighty old man to the three-year-old child, they all rushed towards Huang Yi.

"Ah! How to kill my old man!" The aunt who was cooking in some houses immediately rushed out with a spatula, roaring all the way!

"Ah! How dare to kill my father!" A mother holding the baby in her arms suddenly smashed the baby toward Huang Yi!

The whole town seemed to have gone crazy and attacked Huang Yi, an uninvited guest.

"Judging!" The next moment, Huang Yi also started to fight back, spreading the disease of Aids within a radius of 200 meters. Those residents who rushed towards him continued to lose blood, and some of them fell to the ground before they rushed. Died.

Subsequently, Huang Yi continued to move forward!

"Yueguang is the longing of the poet, and wandering is to return to his hometown ..." A poet who recited the poem found Huang Yi and immediately made a strange noise and rushed towards Huang Yi.

The next moment, Huang Yi hit him with a hammer.

In this way, he went all the way, killed all the way.


"Ah! Do you love me? Love me and give me roses!" At this moment, in a garden not far away, the voice of a young girl Jiao Didi came to be heard by Huang Yi's keen ears.

"I love you ~ www.readwn.com ~ but I have no roses." Then a man's voice came over.

"Then you die!" Then the woman's voice became indifferent.

"Ah!" Then, the man's scream rang, and then a male corpse flew out of the garden, and he fell fiercely in front of Huang Yi. There was a big hole in his chest, and there was mooring blood in it.

"Da Da Da!" Then, the sound of high heels sounded loudly, and then a woman covered with blood stepped out of the garden.

At this moment, she held a heart tightly in her hands, licked the blood on it, stared at Huang Yi with a smile on her face, her blood glowing in her smile. This woman has an extraordinary temperament and is obviously murderous. She is a lot stronger than the average person and should be a little SS.

Huang Yi frowned. He always felt that the people in this small town were too weird. When the Falcon flew in before, they did not spur the residents here, they were fine. But as he walked along, every resident behaved so abnormally. I don't know if it was intentionally designed by the system, or if there was any profound mystery in it ... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come The starting point (m) is to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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