Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 293: Oscar's blindfold

After suffering a lot of damage, the mage finally got up hard. He quickly moved the staff toward Huang Yi, and then a cold air sprayed out, and continued to spray on Huang Yi's body, charging him and the Earth Dragon. It was too difficult to blow, and continued to be hurt.

If you are an average player, you may be killed alive when you encounter this skill. You can neither reach the mage nor escape the mage, and the speed is so slow as the turtle.

"Flame!" The next moment, Huang Yi released the flames on the extremities under the form of Beastmaster, and all of a sudden slowed down the situation. He immediately summoned the hounds and falcons, and controlled the hounds to spray flames towards the mage.

"Soul transport!" At this moment, the overlord crutches a little, and a green light hits the mage, and then a green light band suddenly appears on the mage, which suddenly connects Huang Yi and the overlord.

Immediately after that, a trace of green light spots were transmitted to Huang Yi and Bawang along the light band.

Huang Yi suddenly realized that his own life value started to gradually recover. It seems that this skill is to use the enemy's life essence to transfer to himself and restore his own life value.

Next, Huang Yi continued to urge the Raptors to brute forcefully against the mage, turning him dizzy and turning, and then slamming them a few times.

"It's abominable!" The mage saw that his attack was slow to take effect, and could not help yelling. Then he slammed the staff on the ground and yelled, "All frozen!"

Immediately afterwards, a thick layer of ice permeated in all directions, and all of Huang Yi and the Overlord and their mounts were all frozen. Even the falcons flying in the air were not spared, and they became one. Bingyu fell straight and fell apart.

This skill is a big move of the Master SS, and once it is used, it immediately changes the occupation and masters the initiative.

"A piercing ice element, please turn this into a frozen century. Achieve the legend after that millennium. When eternal time flows through their ice-covered faces, when pain and death are turned into their eyes Despair ... "At that moment, the mage looked utterly indifferent. A long and distant mantra was chanted. Seems to make a peerless attack!

"Amnesty" the next moment, the ice on Huang Yi's body abruptly abruptly, then he jumped down from the frozen raptor, and attacked the mage!

"Oh!" Huang Yi's axe was heavy. Suddenly it fell on the mage's shoulder.

"Ka-cha!" The next moment, the mage's shoulder was cut directly into a long wound, and the blood flowed like a squirt.

Just after this mage frozen Huang Yi and Overlord, he originally wanted to sing a peerless skill. The defense on his body would suddenly be at its lowest, and he was cut off by an axe from Huang Yi, and his movements were a little inconvenient.

This is the field SS. They will have injured behavior. The heavier the injury, the weaker the action, and the lower the overall attributes. It is more real than the SS in the secret area.

And this time, the ice on the overlord finally dissipated. The dragons at both ends also restored their freedom at the same time.

Next, the overlord and the two line of dragons again launched a siege towards the mage, regained the initiative, and the mage SS did not have any fighting power.

Huang Yi and Overlord are rare rare professionals, plus two identical dragons. The 70-level mage SS was a bit difficult to confront the two of them. And this SS profession is also a big weakness. It is a crispy mage in itself, and it is also an ice mage with the weakest attack power for control. The attack was supplemented by limited threats to both men. If it is a powerful fire mage. Then the overlord can be quickly killed by it. Once the overlord dies, there is only one Huang Yi left, which is another situation.

The same SS, different professions, the threat to each player is different.

Next, under the fierce offensive of Huang Yi and Overlord, Master SS has not been able to obtain any good results. Instead, the wounds on his body increased one by one, becoming weaker and weaker, and eventually his blood was hit within 10%.

At this time, Huang Yi finally wasted energy to open the eye of time to guard against the Master SS's counterattack. The last 10% is often the most intense of the SS, and he will be counterattacked if he doesn't pay attention.

Suddenly, Huang Yi's Eye of Time saw that the Master SS would release a big move after 5 seconds. Huang Yi grasped the time and calmly dealt with SS.

Five seconds later, he suddenly reached out his hand, grabbed SS's wrist, and then disarmed!

The SS just opened his mouth and was ready to sing, but suddenly he was dumb, interrupted by the banal effect attached to Huang Yi's [Disarm] skill.

Before a big move was released, he was strangled in the cradle.

Next, Huang Yi and Bawang continued to attack. The mage had no staff and was weaker. After 10 seconds, his health was hit within 5%!

"Overlord, do you have the ability to silence? Give it 5 seconds later!" At this moment, Huang Yi's Eye of Time saw that Master SS was about to make another big move after 5 seconds.

The overlord didn't say a word, immediately waving his cane, toward Huang Yi, a purple light fell on him!

Immediately after, Huang Yi discovered a recently used skill— [Disarm] The cooldown was over! It seems that this skill of Overlord is to help teammates clear the skill CD, which is a very special auxiliary skill.

Soon, the staff returned to the hand of the mage SS. He immediately raised the staff and wanted to release another skill.

At this moment, Huang Yi's old skills were re-applied, and once again [Disarm], the mage SS was silenced.

The mage suddenly became extremely inflexible, neither of the two super skills could be used. This kind of skills can only be used at the right time, and when you use them, you only need to shout the name of the skills, but At this moment, the opportunity is missed. Of course, there are some skills that can be used without chanting or shouting the name of the skills, but this mage SS does not have such skills.

In this way, after both big moves were banned by Huang Yi, the SS finally had no post moves, and they were eventually killed by Huang Yi and Overlord and fell to the ground.

Playing this SS is more tiring than Huang Yi's fifth SS in the 60th floor single-player mode of the Tower of the Gods. That SS is also level 70 and is also a knight riding a raptor. It should be more difficult than this Master SS. However, this mage is a field SS and has a lot of strength. With the combined efforts of Huang Yi and Overlord, it took so long to die.

"Huh? This SS burst into a human face?" Just then, the overlord suddenly stared at the mage SS's body in surprise.

Huang Yi looked down, and sure enough, the part of the face around Master SS's eyes separated, as if taking off a layer of skin, a little scary.

Huang Yi squatted down, picked up the skin, and looked carefully, only to find that this is not a human face at all, but an eye mask, but the color is exactly the same as the skin. The look of the blindfold. Huang Yi immediately checked the attributes of such an item.

[Australian Eye Mask] (Special equipment)

After wearing it, you can change your face at will, magic defense + 2%, and increase the field of vision by 10%.

This turned out to be a rare special equipment with attributes. Huang Yi also bought such special equipment before, such as a mask. This equipment generally has no attributes, just to cover the appearance. The blindfold has some attributes, although not very large, but this attribute is equivalent to giving away, others do not. This is the same as Huang Yi's Overlord Contract Storage Ring. The average person's storage ring has no attributes, but Huang Yi has it. This is equivalent to having one more piece of equipment than others, but this attribute is very low. , Can not achieve a decisive effect.

"Hold this eye mask. You are a famous spike. Sometimes you need to change your appearance and hide your identity." Bawang said.

"Okay!" Huang Yi was also welcome, and immediately put on the blindfold.

Suddenly, he just felt that the eye mask was integrated into the skin and became a part of his body. He reached out and touched his face, but found nothing strange. At this time, his appearance suddenly changed into another look. He could also make his nose straighter, eyes bigger, ears smaller, and his facial features could be changed at will. This is a god-like prop for concealing identity. After walking on the street in the future, he no longer needs to wear a mask, lest he be recognized by others.

After the death of this SS, there were also other things that came out ~ www.readwn.com ~ Among them, there was an orange outfit, which matched the overlord in terms of attributes. Naturally, the overlord took it. In addition, the remaining loot is a few precious materials. Huang Yi looked carefully, but did not see the [Special Power Stone] that appeared last time. It is estimated that the power stone is too small, and the last time It was a big luck before it broke out.

After counting the loot, the purpose of this trip is next. Huang Yi went to the desk and looked at the golden box, which was [Heart of Sand Pirate King]. This time, he still felt the feeling of comfort, but compared to the [The Covenant Stone of the Fallen King] burst from the mermaid princess, the feeling of comfort was much weaker, and the power of the inside was weak. A lot.

Huang Yi started to try to collect [The Heart of the Sand Pirate King]. The last time he collected it, he triggered a system announcement, which attracted the hunting of the black wolf. This time, it was very calm. There was no movement, just charging It still takes 10 minutes.

Next, Huang Yi and Bawang waited patiently for ten minutes, and finally got this precious heart. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

PS:-Only three chapters have been updated today. It was originally intended for four chapters, and one chapter is still owed. Continue to make up.

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