Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 272: knight

PS: —— The third update is over. There is a chapter on it. The release interval is relatively close. Look at the chapter first!

"Why can't you rest? If you are tired, don't you just want to rest?" The little skirt finally cried, and asked Huang Yi's neck tightly.

Huang Yi reached out and wiped her tears, lovingly: "Because he is not alone, there are many people behind him. In order for everyone to have a rest forever, there is no need to live in this world in horror. He must work hard. When one day, they can reveal their identity, walk on the street without any regrets, and go shopping like an ordinary person. They can buy snacks and go wherever they want. And not to be shot suddenly by someone ambushing for a long time when walking to a corner, then he can get a real rest. "

"I don't understand. All I know is that you must be very tired. You only want to rest when I am entangled with you." The little skirt murmured.

"No, I have been resting for a long time at the Dragon in the past two days." Huang Yi smiled slightly. "I know how to adjust my life. I will give myself a break. I'm not the kind of person who tries to work hard with his horns overdrawn. It ’s just that the guild has just been established recently, and there are many things. I have to hurry up and let the guild work hard to develop. This is the beginning stage. It is very important. Your little rain sister is also busy with the guild every day. People are tired! "

"Unfortunately, I'm too stupid to know how to share it for you." The little skirt sobbed.

"You are very clever, young. You can accomplish even rare tasks. You are the most powerful auxiliary profession I have ever seen! It has given me a great deal of help. If it were a few days earlier, you would die without you. I can resurrect the "back light" state once, then I have failed in the challenge of transfer, and I can succeed thanks to you. "Huang Yi encouraged.

"Ah? Really?" Said the little skirt with a tearful smile, and said happily.

"Yeah! You are very good, very talented, and an essential person." Huang Yi nodded and said seriously.

"Well, then you go! I change my mind. I want the most powerful Tyrannosaurus Rex, you must hit the reins of the ground dragon, give me a hand!" Said the little skirt, kissed Huang Yi His face, his small lips are soft, sticking to Huang Yi's resolute face.

"Okay, I'll catch you!" Huang Yi nodded. Made a promise. Then he immediately stood up, stepped into the teleportation array, teleported to the 60th floor of the Tower of the Gods, and began to brush up.

If he teamed up with the skirt, he would only be able to play 60 layers in the five-player mode, and the difficulty would soar several times. This is something he can't beat at present. Even if he gets the legendary weapon, it is useless. The only thing he can challenge is the single player mode!

Next, Huang Yi took out the two ghostly [Ghost Axes]. Began to mop up. With this big killer, he can run rampant here. One trial [judgment] went on, and the AIDS poisoning soared a lot more than before, no monster can survive.

Soon, Huang Yi came to the first swordsman SS. When he came to challenge the SS a few days ago, it took more than ten seconds to hit it, and it made him say three lines in total.

"Are you going to challenge me?" At this moment, the swordsman saw Huang Yi and immediately shouted the first line.

"Hunting!" Huang Yi rushed up immediately and stunned the swordsman for two seconds.

"Heavy sentence!" Then, his axe slammed down! At this time, he was using the two-handed axe mode. Each left and right hand held a split axe. The attack power was very high. The two axes took turns to lose heavy sentences, causing shocking and huge injuries to the swordsman. The wound spurted blood.

"I won't let you go!" Two seconds later, the swordsman calmed down, shouted a second line, and then raised the sword in his hand aggressively.

"Weapon switching!" The next moment, Huang Yi played an effect attached to the ghost axe. Then the two split axes suddenly emitted a black smoke, and then quickly merged together into a new one-handed axe! And his next attack will be an absolute attack, ignoring defense!

At this moment, Huang Yi finally freed up a hand, immediately grabbed the swordsman's wrist, and then used [Disarm]

Suddenly, the swordsman's long sword was forcibly taken over by him, and then Huang Yizhen raised a one-handed axe and slammed a heavy sentence on the swordsman!

At that moment, the swordsman ’s health was empty at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. This time Huang Yi ’s attack was an absolute attack, ignoring defense, and the re-evaluation was triple the attack damage, and the rune of runes was also incorporated. , All of a sudden achieved results.

"Eh! Hey! Hey!" Next, Huang Yi continued to attack the swordsman SS. It had no weapons, was beaten without any fighting power, and had less and less health.

Soon, his health was reduced to 10%, and he should swing the sword in his hand for a fatal blow! When the average player arrives here, they rush to escape and attack him from a distance. But at this time, its weapon was seized by Huang Yi, and he could not use that skill at all!

The next moment, Huang Yi dropped a heavy sentence, and fortunately smashed a crit, smashing it directly into the sky, not even the body.

This time, Huang Yi resolved this first SS in almost 8 seconds, and the SS line only shouted two sentences, which is faster than the last time!

Next, he continued to move forward like a bamboo field, and all the mobs along the way turned into his experience points. He is now at level 62 and has a very high experience level at 60 levels. It is also a good area for leveling.

Gradually, Huang Yi even killed the second SS, the third SS, and the fourth SS without experiencing much problems. His recent improvement in strength is now fully displayed.

The death of the fourth SS also gave him an orange outfit! This orange suit can just replace a purple suit on his body. This time, his equipment has been improved, and his strength has been improved again.

However, this is also his last madness. When his equipment is completely upgraded and the battle spirit is also clicked, a bottleneck will be reached. It is difficult to make any significant progress in strength. At present, they are all here. At this stage, it is difficult to have any more room for improvement. It is necessary to wait until the 100th level and usher in a brand-new watershed before there can be a big step in meteor progress.

Next, Huang Yi cleared the mobs, then used various magic items to raise his strength to a peak state, and then came to the fifth SS!

The fifth SS is a tall knight, wearing a blood-red flower armor, riding a mighty raptor, holding a huge sword of more than three meters in his hand, showing an army of thousands of horses, The blood-stained breath of the battlefield. He took the muscles of that raptor, his hind legs were strong, his front claws were sharp, his mouth was sharp, his teeth were like two rows of white daggers, and he could directly bite Huang Yi into a sieve.

This SS, coupled with this mighty raptor, is an invincible combination. It just seems to make people feel a sense of powerlessness, like a mountain peak. When it rushes up, it is an egg against a stone.

"For honor!" The knight saw Huang Yi's arrival, immediately pressed his palms on his chest, made a knight's etiquette, and then clamped his legs, urging the raptor to rush towards Huang Yi.

Huang Yi only felt that a mountain was rushing towards him. No matter where he fled, the raptor would rush up quickly. It was much faster than Huang Yi, and the raptor was a powerful creature. It has a strong body.

"Hunting!" Huang Yi rushed into the distance quickly, avoiding the Knight's charge.

"Jumping!" The knight held his sword high, and then the raptor quickly turned his direction and jumped up towards the place where Huang Yi shifted. He jumped down from the air with the force of a great force. Just being spiked without a doubt.

At this point, Huang Yi's pursuit had four more chances to charge. He continued to escape in the other direction, and escaped again, and the knight SS fell into the air and his body slightly shook.

"Dizziness!" Huang Yi seized this opportunity, gave up the remaining two charge opportunities, directly launched the last effective stun charge, hit the body of the Knight SS, and immediately stunned him with his mount.

Next, Huang Yi will have two seconds of perfect output time. He directly opened the most powerful re-sentence, and smashed towards the knight crazy!

This knight wore thick heavy armor and had a very high defense force, but Huang Yi's blow did not have a very obvious effect and was blocked by most of it.

This is the characteristics of the knight class. The defense is very strong and the attack power is generally not very high. But this SS has a powerful mount ~ www.readwn.com ~ With the complement of the mount, his offensive and defensive capabilities are not weak. .

At present, Huang Yi encounters this SS with no solution. Unless he can separate it from others, even if he has legendary equipment, it will be difficult to defeat this SS.

"Huh? You hurt me, respectable opponent!" The knight finally woke up, saw Huang Yi, said admirably, and looked very chivalry. Then he immediately waved the sword in his hand and smashed towards Huang Yi.

However, Huang Yi rushed out from a distance long before the stun time passed, avoiding this attack.

"Charging!" At this moment, the knight clamped the belly of the raptor Raptor again, and rushed towards Huang Yi, with great momentum!

"Flying axe!" At this time, Huang Yi aimed at the opportunity and immediately released the axe in his hand and flew towards the raptor! Immediately after the raptor was hit by the axe, the raptor slammed aside and the knight's body flickered sharply, and he was about to fall.

(Add more to the gnyue leader!) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read m. )

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