Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 278: Mutant Raptor

Athlon walked quickly in Dilong Valley, rushed out of the forest, across the grassland, and crossed the mountains. Its balance was very good. Huang Yi sat on it and did not feel bumps, just like sitting in a car.

Gradually, the night came, and the bright and bright moon was shining with silver and white light, shining in this isolated earth dragon valley, but it did not bring any serene atmosphere, but it was a danger and a sensation that fell on the ground.

At this point, Athlon had taken Huang Yi to a brand new forest.

The trees in this forest are significantly taller than the previous forest, and the spacing between the trees is also wide. Some trees can be seen on the trunk of the tree. The scratches are huge and far away. It's not comparable to Athlon's scratches, but it should be left by some powerful Dingxinglong. Deep in the night, the branches dangled. I do n’t know whether it was the night wind or a dragon walking through it. The breath of the whole forest makes people slightly upright.

When Athlon came here, he was obviously more nervous, and his eyes watched the movements around him vigilantly. It seems that this is where attacking dragons come and go. It is estimated that you can see attacking dragons such as Velociraptor, Sickle Dragon, Allosaurus, and even Tyrannosaurus and Tyrannosaurus.

"Let's go around! Slower, I'll search for the target." Huang Yi touched Athlon's neck and then urged it to take a small step forward.

One person, one dragon, just walked on the mottled moonlight in this dangerous forest, this forest does not know how big it is, and it does not know when a fierce dragon will emerge suddenly.

"Huh? Dragon eggshell." As he walked, Huang Yi suddenly found some broken eggshells under a tree. Those eggshells have a bright surface and have not suffered any damage. The color of the remaining yolks is also very fresh. Obviously, Xinglong has just eaten here.

Huang Yi could not help but look around, any ground dragon appearing here is extremely horrible and should not be taken lightly. But he seemed to see nothing moving around, only a silent moonlight.

"Roar!" At this moment, a roar came from afar in the forest, and that roar was full of madness. Shocking. Huang Yi clearly felt that when the Athlon sitting down heard this voice, his body shook for a moment, and looked extremely frightened.

Huang Yi reached out and touched his head, soothing it. At the speed of Athlon, he could completely escape the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Unless it is surrounded by a group of Tyrannosaurus Rex, Tyrannosaurus Rex is a solitary terrestrial dragon, which is hostile to each other and is unlikely to appear in groups.

"Let's go and see!" Huang Yi's legs caught a dragon belly, urging it to drive in the direction of the roar.

"Roar!" Just then, the roar rang again. But this time there was a faint feeling of fear. Seems to have met a stronger opponent!

Gradually, Huang Yi rode Athlon to a small hill and looked down.

"Boom!" In the forest below, you can clearly see that some trees are being hit by brute force in front of the forest, and you can see the scales and half claws of a giant faintly. When rushing towards this side, all the trees blocked along the way were destroyed!

And behind that monster. A large tree was shaking like a wave, but it was hard to see what those things were.

From this picture, it is clear to guess that there should be a mighty ground dragon in front, but there is a group of things behind it.

"Roar!" At this moment, the beast in front rushed down to the top of the mountain, and the area in front was just no trees, and the beast appeared completely.

Huang Yi then took a look at Moonlight, and immediately saw the figure of that giant beast!

It was also a terrestrial dragon, but it was completely opposite to the Athlon. It was full of tyrannical atmosphere. It was as tall as six or seven meters tall, big in size, and I did n’t know how many tons. The muscles on the body were not piece by piece, It was in a ball, and the two pairs of thick hind legs were like two stone pillars, and the ground shuddered as soon as they stepped down.

The most terrifying thing is its skull. Its body is very large, and its skull occupies almost a third of the entire body. It looks very exaggerated, as if the entire body is to support the huge skull. general.

On that huge skull is a huge mouth. The teeth inside are like a sharp sword, which fills the entire huge mouth. I do n’t know how strong the bite force is. Even the toughest bone is in the huge mouth. Under the bite of her, it will all be broken into pieces. Just this huge mouth is enough to make it the most pinnacle of the dragon, this is a bone crusher, whoever bites, who will become minced meat.

As soon as Huang Yi saw this kind of picture, he thought of Tyrannosaurus Rex almost instantly. Only this kind of dragon in front of him can be worthy of the name Tyrannosaurus Rex. This is the king of the dragon, king of king!

However, if you take a closer look, you will find that the skin of this Tyrannosaurus Rex is full of wrinkles, and its teeth are very worn out. The huge eyes are filled with vicissitudes. It is obviously an old Tyrannosaurus rex. Moreover, the body was also full of color, and the shocking wounds turned outwards, the flesh was blurred, the blood was dripping, and spilled all the way.

Huang Yi is full of doubts. Even the old Tyrannosaurus rex is far from being able to deal with it. What is it that will make this Tyrannosaurus retreat like this, even letting it flee desperately?

"Eh! Heh! Hey!" Just then, the group of followers finally rushed out of the forest and showed their figure!

This is also a kind of ground dragon, but they are a group. They are medium in size and not as huge as Tyrannosaurus, but they are stronger than Athlons. Their bodies are full of a sense of strength and speed at the same time. Raptors!

Huang Yi has already seen the Raptor on the 60th floor of the Tower of the Gods, but it is a single player mode, the strength is greatly weakened, and its level is not as high as this wild Raptor, the strength of both It's impossible to compare. The real Velociraptor is second only to Tyrannosaurus and Tyrannosaurus, and its speed is second only to Athlon and Yuelong. Its strength is extremely powerful.

What is even more frightening is that they can be written as hunting, sometimes alone, sometimes in groups, and sometimes even more than ten raptors can hunt together.

However, some of these raptors were wounded, and their actions were not negligent. Judging from the scene in front of them, these raptors apparently assisted in hunting together. They aimed at the old Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the Tyrannosaurus lost, and then fled madly and fled here.

"Roar!" At this time, the Tyrannosaurus Rex might be unable to run, turned around, and roared vigorously towards the raptors. The roar was full of deterrence, but the voice was a little hoarse and low, with a hint of heroes The meaning of twilight sounded extremely tragic.

At this moment, the moonlight sprinkled on its aging body, casting a hazy outline. When it was young, maybe it was the king of this land, who had killed countless dragons and run across the forest. Every morning, the whole forest could hear its loud call. It's just ruthless years, and it will grow old after all. On such a night, it was caught by these raptors and reached the point of life and death.

Huang Yi stood high on the mountain and did not continue to participate in the idea of ​​fighting. His strength rushed to death, even the aftermath of the fight could not be carried, and it was not appropriate to release the criminals in the heroic prison. This is not the case. Closed terrain.

"Hey!" At that moment, the raptors were finally unable to bear it, and rushed up quickly. More than a dozen raptors leaped high, as if dancing in the moonlight, all flung their teeth to the middle. Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"Oh!" The tyrannosaurus's stout tail fluttered, and immediately flew out a long-injured raptor. The raptor hit several trees and slid on the ground for a long distance before stopping. Life and death were unknown.

Later, Tyrannosaurus reopened its huge mouth again, and quickly bit the other injured raptor, and suddenly it bit into a pile of minced meat, and it couldn't die anymore.

However, this was also the last counterattack before it was dying. Among the raptors around it, several heads had already rushed on it, biting hard. The scene was **** and violent. The raptors seemed to hang on T-Rex, and no matter how the T-Rex shook his body, they could not shake them off.

Suddenly, the blood of Naruto's body blasted, and pieces of meat were bitten out!

Huang Yi suddenly felt that the sitting Athlon was trembling, its eyes staring at the battle scene, looking extremely frightened.

"Boom!" Just one moment, a swift raptor suddenly emits a flash of lightning, illuminating the night sky, and fiercely struck Tyrannosaurus Rex!

The tyrannosaurus' huge body trembled, and then it was motionless, as if paralyzed.

At this time ~ www.readwn.com ~ The more than ten raptors immediately seized the opportunity and pushed down the Tyrannosaurus Rex, then swarmed up and drowned it quickly.

"Roar!" At this point, the Tyrannosaurus rex could not see it at all, and only a violent roar came through the forest, as if it was the last shout in its life. Then it was completely silent, except for the sound of chewing and chewing by the raptors, whispering from below the mountains.

"Raptor with thunder magic?" At this time, Huang Yi's mind was still just a stunning flash of lightning, which was completely unexpected. He never thought that a physical attacking raptor had the ability of lightning! This Raptor is likely to be mutated. Not only does it have the strength of the Raptor, but also has the magical attack ability of the Thunder system, which is simply a perfect line of dragons!

This immediately caused Huang Yi to change his mind about leaving. This kind of indomitable dragon cannot be ignored! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

PS:-This chapter is to be added by Master Fan, and there is a fourth change next. Ask for a monthly ticket. Now the monthly ticket ranking is very low, and you need support urgently. In addition, ask for a recommendation ticket. It's a new week.

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