Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 506: Legend, named after the **** of killing

Correcting a mistake, I suddenly remembered that my math was taught by a physical education teacher. In the previous chapter, I wrote 112 magic magic, which allowed Huang Yi to rise to level 112. In fact, it was to rise to level 113. Here is a correction.


The legendary equipment rewarded by the contest can choose any desired part, as long as it is not a weapon, and it will also be named after the winner. This is a supreme honor!

"I choose pants and head!" Huang Yi quickly made a choice.

In terms of jewelry, he has just had an ancestor suit, and does not need to be changed for the time being. In terms of armor, he already has four legends, with only three free positions, namely the belt, helmet and pants. Among armors, clothes, pants, and helmets are more important. The remaining hand guards, shoes, and belts are of lesser importance.

With the selection of Huang Yi, the golden liquid suddenly changed into a pair of trousers. The whole body was golden and was made of delicate rings. The chains around the waistband were hanging down. It looks a bit like a beggar, but the breath is extremely scary.

Just then, in the vast starry sky outside the window, a yellow light beam suddenly burst down from the dazzling yellow star, connected to the legendary embryo! The scene was so powerful that all the players in the entire Dragon City could not help but look a little, looked up at such a heaven and earth vision.

With the infusion of that yellow starlight, the trousers became more and more shiny, the appearance was glittering, the texture was delicate, and the starlights jumped on it. Looks amazing.

Gradually, the beam of light that connected the starry sky slowly dissipated in the air. Presenting in front of Huang Yi at this time was a pair of pants composed of stars. The starlight formed a cosmic galaxy map on the trousers, and the chains on the waistband had already turned into bright starlights, which looked mysterious and beautiful.

Huang Yi quickly took a look at this brand new legendary equipment——

[Slayer Star] (Legend, Armor-Pants)

Holy Land Physical Defense: 10

Holy Power +14

30% reduction in Rage cost for all class skills

Deals 20% more damage to enemies with health below 30%

Critical Chance + 5%

Critical Strike Effect + 30%

Borrowing light: You can borrow the yellow star light in the sky to freely enhance a certain attribute. You can switch to various attributes that need to be enhanced. The cooldown of the switch is one minute. The current borrowing effect is: Holy Power +12. The effect at night is twice that of day.

Incidental skills:

[Bloodthirsty Kill]: Consumption of anger to restore health, 1% of anger can restore 1% of health. Cooling time is 3 minutes.


Requirement level: can be increased with the level, the current level is 100

Equipment rating: 2000

Item description: Looking up, there is not necessarily a starlight, and the winner is not necessarily the king. ——In memory of killing the **** won the personal runner-up in the contest.

This is another powerful piece of legendary equipment. It was Huang Yi's sixth piece of legendary equipment, and it was named after him.

There are two highlights of this legend. One is that the anger consumed by all professional skills is reduced by 30%!

For all fighters, anger value is a property that greatly affects the exertion of strength. Some skills are very powerful, but they do n’t have enough anger to consume, such as the professional skills learned by Huang Yi Level 65 [Quick Judgment]. It can increase the attack speed by 50% within the next 20 seconds, which is very powerful. But this skill Huang Yi is rarely used because it consumes too much anger, up to a hundred points! The full value of Huang Yi's anger is only 250 points. But with the attributes of this legendary equipment. When he uses professional skills, he doesn't need to worry so much.

The second highlight. It comes with skills! This makes Huang Yi's life-saving skills another one. You can exchange your anger value for your health value, and the percentages can be exchanged equally. If Huang Yi is out of blood, and the situation is very urgent, in addition to using [Last Strike], he has another option, that is, [Blood Addiction].

Huang Yi immediately replaced the legendary equipment. This does not require taking off pants on the spot, and the system can be completed instantly.

In a short time, his original 90-odd orange pants were immediately eliminated, and replaced by the legendary pants of the "killer star". The chains hanging from the waistband were accompanied by stars, which swayed as he walked, and set him off even more.

Next, Huang Yi opened the second box, which he chose to transform into a head gear. However, this head gear is not a hat-shaped helmet that is commonly seen, but a soft metal headband tied directly to the forehead.

Suddenly, the yellow star in the starry sky rushed down again, connected with the headscarf, infused with starlight energy continuously, and carried out the last quenching process.

With the injection of yellow starlight, the headscarf became more and more elegant, and the whole body was filled with faint starlight, almost no metal material could be seen, it looked like a headscarf made of starlight.

[The Day of Killing God] (Legend, Armor-Head)

Holy Land Physical Defense: 10

Holy Power +10

Sanctuary Constitution +5

Critical Chance + 5%

After the critical strike, the anger value +100

Maximum Rage +50

Attack speed + 15%

Incidental skills:

[Mark of Killing God]: A Mark of Killing God can be set in an area, and it can be teleported to the location of the mark instantly. The transmission distance must not exceed the area of ​​the continent. A maximum of three Sigils can exist at the same time, and the Sigil can be destroyed after being attacked three times, regardless of the attack level. Each use consumes 5% health and has a cooldown of 1 day.


Requirement level: can be increased with the level, the current level is 100

Equipment rating: 2000

Item description: thousands of mountains and countless nights. One blink, all crossed. ——In memory of killing the **** won the personal runner-up in the contest.

This legendary outfit. Still very suitable for Huang Yi, especially the anger aspect. He now has a high chance of critical strikes. If the racial skills [Last Strike] and [Monster Transformation] are used, the critical strike probability is even more horrible, and sometimes it is a critical strike several times in a row. With this equipment, each time he hits a crit, his anger value can be increased by 100 points, and he will be able to draw his anger faster. Various occupational skills can be used more frequently. In addition, this legendary equipment also added 50 points of anger limit, making Huang Yi's anger value limit reached 300 points, and the endurance is more durable!

The accompanying attributes of this legendary equipment gave Huang Yi a teleportation ability similar to that of a mage.

Teleport is a mage's signature skill. It can be released without imprints, but has a distance limit. Generally speaking, it can only be teleported to a location within a hundred meters.

The skill of Huang Yi's immortal mark is a super long-range skill, similar to teleportation. Teleportation can be performed as long as it is within a continent. It's just that this skill needs to set a mark in a place in advance, and this mark is very fragile. It will be destroyed if attacked three times. Even just stepping on one foot is considered an attack, stepping on three feet is gone. Fortunately, the enemy's high attack is useless, even if the attack is as high as one million, it still needs to be hit three times to destroy.

Next, Huang Yi took off an original 90-level orange hat. Then tied this legendary turban in person. The appearance of this turban is completely starlight, very soft. The tail hangs on his forehead, exuding a little light, pouring down from Huang Yi's head, reflecting Huang Yi's temperament elegantly and elegantly, letting the skirt and Qin Shiyu aside look straight.

"Let you see the whole picture!" Huang Yi grinned, and then opened the glorious appearance of all the legendary equipment in the whole body!

Suddenly, his temperament changed.

His shoes are [Footprints of the Doomsday], two dragon-shaped flames are burning, hovering back and forth, dancing teeth;

His trousers are just the [Star of Killing God] just obtained. The nebula is diffused above, and a chain of starlights hangs down the waist;

The clothes on his body are [Dragon's armor], the golden dragon scales are neatly arranged, bright and smooth, reflecting the dazzling golden light;

His left arm is [Left Hand of Thunder], the whole body is flashing with blue thunder and lightning, sending out arcs, crackling;

The cloak behind him is [the skin of the black dragon], a black mist tumbling up and down, ghostly;

Tied to the top of his head is the "Killer of the Gods", the stars are a little bit, and they fall down one by one from his eyelashes, soft and elegant;

In the end, he held two [Ghost Axes] engraved with skulls tightly in his hands, with blood on it, simple and rough.

Seven pieces of legendary equipment, unparalleled in the world, contrast him with magnificent, gorgeous and noble, just like a man of God!

So far, no one in the world has so many legendary equipment! A person's weapons, jewelry, and armor add up to www.readwn.com ~ a total of 12 pieces of equipment, and Huang Yi has 7 legends, more than half of the proportion.

Legendary equipment, represents a person's legendary experience, represents a story, extremely rare! The name of each piece of legendary equipment will be named after a person, whether it is an apocalyptic messenger or a ghost axe. The same is true of the two Sand Pirate Kings, Black Wolf and Black Dragon. Now, Huang Yi also has two pieces of legendary equipment named after him, which represents the system's recognition of his legendary experience and integrates his story into these two pieces of equipment.

"Brother, I'm going to take a shower and go to bed, good night!" At this moment, the little skirt seemed to be sleepy, yawned, and said tiredly towards Huang Yi.

"Come on! I happen to be busy too, I don't have time to play with you." Huang Yi touched her head, and there was a sense of eagerness to wait for a big fight.

After ascending to the sanctuary, a lot of things are waiting for him to do, such as the world record of the 90th level of the Tower of the Gods, learning the skills of level 105, starting the advanced war spirit, etc. This is a brand new era .

He will do his best to do these things within these three days in order to compete for the final team championship! Get the title of Wu Sheng! (To be continued ...)

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