Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 577: Smelling treasure power

"It should not be wrong." Huang Yi nodded and said solemnly. After he evolved into a sniffing treasure cat, he has the ability to sniff treasures and can discover treasures within a radius of ten kilometers! And he found up to four pieces of legendary equipment on the body of the fighting man, including the knife in his hand.

One person has four pieces of legendary equipment at the same time. This is a super-class master configuration. Even if you look at the entire hero guild, apart from Huang Yi, no one has four pieces of legendary equipment, and even Vice President Qin Shiyu only has three pieces! In all respects, this fighting man is likely to be a gentleman, otherwise Huang Yi would have a hard time thinking of the remaining candidates.

Looking at the gentleman who was defeating the guardian general, Huang Yi seemed to be seeing a superb master like a sword, dragon thorn, and thunder god! His fighting skills are extremely old-fashioned, and his position is just right. He can be used resolutely without other skills. From the beginning to the present, he has only used two skills.

"Wait until we avoid this character, don't be with him, no one here is his opponent." Huang Yi yelled at ghosts and ghost words. If he was going to fight with a gentleman, then this incarnation would not be able to deal with it unless he summoned him.

"Okay, let's keep a low profile. Good babies will grab them. We just need to pick up some leaks to be satisfied!" The ghost nodded, knowing himself.

"Boom!" At this time, the skeleton horse that guarded the general, after being repeatedly damaged by the gentleman, finally couldn't withstand it, and became a broken bone in one place. The guardian general fell into the war horse, and was suddenly besieged by the remaining sacred players, and was beaten almost without power.

"Oh!" Finally, with a gentleman's decapitation, the head of the guardian general was chopped out and successfully killed!

After the death of General Guard, an item suddenly exploded, causing the players in the audience to be jealous. After listening to the sound of the sword of rain, all their lives a day, and the battle for soul-hunting, they all stared at the pile of objects on the ground, looking a little moved, but due to the deterrence of the gentleman, no one came forward to pick it up. The enemies killed by this joint killing have their share in the hitter, and these sanctuary strongmen are eligible to pick up.

However, to everyone's surprise, the gentleman didn't even look at those things on the ground, and went straight to the depths of the underground palace with the fighting woman, disappearing in front of everyone.

"The grade of that person is not the same as ours. Such a good item can't be seen!" Ghost Shadow saw this scene and couldn't help sighing, staring at the pile of objects on the ground with a look of envy.

The players in the audience also stared at the back of the gentleman and felt his distance. Although he was in front of everyone, it felt like a dragon on the cloud, and they were not in the same world as them.

"Eh! Hh! Hh!" At this moment, listening to the sound of the sword of rain, the battle of souls, and the three masters of the sanctuary all day long, they bent over at the same time, and in a blink of an eye, they were scrambling for the pile of items on the ground Already.

"Brothers, follow me!" After listening to the sound of Yu Wu's sword, he looked back at the crowd of Jianchao Guild, and waved his hand, quickly advancing deep into the palace.

"Brothers of the Heroes Guild, come with me!" Not a day behind, he led his men and horses quickly.

Soon, all players in the audience, whether they were large forces or small powers, or scattered players, all scrambled to cross the red line and rushed towards the depths of the underground palace.

"Let's hurry up, even the soup won't have to drink late." Ghost Ying hurriedly rushed and rushed forward. Huang Yi and Guiyu also quickly followed, mingling with the crowd, and following the wave.

After walking for a while, the crowd finally came to the end of this underground palace. Ten holes appeared on the wall of the cave in front, which seemed to lead to ten different places. Countless players are hesitating here, not knowing which direction to go.

"Everyone quickly divided into ten groups, and we must ensure that we have people on each road." After hearing the sound of Yu Wujian, he immediately issued an order, and his commander had the most manpower, even if it was divided into ten groups. Very strong combat power.

Suddenly, the thousands of players in Jianchao Guild immediately divided into ten teams and entered all the caves.

The rest of the Tigers, the Heroes Guild, and the Celebrity Court all adopted this strategy, dividing their men's hands into ten regiments and entering each cave in turn.

"Which way shall we go?" At this moment, Ghost Shadow grabbed his head and turned back to ask Huang Yi and Guiyu.

"The one on the far left." Huang Yi said without hesitation, and rushed straight in.

Perhaps he is the cheapest player in the audience, because he has a very special ability to sniff treasure, which is the housekeeping ability of the world's endangered protected animal-sniff treasure cat. In ancient times, some adventurers relied on sniffing treasure cats to explore the treasure. Later, the number of sniffing treasure cats has decreased sharply. Until now, it is almost extinct. It is impossible for ordinary people to possess this ability.

Huang Yi's ability to sniff treasures found that there are indeed many treasures scattered in the 10-kilometer circle, but the left side is obviously more, so in the past, the chance of encountering treasures on the left would be greater.

The ghosts and ghost words saw Huang Yi walk into the left channel and followed without any hesitation. And most of the rest of the players on the field chose a channel to enter at will. The huge crowd was immediately diverted, and the crowd in each channel was greatly reduced.

At this point, the three of Huang Yi were moving fast in the leftmost channel, surrounded by darkness and no lighting beads. Many players took out the torch lighting, and the flickering fire light shook the figure and projected on the cave wall, showing a rushing atmosphere.

"Huh? It turned out to be an e-level energy stone!" At this moment, there was a loud noise in front of him. A fat man found an energy stone on the wall of the cave and couldn't help exclaiming.

But at this moment, a dwarf's eyes were quick, and he immediately reached out and grabbed the energy stone of the cave wall, trying to pull it off.

"Suddenly robbed me of something!" The fat man sighed angrily, immediately took out a sword, and stunned towards the player next to him.

"Brothers, join him to kill him!" The dwarf sneered and immediately greeted his companions. Subsequently, several players around him shot at the same time, and took out weapons to greet the fat man and drowned him all at once. Just a few seconds later, the fat man turned into a corpse and fell to the ground.

The rest of the players originally wanted to fight, but saw that the other party was a small group, and gave up the idea of ​​fighting, and continued to move forward. However, at this meeting, everyone started to pay attention to the cave walls while they were on their way to see if they could find some treasures, and the speed was much slower.

"Let's go! This is just a gadget on the road, it's not worth wasting time." Huang Yi turned his head to look at ghost images and ghost words, seeing that they were all looking at the cave wall carefully, walking slowly, could not help reminding With a sound. His ability to sniff treasures has certain requirements for treasures. Things like e-level energy stones cannot enter his eyes, and the ability to sniff treasures cannot be found at all.

"Yeah! Let's go! There is a better one ahead!" Guiyu filmed the ghostly image of reluctant reluctance, immediately quickened his pace, and followed Huang Yi.

Along the way, the three saw many fights, and many players fought for the treasure. Each player may be an enemy, and there is no order at all. None of Huang Yi's three was involved, just rushing forward.

"Eh? Three precious stones! This is a good material for alchemy!" At this moment, the ghost's eyes sharply saw three purple-gold stones on the side of the cave. In the flickering firelight, slightly Emits a faint light.

"Just let us be alone!" Guiyu also smiled happily, and immediately reached out to pull it off.

"It's just three precious stones, it's not worth wasting time! Let's go!" Huang Yi was well-informed, ignoring the so-called "treasures" and urged them to move forward.

"Oh!" At this moment, in the passage behind him, an arrow suddenly shot out, nailed it to the arm of Ghost Whispering, opened his hand, and failed to pull out the three precious stones.

"That's ours! If you want to survive, get rid of Lao Tzu!" At this time, a shouting voice came from the channel. Subsequently, a small team of five people came out. They did not hide the level, but they showed up generously. Www.readwn.com ~ All levels above 95, which is a relatively strong combination among ordinary players. On the side of Huang Yi, both ghosts and ghost words are only 91, in terms of number and level, they are not comparable to each other.

"Don't bully people too much! We discovered it first!" Ghost Shadow was anxious, and immediately wanted to reason with them.

"Huh! I don't know how to live or die!" In the five-member team, a fire mage hummed and sent a fireball directly towards the ghost, bombarded him, and flew him down. Almost killed.

"Ah! You are wise, let me solve them." Seeing this situation, Huang Yi reluctantly dropped a sentence and rushed towards the five players directly opposite. In this case, he had to shoot.

"噗! 噗! 噗! 噗! 噗!" Huang Yi was extremely fast. The spear, which had been transformed from the epic battle handle, was shot out five times in a row and slammed on the five players. Fast, almost formed a series of phantoms.

The next moment, all five of them were slammed and flew away! The opponent's priest and assassin were even spiked directly, leaving only three alive. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to this site, give rewards, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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