Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 620: Mysterious hijacking

At this time, Huang Yi was in the corpse of Heroes' Prison.

Some time ago, he began to make new avatars. The materials used in this avatar are all materials from the Celestial Strong, and each material is a powerful creature such as the Dragon family, which is very troublesome to manufacture. Today, this incarnation is finally refined.

In front of Huang Yi is a brand new avatar body. This body looks like it can be associated with the dragon tribe, full of the momentum of the dragon tribe.

The head and body of this incarnation is a dragon, a pair of deep gray dragon eyes, with superb vision, as if able to penetrate all the obstacles in this world; on top of his head is an electric dragon horn flashing with electric current, Contains terrifying thunder elements; the body is covered with solid scales of silver dragons, shining brightly, as if wearing a silver armor; behind them are a pair of elf dragon wings, thin and extremely light, surrounded by A faint green wind element; beneath the wings is a long green dragon dragon tail, strong and powerful ...

The entire incarnation looks prestigious by itself, and various super-strong dragon parts are combined together. There has never been such a creature in history. This is the third incarnation carefully designed by Huang Yi. His actual combat power will greatly exceed that of the previous incarnation!

"Hey!" At this moment, Huang Yi heard the sound of a heart beating vigorously. That heart was the heart of the Canglong with the longest vitality. The powerful vitality began to be born, like a powerful engine started. Every time it beats, it will rush the huge dragon blood into the limbs! Gradually, the life of this incarnation became stronger and stronger, and it became activated!

Finally, this brand new incarnation opened his eyes suddenly!

At that moment, Huang Yi's body seemed to be pierced by this eye, and the eyes of the incarnation were like a scanner, and there seemed to be a penetrating power on the body!

These are the eyes of the underworld dragon, which is the only dragon that can absorb the breath of the underworld. The status of the dragons is second only to the three top dragons! Their sharp eyes can even see the space cracks in the underworld and this world, and they have been searching for such cracks all their lives to absorb the breath from the underworld! At present, although Huang Yi's incarnation cannot fully exert the ability of Hades, at least the visual ability has been greatly enhanced.

Huang Yi immediately tried the whole body. Suddenly felt much stronger than the previous incarnation. The wings of the pair of elven dragons behind him are indeed the lightest dragon wings, and they only need to be slightly fanned. Can fly very far. If the fan is moving fast, there is even a erratic, unpredictable feeling, and no one can predict his flight trajectory.

And this avatar's attributes are indeed much stronger than the previous avatar. The reason why Huang Yi created an incarnation of the Dragons is largely to enjoy the bonuses that are only available in the two Dragons state. One is the permanent blessing given to him by the dragon mother when he was exploring the tomb of the dragon a while ago-in the state of the dragon clan, all attributes are increased by 10%. The other is that after he evolved into a golden holy dragon, he developed a dragon status feat--in any dragon form. Its supreme bloodline can despise all beings and save 20% of all damage! And physical defense, magic defense, resistance and other defense attributes have been slightly improved.

Now, this brand new dragon incarnation, he has enjoyed both of these bonuses. Originally the avatar could only inherit 50% of his attributes, but now it has slightly exceeded this value! Not only that, this new incarnation is much more resistant than the previous incarnation. Not so easy to be killed anymore!

With this brand new incarnation, Huang Yi's overall strength is even stronger. Now whoever dares to come and offend him is no less than hitting the muzzle directly.


Time passed day by day.

Hero continent players are doing their own things every day, and life goes on the set track. But no one knows what conspiracy lies behind this peaceful life.

this day. Huang Yi went online as usual and went to the forum to see what happened on the new day.

As soon as he entered the forum, Huang Yi was surrounded by explosive news. Almost the entire page was discussing the same thing—

"The fierce God of the Treasury of the Dragon Kingdom was abducted mysteriously! The killer came from Japan."

"Heavy news! Huang Yelou, the Minister of Life of the Sun Association, was mysteriously hijacked, and the killer's name appeared to be a stranger in Japan."

"I am the Minister of the Interior of the Long Road Guild. I have been hijacked. The name shown by the murderer is Undead Invasion. It is a Japanese player, but I do not have any other information. I hope that the seniors of the guilds will be more careful!"

"Mysterious hijacking, the number of known victims has increased to 22! Japanese mysterious organizations are conspiring against heroic guilds!"

Huang Yi browsed it a little and finally figured out this thing that shocked the world. In the short span of more than ten hours he went offline from last night to now, many important figures of the Great Guild of China have been hijacked!

So far, more than 20 important high-level guilds have been hijacked! This does not include some victims who have not been exposed. Among the more than 20 known victims, there are also senior officials of several super-strong guilds in China. For example, Zhu Hongzhiyue, the propaganda department director of the Xuanyuan Clan, Dongfeng Blizzard, one of the heads of logistics affairs of the Guild of Guilds, Wang Busan, the leader of the intelligence team of Mingjiang Pavilion. Heroes' Guild was also hijacked, and that is the head of the intelligence department, Myo!

These victims have a common feature, that is, the combat effectiveness is not very strong, but they belong to the important management senior level of the guild! As for high-level characters with strong combat effectiveness, none of them were affected. It can be seen that the enemy is clearly targeted. For those with strong combat effectiveness, they have no confidence to catch them, so they give up automatically.

According to the information leaked by the victims, they were suddenly attacked by strangers for no reason, lost their ability to move, and after being blindfolded, they were quickly taken to a strange place.

Originally, after being hijacked, the player could choose to commit suicide, get rid of the hijacking state, and return to the city to resurrect. But these victims all got the same strange potion-the chance of reincarnation after death is as high as 30%! This makes them dare not commit suicide at all, and they can only let the enemy take over!

None of them knew the killers, but only that they came from Japan. In addition, no extra information can be searched, and the speech records of these murderers can not be found on the forum, just like a group of people out of thin air. This only shows that these people have always been hidden before, but now they are shooting at the same time, which is obviously an organized and planned conspiracy.

This series of hijackings immediately caused panic in the heroic continent, and all guilds were at their own risk. This group of enemies didn't even have a trace, they couldn't track it at all, and I don't know when they will suddenly shoot.

Upon seeing this news, Huang Yi thought intuitively of Miyamoto Musashi. A few days ago, Qin Shiyu also said that Miyamoto Musashi has been missing for several days, and I don't know where to go. Now there is a group of masters from Japan coming out to make a mess, which is a coincidence.

Huang Yi went online quickly and immediately entered the second world!

As soon as he was online, he received several messages, which were so rushed, all from Qin Shiyu--

"Yi brother, our head of the intelligence department, O Miu, was hijacked by a mysterious master outside Fengdu City! According to the message he sent us, the killer was a Japanese player named Yeyue Ming. We searched for this killer, but I could not find any information about him. I did not find this person through the organization's intelligence system. I speculate that this may be a secret master trained by Miyamoto Musashi, and has never been exposed before. "

"I'm going to the location of the incident with Hunter Hall Chief Chiba Fengwu and Assassin Hall Chief Anonymous. I miss you so much. If you're fine after you go online, please come and see, maybe you can find a clue."

"We encountered an ambush! The murderer was indeed Miyamoto Musashi, and his true goal was us! His strength is too strong, far exceeding our expectations. The three of us are not his opponents at all, even if religion is used. Skill, summoned your replica, but can't beat him. Now I, Chiba Fengwu and Anonymous all three have been hijacked, and the rest of the horses we brought were killed by him! He gave us Everyone uses a potion that improves the chance of reincarnation by 30%. We can't commit suicide. Be careful, he might use us to beat you. "

After receiving these news, Huang Yi suddenly lost his heart. Their guess a few days ago turned out to be true. Miyamoto Musashi's goal really came to the hero continent!

But even if they already have a heart of mind ~ www.readwn.com ~, they still can't resist the secret calculation of Miyamoto Musashi. These days, Huang Yi has been searching for Miyamoto Musashi with the skills of the guardian of the continent, the Eye of Monitoring, as soon as the other party enters the hero continent, he will be aware of it. But this skill didn't work. The other party came without knowing it, most likely using some kind of anti-investigation method!

Such things as secret calculations were hard to resist, and Qin Shiyu had been abducted twice before. And Miyamoto Musashi, such a superb master, is even more invincible, even Huang Yi, the world's first person, can't stop it! Success by the other party!

In fact, during these times when Qin Shiyu was abducted, the enemies all had enough strength to kill her, but the enemy chose not to kill her, but to seduce Huang Yishou, which was very troublesome. But it also gave him hope that as long as the person did not die, then he would have the opportunity to rescue them. What he was most afraid of was that Miyamoto Musashi did not choose to hijack, but instead killed Qin Shiyu directly and let her reincarnate. It's completely irreparable.

Huang Yi immediately sent Qin Shiyu a message in the past: "I open the teleportation skills of the Ring of Heroes and immediately rescue you."

Having said that, he immediately took Qin Shiyu as the object of teleportation, and used the teleportation skills of the Ring of Heroes!

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