Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 554: This dragon was broken

nbsp; The little skirt gritted her teeth, but she immediately retracted her hands, squatted next to the dragon egg, her small hand supported her chin, and her small face looked at the dragon egg nervously. m ♠

"Oh!" At this moment, another pink little claw broke through the shell of the dragon egg and showed it in this world.

The little paw stretched slightly, and it seemed a little tired, and wanted to rest for a while.

At this time, the eggshell was squeezed open a lot, and through the gap, we could see a little guy with whole-body gold skin inside.

"Brother, what do you call this little dragon when he comes out?" At this moment, the little skirt suddenly tilted her head and asked Huang Yi.

"It's so small, it's so angry, it probably won't speak." Huang Yi shook his head.

"I guess it will call your dad."


After a rest, the little guy in the eggshell seemed to have recovered some strength, and the two small claws suddenly strengthened again, holding the outer eggshell vigorously. A little bit of eggshell debris fell to the ground, and the gaps and cracks became bigger and bigger.

At this moment, Xiao Wang seemed extremely curious about the dragon egg, walked on all fours, and sniffed in the crack with the dog's nose, as if to remember the smell.

"Click!" At this moment, the eggshell suddenly shattered and split into two halves, and the little one inside finally appeared.

This is a small golden dragon with two short wings and a round belly, like a small ball, a fluffy flesh, and a small tail that grows on the buttocks.

At this moment, he was sitting in the eggshell with his **** widened, and opened his eyes wide, staring curiously, biting his own paw while opening his mouth. Looks pretty naive and extremely cute.

"Wang Wang!" At this moment, Xiao Wang was suddenly startled by the fragmentation of the dragon egg and immediately called out.

The little dragon was immediately attracted, and suddenly saw Xiao Wang, his big eyes blinked slightly, and seemed to feel extremely curious and intimate. Then he also waved his little paw, opened his mouth, and imitated: "Wang Wang!"

Its cry nǎi sound nǎi angry, immediately let Huang Yi, skirts, undead flying dragon mouth twitching!

None of them expected that the first creature Xiaolong saw after being born turned out to be Xiaowang, and he also learned how to bark! This almost lost all the dragon faces!

"Oh! Xiaolong, you are the top three dragons! How can you learn dog barking! Learn to bark quickly!" The little skirt suddenly blame anxiously, and then ran to Xiaolong immediately, stretched out her little hand to hold it Hugged.

Xiao Long blinked his eyes suddenly, looked at the skirt with curiosity, and then opened her mouth and called out, "Wang Wang! Wang Wang!"

"Not so!" The little skirt suddenly stomped her feet, kissed Xiaolong, and said, "Be obedient, not learn dog barking, Xiao Wang is not your father! You have to learn dragon barking! Seed! Let the enemy lie on the ground as soon as they hear it! "

Xiaolong looked harmless to humans and animals, lying on the skirt of the skirt, not knowing if he could understand the words of the skirt, but just opened his mouth and yelled, "Wang!"

"Ah, it's broken! It's broken!" Suddenly the little skirt wrinkled her little nose and turned to look at Huang Yidao: "Brother, this golden holy dragon has been spoiled. Why don't we change it!"

Xiaolong seemed to understand the words of the skirt. The dragon's mouth suddenly flattened, and a big mist of water floated on his big eyes. He looked at the skirt with tears in his eyes, and the little tail shook, as if he felt extremely wronged.

"Yeah! You little stupid dragon!" Huang Yi saw Xiao Long's look, and was immediately angry and funny. He immediately walked over, took it from the skirt of the skirt, held it in his arms, and touched it. The little head said: "Little guy, don't worry, you will be my dragon in the future. No matter how you look, you are my dragon. I will not abandon you."

Xiaolong was hugged by Huang Yi in his arms, and all of a sudden he calmed down, as if he saw a real relative. It stuck out its small tongue, and licked Huang Yi's cheek affectionately. Then, he looked at Huang Yi obediently with wide eyes, and nǎi cried angrily, "Wang Wang!"

Huang Yi reached out and touched Xiaolong's head, and hugged it excitedly.

The little guy in front of him is a famous golden holy dragon. This is one of the three top dragons. It is definitely the strongest pet that the second world can get. I do n’t know how powerful it is.

The next moment, Huang Yi looked forward to it and looked at its genus xìng.

[Variation. Golden Holy Dragon] (Tenth Tier, 1st, Juvenile)

Speed: Top Ten

Attack: Tier X Top

Defense: Tier 10

Life: Top Tier X

Attack distance: As the level increases, there is currently no.

Attack method: As the level increases, there is currently no.

Growth mode: level growth requires experience; growth in form requires the consumption of various treasures, which in turn pass through the juvenile stage, growth stage, adult stage, and aging stage.

really! All the indicators of this golden holy dragon are the highest, reaching the top ten levels!

Prior to this, Huang Yi also suspected that his double-headed Lin could not keep up with his strength growth and needed to change the mount, but mounts of level 6 and above were extremely difficult to find and I didn't know where to go.

But now, he directly climbs into the sky one step, across countless mount gradients, and directly obtains a top-level pet, all indicators are the highest ten-level top!

This golden holy dragon is worthy of being one of the three top dragons, and hopes to be named as a dragon god!

However, this golden holy dragon has just been born, and Huang Yi cannot be helped by any help. Instead, Huang Yi needs to take care of it and care for its growth, which is a sweet burden.

There are two growth lines of the Golden Holy Dragon, one is level growth, and the other is morphological growth.

The so-called rank growth is the rank on the surface. In the future, when Huang Yi dares to upgrade, he can choose to share his experience to help him upgrade. However, even if the dragon's level rises to the highest level, no morphological changes will occur. Even if it rises to two hundred levels, it will still look like this dragon baby, with a stubborn attitude and a nǎi sound.

The morphological growth is the change of its body shape. It has to go through the four stages of juvenile, adult, adult, and aging in turn, which requires taking some natural treasures to grow.

Basically, there is not much fighting power in the early stage. After the adult period, it can begin to exert its combat power. The adult stage is the most peak form. An adult golden holy dragon has a strength of demigod. At the same time, adulthood is also the best time for the golden dragon to seal the god. If you cannot seal the **** in adulthood, it may have no hope in the future, because it will grow older, enter the last aging period, and eventually Old dead.

The two roads of level and form constitute the way of dragon's future strength improvement. A 200-level juvenile dragon family and a 200-level adult dragon family are completely different in strength. Therefore, neither of these aspects can be dropped, and we must work hard to improve.

Finally, this golden holy dragon is also very powerful. Before Huang Yi used his Nefarem blood to absorb the dragon eggs, this dragon mutated, which is different from any golden holy dragon in history. Xiaolong will be a unique golden holy dragon in this world, a mutant individual that has never appeared.

"Brother, when Xiaolong grows up, you will be invincible!" At this time, the little skirt reached out and teased the little dragon in Huang Yi's arms and said sweetly.

"But it ’s easier said than done! It is estimated that my upgrade speed will be seriously slowed down in the future, and I have to find Tian Cai Di Bao to feed it. This is a bottomless pit!" Huang Yi's arrival to Xiaolong With a very clear understanding, this is long-term investment, which can only be lost in the short term.

"His Highness, the Holy Dragon of Gold, please give me a drop of blood!" At this moment, the skull of the undead flying dragon suddenly came out, and the eyes of the size of a copper bell looked down at the dragon in Huang Yi's arms, saying respectfully, as if it was Speaking towards a superior.

Xiaolong was drowsy and dozing at this moment, and slept very sweetly in Huang Yi's arms. Now suddenly a noisy flying dragon makes a noise, and immediately opens his eyes, waving his little paws in dissatisfaction, nǎi voice nǎi angrily jǐng told: "Wang Wang! Wang Wang!" The expression was like saying: "Don't come over!" I'm amazing! "

"Kill God, please help me to persuade it! It is the emperor of our dragon clan, and I cannot act against it." At this moment, the Necromancer asked Huang Yi. It is such a big dragon, reaching the level of the top sacred realm, but still obeying the rules of the dragon tribe, and respecting the defenseless little dragon, the scene looks very funny.

"Okay!" Huang Yi nodded, and then patted the dragon in his arms, softly coaxed: "Little dragon, you get two drops of blood, one drop to the Necromancer, and the other drop to me, OK? You I ’m just born now, and the blood strength is not high. I should be able to evolve with your blood at level 140. I will be your true loved one at that time ~ www.readwn.com ~ If you grow up, you The blood strength is too high for me to absorb. "

Xiao Long heard that his mouth was flat again, and his face was grieved. His head was drilled into Huang Yi's arms, leaving Huang Yi with only a small butt. He seemed unwilling to get his own blood.

Huang Yi looked at Xiaolong's claws. Before he broke away from the eggshell, his claws were cut by the eggshell, and he was already stained with blood. At this time, two drops of golden blood came out. Now Xiaolong tried hard. , They will soon be squeezed out.

Huang Yi hurriedly took out a magic bottle from the storage ring and put it under Xiaolong's paw to catch it.

Soon, two drops of Jin Chancan's blood flowed out of the small wound and dripped into the magic bottle.

This is the blood of the golden holy dragon, absolutely priceless! You can't buy it with money, and there haven't been any examples of auctioning the blood of gold holy dragons in the auction house. Even in the rewards library, there are no such treasures to redeem, and there are no more redemption stones.

Now, Huang Yi has two drops. One drop can give the Necromancer to break through the heavens, and the other drop can be used in the 140-level evolution. (To be continued.)

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