Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 288: Mermaid's tears

At this moment, with the exception of Huang Yi, everyone on the ship was shaking, and then his face suddenly turned pale, as if he had lost his soul.

This song is no longer familiar. They have heard it countless times, but this time it sounds as if it sounded in their ears, like the elegy of hell.

"It's over, we've met the Shanghai demon!" At this time, Bai Fan looked at the crowd neatly, "Old folks, we can't go back, we will die here."

"I didn't expect to catch a lifetime of fish and listen to the legend of a mermaid for a lifetime, and we died in this legend." Another middle-aged man in his forties also smiled sorrowfully, "My grandson just learned to call my grandpa I just kissed his pink face yesterday, what a lovely grandson, I will never see him again, I ca n’t see him growing up, I ca n’t see him in love with a beautiful little girl ... ”

At this time, the song was still singing, beautiful and desolate, but at this time they had no thoughts to appreciate.

"Just don't worry." At this moment, Huang Yi suddenly comforted the person wearing it, "I'm here to talk to this sea monster."

After speaking, Huang Yi stepped forward a few steps, came to the bow, looked at the boundless ocean, shouted: "Dear mermaid princess, I know that you have wandered in this sea for countless years, just for your beloved benefit Vitan, I happen to know about Leviathan. Please come and see. "

The voice dropped, the song suddenly trembled slightly, and then stopped, and the air around him was suddenly filled with deadly silence. The person wearing it looked at each other, only felt that this short calm was a greater torment, and we were about to usher in a storm of rain!

"Wow!" At this moment, a huge water column on the distant sea soared into the sky, reaching hundreds of meters, and the momentum was extremely great. Some huge sharks were even washed up into the sky, shaking helplessly. tail!

Then the water column fell down again, and the whole sun suddenly felt like a violent storm. The waves were shaking violently. Huang Yi's sailboat also swayed back and forth, and there was danger of overturning at any time!

"Boom!" It was the sky that thundered, and then the clear sky suddenly filled with a thick layer of dark clouds, black and crushing, as if the sky had fallen down. Then huge raindrops fell down. It hurts a little to hit people.

The gale rose suddenly. Blowing those heavy rains covering the sun, the dark clouds and thunders in the sky thundered and thundered, and the whole ocean seemed to usher in the end of the world. Storms and storms, the waves are soaring. The sailboat was helplessly turned by the big waves, and the person wearing it grabbed the mast, lest he be thrown into the water, and Huang Yi caught the boat's edge. The body was already soaked with rain and spray.

Just then, the water surface in front of it suddenly separated straight to the side, and a weird water corridor appeared. Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared at the end of the corridor. This man was hazy in the depths of the rain curtain and could not see the truth, but if you look closely, you can still see that this man is vaguely a woman.

gradually. The woman was near, her figure was clearer. She has a slim figure, bare shoulders, only a few scales on her chest to cover sensitive areas, and a lower body with a fish tail. It looks the same as the legendary mermaid.

Finally, the woman came to the front of the sailing boat, showing her face completely.

This woman is extremely beautiful and her lips are red. It seemed she had just soaked blood, and there were some fish scales in the corners of her eyes. Looks colorful.

"You're good for Vitan?" At that moment, the mermaid stared at Huang Yi wearing it, her voice turned gently, as beautiful as her singing, even with a touch of charm.

"Dear mermaid princess, please stop this storm, I am indeed news of Leviathan." Huang Yi grasped the boat tightly and said loudly in the wind and rain.

"Okay, I hope you didn't lie to me!" Said the mermaid, holding out a lotus-like hand and waving gently.

The next moment, the whole world seemed to pause for a moment and became static. The rain in the air retains its own form, stops quietly in the air, does not fall or move; those waves are carved like crystals, maintaining the shape of the moment; the clouds in the sky no longer roll, as An oil painting; the lightning in the dark clouds no longer spreads, maintaining its previous brightness and shape. Even the other people who wore it, remained motionless, keeping the expression of horror at the previous moment, as if petrified.

The whole world suddenly became extremely strange, Huang Yi could clearly see the shape of each raindrop in the air, and see the shape of each spray. But at this time he didn't appreciate it. He stared at the mermaid and said immediately: "The Leviathan you love is not dead. He later wanted to go to the deep sea to find you, but he was just an ordinary person. The temptation of the fallen king, Bielev, finally gained strong power and became a tide hunter. But he was quickly sent to the death temple to check the news by the fallen king, and was eventually captured and put in a prison. , Now he is dead. "

"Huh?" The mermaid trembled slightly, then asked sharply, "Do you have any evidence? Without evidence, I will torture you to death!"

"There is evidence that the prison where Leviathan's body is located is in my hands, and I can let you in." Huang Yi stared at the beautiful face of the mermaid.

"Huh! You want me to go to jail and lock me up?" The mermaid hummed coldly, his face suddenly filled with a layer of frost, and the raindrops in the surrounding air suddenly became a white solid at a speed visible to the naked eye. It became hail.

"I can't bring Leviathan's body out, so I can only let you in." Huang Yi said helplessly, "Of course, if you are afraid, you can break out the weakest one and follow me in. You are Sanctuary strongmen will naturally have the ability to be avatars. "

The mermaid heard this suggestion, and the frost on her face suddenly melted. She nodded, her body flickered, and a small avatar came out immediately. The breath of this avatar was very weak. Huang Yi estimated that this mermaid should only be the mermaid % Strength, not even his strength.

Next, Huang Yi immediately took out the "Book of Heroes" and then read out eight words gently: "Fear the gods, hero prison!"

Suddenly, a dragon suddenly appeared on the sea, and opened her mouth with a majestic gesture, just in the direction of the mermaid, as if to swallow her down.

The mermaid was startled, and then stared at the prison, slightly surprised: "I didn't expect that you, a tiny ant, could summon such a strange thing, but I look down on you."

"Well, let's go in!" Huang Yi said, looking at the mermaid's clone, and said, "Dear Princess, this prison is very special. You cannot allow outsiders to enter at will, so you need to hold my hand and enter together. After speaking, Huang Yi held out his hand.

The mermaid's avatar didn't mind either, and immediately the white and delicate hands in the depths gently held Huang Yi's hand like a pair of lovers.

Huang Yi only felt that his hands were soft, he also held the mermaid's little boneless hand, and then took her into the dark dragon's mouth.

Next, the two came to the huge hero prison. This was the first time Huang Yi brought outsiders in. After he was strong, he could even arrest the criminals by himself and put them in the hero prison. Imprisoned for a lifetime.

"The breath here is so huge, I feel the breath of countless powerful people, and even there is stronger breath than me!" The mermaid came in, her body trembled suddenly, and she felt an endless pressure, her fish The tail moved slightly, and said, "Where is my beloved Leviathan? Where is he? Take me there."

"Please follow me!" Huang Yi nodded, and led the mermaid towards the corpse.

The two turned around and turned around, and after passing through many cells, they finally came to the cadaver room. Later, Huang Yi brought the mermaid to the tide hunter's body and said, "This is Leviathan's body. He has become what he is now."

The mermaid hurriedly looked up at the tide hunter, and her face was slightly embarrassed. It seemed that she could not believe that an ordinary boy would become such an ugly monster. After looking for a while, she finally walked staggeringly and reached out and touched the tide hunter.

"Oh! My beloved Leviathan, it really is you!" At that moment, the mermaid clone seemed to finally feel the breath of her lover, and her body trembled, motionless, as if it were petrified.

Immediately afterwards, two lines of tears poured into her beautiful eyes, as if all the grievances for countless years had flowed down with the tears.

"My Leviathan, do you know? I have been wandering tirelessly in this sea, singing the song we met for the first time, and looking forward to seeing you again one day. But every night, I can only Singing alone in the moonlight, my voice spreads in all directions, into the ears of those mortals ~ www.readwn.com ~ but it's again in your ears. I miss you so much, I want to Singing on the sea, you are still an ignorant boy, obsessed with my singing, fell into the water, I rescue you, we hug each other in the moonlight ... "The mermaid was stuck on the body of the tide hunter Above, crying and telling.

"He left a few last words, just take a look, it's engraved on the anchor." At this time, Huang Yi pointed to the anchor next to the tide hunter and said.

The mermaid froze slightly, then hurried to the anchor, looked in the direction of Huang Yi's fingers, and immediately saw the lines of small print above—

I betray my soul,

In exchange for fallen eternal life,

Just to dive into the endless deep sea,

Looking for someone I love ...

At that moment, the whole mermaid was motionless, and looked at those lines so foolishly, as if losing her soul. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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