Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 301: Important Decision of the Blade

At this moment, the huge bright moon hangs the starry sky, and the bright bright moon drops down. There is no sound in the sky, there is no sound, the earth below is vast, the whole dragon is unobstructed at a glance. A flash.

Soon, Huang Yi flew to the highest level of the sky garden. From a distance, he saw an arrogant figure standing on the edge of the garden, overlooking the earth. The huge bright moon was like a screen, which reflected him into a glorious silhouette. .

This person is truly the first person in the world.

Huang Yi flew directly to the side of the blade, then fell down and changed back into a human form.

"Seckill, your city is so beautiful!" Blade looked at Longdu below with a slight emotion.

"It's just a picked-up city, I didn't build it." Huang Yi stood side by side with him, then turned to look at him, and said, "Why are you coming to me?"

"Your trophy and gold medal are still in my hands. When will you get it? I'm in Beijing." Blade asked.

"No, you keep it as a memorial!" Huang Yi shook his head and said, he almost forgot about it.

"That's the trophy of the best newcomer award, the only one in the world, don't you want it?" Knife asked back.

Huang Yi shook his head: "I compete for the Best Newcomer Award only because it allows me to make a request to Mr. Huang Sha, President of the Times, not for the award itself. If this award has nothing to do with Mr. Huang Sha, I am not interested To compete, it doesn't represent anything. "

The blade looked at Huang Yi so, motionless, a night breeze blew, blowing the cloak of the two of them.

"Your mentality is better than me. I used to envy you because you could live for yourself. But now, I finally don't need to envy you." Blade turned his head and looked at Longdu below again, saying quietly .

"What's wrong?" Huang Yi heard something strange from the blade's tone. It seemed that he was hiding an important message.

"Do you know? I'm actually talking to you right now lying on the bed." Blade turned to look at Huang Yi, grinning bitterly, "I have been fighting for more than two years in a row to keep the number one in the world, almost I didn't relax much. Last month, I started to feel unwell and went to the hospital for a checkup. I found liver cancer, and it has reached the advanced stage. It was terminally ill a century ago. "Blade Feng shook his head and smiled.

"Of course, nowadays, medicine is advanced, and advanced cancer is nothing. I went to the hospital for surgery the day before yesterday. Basically there are no major problems. I just need to recuperate for a while. But after such a thing, I started to look at the two. Everything I have done over the years, I suddenly realized that I have been living for others for the past two years. I have struggled day and night, just to keep that number one. Do not let others catch up with me, let me not Fans are disappointed. But I gradually realized that this number one is getting harder and harder. In the second annual festival just passed, I did n’t get the best personal award. Instead, I made a sharp sword that I hardly heard. What I got, fortunately, in the end, I got the Best Guild Award, and I barely saved my face. "

"Also. The emergence of the two supernovae, you and Thor, has also made me feel more stressed. The harder I fight, the more I find that I seem to be weaker and weaker. I spend more time than you, but I can still be It ’s very painful for you to catch up. Two years. My body has been overdrawn for too long. Many times, when I am leveling and killing monsters, I suddenly feel dizzy. I hallucinations often occur, several times He was even forced to kick off the line because he was too weak. "

"I didn't expect that you were so tired. What's the point of such a first?" Huang Yi turned his head and looked at him, shaking his head with a sigh.

"Yeah! I am thinking about this problem recently. I can cure the physical problems, but if there is a mental problem, how can I treat it? My heart has been tired for too long, and I want to live for myself once, I didn't pay attention to the eyes of others, the pressure of public opinion, and the questioning of those who supported me, so I made an important decision. "

"What decision?" Huang Yi stared intently at the blade, and what he heard next might be news that shocked the world.

"I decided to retreat!" Blade took a deep breath, and seemed to say that this sentence exhausted all his strength, "I don't want to go on like this, I don't want to be the first look in the world anymore, I want to truly live The life I want. In addition, the president of Xuanyuanshi also resigned and gave it to Yun Sihai. From then on, I became an unnamed **** and went to various places on the mainland to see the beautiful scenery. When I was tired, I lay down casually Sleep on the grass, drink some dew on the tip of the grass when you are thirsty, and eat a few pine cones when you are hungry. I do n’t want to practice leveling all day and night, and I do n’t want to participate in any battle. This is the annual ceremony. I wo n’t go to the awards ceremony. "

"If you do this, it means that everything in the past will come to nothing, your honor will pass, and you will step down from the altar and become a mortal. Are you really willing?" Huang Yi stared at the blade. He did not expect that the blade made such a decision to walk down from the number one position in the world. Such a courage is not available to ordinary people. It is a natural law for people to go high and water to low. Few people can really see through the dust and lose their fame and fortune.

"I have already thought about all this. I have spoken with Yun Sihai, Lin Yiqin, Long Xingtianxia, ​​Donghuang and they all understand me. I think this is probably the best I have done in my life. A decision, I have to let my heart rest. "Blade nodded.

"Someday you will come back." Huang Yi looked at the vast distance, quietly.


"Because you belong here." Huang Yi overlooked the vast earth below. "You once stood here, overlooked the world, and overlooked the various beings below. This pride will not die, it will not be lonely. You It ’s just lost its direction temporarily. When you ’re finished, you will come back. You ca n’t forget this place. “Huang Yi said, patted the blade of the shoulder,” your heart is far away, the body travels, just To find yourself. You won't know where you are going until you find yourself. "

"I don't know." Blade shook his head, a little dazed. At this moment he seems to be just a traveler who has lost his sense of direction, and is no longer the world's first person in the world. His god, revealing his ordinary weakness.

"I believe that when you come back, it will be more scary than it is now."


"The blade is hidden in the scabbard, but it is more dangerous. Because no one knows what happened and what changed during the time you disappeared. This knife is equivalent to hiding it. It's not like it is now, it's shining brightly. "

The blade was silent, silently looking at the earth under the moonlight, watching the lights of the ten thousand houses, and there was only the sound of the night wind blowing the cloak in the air.

"Perhaps you are talking about a person like Li Jian!" After a long time, the blade turned and looked at Huang Yi. "Seckill, you have to be careful with Li Jian."

"What's wrong?" Huang Yi heard the sharp sword from the edge of the blade and couldn't help but be slightly surprised. "Did you ever fight with him?"

The blade nodded. "Just yesterday, I played with him once."

"How is the result?"

"Tie. We only played once tentatively. Both of them did not use all their strength and only played for a short time, but in fact, I lost." Blade said, his face full of dignity, "At that time, I used 5 skills, and he only used 4 skills. You also know that at our level, the difference between a skill is very large. I have been pursuing victory with the least skill, but he I use fewer skills than me. The reason why I came to you today is to tell you what I know about him. I will retire. I will not meet him again in the future, but you are different. Will find you someday. "

"Why are you looking for me? He and I don't seem to have any grudges." Huang Yi said, the mysterious footprints that had been seen in the courtyard of the gods when the rare task had just been completed, had already been carved in his mind, I ca n’t forget that, it represents a kind of deterrence, but Huang Yi has never seen him. This kind of deterrence is much smaller, just like two strangers ~ www.readwn.com ~ I do n’t know, maybe he I just want to ask you to learn from each other! "Blade front shook his head." In fact, his predecessor should be me, because my broken handle is the weapon of the Emperor of the Year. I know the Emperor of the Blade, and I also know the Emperor of the Emperor. I faintly feel that the sword seems to have been inherited by the sword emperor, and some skills have a shadow of the sword emperor. "

"Is the sword king handed down?" Huang Yi murmured, feeling an invisible pressure. To some extent, a person like Li Jian is even more terrible than the blade. Outsiders don't know what he has. I am afraid that the paragraph said by Feng Feng is so far the first-hand information about the sword.

"Okay, spike. I'm leaving. I don't know if there will be a day of goodbye, but your story will surely spread in all corners of the continent. I can definitely hear it. I will be somewhere on this continent. Corner, applaud for you! "Said the blade, patted Huang Yi's shoulder, and then jumped directly into the air in front of him. A pair of wings suddenly grew behind him and flew to the far side of the bright moon. Smaller and smaller, like flying to the moon.

"You will come back." Huang Yi looked at the blade's back and said to himself in the wind. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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