Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 248: Means exhausted

Huang Yi flew to the sixth floor, then landed, and began to meditate and return to the blood. He has [Dance of Shadow], which restores 3% health every second in non-combat state.

The Falcon hovered high above the ground, maintaining its combat with Bellis. However, the falcon was too fragile to carry an attack. Once killed, Bellis was completely out of combat and the previous efforts would be put to waste.

Huang Yi panted slightly and stared at Belis below. At this moment, Belis was struggling to extinguish the flames on his body. His health was only 45%, and the half-life Emerald Lake duckling had been removed.


This battle has now passed halfway, and after working hard, Huang Yi can get the Guild Order.

Twenty seconds later, Huang Yi's health was finally full, and he immediately changed into a human form, took out his weapon again, and rushed down the sixth floor.

At this point, Bellis had almost extinguished the flames on his body. Without the continuous breathing of the hounds, the flames had weakened a lot.

"Hey!" At this moment, Huang Yi had already descended to the first floor, a hunter rushed up immediately, smashed a hammer on it, and re-entered the combat state. Next, he had only one chance to transform in battle.

Bellis just wanted to make a counterattack, but Huang Yi rushed into the distance with lightning, and then continued to turn back and attack, like a phantom.

On the last shock, Huang Yi stunned him for 2 seconds, and then re-opened the sentence.

Huge damage was generated from Bellis, and its health dropped rapidly, leaving only 35% after two seconds!

"Disarming" Huang Yi didn't give Bellis a chance to resist, he immediately captured Bellis's weapon and continued to attack it.

At this point, Huang Yi, like the previous attack rhythm, first hunted, then re-sentenced, then disarmed, a series of skills were used.

Finally, a long ten seconds passed, and Bellis had only the last 10% of his health, and he was about to die!

"I'm willing to burn it all at the cost of life!" Finally, Bellis launched a big move. He sighed loudly, and a huge flame burst out on his body, sweeping the entire space, burning everything.

This is a full-scale attack. No matter in the sky or the ground, it has been affected, causing huge fire damage to all enemies in the range. The falcon in the air was directly burned to death, leaving no ashes.

At this time Huang Yi was also in the flames. In this case, even if he opened his sentence and dragged Bellis into high school, he could not escape.

However, he has a 75 ignition resistance against Xing, which can reduce 75% of the fire damage, and he is now 100% all Xing, but this time he has not been killed by spikes, his health has been steadily decreasing, and is reduced by about 5% per second.

Bellis's health is also declining. This skill comes at the cost of burning its health, hurting an enemy by one thousand and self-damaging eight hundred.

Now, both people are bleeding, depending on who can't take the lead first, and fall down one step first!

Huang Yi's blood is far less powerful than Bellis. According to this situation, he must die first. He no longer hesitated, immediately opened the eye of time and rushed towards Bellis. Now, he can see the action that Bellis is about to make in advance. After he rushes over, his pace is much better. He can avoid Bellis's attack in advance and be entangled around it flexibly.

However, at this time, Bellis was wrapped in a layer of flame, which had a strong defense force, which greatly reduced the damage. Huang Yi seemed to hit a turtle shell.

Gradually, the blood of the two was getting less and less. Huang Yi had only 30% left, while Bellis had 6% left! The whole building is already a sea of ​​fire, like a **** on earth.

Finally, Huang Yi's health is only 5% left!

"Last Strike!" Huang Yi used his life-saving skills and will not die in ten seconds! Then he gave out the maximum damage output and attacked the strongest true spirit of Bellis.

!! Both are on the death line, it depends on who falls first!

10 seconds!

9 seconds!

8 seconds!

... Finally, Huang Yi only had one second left in his last stroke, while Bellis had 2% of his health left!

Huang Yi seems to die with hate!

"Transform!" At this moment, Huang Yi's body suddenly changed, becoming a small cat with a sharp nose, and it was an olfactory cat that had only evolved not long ago.

"Nothingness!" The next moment, he started the olfactory cat's racial skills, and his body disappeared instantly. This is not stealth, but really disappears, cannot be detected, and cannot be attacked, like a non-existent person.

At this time, his last stroke time was just over, and his blood was only the last minute, but in nothingness, he would not be harmed in any way. The raging flames around him would not work for him, and his life Kankan kept it.

Bellis saw Huang Yi disappear, looked around, but could not find anyone, but the flames on his body were still burning, burning his life to less and less.

"Ugh!" Finally, Bellis withdrew this skill, and the amount of blood on his body stopped at 30,000. If Huang Yi is still in a human form, then a heavy sentence can kill him.

But now, Huang Yi has used a chance to transform in a battle. Now he is not in the form of white dragon and cannot escape from the battle with Long Wei. He can only maintain this sniffing cat form until the end of the battle.

Now, he is in an awkward situation. He and Bellis are still fighting, and they ca n’t move if they want to save their lives, otherwise he will show up. At that time, with a little blood on his skin, even if it is Bellis's strong wind will die directly.

And he is now in a state of nothingness, without even a body, and naturally cannot return blood, but can only maintain the blood skin state.

In addition, in the form of a sniffing treasure cat, he could not take weapons, and his attack power was greatly weakened, and only the remaining equipment could work.

However, Huang Yi was still waiting patiently. A few days ago, he bought three 60-level orange outfits at the auction in Tiantai City. Two of them had a bleeding effect. When they attacked the enemy, they could keep them. Bleeding. So at this time, Belis was still suffering damage, and his health was getting less and less.

Finally, after the duration of [Bleeding] was over, Bellis' blood volume stopped at 10,000, and he still did not die.

Huang Yi waited patiently, and Bellis kept looking around, looking for his figure.

Gradually, a few minutes passed, and the atmosphere on the field had subsided slightly, and Bellis was sitting tired on the ground, breathing heavily.

"Oh!" At this moment, a kitten suddenly flashed out of the void, hitting Belis severely, and his sharp claws caught a long wound, causing injury.

This is Huang Yi after becoming a sniff treasure cat. After waiting for a few minutes, he finally shot again.

"Eh? Seek to death!" Bellis quickly lifted his axe and chopped down on the ground. A circle of shock waves suddenly spread out, sweeping everything, even if Huang Yi's body was sensitive again, he couldn't escape.

"Last Strike!" Huang Yi turned on this racial skill once again, and guaranteed to die within 10 seconds. The reason why he just waited so long just was to wait for this skill to cool down.


In the next 10 seconds, he can start attacking as much as he can. At this time, his attacking methods are very limited. He has no weapons and cannot use his professional skills. He can only use the olfactory cat's racial skills, foreign skills, and his original skills. Some Beastmaster race skills.

In terms of foreign skills, the strongest is [End of the World i] in the legendary equipment, but using this skill requires a 10% health value deduction. Huang Yi now only has a trace of blood skin, and this skill cannot be released at all!

In terms of racial skills, his racial trick [Monster Transformation] is cooling down and cannot be used!

Now he can be described as exhausted!

"Scorched earth!" The next moment, Huang Yi turned on an equipment effect, this is not a skill, it is just an effect, just like borrowing light belongs to xing.

Scorched earth only deals 5% of Huang Yi's attack damage, but the advantage of this effect is that he directly deals damage, ignores Belis' defense, and there is no problem of breaking or breaking defense.

At this time, although Huang Yi had no weapons, the remaining equipment was still effective, and the attack power was still considerable. The burning amount of Bellis gradually decreased.

"Wild Xing calls!" Huang Yi once again summoned the hounds and falcons, and controlled them to attack Bellis.

After a three-pronged approach, Bellis's last 10,000 HP was getting less and less. He attacked Huang Yi hysterically and wanted to get rid of him, but Huang Yi could not die within 10 seconds!

Finally, Bellis' blood volume bottomed out one step before falling to the sky and a token burst out!

And Huang Yi's last fight was finally over, and Kankan won the victory!

In this battle, he played too hard, and tried his best to barely win.

If this is not a mystery, then he can summon a hero prison and deal with him as a criminal, much easier.

If this is a secret place like the Tower of the Gods, then at the last moment Huang Yi can also be transformed into a ghost cat, use life sacrifices to blow it to death, and then come back to pick up the loot. But this is the guild's challenge to the mystery, and the rules are different. It will be transmitted directly as soon as it dies, and there is no chance to pick up loot.

The guild challenge is still too difficult for players at this stage. In the entire Chinese region, only 10 people have successfully passed through, and 10 unions have been created ~ www.readwn.com ~ Next, Huang Yi has returned to a human form. Walked to Bellis's body and stooped to pick up the token.

This token is black and black, the size of a slap, and it is engraved with three continental common words-Guild Order!

This simple piece of token, I do n’t know how many people dreamed, I do n’t know how many people have challenged the guild secret, all for this token, but very few people finally got it. Now, Huang Yi has finally Become one of these very few people.

After working hard for a long time, he can finally create a guild!

The next moment, he left this secret place and returned to the guild hall of Tiantai City.

"Dear sir, you have failed! Do you need to continue the challenge? It only takes 10,000 gold coins to enter the guild secret place again to challenge!" At this time, the waiter saw Huang overflowing and said with a smile.

Huang Yiyang raised the token in Yang's hands and said, "I want to create a guild."

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