Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 244: Weird creature

"Huh?" Huang Yi was surprised, no matter how he imagined, he never thought that there would be a creature in the fire element liquid in this metal block!

This creature is hazy and can't see the exact shape, but it is about the same size as a tadpole. Ordinary creatures have long died in this environment. This little thing is obviously not a system of creatures seen in peacetime. It should be an alien creature of unknown origin.

"What's wrong?" Dugu refrigerated saw Huang Yi's look and came a bit of interest.

Huang Yi looked at him, shook the metal block in his hand, and said, "There is a strange little creature in it, but I don't know what it is."

"What? Creature?" Dugu refrigerated changed his look of laziness, suddenly surprised.

"Yes!" Huang Yi nodded, "The creature is about the same size as the puppet. Every time you swim, the breath of elemental fire emanating from this metal block will be violent. But no matter what, this little creature is definitely not ordinary. Before you have enough strength, or do n’t figure out what it is, it ’s best not to get this stuff out. And the fire element inside is already rich and liquid, this is an atomic bomb, and the breath inside leaks out, it ’s estimated The entire bleak sandy land will be reduced to ashes. "

Dugu Refrigerated shrugged: "Even if I want to, I can't break this metal. It can withstand the attack of so many fire elements. It should be an extremely strange metal, and certainly can't be broken casually. It's just Without breaking the metal block, wouldn't it be useless? "

Huang Yi thought about it, the little creature inside the metal block. It will affect the violent intensity of the fire element emitted by the metal block. If a small creature can swim more violently, the fire element emitted by the metal block will undoubtedly be more violent. Once the violent intensity reaches a certain level, it can cause damage. In this way, it can come in handy.

"Dugu Cold Storage, you are a rare professional, different from ordinary ice-based occupations. Do you have any special skills that produce squeezing effects?" Huang Yi suddenly asked.

"Yes!" Dugu refrigerated and nodded, "I have a skill called ice compression. Wrap the target with ice cubes, and then squeeze it toward the center, causing great damage to the enemy."

"Then you try to use this skill to squeeze this metal block and see if the ice-based elements can affect the little creature inside." Huang Yi said, and handed the metal block to Dugu refrigeration.

"Good!" Dugu nodded, refrigerated, placed the metal plate on the ground, and then waved the sword in his hand and pointed at the metal block.

Immediately afterwards, an ice-blue breath spewed out. Quickly wrapped the metal plate, forming a huge pile of ice. Squeeze towards the inside to condense.

"Ka-K-K-K!" The sound of solid ice freezing violently, but the metal plate exudes the element of fire, and the two opposite elements are so fiercely opposed!

Finally, the two elements seemed to be at their best, and a dazzling brilliance erupted suddenly, then exploded violently!

At that moment, it was as if a universe was born from here, and a vast shock wave swept through everything at once!

Huang Yi and Dugu Refrigerator bear the brunt of it, and they are directly washed into powder. Even the body was not born. In the face of such an explosion, even a character with a high anti-strike ability like Thor can't resist it.

Subsequently, Huang Yi and Dugu Refrigerated revived at the entrance to the mysterious land, and quickly looked forward.

I saw that the area where the metal block was located had completely disappeared. There was only one deep pit left, and the surrounding earth was cut by a layer, a mess. The wandering secret mobs nearby also disappeared, apparently being blown into powder.

It just exploded. It is at least ten times stronger than the self-detonation in Huang Yi's spirit cat form. If no protection skills are used, no matter how strong the player is, it cannot be resisted.

"The power of this explosion is much stronger than my strongest skills!" Dugu Refrigerator said slightly.

Next, the two ran over and came down to the deep pit and looked down. At this point, the metal block was still lying intact at the bottom of the deep pit, and there was nothing strange.

Huang Yi groaned for a while and said, "Dugu is refrigerated, and you will have another means of pressing the bottom of the box. Once you can't hit others, you can use ice compression to detonate this metal block to kill the enemy."

Dugu Refrigerated nodded and said, "Oh! Yes, this metal block can be reused. You can fry as many times as you want in the future. However, this can only be used as a trick. After all, this metal plate cannot explode immediately. Rather, it will explode only after some deliberation. If the enemy is alert, it will soon run away. "

Dugu refrigerated, frowned, and said, "The value of this thing is obviously more than 4 holy spar. Why doesn't the black snake continue to bid?"

Huang Yi thought for a while and said, "There are two reasons. First, he doesn't hate the real mystery of this metal block. It only knows that this metal block has a strong element of fire, which is exactly the treasure he needs. In addition, It is estimated that he did not expect anyone to dare to compete with it. He felt that the three holy spar was enough. He could not take out more holy spar, and could only watch this baby photographed by you. "

"Anyway, this investment is cost-effective. I bought such a big treasure!" Dugu Refrigerator said happily, "With this gadget, we should be able to clear this tower of gods. If we ca n’t beat the SS, we will blow it up. ! "

"Good!" Huang Yi nodded, jumped out of the deep pit, and picked up the metal block again. Then the two continued to move forward.

The secret place they entered was the Tower of the Gods on the 49th floor. The highest level of SS here was level 59, far exceeding the watershed of level 50, which was very powerful. Now Huang Yi is just an incarnation, the attributes are too low, and he hasn't been transferred yet. The main attacking spirit is also not point. According to common sense, the two of them can't pass the customs, at most they can only reach the fourth. SS.

But this time, relying on the explosive function of the metal disc, the two killed the last SS Rotten Dragon Bart and successfully cleared this level. Every time this metal block explodes, it will almost blast away 15% of Rot. Bart ’s health. Of course, sometimes SS runs fast and escapes the explosion range, then the metal block has little use for it. Limitations Still big.

"With this metal block, it will be much easier to hit the towers of the gods in the future. For me as a lazy person, it is a big gospel!" Dugu refrigerated rubbing the metal block in his hand, with a sigh.

"Unfortunately, it cannot explode immediately, or even SS in the wild can still be easily killed." Huang Yi said with regret. The monsters in the wild area are not comparable to the towers of the gods. The strange intelligence in the towers of the gods is very low. Even the lines are fixed. In the face of such a large block of metal blocks, not every time.

Next, the two did not continue to brush, after all, he was just an incarnation, he could not get experience points, the upgrade was based on the body.

"Ah! So sleepy, I went back to sleep." Dugu chilled and yawned, saying goodbye to Huang Yi with a drowsy face, and then turned to the transfer hall.

The incarnation of Huang Yi strode out of the gate of Tiantai City and headed for another city. He would activate all the teleportation arrays in all the surrounding cities.


Days passed, and the Second World fell into a relatively stable stage of development. The horsepower that had been used to shock the annual festival a while ago has gradually calmed down.

On that day, Huang Yi was back online, and the little skirt had been waiting for him for a long time, and immediately flew up and hugged him tightly.

"Brother, my fighting spirit is on the fifth floor!" Said the little skirt happily. Her level was originally low, but under the leadership of Huang Yi and Qin Shiyuren, she quickly broke through level 50 and awakened the first fighting spirit. She has no eyes of time and cannot see the successful judgment of the battle spirit, so it will be very slow to upgrade the battle spirit, and waste a lot of experience value. Until now, she has stayed at level 50, and the battle spirit has only reached the fifth floor.

"It's awesome!" Huang Yi squeezed her pink face, and then said, "I'll see my fighting spirit too." Then, he opened the eyes of time and continued to look at his fighting spirit. .

The first is the ninth layer of defensive battle spirits. This layer has only a 2% success rate. It still fails today. He has been used to this. The 2% success rate is not so good.

Later, Huang Yi looked at the third layer of the soul of life and war. He is now trying to eliminate this layer, but the success rate of this layer is as high as 98%. These days, he has always shown success and failed.

"Huh?" After seeing the system's judgment, Huang Yi suddenly made a suspicion, and today this layer finally showed failure!

He finally encountered that 2% failure rate!

The next moment, Huang Yi immediately raised the third layer of Life and War Spirit, and the system judged it as a failure!

Immediately following ~ www.readwn.com ~ The third, second, and first layers of the soul of life are cleared!

Huang Yi's upper limit of life suddenly dropped a small amount, and his strength also declined, but he also had three more layers of war soul limits! Can be used on the rest of the war spirit.

At this point, Huang Yi's life and war soul finally fulfilled the requirements of a perfect war soul, leaving only the three highest levels of the seventh, eighth, and ninth levels! Accumulated 27% health!

Subsequently, Huang Yi will vacate the three-tier quota just released, all of which point to the most important attacking souls, and all the first three levels of attacking the souls are raised. This time, each level of his attacking war spirits randomly reached the maximum value, and his attack power suddenly increased by 9%!

Huang Yi's attacking war spirit can finally start to play a role. After so long, the road to perfect war spirit has finally reached a harvest time, which is unique in the entire second world! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

PS: It will start to burst out slowly! Recommended tickets, monthly tickets! I will go to the book review area every day and reply on average once a day or two. I hope that everyone will sign up in the dragon sticker. I will use it soon with a good name. Thank you!

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