Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 274: church

This woman was Ruo Shui, who hadn't seen him for a long time. When Huang Yi came to Yan Huang to help kill the zombie king, Ruo Shui was his exclusive priest. She has always been a fan of Huang Yi, but she is more fortunate than others. She saw Huang Yi in person, and the two became friends.

"Seckill Brother, I haven't seen you for a long time." Ruo Shui said crisply, and the models came up, standing in front of Huang Yi slimly. At this moment, the sun was shining on her long eyelashes, and those eyes were clean and clear, showing a neighbor Home girl feeling.

Huang Yi nodded toward her: "Aren't you in class?"

"How about Saturday today!" Ruo Shui smiled, "I heard Brother Blade said you would come today, so I was waiting for you here early. Dilong Valley is a long way from here, it will take a long time. Fire dance in about an hour or so She will be online, and when she has teleport skills, she can teleport you directly! "

"Thank you!" Huang Yi thanked. Fire Dance is the proud girl who picked him up for the first time in Xuanyuan Town, a rare profession of mage. At the beginning, he was still in Heisha Town on the other side of the desolate sandy land, and did not activate the teleportation array in Xuanyuan Town. Later, Fire Dance Qianliyu rushed there, using a special portal, allowing him to teleport directly here, eliminating the need to rush. time.

"Dilong Valley is very dangerous. We have built a priest church in Xuanyuan Town. We are praying in the morning. I will take you to the baptism side to enhance the attributes! When you will go to Dilong Valley, you will be more confident. Now! "Ruo Shui suggested at this moment.

"Then take me there!" Huang Yi nodded.

Next, Ruo Shui started to take Huang Yi towards the church in Xuanyuan Town. Xuanyuan Town is much larger than it was. Construction was quick and the building was taller and more beautiful than before. The street floor is clean and well managed.

"Well? Isn't that a spike?" Along the way, some sharp-eyed people gradually recognized Huang Yi, stopped one after another, and started talking.

"Seckill Brother, last time you helped us win the first kill of the Zombie King, many of us at Xuanyuan have worshiped you!" Ruoshui explained as he watched the crowd around him.

Huang Yi smiled slightly and didn't speak.

gradually. Ruoshui brought Huang Yi to a square in Xicheng District, Xuanyuan Town, and there was a church in front. This church, like a medieval European church, is full of art, with a huge gem inlaid on the pointed roof, which emits sacred light under the shining sun; the delicate walls are carved with exquisite deities, An individual figure comes alive; huge stone pillars are like backbones, supporting the whole art-like building.

This is the professional building church of the priest. Like the magic tower of the mage class, it is a building that can bless the power of this class.

At this time, there was a faint young girl singing in the church, and it seemed that some hymns were being sung, which made people want to go in and explore.

"Let's go in!" Ruoshui said, taking the lead and walking into that church. Huang Yi followed closely.

quickly. The two entered the mysterious church. There were arches in the church. No one came in or out. They looked very quiet. There were only the singing voices from the depths of the church. Increasingly clear.

Ruoshui walked through the church with Huang Yi, and soon came to the church hall.

at this time. There was a circle of teenage pastors in a circle in the hall, looking up at a **** singing on the dome. The golden sunlight came in through the frosted glass on the wall, and it suddenly became hazy, which made the whole church slowly soften with a layer of holy light. The young girls were like virgins, with soft light on their faces. , Religious expression, empty voice, as if singing in heaven.

Seeing this scene, Huang Yi seemed to be affected immediately, and there was no dark and gloomy in his soul anymore, and he was relieved by the sorrowful singing.

At this time, Ruo Shui also walked gently, merged with those saints, and sang along. Her singing is also ethereal, as if it came from heaven, and the soft holy light was shining on her face, sacred and dignified, Huang Yi looked a little lost for a moment.

At this time, Ruo Shui seemed to exude an inexplicable attraction. She was like an angel flying in heaven. Huang Yi could only look up in hell, with an endless interval between darkness and light.

Huang Yi fought nervously for two days, soothing quickly in the voice of this emptiness, he stood quietly, and his body was covered with a layer of holy light.

At that moment, the maiden turned around suddenly, all looking at Huang Yi, all the dignified and elegant, pure and immaculate faces all facing him, singing towards him, as if treating him as a Divine.

At this moment, Huang Yi seems to have truly become a god, and the world around him has turned into heaven. These are his devout believers, singing a hymn around him.

Finally, the singing was finished, the maidens all closed their mouths, and the ethereal singing gradually dissipated, and everything just seemed like a dream.

Huang Yi also calmed down from the wonderful feeling just now, and then he nodded slightly towards the saints.

[System Tip]: You have gained 20 Power of Faith. When the power of faith reaches one billion points, your name [Kill God] will be given a spirit.

Just then, Huang Yi suddenly received a system prompt.

This is the first time he has obtained a faith value. This is an unheard of attribute, and no other player has ever said it. However, Huang Yi suddenly remembered that some time ago, the two children named Timo and Tristana he met in the forest, they said at the time that you can only become a legendary hero with a name, want to be an epic Heroes need a spirit, but they don't know how to get a spirit.

But now, Huang Yi finally got a clue in this regard. It seems that if he wants to be given a spirit, he must collect a lot of the belief power of sentient beings.

"Seckill Brother, what's the matter with you?" At this moment, Ruoshui saw Huang Yi in a daze, and could not help asking.

"Oh, nothing." Huang Yi calmed down, and then he thoughtfully looked at the maidens in front of him and counted them. They were 20 people, which matched the power of 20 faiths.

Huang Yi thought about it and suddenly asked, "What song did you just sing?"

"The Gospel of Johns! What's wrong?" Ruoshui asked curiously.

"Gospel of Johns? What is the main purpose of this gospel?" Huang Yi continued to ask.

At this time, another maiden in a white pastor's robe took the conversation and explained in detail: "Johns is the **** of faith, and he wrote the Gospel of Johns. It is said that he reached the peak of the demigod that year. In the early morning, witnessing the rising sun, the earth revived, and the blessing to the soul, immediately chanted this tune. At that moment, he entered a mysterious realm, and his chanting sound was directly transmitted to the world. A corner, no matter in the east or west, or overseas islands, he can hear his chanting in every corner. When he finished humming, a light from the sky descended and dragged him. Goed up and successfully sealed the gods. Later, some people wrote down this tune and spread it from generation to generation, inspiring people's beliefs. Every musician has spent his life studying this tune and worshipped it as a divine tune. It is said that the bard poet The founder of Tiandi created the profession of bards after hearing this "Johns Gospel". Our pastor profession also listed this "Johns Gospel" as holy . "

"That's it!" Huang Yi suddenly understood. It seems that in order to gain the power of faith, someone needs to sing a "Gospel of Johns" to him, and a person can only contribute a little power of faith, and he needs to accumulate a billion points of power of faith to be given a This spirit is almost an impossible task! There are a total of 10 billion players in the entire Second World, which means that one-tenth of them will sing "The Gospel of Johns" for him! However, he didn't know if a person could repeatedly increase his faith for him. If he could, it would be much easier.

With a slight sigh in Huang Yi's heart, it was so difficult to obtain the name, and this spirit was even more difficult to obtain. It was not easy to become an epic hero.

"Seckill Brother, have you got the state of prayer for the gospel?" At this time, Ruo Shui came to Huang Yi's face, his pure eyes stared at him and asked.

Huang Yi looked at his state. At this moment, he had a state of [Prayer Gospel], which increased by 10% for 10 hours. However, he could only get it once a week.

This is a very powerful BUFF. It is a full attribute improvement, including attack, life, defense, attack speed, crit, movement speed and other attributes are all increased by 10%!

"Received ~ www.readwn.com ~ Thank you!" Huang Yi nodded.

"Next, I will bless you with a prayer!" Said, if the water came to Huang Yi, closed his eyes, put out his small hand on his chest, made a gesture of prayer, a color of pious, Began to pray.

This is also a BUFF of the priest, which can increase the target's primary attribute by 3% in one day. Huang Yi's primary attribute is strength. With this prayer, he can increase the strength by 3% for one day.

With these two BUFFs, Huang Yi's strength has temporarily improved a little, and he is more sure to catch the dragons. The second world has a variety of occupations, and various BUFFs are also emerging. Once more than one hundred BUFFs are available, the strength of a player will soar directly, just like Huang Yi and the Yanhuang Army formed a team to kill the zombie king That was the case. However, many BUFFs are short-lived, and there are very few BUFFs that can exceed 10 minutes.

Next, Huang Yi waited patiently, waiting for the fire dance to go online. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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