Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 626: Those twinkling eyes

"You figured out my position so easily. Is there anything weird in it?" Qin Shiyu asked with some worry.

"It's possible, but no matter what, I'm going to take a look at Muyicheng. It is inferred that your position is only the first step. Whether you can save you or not is the key. I'll see for myself!" After that, he summoned Xiaolong immediately, let it cast the Holy Dragon into the world, turned over and rode up, and flew towards Muyicheng in the map.

At this point, Xiaolong still had dragon scales and phoenix feathers on his body, looking magnificent. The feather of the black phoenix seemed to have some magic when it came in contact with the air, making it fly with almost no resistance and galloping.

It has been a while since it absorbed the mother's dragon power, but it has not been able to be promoted to the growth stage, and it still has no fighting power. What it lacks now is a fierce battle. Only in the battle can it be promoted to the growth stage. However, Huang Yi came to the east continent. The war cannot be avoided, and that day should come soon.


At this time, in the attic of a garden in Muyi City, a beautiful woman in a floral skirt was walking back and forth by the window. From time to time, she turned to look at the direction of the city gate, and she looked very worried.

Her beauty is enough to take away the soul of every man. In Japan, she is also known as a "national-level beauty". She is Miyamoto Musashi's sister Oda.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, she is usually wearing a knight's armor, riding a unicorn, a pair of iceberg beauties. In private, she took off her armor and put on her skirt. Like all girls, they long to be cared for. But few people could get her eyes.

"Sister Oda, what are you thinking?" Just then, a girl's voice suddenly sounded in the air. Then there was a naughty girl with a pair of ponytails, about fifteen or sixteen years old. Suddenly appeared in front of Oda City!

The girl had big eyes and an old-fashioned look. Although immature, she was very cute and naughty when she smiled. At first glance, she was a little devil who liked the whole person.

"Ah! Qingyue, when did you come!" Oda City was startled and immediately patted his chest and was shocked.

The young girl named "Qingyue" crooked her head and stared at Oda City as if to see her through. After watching it for a long time, she smiled badly. The ancient spirit said strangely: "I just came in stealthily. I saw that you have been lingering uneasily here. It seems that you are worried about someone. Are you worried about killing God again?"

"You, you bullshit. I didn't miss him!" Oda City immediately denied. But the tone was obviously a little guilty. Under Qingyue's gaze, her face gradually turned red to the root of her neck, and she immediately lowered her head. A pair of slim hands twisted her skirt, which seemed a little disturbed.

"Hee hee! Oda's sister blushed! It's beautiful! The only person who can make her so shameful is to kill God!" Qingyue looked at the little woman in Oda's expression, and seemed to have fun, with a pair of eyes laughing You have to bend into a crescent. "At that contest, all the means you used were still defeated by the **** of killing. He is the only man who has defeated your fit! And he is except for Miyamoto Musashi, You are the only man you've ever fitted, and you can't forget him! "

"I, how can I worry about him? He is now the world's first person, even my brother is not his opponent, why should I worry about him." Oda hurriedly retorted, but still lowered his head and did not dare to lift stand up.

"Of course, no one is his opponent!" But Qingyue said, holding Oda's hand and analyzing: "Brother Miyamoto Musashi is already here. There is an ambush here, waiting for the killing **** to be hooked. The killing **** is not a fool. Naturally, it can be inferred that Qin Shiyu is in this Muyi City. He will come sooner or later. There is an idiom in China called closing the door and hitting a dog. That means. "

"What kind of dog is closed? You are the dog!" Oda City suddenly sighed, pinching Qingyue's face.

"Ah, I'm wrong with my sister! I shouldn't call your killing **** like that, let's change the idiom! How about calling Zhongzhong Cunyu?" Qingyue immediately hid, and changed a word with a smile.

"Anyway, dogs and tadpoles are not good things." Oda said, stopping, and a little bit of worry appeared on her face, she bit her lip and said, "Qingyue, do you think my brother is A little too much? Now many people are scolding him for despicable means. Now God should look down on my brother even more! "

Qingyue nodded, then shook his head again, and said, "It's not a bit excessive, it's very excessive!"

Oda City looked dark and sighed: "I also feel that my brother is too much, he was not like this before. But after meeting the **** of killing, it seems to have become a person, become extreme, very dark, I Don't like such brothers. "

Qingyue vomited her tongue and held Oda's arm affectionately, saying, "Brother Miyamoto Musashi has not exposed his nature before. He has never met an opponent who can completely defeat him. Even Tiandao is just Just like him! But the **** of killing defeated him in all aspects, especially the first thing to rise to the level of 100, and his own honor was taken away. Who can stand it! Brother Miyamoto Musashi's nature Naturally, it will be exposed! "Qingyue was young, but when she analyzed the problem, she was full of words, and she looked like a ghost.

Oda City was silent for a moment, biting her pink lips, turning her head to look at the direction of the city gate, wondering what she was thinking.


At this time, Huang Yi was still rushing towards Xiaoyi City in the direction of Xiaoyi.

He is now more and more interested in Master's teleport skills. He can directly travel to a strange city without having to hurry. He also brought Lei Jun, one of the divisions of the Hero Guild this time, but now this is the East Continent, not the Hero Continent, Lei Jun's teleport skills will be invalidated.

After crossing the continent, there are many inconveniences, one of which is reflected in the transmission skills. Marks such as Huang Yi cannot be used between two continents, and can only be used inside a continent. He is now unable to teleport back to Heroes' Land through Dragon's Mark of Killing God. However, if he sets up a mark of killing gods on the east continent, it can be used within the east continent.

In addition, the hero teleportation skills of the 500 Rings of Heroes are the same. Huang Yi can't teleport to the members of the Hero League of the Hero Land, but if the members of the Hero League are in the East Continent, they can teleport.

And the teleportation skills of the mage profession are more completely restricted. When Lei Jun was in the hero continent, he could use teleportation skills to go to various public cities. However, the east land is not his homeland, and his teleport skills are not valid for the cities here.

At this time, Huang Yi finally saw a basin in the distance, and there were some traces of silhouettes in the forest below. According to the map, it was close to Muyi City. In order not to be too swaggering, he immediately let Xiaolong fall under the basin and put it away.

Huang Yi stepped heavily on the moist soil, strode towards Muyi City, leaving only a deep footprint.

Gradually, he came to a boulevard, in front of which was the gate of Muyi City. Players come in and out here, talking about each other.

"Miyamoto Musashi is so insidious that he actually did such a thing as a hostage. This is not in line with his identity. I still think the heaven is legitimate."

"In front of it is the Muyi City of the Budo Association. Let's be careful not to say bad things about Miyamoto Musashi, this is his place."

At this time, Huang Yi suddenly heard several passersby chatting in a low voice. They are all Japanese players, and they all speak Japanese, but in order to facilitate communication between players, the system has an automatic translation function, Huang Yi can still understand. From their chat, it is not difficult to see that Miyamoto Musashi's behavior not only caused a scream in China, but even in his native East China mainland, it also caused a lot of Japanese players' shame.

At this time, Huang Yi calmly came to the gate of Muyi City. There is only one gate in this city. The gate is very narrow, but through this small gate, you can enter the interior of the city. In a sense, this door is like a mouth that can swallow people in.

Huang Yi took a deep breath and walked away from Muyi City, swallowed by that mouth.

Beside the city gate of Muyi City ~ www.readwn.com ~ The owner of a stall is enthusiastically calling and selling his goods. While hawking, he turned his head to look outside the gate of the city, his eyes faintly shining with light.

Just then, he saw Huang Yi who just walked in! He hesitated in his heart, but did not reveal anything unusual, still hawking, it seems that he is an ordinary merchant.

After Huang Yi went away, the merchant looked at Huang Yi's back and showed a faint smile.

He is not an ordinary merchant. He is one of the eyes that Miyamoto Musashi specially planted in Muyi City. He is not strong, but he has eyes that can see changes in appearance! He can observe the original face of everyone who enters the city, even if Huang Yi changes his face, he cannot escape his eyes. Unless Huang Yi used the identity of the big bad guy, but the big bad guy was monitoring Miyamoto Musashi, and the body could not be used at the same time.

At present, the formal battle has not yet begun, but Huang Yi and Miyamoto Musashi have been fighting one another virtually. Huang Yi's incarnation discovered the identity of Miyamoto Musashi, while Miyamoto's men discovered the identity of Huang Yi's body.

If there is a referee, they may be given a 1: 1 verdict at this moment.

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