Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 304: Heroes

"And the coverage of rare racers is higher. Our guild has more than 4,000 rare races, which basically covers more than 90% of countries and regions in the world, with the exception of some pocket countries. Some countries do not even have rare professionals, so they are rare. Even if race is one of the top players in the country, status and rare careers are not much different. "Overlord.

"Not only that," Thor said with a powerful smile. "In some more important countries, I have arranged some brothers to sneak into some great guilds, such as the East Guild of Her Majesty the Heaven, the Heavenly Guild of the Pope, and so on. I All the rare professionals are arranged to go in. This is exactly the talents they are eager to get their key training. These spies will continue to provide us with information and will be exposed at the most important time, so that they will be full of vitality. Injury. In a word, after the national war has begun and the various continents have been connected, it will be the moment of our rise, when they will bloom everywhere, and they will be caught by surprise. "

"However, there is a line we can't cross!" Huang Yi pursed his lips and said, "We can't hurt the feelings of our brothers. After all, they also have their own country. Don't let them do things that are sorry for their country, or else they will Uncomfortable. "

"I have considered this for a long time." Thunder God nodded. "If this is not achieved, then we will not be different from the Federation."

Huang Yi took a bite and groaned, "Now there are thousands of guilds all over the world. There are more than a hundred guilds in our continent alone. Now it's time for a hero to emerge and the warlords will be competing. The situation has become more and more confusing, the blade is retreating, and it will inevitably have a significant impact on Xuanyuanshi, and the famous club will be launched soon. At present, my hero guild and your sun guild are the two guilds with the greatest development potential. Are we going to go public next? "

If it is small money, Huang Yi is not lacking. You can ask No. 5 completely. His Majesty No. 5 controls many banks. Billions of dollars and tens of billions of dollars are not a problem. They can be obtained at any time. But now that the organization has suffered a lot of vitality, money is needed everywhere, and how much Huang Yi has to consider for the organization. And want to let the guild expand rapidly. Becoming one of the best in the second world is far from being a problem that can be solved by tens of billions of dollars. Only financing and listing can raise a large amount of funds, otherwise the world federation cannot be shaken at all.

"Yunfei, what do you think?" Thunder God turned to look at a Sven man with glasses next to him. His name was Tang Yunfei. Before he was imprisoned, he was a financial giant. He had previously advocated listing the guilds of Huang Yi and Thor, and speeding up the expansion.

"Of course we want to go public!" Tang Yunfei nodded. "Now Ayi's guild is actually the most promising. It is the first guild in the world to have a sub-territory, and there is also a large city like Longdu, with high assets. The valuation will also be much higher. But the listing is also a double-edged sword. I think it is better to let Lei Ge's Sun Guild try first. If the effect is still good, let the Heroes Guild go public. Lei Ge, you must now sell the Sun The guild will do a good job so that the valuation will be high when financing is raised and more money can be raised. "

"Okay!" Thor said, nodding. "I'm short of money now. I can't develop if I want to develop. I can't raise so much money with just a few of us. Financing can solve a lot of problems for us. By that time Immediately after listing, countless money can be used for us to splurge. We use it as we want, and we are expanding wildly. It developed at once. Anyway, it is not our money, it is not painful to use. As long as the guild is bigger and stronger, those Nor will shareholders oppose us. "

At this time. Huang Yi suddenly smiled at Thunder God: "Lei brother, after you will be online, say a word to your mysterious boss, and say that I will be downgraded later, you can get 5 million, you can get a little funding A tense situation. "

Thunder God raised his eyebrows and shook his head: "5 million is too small. I talk to him to see if it can increase several times. Your current strength ranking is getting higher and higher. Naturally, the price is also rising. How can money kill you? "


This dinner was finished in a pleasant atmosphere. Now everyone in Rose Prison is freed from the shackles of rare missions and can officially start a big fight. And fast-moving people like Overlord have now caught up with the mainstream level of players and can play a huge combat power.

Rose Prison, like a clockwork machine, began to leap forward quickly.

Next, Huang Yi returned to his cell and went back online.

Once on the line, the first thing naturally was to increase the attack power by 8% on the seventh point of attacking the battle spirit, and his level dropped by one level to 72.

Huang Yi was transferred to become a violent executioner, and he also took powerful legendary equipment. His attack power has reached more than 40,000. In some extreme cases, he can break through 100,000 in an instant. %, The actual added amount is very high and can be clearly felt.

Next, Huang Yi locked his eyes on the world record on the 60th floor. He has n’t broken the world record for a long time!

At present, the world record on the 60th floor is still 36 minutes and 21 seconds held by Tiandao, and Huang Yi ’s best record was in his early 37s. Now the seventh-level battle spirit has increased the attack power by 8%. Can break this world record.

Next, Huang Yi used all kinds of magic items to raise his strength to the highest state, and at this time it was night, and his attributes would increase by 20%, which was his strongest moment.

Huang Yi was right next to the teleportation formation in Tiantai City, and he immediately teleported to the 60th floor of the Tower of the Gods.

After entering the secret realm, Huang Yi rushed forward with the fastest speed! He did not clean up the mobs on the road. If he wants to break the world record, he cannot waste a little time on the mobs. The fastest way is to kill the SS directly!

Huang Yi, like a series of shadows, passed by these mobs, all the mobs along the way were spurred, and Zhangya chased him with dancing claws. Huang Yi's life is also good defense. The pursuit of the mobs did not cause much damage, and after he transferred, being attacked can increase his anger. The pursuit of these mobs increased his anger instead.

Soon, Huang Yi came to the first SS swordsman!

"Are you coming to challenge me?" At this moment, the swordsman saw Huang Yi and shouted the first line.

"Quick judgment!" Huang Yi used the new skills learned at level 65 to increase the attack speed by 50% in 20 seconds!

"Hunting!" Immediately after, Huang Yi stunned SS directly!

"Heavy sentence!" Later, Huang Yi used his strongest single attack skill and smashed down. He is now attacking at a super high speed. His two-handed axe is like a fan and hits SS in turn.

After the two-second stun time elapsed, the swordsman SS exploded in order to smash the flesh, the essence of life was absorbed by Huang Yi, healed 20% of his health, and a blue outfit broke out!

In just two seconds, SS was killed with only one line! This is Huang Yi now. His attack power is so powerful that he can easily crush the first SS to death in two seconds!

Immediately after, Huang Yi didn't even pick up the equipment on the ground and rushed to the second SS.


In this way, Huang Yi relied on super attack power to quickly crush one SS after another. Even the last 5 SS did not take much effort, and soon passed. This record-breaking trip was spent most of the time on the road, and some people stronger than Huang Yi may not be able to break the record, because their speed is slower than Huang Yi, the wasted time will be More.

[System Tip]: Congratulations on the clearance of the one-person room on the 60th floor of the Tower of the Gods. The clearance time is 35 minutes and 49 seconds, breaking the world record, and you will get a generous reward!

Huang Yi's customs clearance this time advanced the world record by dozens of seconds.

Next, a jewel box suddenly appeared in the void in front of it, which was a rich reward that broke the world record.

Huang Yi immediately stepped forward, opened the treasure box with ease, and looked inward.

There were three things lying quietly in the treasure box, the same number as before.

The first is a green light. This is the experience value. Huang Yi reached out and touched the light group, and then increased the experience value by 50%.

The second item is an A-level energy stone, which can increase 5000 energy points. After killing the black wolf, Huang Yi obtained a batch of such energy stones. This is a very important strategic material. Naturally, the more the more it is good.

Next, Huang Yi looked at the third item. Previously, he broke the world record ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ The third item was all equipment, but this time, it was a scroll.

Huang Yi picked up the scroll and opened it for a look. There was a map on it, and a red line with an arrow symbol shuttled on it, pointing to a valley. On the top of the map, there are a few big words "Dilong Valley Map"

This turned out to be a map of Dilonggu. After the blade broke the world record on the 60th floor, it also got a map of Dilonggu, so we could find that Dilonggu. That Dilonggu has now become their private area, only they know the entrance, and there are people guarding it, outsiders are strictly forbidden to enter. If it is not for Huang Yi and the blade, he cannot enter.

The Xinglong Dragon in that Valley of Dragons is a valuable resource. Now it belongs to the Xuanyuan Clan Association, and the high level of their guild is basically a one-on-one Xinglong Dragon to envy others. And if others want to grasp Longgu, they have to pay an entrance fee of up to 2 million. This is just a ticket. There is no guarantee that they will be caught after entering. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

PS:-Volume III (end). . . The next chapter will be updated tomorrow. Now that I have owed two chapters, I will make up as soon as possible, and at the same time, the quality of the content will be improved as soon as possible. Thank you! Ask for a ticket!

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