Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 534: 2 big killers

"Yeah!" At last, Huang Yi's axe severely cut into Miyamoto Musashi's body, and a sound of sharp weapons cut into the flesh sounded, making people sound numb.

In a short time, Miyamoto Musashi, who was originally inaccessible, immediately plummeted a small amount, reaching 10%! His defense value is no longer valid. He can only use his flesh and blood to resist the attack of Huang Yi!

If Miyamoto Musashi did not use the guardian of the **** of life, and his life value did not increase ten times, then he has almost called a life!

But if that's the case, then Huang Yi doesn't need to use the enchanted skill anymore, but uses the weapon form attached to the ghost axe to switch!

After switching his weapon form, his ghost axe can obtain an attack that ignores defense, similar to the effect of demonization. It's just that the health value of Musashi Miyamoto is too high, and he has to attack many times to kill him, so demonization has become the best choice.

Miyamoto Musashi was beaten so fiercely, and finally reacted, but he was only slightly surprised, without any surprise, it seemed that Huang Yi would have expected to do so.

He turned to look at Huang Yi and smiled slightly, "You can't kill me!"

Having said that, he ducked to the side, trying to avoid Huang Yi's subsequent attacks.

Huang Yi immediately followed up and quickly stuck to it, following Miyamoto Musashi as if with an gangrene, without giving him a chance to breathe.

Now, the advantage of Huang Yi's fast moving speed is immediately apparent, his moving speed is one of the highest in the second world. Although Miyamoto Musashi tried his best to dodge, in the end he still couldn't hide from him, and he was about to be caught up!

At this moment, Miyamoto Musashi immediately took a bottle of potion from the storage ring and poured it directly into his mouth.

The next moment, his body speed accelerated a lot, and he easily flung away Huang Yi, like a loach. His pharmacy is endless, and he can take the medicament at any time according to the changes in the scene, which is obvious for Xing.

The morale of Huang Yi's side has just been raised, and he was suppressed at once. Miyamoto Musashi is almost unsolvable. There is no difference between his potions and cheating!

The Chinese audience in the auditorium suddenly became nervous, holding tightly the two flags of the national flag and killing the flags, staring at Huang Yi motionlessly, putting all hope on him!

"Come out! Savage!" At this moment, Huang Yi finally stopped hiding, exposing his own secret killer!

Subsequently, the audience saw in horror that Huang Yi's body suddenly burst into a dark shadow and turned into a strange character!

This man has six arms, muscles knotted, extremely fierce expression, wide eyes, exposed fangs, as if the kind of evil **** worshipped in the temple! Brings a huge deterrent! Let people not rise to profanity!

When Miyamoto Musashi saw this situation, his face changed suddenly. Huang Yi's method was never exposed. His previous information did not contain any content about this wild god!

Immediately after the **** came out, he rushed towards Miyamoto Musashi and pursued Miyamoto Musashi with Huang Yi. The rest of the heroic group also tried to help release various obstacles such as the ice wall and earthen wall, and blocked Miyamoto Musashi. .

The speed at which Miyamoto Musashi used medicaments to increase his speed was severely limited. He did not dare to fight hard with the savage **** and Huang Yi, but he kept hiding. However, Huang Yi and Manshen couldn't catch up with him, and they were always a little less. The situation formed a brief stalemate!

Miyamoto Musashi moved quickly, most people have such a fast speed, they can't control their body already, but this is no problem for such a master.

Suddenly, he saw a group of priests of the League of Heroes. They wore priest robes, standing in a corner, like a group of little lambs waiting to be slaughtered. Miyamoto Musashi rushed forward immediately, trying to kill them.

Just then, the mutation suddenly emerged!

I saw a figure suddenly rushing out of the priests. He held an axe, opened a pair of black wings, and quickly flew Miyamoto Musashi, hit the winning side, and smashed the axe in his hand!

"Wow!" Suddenly, the axe cut into Miyamoto Musashi's chest, making his health drop suddenly!

This sudden change unexpectedly unexpected everyone! This man with black wings came too fast and suddenly!

Just then, the sharp sword in the audience seemed to think of something, and suddenly said to himself: "Can he even enter the stadium?"

Just as soon as the dark shadow appeared, he could see the identity of the person clearly, that was the incarnation of Huang Yi!

It turned out that Huang Yi teleported his avatar in! But it has been hidden in the crowd before, disguised as an ordinary player.

Soon, some commentators also recognized the dark shadow and immediately notified the audience. Numerous players immediately burst into an uproar! Staring intently at Huang Yi's incarnation!

Before that, Huang Yi never appeared on the field with the avatar, only one of them appeared each time. As a result, the player has the illusion that his body and avatar can enter the arena together. Huang Yi also deliberately concealed it as a secret means. Now the avatar and the body are used together, and it works immediately!

Miyamoto Musashi's momentum is finally completely contained. Even if he drinks the top potion that can accelerate, he cannot face the common interference of Huang Yi, Avatar, Savage God, and a group of heroes.

Huang Yi's wild gods and incarnations smashed out and immediately reversed the battle. Miyamoto Musashi suffered repeated attacks, and his blood was getting less and less!

Finally, he only had the last 30% of his blood! At a very dangerous point.

The Chinese players in the audience all showed excited smiles, and the shouts quickly reached one!

However, the sword and the pope have not changed much, because Miyamoto Musashi has not used any life-saving skills, which shows that he has other plans!

At this moment, Miyamoto Musashi looked at Huang Yi, his mouth slightly raised, the speed suddenly accelerated, a series of phantoms formed, flashed quickly!

He actually used the charge skills of the warrior class, and suddenly broke away from the pursuit of Huang Yi and the Heroes!

The direction of his charge is precisely the enchantment of the martial arts team!

"Sure enough to return!" Huang Yi saw this, and sighed in her heart.

The reason why Miyamoto Musashi dared to rush out and fight with the entire team is because of a solid rear. He can run into the enchantment when he is out of blood, let the priest fill him up, and then continue to escape. He has now become a perpetual motion machine. As long as he doesn't die, even a small amount of blood can be returned to top up, and he repeatedly kills!

At this time, the audience, the sword, the Pope, all just frowned. Such Miyamoto Musashi is really difficult to deal with. First, he greatly improved his strength with potions, and then another almost indestructible realm protected his team members. They could attack and defend, almost perfect.

Huang Yi looked at the farther away Miyamoto Musashi, and sighed in his heart, he is now in an absolute disadvantage, and his hunting skills are still cooling, there is no way to catch up with Miyamoto Musashi in the charge!

The audience in the audience clenched their palms tightly, and the Chinese audience clenched their teeth. Miyamoto Musashi is getting more and more unsolved now. It is difficult to defeat him!

"I declare, Miyamoto Musashi-dead!" At this moment, Huang Yi's voice went through the audience! Suddenly gave great hope to the Chinese audience!

Since Miyamoto Musashi can't catch up, it can only be forced to drag him into the void battlefield! This trick can completely break his charge skills!

But Huang Yi knew that this method was actually very dangerous!

The reason why he didn't use the sentence earlier to stop the Miyamoto Musashi's slaughter of the heroic group was because the sentence would accelerate the death of the heroic group!

Because after the verdict, the heroes are completely unprotected!

The reason why those members of the martial arts team hide in the enchantment is to avoid Huang Yi! After the verdict, without the threat of Huang Yi, they can come out of the enchantment and crush the heroic group!

The martial arts regiment is now the size of the national team and is the strongest group of people in the entire country. It is almost effortless to slaughter the guild group of heroes!

But now, the heroines are dying horizontally, and Huang Yisuo's soldiers are taking dangerous measures to deal with this situation in an extreme way.

"Boom!" At this moment, the sky on the battlefield suddenly became cloudy and a huge lightning burst down.

This lightning quickly formed four strands, forcing Huang Yi, Avatar, Savage God, and Musashi Miyamoto into the air, forcing them to be isolated from the battlefield below.

Both the savage **** and the incarnation are Huang Yi's strength, and they both participated in this battle, satisfying these two factors, and the verdict will simultaneously pull them into the sky, and they cannot be left below.

"Finally wait for your sentence to be pronounced!" After being dragged to the void battlefield ~ www.readwn.com ~ Miyamoto Musashi suddenly said a faint smile toward Huang Yi. Then he reached out his hand and snapped his fingers easily.

"Pop!" The ring finger sounded like a finger of death, ringing the audience, it seemed to be a certain command!

The next moment, what happened to Huang Yi's expectations--

The martial arts regiment originally hiding in the enchantment rushed out of hundreds of people at once, like a group of madmen sealed off the bondage, and soon to be coated with charcoal!

They swiftly launched their respective powerful attacks, crushing them aggressively towards the heroic group, like the same irresistible torrent, they killed the heroic group suddenly!

Among them, a group of masters led by Sakura, Meiji, Black Samurai, and Ninja is particularly conspicuous, and there is a super-class master style such as Miyamoto Musashi and Huang Yi. They were once the captains of a top team. If they were placed in China, they would be like undefeated and no such characters. In the League of Legends, except Qin Shiyu and Dugu Refrigeration, there are no masters at this level! (To be continued.)

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