Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 613: Finally got the Chuanguo Yuxi

At that moment, the Sand Pirate King, like a kite with a broken line, was knocked down and flew out, hitting the wall of the treasure point severely, and falling like a dead dog. .

Its blood volume also decreased instantly, but instead of dying immediately, it had some kind of life-saving talent to save its life! It is worthy of being the king of the desolate sand for several times, and even this unparalleled attack resisted.

"Is the age of my king finally over?" The sand thief's death-free state seems to last for a while. He looked around at this treasure point, feeling it slightly, like a person who had reached a dead end. Doing the last review in life: "I once built a magnificent tomb for myself, exhausted tens of millions of laborers, and placed countless terracotta warriors and horses, and I will continue to be king after death. But since I met After the fallen king, I demolished the mausoleum. I thought I would never die, and I would have eternal life like the fallen king. I did not expect that today we will reach the end. "

"You haven't died unjustly, and the fallen king has no eternal life. As long as its body dares to come out, it will also be threatened by death." Huang Yi stopped the attack and looked at the Sand Pirate quietly. This peerless powerhouse he could only look up to was finally defeated in his hands at this moment, and after its life-saving status was over, its death was over. The age of this ancient emperor has come to its final moment!

"But I don't want to die yet!" The Sand Pirate said with emotion, "Even a sea buckthorn grass is better than death. My life will continue in another way, and I will continue to look at my country. , Looking at the land I once ruled! "

At the end of the day, the voice of the Sand Pirate King was decisive. It looked at the 200-level enchantment, and the body suddenly melted into countless sands, all rushing towards the enchantment, as if a moth spit fire, full of tragic!

"Oh!" Soon, the dense voices sounded, all the sand formed by the Sand Pirate King hit the enchantment!

Then, at a speed visible to the naked eye, these sands merged with that enchantment instantly and became indiscriminate! The color of that enchantment has also changed from golden yellow to earthy yellow!

Huang Yi looked at this scene in surprise, but did not expect that the final move of Sand Pirate King turned into a 200-level enchantment! And according to its tragic tone, this fusion should be irreversible, and it can't be separated after the fusion!

In other words, the Sand Pirate King has now become that enchantment. As long as the enchantment is not broken, it will live forever! Although this kind of life is extremely low, it can't even move, it is worse than a plant like sea buckthorn, at least when the wind blows, the sea buckthorn can still shake its body.

"Master, we can't defeat this enchantment now! Unless the help of a master of heaven domain!" At this time, the blood **** wielded his eight blood vessels, and got a few words from that heart.

"Is the Celestial Strong?" Huang Yi said, bringing out a big skill that was intended to be retained-level improvement!

Level up, this is exactly the effect of his jewelry set! Although the jewellery was only a 100-level orange outfit, it was because of the surname of this suit that Huang Yi had not replaced the higher-level orange outfit and kept them on.

This skill can be used independently to increase each jewellery component by 20 levels. After the four components are superimposed, it is 80 levels for 10 seconds! Now Huang Yi is at level 146. He has used four parts to improve the level of the effect at a time, making this skill suddenly soared to level 226! This is already an intermediate Sky Power!

"Quick judgment!" At this time, Huang Yi increased his attack speed by 50%. He seized the time and waved the **** battle to attack the enchantment! His powerful surnames after all kinds of ascension before, suddenly poured over the enchantment, making the enchantment tremble violently!

This enchantment, if you let the people under the sky to fight, there is no way to break it, but now encounters the middle-level sky power of Huang Yi, it will be completely different!

Huang Yi's attack speed is now very fast. The arm almost formed a phantom. The weapon was attacked on the enchantment over and over again. The light was getting darker and more violent!

He can only go crazy for ten seconds, and wait for ten seconds to pass, he will be restored to the level of the holy realm before!

Finally, the tenth second came, but at this time Huang Yi still couldn't destroy the enchantment, and it seemed to fail!

At this moment, his **** battle played an additional surname effect-every four attacks, the next attack increased by 30%, and the opponent's defense was ignored by 30%!

Not only that, but this time his attack also hit a crit! Makes his already high outrageous attack suddenly soar again!

"Slap!" There was a sound as if glass shattered!

That enchantment is finally broken!

It dissipated in the air!

At that moment, Huang Yi saw the outer palace and the desert under the moonlight outside the palace gate!

The enchantment of the two hundred-level gold holy dragon has trapped the enchantment of many adventurers in history, and it is completely broken!

At this time, Huang Yi's body suddenly poured a warm current, rising from 146 to 147! The Sand Pirate King was completely killed by him, and a huge amount of experience was poured on him!

As the Sand Pirate King was killed, two things suddenly burst out from where the enchantment was.

Those two things were rings. They landed on the ground and rolled in different directions for a distance, and one of them just happened to be at Huang Yi's feet and lay quietly in front of him.

Huang Yi squatted down, picked up the ring next to his feet, looked at it, and suddenly smiled.

The ring in his hand is a storage ring for the Sand Pirate King!

What he likes most to see is that the enemy burst out of the storage ring, because the storage ring often contains a variety of treasures, which represent all the household belongings of this person. The King of Sand Pirates was an emperor who had been in the desolate sandy land for several times, and his wealth was already amazing. In addition, the treasures of the 100 and 150 treasure rooms of the Golden Holy Dragon Treasure Point were taken by it, and should be placed in this storage ring. This is much richer than simply bursting out a few pieces of equipment.

Earlier, after Huang Yi killed the half-orc holy land of the Celestial Strongman, he also obtained its storage ring. However, the ring has strict strength requirements, and this requirement has nothing to do with the level. It is useless even to be promoted to the level of the heavens. It just depends on the strength value! Although Huang Yi's strength was very high, he still couldn't meet the requirements, and temporarily couldn't open the storage ring, so he had to keep it temporarily.

But the Sand Pirate King is just a sacred power, his storage ring should be able to open now.

Huang Yi took a breath of anticipation and immediately chose to open. Sure enough, the storage ring was opened smoothly, revealing the contents inside.

At that moment, Huang Yi's eyes seemed to be slightly followed! I saw that storage ring was full of all kinds of treasures, Linglang was full of eyes, many of them did not even know, never seen!

For example, in the auction house, the spar used as a high-level equivalent, there are dozens of them in this storage ring! Neatly stacked together, exuding a seductive sheen.

In terms of materials, there are important materials for making legendary or epic equipment, such as dragon beast skin, world stone, and flowing cloud cloth. These materials are non-renewable. For example, the world stone, each continent is fixed at about 1,000 tons, and it will be gone after use. The exclusive continent of each country is the same. Now China has the largest number of players, and the player's strength is also the strongest. The world stone has been mined very seriously, and it is only a matter of time before it will dry up. In the future, the legendary equipment of Chinese players is no longer durable, so there is no material to repair, and they can only watch the scraps, or they will attack other continents and plunder such resources.

In addition, in this storage ring, there are good things such as spirit grass, chief crystals, high-level potions, etc. Anything you put out at the auction house is of great value.

However, although Huang Yi was happy, he did not reach the point of surprise. Money was just a string of numbers for him. He made a few bets in the contest and won a lot of gold coins. He did n’t need much wealth. . His gaze swept directly from the same expensive baby, searching for the most important thing.

Finally, Huang Yi's eyes locked on a corner of countless treasures, and a square jade lay quietly in that corner! It sits quietly in the middle of countless treasures, looks inconspicuous, has no light, and is not gorgeous, it is so simple and boxy.

But when Huang Yi saw it, he couldn't move his eyes anymore!

Because the boxy jade is exactly the same prop that he pursued for a long time-Chuanguoyuxi!

As long as there is a Chuanxi Jade Seal, he can build a country like the dragon thorn, and be the emperor directly!

Huang Yi immediately took out the piece of Chuanguo Xixi and rubbed it for a while. Chuanguo Yuxi is actually a big seal with four quaint characters engraved on the bottom-ordered by heaven!

Huang Yi now holds it, which means that he was ordered to heaven, and he is the Son of Heaven, who can lead a territory!

[Chuan Guo Jade Seal] (Special Item)

Follow the instructions from Chuan Guoyuxi ~ www.readwn.com ~ After completing all the steps, you can create a country.

Current tip: Let Chuan Guoyuxi accept the approval of the city's owners.

The Chuanyu Jade Seal has the same preparations as the Heart of Religion, and it needs to be done according to the same tips, which is very tedious. However, under the command of Huang Yi, there is a huge monster guild. He can let his hands go down to complete the preparation work of the Chuanxi Jade Seal. He only needs to claim the throne at the end!

At this point, Huang Yi's great cause of founding the country has finally taken the most important step!

Next, he stole the King Pirate's storage ring and picked up another ring that burst.


Sorry for not updating in the past two days. Now that the matter has been dealt with and it has been restored, thank you for your concern. (To be continued.)

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