Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 257: Sand storm

"It's too slow for you to kill like this!" At this moment, Sha Wang watched Huang Yi struggling to kill the enemy, and said softly, "I'll give you a one-time solution!"

After all, his entire body began to emit a fierce sandstorm. This sandstorm covered the sky and looked hazy, and even the figure of the sand king was covered!

Then the dust quickly flew and spread to the entire Longdu, covering the wind to their 200,000 people!

A second later, all 200,000 of them had fallen to the ground and died!

In just one second, 200,000 people, none left!

This is the most shocking attack Huang Yi has ever seen! In just a second, everyone was dead!

This is the 190-level peerless powerhouse shot. In the face of such a player of level 50 or 60, even one second is enough to kill everyone! This is absolute strength, absolute strength, no skill at all, even if the blade comes here, the same ending, there can be no resistance.

"I went to play with that cricket ant, it hasn't been warming up for a long time!" The sand storm gradually dissipated, leaving only the voice of Sand King in the air, but its figure has disappeared.


At this point, the black wolf had only one thought left, which was to escape, desperate to escape. Although it only looked at the King of Sands, that one glance made him feel the tremor from his soul. The breath far surpassed that of the White Dragon King, and even stronger than the King of Sand Pirates! It didn't know what it was, it just wanted to leave here quickly, or it might really die.

quickly. The escaping black wolf saw a group of people who were coming quickly to the ice Feng Shui soul! Without the sea of ​​skeletons, they traveled very fast. Now we have reached the outer area of ​​Longdu.

"Huh? Why did the black wolf come back again? Did it really kill the spike this time?" At this time, the ice fengshui soul also saw the black wolf, and the speculation came up in his heart, and then he immediately turned towards the black wolf. Shouted, "General Black Wolf, this time you should be triumphant! Feeling revenge is very happy!"

"Kill you, I'll be happy!" The black wolf smiled angrily when he heard this, and he ran into the crowd like a mountain. Suddenly killed people all the way.

"Ice barrier!" Although Bing Feng Shui soul was furious, but his technique was not slow, he suddenly released his life-saving skills to protect himself.

But his group of men did not have such good luck, and were hit and killed a lot by the black wolf.

"All the skeletons listen to the orders and attack them immediately!" Although the black wolf wanted to kill the Ice Feng Shui soul, he could not break the ice barrier in a short time. Had to give an order to let the skeleton sea deal with them. At the same time, he also hopes to use this method to slightly block the pace of Sand King's pursuit.

Then, it continued to flee outside, and did not dare to stay for a moment!

"Huh? What happened to the black wolf?" The crowd looked at each other.

"How does he look like he's running away?" Shi Lei said suddenly. The tone was full of doubts.

The atmosphere on the field suddenly became weird, and even the black wolf fled. What was in the dragon?

Just then, Bingfeng Shui soul suddenly received a message, the wind came from the resurrection. The news was very short, only one word-escape!

This word. It's like a bucket of cold water splashed on the soul of Bingfengshui. The sense of oppression revealed by that word is so clear that even across countless distances, you can feel the anxiety of the wind!

"Everyone listen to my order and retreat immediately!" Bingfeng Shui soul quickly made a decision, too late to think, and immediately issued an evacuation order!

Then he took the lead and ran outside. He didn't know what the dragon had, but the more he felt afraid, there was nothing more terrifying than the unknown!

The crowd on the field suddenly wondered. They were stuck in place for a while, and they didn't know why they had to retreat suddenly without any reason.

"Ice Feng Shui soul, what's the matter?" Shi Lei asked loudly at this moment.

At this point, Bingfeng Shui soul had no time to answer Shi Lei's question, and his mind was full of ways to leave this right and wrong place as soon as possible!

"Boss, the black wolf just ordered, and now all the skeletons are attacking us crazy. There are a lot of SSs here, and it is difficult for us to quit in a short time!" At this time, a player reported to the soul of Ice Feng Shui.

"Damn black wolf!" Bing Fengshui Soul suddenly cursed!

"Huh? What's that, why would there be a sandstorm for no reason?" Just then, someone suddenly surprised in the crowd.

The crowd looked in the direction of Longdu, and saw that a sandstorm covering the sky came from the direction of Longdu, which swept quickly from the end of the horizon, forming a spectacular black line. Everything was included along the way, and the vast ocean of skeletons was no exception. It was directly submerged by the sandstorm, showing an indomitable momentum.

"Run away!" A frightening scream burst out from the crowd and began to flee!

The two guilds had no order at all at this time. Everyone was scrambling and fleeing, but the endless sea of ​​skeletons entangled them, blocking their escape.

"It's over! It's over!" Bingfeng Shui whispered, staring blankly at the sandstorm that was close at hand, looking pale, at this moment, they finally knew why the black wolf had fled.

The next moment, the dust storm quickly swept over, all of a sudden shrouded everything.

Soon, the sandstorm passed, and the sky and the earth cleared.

At this point, there are no longer any living creatures in front of you, only the corpse covering the entire ground, whether it is the player or the SS in the skeleton sea, all fell to the ground, without exception!

The hustle and bustle of the world finally calmed down at this moment.

"Your gnat escapes very fast!" Just then, the black wolf that was running away suddenly heard a rushing voice behind him!

The pace of the black wolf running wildly suddenly, swallowed his throat. The body shivered involuntarily, and looked back in horror.

I saw him behind. A dust storm covering the sky swept over. I don't know where the sound came from or who it came from.

"Don't run away! I saw your strength the most along the way. I haven't left for a long time. Let's play!" The sound of the sandstorm quickly moved from far to near, as if it sounded in my ear.

At the same time, a shadow suddenly rushed out of the sandstorm! Wherever it went, the ground spiked. All the skulls along the way were up in the air, thousands of corpses were thrown up, and the scene was extremely spectacular!

At this moment, the black wolf suddenly felt a tingling on the soles of the feet, and then a spike stabbed from the ground under his feet, severely pushed it into the air, and then fell down severely. It has been stunned and cannot move anymore!

At this time, the dark shadow in the sandstorm also appeared. This was a huge scorpion. Two large pliers dangled. It is estimated that the smaller peaks will be clipped by it. And its scorpion tail spines upside down. Then a venomous light came out, and it was estimated that even after the stagnation, even the earth would be poked out of a large hole.

This scorpion is the sand king just released by Huang Yi. This is its countless years. Come to the outside world for the first time!

"I haven't played an earthquake in a long time!" Just then, Sha Wang said lightly. Then its scorpion tail wobbled back and forth rhythmically. At the same time, a sharp green light burst out from the spikes of the scorpion's tail, full of death.

At this moment, the King of Sand did not make the rest of the attack action, just shook his tail, but this action faintly brought an unparalleled oppression!

"Boom!" Finally, after shaking the scorpion's tail a few times, the entire land suddenly shook violently, as if a major earthquake had occurred!

A shock wave swept away from the rest of the Sand King in all directions, and all the skeletons around the earth shivered with the fierce trembling of the earth, leaving no corpses!

The black wolf was in the middle area of ​​the earthquake range, his body shivered violently, his face was full of pain, and he spit out a big blood! It was already a seriously injured body, but now it has been attacked by the king of sand, a peerless power, and almost reached the edge of death.

"Huh? Why didn't you hit it so hard?" The aftermath of the earthquake quickly dissipated. Sha Wang sighed and seemed very disappointed. Then he opened the huge pliers and clamped the legs of the black wolf. Gently clamp.

"Click!" The black wolf's legs were cut off in unison, and blood spewed out!

At this time, the black wolf, both hands and legs have been cut off, leaving only a skull and body, the injuries can not be more serious!

"Please, please, let me go!" The black wolf bleeds blood and pleads for mercy while lying on the ground.

"Let you go? Sorry, this is a spike order. I signed a guild contract with him. You are making trouble in his territory. Isn't this a self-destructive way?" Said the king, shaking the tail of the scorpion behind him, The black wolf's chest pierced fiercely!

"Oh!" The next moment, the black wolf was pierced and his chest was completely pierced, and the venomous poison on the scorpion's tail immediately invaded its body and tortured it little by little.

"I, I don't dare anymore, go find a spike, please, please let me go!" The black wolf has been difficult to say everything, and can only squeeze out a few words with the last strength in his life.

"Well! You cartilage, anyway, you are also a sacred figure, why are you so timid and afraid of death? It's boring!" Then the sand king sighed, then flung the scorpion's tail and severely threw the black wolf out www.readwn.com ~ The black wolf slipped a blood line in the air, and then fell fiercely on the ground in the distance, spattering the blood of the sky, and the death is unknown.


This is the third change. The following words are free:

Some people are wondering, that they can talk to the criminals first, prepare the keys, and when the flag is inserted, the criminals will be released immediately. This is impossible because the key is the key and the key cannot be taken to the outside world. Therefore, every time Huang Yi entered the hero prison, he had to come over to get the key once. This is a process that must be taken. In addition, those keys will escape, like loach, which was described in Chapter 41 before, and will still struggle after being caught by Huang Yi. So it was useless to talk to the criminal in advance, because he didn't know which of the 10,000 keys was the criminal's key. He could only pick up some keys temporarily, and then choose among them on the spot, and let them go on the spot after the selection.

In fact, when writing, I will also consider the previous settings, and write the plot under the previous setting framework, so as to avoid such obvious big bugs. There is one more next! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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