Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 616: Historic moment, create religion!

At the end of the red carpet in front of me, a tall statue stood tens of meters high, almost touching the dome.

This statue is a boy with strong eyes. He stepped on the ground, holding a huge battlefield in his hand, and stabbed the sky with anger, as if he was going to poke out a hole in the sky.

The momentum of this statue is extremely strong. Just by seeing this statue, you can raise a terrifying warfare!

And this boy looks like Huang Yi!

He was even carved into an idol, and it is worshipped here and admired!

Huang Yi could not help but walked over, step by step towards this tall and powerful shore, as if he really saw himself as a god.

Just then, a side door not far away was suddenly opened, and a group of young girls in white priest robes came out neatly from the inside.

Their temperament is elegant and holy, with the same pace, as if they were angels. They slowly came to the statue of Huang Yi, circled around, looked up at the statue, opened their mouths and sang a song similar to the church hymn, and the song was floating in the air in an ethereal and sacred manner--

"Kill God, our only Lord!

Your power is higher than the heavens,

Your courage surpasses the gods,

May your kingdom come to the earth.

Those who betray the Lord will be punished by the heavens,

Those who believe in the Lord will be redeemed by the gods,

All glory and authority belong to the Lord,


At this time, the golden sunlight came in through the stained glass on the wall, forming a faint colored light, making the whole church look as gorgeous as heaven. The faces of these maidens were holy light, looking up reverently. Singing ethereal.

Huang Yi stood so quietly, in the singing of the emptiness of the spirit, as if flying to heaven, the incarnation became a true god. The saints around him are his devout believers, singing hymns around him. Praise his deeds.

After a long time, the hymn finally stopped, dissipated in the air, everything just now seemed like a dream.

At this moment, all the maidens immediately knelt down on Huang Yi's single leg, and said reverently, "Eternal Pope. We are all your devout believers!"

Their kneeling was so abrupt that Huang Yi froze for a while and did not respond!

"Eternal heroes, Pope, we are all your devout believers!" At this moment, hundreds of high-level hero guilds rushed in from outside the temple. Going to the red carpet inside, they knelt on one leg before Huang Yi.

"Eternal heroes, Pope, we are all your devout followers!" On the square outside the temple, I don't know when hundreds of thousands of people have gathered, they all kneel on one leg in the direction of that temple, and read The same sentence came out.

Not only that, now and now. In every street, alley, and corner of Longdu, there is a hero guild player kneeling on one leg in the direction of the temple, as if performing some kind of religious ceremony!

They may be so far away from the temple that they can't even see it, but their pious eyes have not diminished in the slightest, and they say the same sentence reverently--

"Eternal heroes, Pope, we are all your devout believers!"

At that moment, the whole dragon sounded the same sentence, and the tone was uniform. Straight into the clouds!

Time seemed to stop, and everyone who knelt on one leg was frozen!

"Eternal heroes, Pope, we are all your devout believers, please give us teachings!" Just then, Qin Shiyu in the temple. Suddenly he walked in front of Huang Yi, kneeled on one leg, stretched out his hand and presented a milky stone, as if the ritual had reached a critical moment.

Huang Yi looked down at the stone and immediately understood it.

This stone is the heart of religion!

It seems that all the preparations for the Heart of Religion have been completed, and even the name of the religion has been taken. Like the Hero Guild and the Hero Continent, they all use the name Hero.

And the **** of this religion is simply killing God! In the future, Huang Yi will be deified in the teaching of heroes, and he will be worshipped as a god. There will be countless missionaries going to every corner of the world, preaching in every place, and more and more people will believe in him.

Now, Huang Yi's most important doctrine needs to be formulated by Huang Yi himself. Doctrine is equivalent to a spiritual purpose and the central idea of ​​this religion. Every believer will use this doctrine as a spiritual sustenance.

Huang Yi took a deep breath and reached out to take the religious heart. He glanced around the virgins around him, glanced at the high-level heroes in front of him, glanced at the hundreds of thousands of single-legged people on the square outside the window!

At this moment, the whole dragon was silent. Even some non-hero guild players did not dare to whisper any more, turned around and looked at the direction of the temple, waiting for Huang Yi to open his teachings!

There are also some high-level hero guilds that have opened the video function for a long time and are ready to record this historic moment forever!

Finally, Huang Yi opened his mouth and announced the teachings of heroism—

"As long as there is a species, everyone is a hero."

His solemn and sacred voice resounded through every corner of Longdu, and echoed over the entire territory forever!

As long as it is within this territory, no matter who it is, everyone hears this voice!

At that moment, heroes have a soul!

Once the doctrine came out, religion was established!

A second later, a huge and long-distance sound suddenly sounded from the sky above the hero's continent, which rang through every corner and passed into the ears of countless Chinese players-

"[Mainland Announcement]: [Kill God] created [Heroism] and became the Pope of Heroes. As long as there is a species, everyone is a hero! Everyone can perform the statue of God in the temple built by Heroism Pray, join the heroics and get exclusive bonuses. "

The announcement of the mainland indicates that the system has recognized heroism, and heroism has been officially established!

At that moment, Huang Yi felt as if he had suddenly undergone some kind of sublimation and began to become different from mortal people. He will be a religious deity believed by countless people in the future, and countless people will pray for him. Suddenly he had an illusion. It seemed that his mind suddenly widened a lot, like a saint who was above the ground, and had a compassion for the world.

"Well, let's step back! Go and do your own business." Huang Yi settled down, soon recovered, waved his hands, and said to the high-level hundreds of heroes in front.

Hundreds of high-level executives stood up suddenly and retreated, and those maidens singing the hymns also retreated. In the whole temple, there are only three people: Huang Yi, Qin Shiyu, and small skirts.

"Xiaoyu, you almost scared me." At this moment, Huang Yi suddenly sighed at Qin Shiyu. The situation just now was really beyond his expectation. He didn't expect Qin Shiyu to use this. Way to think of it as a birthday gift to him.

Qin Shiyu gave a sweet smile and said, "I have worked hard to organize these people! And I can't let you know. I have to hide it from you. Finally I waited until today to give you a surprise. . "

"I haven't managed much about religion, and I don't know too much about it. In the future, you can arrange someone to take care of it! I don't have so much energy." Huang Yi capped the religious heart in his hands.

"Well! I have arranged someone to manage the affairs of the heroes, and it will not delay our time!" Qin Shiyu nodded, and continued: "Heroes Guild is now a big cause, and each industry has a person in charge. I considered their abilities and found that the person in charge of the energy factory performed excellently and managed very well. Let him manage a small energy factory. It was too cursed. I transferred him to teach heroes and let him Be the leader of the heroic religion and be responsible for the daily affairs of religion. "

"Wipe the sword to cut red dust?" Huang Yi heard the name, and suddenly remembered the original journey of the treasures of Rezès. At the time, he led the adventure group of His Majesty the Overlord, explored the treasures of Rezès, and found a mysterious factory. At that time, this player named Sword Slashing Red Dust recognized the factory as an energy factory, which could make energy stones in batches. Later, Huang Yi directly promoted to the director of the energy factory, and was responsible for producing energy stones for the heroic guild.

The ability to wield the sword and cut red dust is indeed very outstanding. Under his leadership, the energy factory has exerted super capacity. Especially during the contest period, he was the player who led the factory ~ www.readwn.com ~ worked day and night to produce energy stones for the members of the League of Heroes, eliminating their worries about using large energy values . It can be said that the League of Legends can win the team championship, and the energy factory that wields the sword has also contributed a lot.

"I have basically arranged the rest of the high-level religion." At this time, Qin Shiyu clearly explained to Huang Yi: "You are the pope and the highest authority, with all rights of appointment and removal. I am the elder, with only rights Second to you, besides me, senior members of the guild, such as Overlord, Bright Demon, Pride of Death, Sunset, Ghost Cloud, Shitu, Ba Shijiyan, etc., are all members of the Presbyterian Church. The Presbyterian Church basically does not Regarding specific things, they are all idle. The real busy starts with the priest wielding the sword. Below the patriarch are five archbishops in red. Each of them is in charge of different departments, such as the mission department, the ministry, and the Holy Spirit. The women's ministry and so on. Below are the divisional priests, governors, bishops, deacons, missionaries, etc. of each district. "

After listening to Qin Shiyu's remarks, Huang Yi had some understanding of the general framework of heroism. The senior levels of heroism are basically transferred from the hero guild, and they belong to the people who know the roots. And the absolute high-level members of some heroic guilds are basically hanging off duty, after all, they are already busy enough to be distracted to do other things.

"Then what attribute bonus can our heroism bring to believers?" At this moment, the little skirt suddenly looked up and asked Qin Shiyu curiously. (To be continued ...)

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