Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 503: That scene 3 days ago

"Mr. Miyamoto Musashi may have left in advance, but no matter what, it is also a great thing to get a championship. You know, the 10 billion people present were fighting for this championship!" The host saw Miyamoto Musashi! Leaving, hurrying up the circle to resolve this embarrassment.

Speaking, the hostess blinked her beautiful eyes, locked her eyes on Huang Yi, and shifted the topic: "Congratulations to Mr. Killing God as the first person to rise to the 100th level, I don't know what you have What do you think? "

In these words, it immediately caught the attention of all the audience in the audience. In the original process, the second place will not express the award, but now Huang Yi is an exception, his aura is more dazzling than the champion.

Huang Yi looked around everyone once, his eyes swept across the faces, the entire line of sight was densely covered, the audience was silent, a needle fell on the ground and could be heard, countless people's eyes were locked on him. Ready to hear what he said next.

Huang Yi pursed his lips and said, "Members of the Heroes Guild, are you ready to collect money?"

After speaking, he bowed slightly towards the audience and immediately teleported, leaving only a crowd of spectators.

Huang Yi's sentence just now is obviously aimed at the crowdfunding activities that have been buzzing these days. In the past ten hours today, countless people thought that a group of high-level funds such as Huang Yi and Qin Shiyu fled and even reported to the police. But now, the meaning of Huang Yi's sentence has shown that he wants to pay back the money and did not lie to them.

This time, the members of the heroic guild present were slightly relieved. Tonight's killing **** is like the president they have been following. That familiar feeling is back, though. Many people still have some doubts in their hearts.

The host quickly responded, and immediately took the conversation, and continued: "It's so concise to speak God! Thank you for participating in the award ceremony tonight, I know that there are still many doubts in your heart, such as why did God leave the Hero Guild? Why do n’t you explain why you confessed earlier? I ’m afraid we do n’t know these questions. Of course, everyone has their own secret. This may be the secret to kill God. Next. Let ’s look forward to the group three days later. In the finals, it will be a real battle of dragons and tigers. Both the killing **** and Miyamoto Musashi break through the level of the sacred area, and a high-level corner must be opened between them. Can the **** killing defeat Miyamoto Musashi who has the title of Emperor Wu? ?let us wait and see……"

This is the end of the awards party. The mood of the audience leaving this two-dimensional space is completely different from the mood when the telecom came in. Countless people are full of shock and questions, but can get answers. Destined to be a small group of people.

At this time, Huang Yi's body was still in the dark and humid space, but his incarnation appeared squarely in Longdu.

Planning to come here, it is time for him to come out and stabilize the overall situation.

Next, Huang Yi re-joined the Hero Guild in a high profile. Send a message to the current temporary chairman "Guoshi Wushuang".

"Brother, you are finally back! I almost couldn't perform anymore!" Soon, Guo Shi Wushuang immediately responded to Huang Yi with a message.

Guo Shi Wu Shuang is also a criminal in Rose Prison. Huang Yi specially arranged to stay at the Hero Guild to appease the members of the Guild. To be more realistic. He even asked Guoshi Wushuang to lie to the police.

Of course, in Huang Yi's plan. All this will only last for twelve hours. Now that these twelve hours have passed, it is time for him to return!

Just then, all members of the Heroes Guild, no matter where they were or what they were doing, all heard a voice invariably—

"[Guild Announcement]: [Hero Guild] President changed to [Kill God]."

Immediately afterwards, a series of guild news came flooding-

[Announcement of the Guild]: Qin Shiyu joined the Guild and served as the vice chairman.

[Guild announcement]: Overlord joined the guild and served as the leader of the adventure group.

[Guild Announcement]: The word of Guiyun joined the Guild and served as the master of a different church.

[Guild Announcement]: Ba Shi Ji Yan joined the guild and served as the knight's grand master.

[Announcement of Guild]: Yi Feng joined the Guild and held the post of Minister of Affairs.


In a hurry, all the senior and core cadres of the guild who retired at the same time in the morning all returned without landing, and regained their previous positions.

It was originally an empty hero guild. It only lasted for twelve hours, and it became flesh and blood again. This made all members of the hero guild seem to find the backbone. They have just experienced Huang Yi's reversal at the awards ceremony, and now they have been crowned with a high-level strategy in the way of these heroic guild leaders. They must have done so with their own unique intentions.

A heroic guild on the verge of dissolution, so quickly began to recover!

At this time, Huang Yi's incarnation was standing at the highest level of the Guild Hall of the Heroes Guild, overlooking the bustling dragon capital outside the window.

After only leaving for twelve hours, it was as long as a century. Standing on the ground of his own guild, he really felt that kind of down-to-earth.

"Brother!" At this moment, there was a voice of Jiao Didi behind her, and it was Qin Shiyu who came back with a small skirt.

"Sister, do you miss me?" Huang Yi squatted down and immediately hugged the rushed skirt into her arms, stretched out her hand, and touched her hair.

"I thought you didn't want me anymore, and left without a word." The skirt, with her mouth flat, her eyes full of tears, seemed to be aggrieved.

This plan, Huang Yi did not specifically tell the small skirt, resulting in the twelve hours, she has been in an anxious and helpless state.

"Brother, you have a good idea. Until now, the stock price of the Budo Association has plummeted by 30%!" At this time, Qin Shiyu suddenly said, with a joy of falling down in his tone.

"This is inevitable, but it depends on the results of the team match. Once we win, their share price will plummet!" Huang Yi nodded, which was as he expected.

"Brother, I feel that you are mysterious and mysterious these days. Can you answer my doubts?" At this moment, the little skirt held Huang Yi's head over her, and her face was full of doubts. Asked.

At this time, not only the skirts, but countless people all over the world are full of various doubts, and their hearts are full of questions, but they do not have the opportunity to ask Huang Yi in person.

"Okay! You ask!" Huang Yi nodded, the plan came here, no longer need to conceal.

"Brother, when did you prepare to admit defeat? I didn't hear a bit of the wind! As a result, my classmates bet you pocket money and everyone lost it!" The little skirt murmured. Mouth said.

"Do you still remember, at the awards party three days ago, when Li Jian delivered his testimony, why am I in a daze?" Huang Yi asked back.

"I remember! Is that what you said to Sister Qin Shiyu at that time? Is that the thing?" The little skirt nodded.

Three days ago, when Li Jian gave his testimony, Huang Yi gave a close-up on the big screen. At that time, Huang Yi was thinking about things, and many people even thought that he looked down on the sword and was extremely proud.

"Yes! What I thought at that time was to admit defeat." Huang Yi nodded and said seriously.

"Why did it happen at that time? Wasn't everyone watching the awards ceremony at that time? Why do you still have to think about it?" The skirt continued to ask, looking puzzled.

"It was because of the award ceremony that I could think of this problem." Huang Yi touched the head of the skirt and smiled. "At that time, Mr. Huang Huapeng of the Time Company was awarding the eighth to third people. This was a normal thing, but there was a detail that touched me. Mr. Huang Huapeng started awarding prizes from the eighth, then to the seventh, sixth, and finally the third. This shows that The order of awards is from low to high, which is also in line with tradition. Even the Olympics is also the order of awards. It was because of the order of awards that I decided to concede, so that I could get the second place and take the lead in upgrading. "

"Is there 10 billion people at the scene, and no one will notice this detail?" The little skirt nodded, but there were still some doubts.

"It does n’t make sense for them to know ~ www.readwn.com ~ At this time, Qin Shiyu replied for Huang Yi:" Because nobody knows that your brother also has an upgrade potion, everyone thinks he is grade 97 and he got The second place can only be promoted to level 99, and only to win the championship can be promoted to level 100, so everyone is expecting him to win the championship. "

"Yes!" Huang Yi nodded, "So sister, you have to remember, sometimes, don't expose your means prematurely. Miyamoto Musashi is a negative example. He used it as soon as he entered the final that day. Two bottles of upgrade potions reached level 99. At that time, the reason why he exposed this method should be to take a little advantage of the level and strengthen his strength to increase the probability of winning the final. But he did not expect that it was Because he exposed this method, I finally decided to give in. Otherwise, if he won the second place, he would be the first to advance to level 100. If he does not use those two bottles of upgrade potions, then I will only consider him to be level 97 , I will definitely try to find a way to compete for the final championship. Once I win the championship, then he will be the first person to rise to the 100 level. "

"It's dangerous!" The little skirt finally understood, and suddenly she stretched out her hand and patted her small breast. Then she turned her eyes and asked another question: "Why do you quit the guild? Why don't you explain the reasons for giving up earlier? So that everyone won't misunderstand you!" (To be continued. If you continue Like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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