Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 610: 1 cheap way

"Wow!" The legendary belt suddenly burst into hot flames, burning the crossblade. .

The horizontal blade was gradually red, and the rust on it suddenly melted away, exposing the original bronze look. The radian of the blade was just right, and there was a gleam of cold light on it, and it was extremely sharp at first glance.

Finally, the legendary belt was completely burned out, and all the equipment power was absorbed by the horizontal blade to restore its power.

Huang Yi took out the previous **** battle, and there was a card slot just below the gun's gun head, the size of which was about the width of the horizontal blade.

He slammed the blade against the card slot!

"Click!" Suddenly, the crossblade was inlaid, firmly combined with the spear, and integrated into one. Equipment power is also integrated.

At this point, the weapon finally looks like a war go. After the four parts are assembled, it is only one step away from the original appearance!

Huang Yi looked forward to a look at the attributes of this new battlefield——

[Blood War of Emperor Somret 4/5] (Epic, temporarily reduced to Legend, Weapon-Long Soldier)

Melee Attack: 320-380 Sanctuary Points

Contract Partner Full Attribute 10

50 Sanctuary Points

Attack 28

Critical Chance 8

Attack speed 15, every four attacks, increase the next attack by 30, and ignore the opponent's defense of 30

The upper limit of rage is 2, which increases 1 point of rage every second. For every enemy killed, there is a small probability to get 1 point of anger.

Incidental skills:

[Flying Axe]: Ultra-long-range attack skills, struggling to throw the weapon in the direction of the target, the weapon automatically tracks the target at a speed of 1 meter per second, and all enemy targets hit along the way will be forced to bounce off and cause Equivalent to 30 damage. The maximum attack distance of the flying axe must not exceed 20 times the level value, which can be recalled at any time. Each use consumes 5 health and a cooldown of 5 minutes.

Durability: 33/33

Requirement level: can be increased as the level increases, the current level is 145

Equipment rating: 3520

Item description: I own a country, but I do not have a home. ——Somret the Great

After the assembly of the four parts, some subtle changes have taken place in the **** battlefield attribute arrangement, some of the additional attributes have been streamlined, and some of the two additional attributes have been combined.

One of the biggest highlights is the appearance of a new additional attribute-the contract partner's full attribute 10, which is a full attribute bonus, which is equivalent to all dozens of large and small attributes have been increased by 10.

This bonus is very horrible. In the future, his barbaric god, blood god, and Xiaolong ... regardless of any contract partner, have increased the full attribute of 10 and become more powerful.

His talent in contract partners has always been strong. His Beastmaster race also has a talent in this area, which can improve the full attributes of Covenant Partner 10!

In addition, his Nefarem Bloodline Level 90 talent is also related to contract partners, which can increase the attack power, attack speed, health, and defense value of the contract partner 30, and add 30 dark damage to the attack. Experience is reduced by 80.

These talents generally appear on the hunter, and the rest of the profession rarely has the talent to improve the contract partner. But now, Huang Yi, a non-hunter player, has also been very impressive in terms of bonuses. His contractual partners are very powerful, such as the imitation of the demon god. This contractual partner is modeled after the deities of the demon world, which he owns all over the world. After enjoying these bonuses, they will become more scary.

Huang Yi gripped this brand new war gorge tightly and felt the mighty warfare inside. He seemed to want to go to the battlefield immediately and kill the war gorge vividly. It is estimated that this warfare only needs one sweep, which can directly cut off the heads of a large group of people, which is completely a big killer.

Now, this battle is arguably the strongest piece of legendary equipment he has ever seen, far more than the rest of the legend, even stronger than the Thunder's left hand, which is also semi-epic. It is only the last component from the epic equipment, at the critical point of promotion, it is about to enter the next brand new stage.

At this time, Huang Yi noticed the description of this warfare item— "I control a country, but I don't have a home." It can also be seen from this that the Emperor Somret at that time should be very sad, It is estimated that each such late night is wandering alone in the empty and prosperous palace, and countless beautiful maids all look down on them. When rights are magnified to the extreme, it is the emptiness of life that cannot even form a small home.

"Country!" Huang Yi muttered when he saw these two words. He had long wanted to build a country, just like Dragon Spike.

If the greatest benefit of religion is spiritual, the power of faith can be gathered. Then the biggest advantage of the country is in the area of ​​land. The area of ​​a country will far exceed the area of ​​the guild territory. That is the real territory of the country. Countless cities within the scope belong to the jurisdiction of this country. The owner of each city has to pay taxes. The king is the supreme power in the territory.

The reason why Dragon Spike is called Dragon Emperor is because he is the head of the Dragon Kingdom. At present, the area of ​​the Dragon Kingdom is almost as large as the area of ​​two Germanys in the real world, and it is the largest force in the eastern part of the heroic continent.

To create the country, you need to use the Chuanxi Jade Seal. This item requires the ss of the emperor to explode. Huang Yi has one on hand, the Sand Pirate King trapped in the treasure site of the Golden Holy Dragon.

The Sand Pirate King is a 170-level sacred powerhouse. Although he was injured and his strength was greatly reduced, after all, he did not hurt the point that only one breath was left. Huang Yi still had some difficulties to deal with him. And there is the treasure point of the golden holy dragon, which belongs to a special area, such as relics, treasure points, tombs of the strong and so on. They are all special areas, similar to the land with owners. This kind of place can not be inserted into the secondary battle flag, so Huang Yi can not let the guardian of the territory to help attack the Sand Pirate King, but to deal with it himself.

Now that he has reached level 146, the gap with the Sand Pirate King is no longer so great, and the time to kill it is almost mature.

Huang Yi decided to start immediately and set off to kill the Sand Pirate King. However, he is now under the curse of killing, and his total attribute has dropped by 50. He must kill 100 players every day to temporarily recover the full attribute.

He decided to kill 100 players first and restore his strength temporarily. He has to make sure that while killing the player, he cannot increase the sin value, so he has to use a cheaper method.

Next, Huang Yi immediately got up, left the Blue Rose Garden, and went to the Rose City's teleportation array. After a few rounds, he came to the World of Warcraft near the Mountain of Warcraft.

Some time ago he set out from here to find the Dragon Tomb. He also knew two ghost friends and ghost talk. Now he is back here again, and he has a sense of impermanence.

At this point he has turned his name into a big badass, and this second identity can be used regardless of the incarnation or the body. He didn't hide his information, others only need to look at him to know that his name is Big Badass.

He looked at the list of friends, at this time the ghost language was just online, he immediately sent him a message in the past: "Buddy, help me subordinate the helm of Guo Jia's famous generals, listen to the sword tide Guild under the voice of Yu Wujian, The tigers in the battle for the soul-slaying war sent a letter saying that the big bad guy appeared near Xichengmen, holding the final treasure obtained from the remains of the Bloods Empire, and it would explode after killing me. "

After waiting for a while, the ghost talked back to the message: "Brother, are you back in Warcraft City again? I can report to you now, but is it really okay for you to reveal your whereabouts? Once they besiege you , Unless you have the ability to kill God and not be afraid of group attacks, otherwise you will have to die! "

"It's okay, although you go and report to them, the more people come, the better. I'm afraid they will not dare to come after some people have died." Huang Yi smiled slightly and replied immediately.

In this way, he is tempting others to attack him. As long as others take the lead in attacking him, then he is in a state of legitimate defense, which can kill people without gaining sin.

Last time in the remains of the Bloods Empire, he obtained the final treasure under the eyelids of various forces, which led to several major forces all hunting him down. However, he easily escaped from the underground palace, making it impossible to kill him. Now he comes out again, holding heavy treasures in his hands, and someone will certainly be tempted to hunt him.

Soon, Huang Yi came to the West Gate of World of Warcraft. There were many people coming and going here, and it was very lively. He was swaying all around like this, and took the initiative to turn on the light effect of the legendary cloak, which was as bright as a lighthouse in the night. Although outsiders can't see his specific equipment information, just looking at the light effect of this gorgeous cloak, it is known that this is a legendary equipment, which can just attract some unscrupulous people to attack him.

Soon ~ www.readwn.com ~ Huang Yi felt that some players in the crowd had cast various eyes, with envy, jealousy, greed, all kinds of eyes turning on the legendary cloak behind him.

"Huh? This man's name is Big Badass! Isn't this the man who was chased and killed by several forces in the remains of the Bloods Empire last time? Why dare to come here now and shake the light effects of the legendary equipment? This is a dead end! "

"Yeah! If he is a master like listening to the sound of Yu Wujian, a lifetime, Soul Fighting, Guo Jia, then there is no need to hide the light effects of equipment, others dare not take the treasure. But he is such a little-known man Is n’t showing off your legendary gear trying to seduce others? ”

The crowd started talking, looking at Huang Yi's eyes as if looking at a fool.

Several people even quietly swept over to Huang Yi, seemingly trying to kill him.


This is the third chapter, and the next chapter probably writes more than one point. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to this site, give rewards, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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