Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 242: Block Black Snake

"Brother, why isn't this rune stone auctioned for gold coins?" The skirt asked puzzledly.

"Because gold coins will depreciate, but Holy Spar will not. Look at the people in the VIP seats. Who will be short of gold coins? Some Holy Land strong, you can let him take tens of millions out. I participated last time. This is also the case at an auction. There are a lot of people with gold coins, but only one with a spar. "Huang Yi finished, watching the stage below.

"The first spar, the second ..." The auctioneer raised his hammer and exclaimed.

There is no sound on the field, and things like holy spar are almost impossible for ordinary players. Even if there are, they are left for their own use, and they will not be willing to change them.

"Pop!" In the end, the hammer fell, and the top rune was finally photographed by Dugu Refrigerator, just like the last auction.

The auctioneer looked around and said, "At this point, all the runestones have been auctioned, and auction materials will begin below."

Next, Huang Yi didn't care much. He was not a life player and didn't need much materials.

He thought about it and sent a message to Dugu Refrigeration: "Are you at the Tiantai City auction?"

"Huh? How do you know!" Dugu Refrigerated quickly replied.

"I'm next to your right, just like last time," Huang Yi replied.

"Huh? No, didn't you just make a loud bid? Why didn't I hear your voice?"

"I've evolved once, so you can't hear me. I have an enemy here, and I know you have more money. Waiting will help me stop him." Huang Yi replied.

"No problem, I have no shortage of gold coins, you can have as many as you want. But I have a limited number of spar. I want to keep a look at what the finale is. If it is not a good thing, then the spar can be spent. To help you stop him. "

"Wait a minute, I'll help you find the final lot." Huang Yi said, opened the eyes of time and looked at the next lot.

Next. In addition to a batch of materials, it is a batch of equipment and treasures. The final lot was a round piece of metal with a flame, the size of a palm, and it was impossible to see what it was.

"I found that the final lot is a round metal block with a flame, about 15 cm in diameter, but I don't know what function it is." Huang Yi described the final lot briefly.

"Huh? How did you find out?" Dugu Refrigerator apparently froze, and then added back: "I don't know what the thing is. Then, let me know when your enemies get out, and I'll come with him. Bid. "

"Thank you!" Huang Yi owed a favor to Dugu.


"At this point, the auction of the materials has been completed, and the next batch of equipment will be auctioned." At this time, the auctioneer started the next round of links. "This is a 60-level orange armored belt with the following properties ... Starting price 40 Thousands of gold coins! The price increase must not be less than 50,000 gold coins! "

"Brother, this piece of equipment is suitable for you!" At this time, the skirt said.

"Well, I took it." He said. Huang Yi started the auction.

After some bidding, this orange belt was photographed by him for 850,000 gold coins. The equipment on his body, except for the legendary shoe, is not enough to keep up with his level, it is time to replace a batch.

In the next auction, Huang Yi took another 60-level orange armored handguard, but only 600,000 gold coins were left. It is estimated that we can't take a piece of equipment.

"Next is a level 60 orange armored helmet with the following attributes ... The starting price is 500,000 gold coins, and the price increase must not be less than 50,000 gold coins!"

"500,000!" Soon, some warrior classes in the audience joined the auction.

"600,000!" Huang Yi directly shouted his own bottom line. This is his last sum of money, beyond which he does not intend to ask for it.

"650,000!" The next moment, a quote broke Huang Yi's hope.

After some bidding, this piece of equipment finally stopped at a 1 million offer.

"1 million for the first time!" The auctioneer started the countdown.

"Brother, don't you want it?" The little skirt was anxious, and her brows frowned. "It's all because I don't have money, or I'll shoot for my brother!"

"It's okay, do what you can." Huang Yi hugged her tightly.

"The second one million!" The auctioneer initiated the second confirmation.

"1.5 million!" At this moment, Dugu Refrigerator, who had not shot for a long time, suddenly issued a quotation, ringing the audience, and suddenly surpassing the original price.

At this time, no one can exceed this price. In the end, this piece of equipment was frozen and photographed.

Later, Huang Yi received a message from Dugu Refrigerator: "This is for you. Please tell me if you have no money."

This sentence is short, but the bold feeling inside is really revealed.

Huang Yi smiled slightly and said nothing.

Next, pieces of equipment were shot out, including cloth armor, plate armor, and leather armor, but none of Huang Yi shot.

"The equipment part has been auctioned, and the auction of treasures ..." Finally, the auction has reached its final round.

Huang Yi waited patiently. Until now, he hadn't seen the black snake's shot, and didn't know what idea he was working on.

Gradually, a treasure was auctioned away, getting closer and closer to the final treasure.

"Next, this is the last treasure of this auction, but also the final lot!" Finally, the auctioneer said a long-awaited sentence from Huang Yi, and stirred up the atmosphere on the court.

The auctioneer took out a box with a palm-sized circular metal block lying quietly inside it, and the whole body was blazing flames. The temperature of the entire auction house also seemed to be raised by this metal block.

The auctioneer wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "When this baby was found, there was a circle of fire dragon smoke around it, and the vision was particularly obvious. It took a long time for the purple endless adventure team to bring this baby Take it away. But they have studied it for a long time and do n’t know what it is. Our appraisers at the auction house have studied it for a long time. They do n’t know what it is. But it is a powerful treasure, which is beyond doubt. ”

At this moment, this auction item seems a little weird. It is difficult to measure the value of this treasure without knowing its role. Perhaps it will not be able to study its efficacy in the same way as waste products.

"This baby also does not use gold coins for auction, but uses a spar. The starting price is a spar, and the price increase must not be less than a spar." The auctioneer said. Turning his head and looking at the refrigerated box of Dugu, after all, only he had ever had a holy spar.

"A holy spar." Just then, a hoarse voice came from the other box.

Huang Yi's heart burst, and the Black Snake finally shot. It hadn't made any noise before. It was only the last lot that made the sound. Obviously, the treasure obtained from other channels will be auctioned here and made a special trip.

This black snake should know the efficacy of this baby. That's why he came to participate in the auction. What is his idea?

Huang Yi stared at the flaming metal block on the stage. Looking down, I thought carefully. After thinking about it for a while, his eyes suddenly saw the pair of legendary shoes on his feet, and a guess popped out.

Sand Pirate's heart is full of extreme cold power, and it needs extreme heat to dispel it, just like Huang Yi used Lucifer's legs to dispel the cold chill in Sand Pirate's heart. And the baby on the stage is obviously related to the flame. Did the black snake buy it, too, in order to deal with the heart of Sand Pirate King?

The Sand Pirate King has been trapped and has lost control of the desolate sandy land, and is willing to help him with revenge. Only that ghost axe. Black wolf. This black snake has n’t shown anything. Now I ’m going to buy such a flame-related baby. Obviously, I have a different heart. I want to lose my heart and remove the remaining heart of Sand Pirate King. Then I will replace it and become the new king of Desolate Sandy Land .

Think of it here. Huang Yi finally decided to stop the black snake. Although he and the Sand Pirate King also had revenge, the Sand Pirate King was trapped, and the 98 hearts were not difficult to deal with. It is equivalent to a batch of treasures, waiting for his claim. Now the Black Snake wanted a portion of the cricket, which he didn't want to see.

The next moment, Huang Yi sent a message to Dugu Refrigeration: "The person who just bid is my enemy. You helped me to stop him, how much holy spar it cost, and I will return it to you in the future."

"Don't pay it back, it's as if I bought this baby." Dugu Refrigerator replied briefly.

"A holy spar for the first time!" At this time, the auctioneer raised his hammer and looked around the audience, and took a special look at the refrigerated box.

"Two holy spar." At this moment, Dugu chilled his shot.

"Huh!" A cold humming voice came from the black snake's box, and everyone seemed to feel his anger.

"Three holy spar!" The husky voice sounded with anger, ringing in the auction house.

"Four Sacred Spar!" Dugu Refrigerator continued to compete without fear.

"Hum! Seek to death!" This is, the black snake finally can't stand it anymore.

"General Black Snake, give me face. The auction house is a place of fair competition. As soon as you shoot, our auction house has no credibility at all." At this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded in the audience, this voice There is no source location, I do not know where it came from. But it is clear that this is the master of the auction house, responsible for guarding the order here.

"Okay! Then I give up!" The Black Snake heard this voice, and seemed a little daunted.

The people in the audience trembled and couldn't help but glance at the final lot and wondered what it was, which could cause such a big movement.

"The first four spar stones!" At this time, the auctioneer wiped the sweat beads on his forehead again, and opened the first confirmation.

The audience was silent, and the four holy spar were already sky-high!

"The second holy spar for the second time!"

"The third spar is the third time! Slap!"

Finally, the hammer knocked down by the auctioneer announced that the baby belonged to Dugu Cold Storage. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

PS: Thanks-

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