Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 624: Go alone

The days of sailing on the sea are extremely boring. You can't brush the tower of the gods or do anything else.

Many people have chosen to go offline, and that the Godship will automatically sail. When the ship comes online in a few days, the Godship will almost be able to take them to the east coast.

On this day, Huang Yi and Thunder God had breakfast in the cafeteria, and there were several criminals sitting beside them.

"Miyamoto Musashi just returned to the guild yesterday." At this time, a short man speaking non-standard Chinese spoke, reporting to Huang Yi and Thor. This man is a Japanese criminal. He is a rare professional in the Second World. He was inserted as a spy in the Martial Arts Association by Huang Yi and Thor. Now almost a year has passed, and the man has almost grown into a middle-level manager of the Martial Arts Association.

"Then do you know where he held the hostages?" Huang Yi looked at him and asked.

The man shook his head and said with a little embarrassment: "This is a huge secret. I cannot reach this post level. Only those absolute senior executives know where those hostages go."

"Things are more tricky!" At this moment, Thunder God frowned and looked at Huang Yidao: "Most of our spies are only middle managers, or they have no access to the core secrets, and we cannot take the initiative."

Huang Yi drank the last porridge in the bowl and said, "Passive. Passive! The reason why Miyamoto Musashi hijacked the hostage was to attract us to the past. How could he attract us if he did not disclose the hostage location? He will definitely reveal the location of the hostage, and he will clear up all obstacles and let us easily pass. Regardless of whether the hostage location is real or not, we can find clues. "

"That makes sense." Thunder God nodded and looked at Huang Yi. He said with some worries: "My Godship is about to reach the East China continent. Your mission is the heaviest. You are the enemy of Musashi Miyamoto. He will definitely try his best to kill you this time. If you don't, then you may fall. You have to be careful. "

Huang Yi took out a paper towel and touched his lips, and said calmly, "As long as you can rise after falling, it will not count as falling. Look at the sun, after it falls. Can it still rise?"

Having said that, Huang Yi turned his head and looked out the window.

At this time, a round of red rising sun was rising, and the warm sun shone on all things on the earth, and the ups and downs did not know how many millions of years.

After returning to his cell, Huang Yi lay in bed and put on a golden ring. Go to the forum and take a look.

"Miyamoto Musashi took the initiative to publicize the location of some hostages, and attracted the heads of heroic guilds to the Eastern continent to rescue them!"

"The mysterious desert island found the world's stone resources. The giant bear and the pharaoh's guild landed on the island and snatched.

"Yang Yuheng rose to level 148, which is only one last level behind the first in the world rankings. The hostage-taking incident is at a critical juncture. Can God kill the world?"

"The guardian of the Ganges, India, is about to create a religion, and announced the total elimination of all heavenly churches on the Ganges continent. The Pope made a public speech and strongly condemned the Ganges!"

Looking ahead, undercurrents are surging around the world, and some disputes have begun to occur between the various major forces. As each force expands internationally, it inevitably begins to collide. When we were in our respective continents, we didn't interact with each other. It has been silent for a long time, but now over time, coupled with the dual catalysis of the contest and the annual festival, a new era of hegemony is coming!

Huang Yi clicked into the first post and browsed the news of Miyamoto Musashi and the hostages.

"Four days have passed since the hijacking, and Miyamoto Musashi finally made another big move! Just an hour ago, Miyamoto Musashi announced an important news, announcing that some hostages were being held in the Beihai City of the Budo Association. Attract the masters of the heroic continent to the rescue. At this moment, presumably Beihai City has laid the Tian Luo Di net. Only wait for the masters of the heroic continent to die ... "

This post was followed by a published hostage list. Huang Yi checked it and did not find Qin Shiyu's name inside, but found Hunter Hall Chiba Fengwu and Assassin Hall Hall Anonymous. Huang Yi, the two of them, must also be rescued.

Next, Huang Yi browsed through the rest of the important posts and saw that it was almost time. This is how it entered the second world.

Once on the line, he still appeared in the small world inside the godship. It has always been a pair of birds and flowers, sunny and very comfortable. At this point, the people in the various guilds were basically online, and they talked to each other about the announcement of the hostage location by Miyamoto Musashi, and they all waited for the landing time of the guild.

Huang Yi stood in a corner, and the rest didn't feel that they had distanced him a little, making him quiet around him.

Players cannot send messages across continents, only messages can be sent within the same continent. In the past few days, Huang Yi and Qin Shiyu have lost contact with each other. Only after he has reached the east continent can he reconnect with Qin Shiyu.

He felt a little lost in his heart. After falling in love with someone, if the other person suddenly left for a few days, he would have no interest in doing anything. He seemed to be back to the days when Qin Shiyu had not been seen before, and he would miss her almost every day in those years. Unfortunately, there is no phone in Rose Prison, otherwise he can get the news of Qin Shiyu through the way in the real world.

"Xiao Yu, are you okay now? Are you able to sleep at night? Did they bully you ..." Huang Yi asked himself in his heart, his thoughts were flying and he couldn't help himself.

"Everyone, after ten minutes, the Godship will reach the East Continent. I will directly drive the Godship to Beihai City and quietly disembark in the nearby waters, everyone is ready." At this time, Thor was heading towards the people in the guilds of the audience. Chant, now Beihai City is the primary goal of the people for a while. Although it is clear that the Tianluodi net has been laid there, it won't be a tiger.

Everyone was suddenly shocked, and they were ready, and the air was filled with a strong atmosphere.

After ten minutes, everyone's eyes changed again, and their feet shook, and the sound of the ship moving was heard in their ears, and the salty sea breeze accompanied the air. They returned to the previous cabin.

"Okay! Let's go out! Everyone must return to this place according to the original plan, otherwise you can only find a way to return to the hero continent." Thor shook his hand and walked out of the cabin first.

The others followed behind him, left the cabin and reached the deck.

Looking ahead, there really is a long black line on the coastline in the distance, and there is the long-awaited East China mainland!

"Everyone, I suddenly have a temporary idea." Just then, Huang Yi suddenly said.

Everyone turned to look at him. If there was a temporary change in this knot, it would be very out of place, but Huang Yi's mouth would be different.

"Say Brother Brother!" Yun Sihai looked at Huang Yidao.

Huang Yi nodded and looked around again, saying: "As long as we are ashore, then Miyamoto Musashi is likely to track us through tracking skills and know our landing time, which is not good for our secret plan. We do n’t have his anti-reconnaissance agent, we are very passive. But I have an anti-recon passive skill that can avoid enemy reconnaissance. So, my idea is that you stay on the boat first, do n’t go ashore, and let me investigate for a while alone And listen to my news, how about you? "

"I also have the means of anti-reconnaissance. It is better to go to Beihai City together to kill the brethren. Since they dare to put the hostages there, they must have laid the Tianluodi net. It is too dangerous for you to go alone. "At this time, Qi Sufeng, the president of the Nether Church, said with concern towards Huang Yi.

"The hostages are not necessarily in Beihai City!" Huang Yi shook his head. "They can mislead the news. We still have to explore the real location of the hostages. I have some ways to find the hostages. I will try it first, but it won't work. It's up to you. "

When Die Su Qiufeng heard these words, she no longer persuaded the others.

Seeing this, Yun Yi nodded and said, "Well! Killing the entertainer is bold, then we are here waiting for your good news!"

Huang Yi nodded, and immediately turned into a white dragon form, and flew over in the direction of the east continent alone.

His figure gradually became smaller and smaller in front of everyone, and he flew alone to the East China continent, which was countless times larger than him. Compared with the two, he was almost negligible. But his arrival can make a sensation all over the East Continent!

Huang Yi's incarnation also made absolute invisibility in an unoccupied corner, and followed it quietly and flew past without being noticed by anyone.

Gradually, Huang Yi was getting closer and closer to the land, and finally landed on the coastline. For the first time, he set foot on the land of the Dongtuo mainland!

The next day ~ www.readwn.com ~ He will write a legend in this land!

The next moment, as if looking forward to it for a long time, he immediately sent a message to Qin Shiyu: "Xiaoyu, I've arrived in the east of the continent, how are you doing?"

"Brother Yi, finally contacted you! I'm still very good, and I haven't been harmed!" Soon, Qin Shiyu responded to the news.

"That's good. I'll use the avatar to go to Beihai City first." Huang Yi finished, and immediately sent the avatar to fly in the direction of Beihai City. He has a map of the eastern continent, and some famous cities can follow the map.

After flying for a long time along the map, a city finally appeared at the end of Huang Yi's incarnation, which is the important city of the Budo Association-Beihai City! This city is one of the most important cities of the Martial Arts Association. It is tied with Wucheng as two major cities of the Martial Arts Association. The Martial Arts Association is also known as the Beihai Association, which shows how high the status of this city is!

At this point, here, as in the past, nothing looks special. The city's canopy has not been opened, and the city gate has not been closed, as if there was no defense at all.

But the calmer it is, the stranger it appears.

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