Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 628: Oda's painful decision

Finally, Oda City passed through the crowd and came to the forefront.

At this moment, she looked calm, as if she had appeared in public every time. But deep in her eyes, there was a faint flash of confusion. She only looked at Huang Yi and felt that her heartbeat was speeding up. Since the contest, she has thought of Huang Yi every day. Now she suddenly saw that the world is no longer the world and she is no longer herself. This feeling had never appeared in her life before, and now she was at a loss. But there are too many outsiders standing here, she has to try her best to maintain her image.

"Oda City, I haven't seen you for a long time." Huang Yi watched the arrival of Oda City, knowing that the Lord had appeared, his face finally calmed. Miyamoto Musashi is still in Beihai City, and Oda City is the absolute leader in this wooden city. His olfactory ability sensed that Oda City had six pieces of legendary equipment, an order of magnitude as Miyamoto Musashi, as dazzling as the sun!

"Are you okay?" Oda City heard Huang Yi's greeting, and when he was confused, he asked subconsciously, like a pair of close friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

But the greeting sounded in the ears of those around him, but it seemed to be full of ridicule.

Huang Yi glanced at Oda City and responded lightly: "Thank you, I'm doing well!"

There was a pain in Oda's heart, and I didn't know how to answer it. I stood there for a while without saying a word.

The farthest distance in the world is that I'm standing in front of you, but you don't know that I love you and even oppose me!

People around saw the atmosphere calm down and held their breath, thinking that it was the peace before the start of the war, and soon there was a flash of lightning fighting.

"Kill God, you obediently die!" Just then. The night of Jun Yi, who sold flowers to Huang Yi, spoke, breaking the peace. His face was covered with frost: "You are absolutely unable to escape now, our city gates have been closed, the teleportation array can only enter and leave, and the sky is the sky-level sky enchantment, even if the sky-level level is strong It takes ten minutes for the attacker to break. I have to say. You are really strong, but it is not useful. You are now trapped. Miyamoto Musashi already knows what is happening here, and it will be here soon. Time is your period of death. "

At this moment, Huang Yiyuan's incarnation of the big bad guy in Beihai City really felt that Miyamoto Musashi walked down the stairs on the second floor of the teahouse, strode away from the teahouse, and walked quickly in the direction of the teleportation array. It will be teleported to Muyi City soon.

At this time, Jun Ye waved his hands at the rest of the people and said, "Now everyone, everyone is surrounded by the **** of killing. I'll see if he can kill him!"

The words fell, and those who had not entered the state of sin came forward. When he came to Huang Yi and surrounded him, it looked a bit like a star surrounded by a group of fans.

Some people even extended their necks. Pointing at Huang Yi, he said, "Come! Kill God, come and kill me! Come and cut off my head!"

"Come to kill me, come to kill me!" The others laughed, one after another, with smiles vividly showing in front of Huang Yi, full of irony.

Oda City said just now that they just wanted Huang Yi to spread the killing ring and let him pile up the crime value. In this way, he can directly drop to level 1 after being killed.

Whether for insurance reasons or for the curse of killing. Huang Yi can't kill innocent people unless he turns on war mode. But once the war mode is turned on, he has no retreat.

Huang Yi glanced at the crowd around him. The figure suddenly flashed and rushed out of the crowd, not intending to entangle with these people. Now that the hostages have not been rescued, he can't let go of it. The first priority is to rescue the hostages before talking about them.

Soon, Huang Yi's figure wandered into the distance, leaving the stunned people in place. They never expected that Huang Yi would choose to leave and not participate in this battle.

"Everyone chase! Be sure to force him to kill!" Jun Ye gave an order promptly, and immediately took the lead to quickly chase in the direction of Huang Yi.

Soon, people in the entire alley kept up, and started to pursue Huang Yi in this Muyi city.

Oda City also turned to look at the direction where Huang Yi disappeared, bit his lip, and quickly followed.

Suddenly, the whole city of Yiyi seemed to play a game of mouse and cat. Huang Yi was the cat. Countless mice wanted to kill him, but he couldn't.

Huang Yi hurried through the streets and alleys of Muyi City, passing by under the shadow of buildings, searching for Qin Shiyu's trace.

Gradually, he came to a garden in Muyi City. It is far from the city center, surrounded by carved fences, which are surrounded by trees and flowers, without any noise. Huang Yi followed the quiet winding path to a small pond, then stood still, stopped with both hands, as if waiting for something.

The air was quiet, and occasionally a few cheerful bird calls sounded, which made Huang Yi's tense heart quiet.

"Kill God, do you think you can escape our pursuit?" At this moment, a crisp voice sounded behind Huang Yi, the voice of Oda City.

"You have been following me for so long without disturbing the rest. Why?" Huang Yi seemed to have expected Oda City to come over, and asked without looking back.

Just when he was fleeing, he always felt that Oda City seemed to have some strange ability and could always hang behind him far away. But she did not disturb the others, and she followed alone and far away. Huang Yi simply led the other party to this remote garden to see what the other party's plot was.

At this time, Oda City stood behind a camphor tree, looking at the yellow back in front of the pond in front, with a complex look. She has fancied countless times with Huang Yi alone, and now finally has this opportunity, but not as a couple, but as an enemy.

"I don't mean anything to follow you," Oda said, biting his lip, and saying, "My brother will be here soon, and when you want to leave it will be late. I know this wooden city Can't hold you back, let's go! "

"Oh?" Huang Yi frowned suddenly, and finally looked back at Oda City, seeing her soft look, does not seem to have any conspiracy, could not help asking curiously: "Why do you help me?"

"I, I just think my brother's means are too mean, I want to make up for him." Oda City was a little flustered and was afraid to look at Huang Yi's eyes. Her face began to turn red and became extremely shy, saying: "Hurry up! You can't save Qin Shiyu, she is being held in custody. This is a conspiracy of my brother. He just used Qin Shiyu to attract You are just hooked. The person he really wants to kill is you. He has made all possible preparations, and this time will completely solve you. "

"I know." Huang Yi nodded and said without a word.

"Then why are you still here?" Oda frowned slightly.

Qin Shiyu's figure suddenly appeared in Huang Yi's mind, and he said quietly, "For the loved one, there is nothing that cannot be done."

When Oda City heard this sentence, Jiaosu trembled, biting her lip, looking up at Huang Yi motionlessly. At this moment they are only a little distance away, but they seem to be separated by mountains and rivers.

Suddenly jealous of Qin Shiyu, Huang Yi came in to rescue even if she knew it was a Longtan tiger cave. The man she couldn't get, was completely owned by Qin Shiyu.

"Unfortunately, only the elder brother has the key to the prison, otherwise I can release Qin Shiyu." Oda said, biting his lips, trying to stabilize his emotions.

"Then what else do you have? If not, I'll leave and I will save her." Huang Yi said to Oda City, and then stepped away, without staying for a little bit because of the beauty of Oda City. time.

Oda City saw Huang Yi's back getting farther and farther, as if his world was slowly leaving, as if abandoned by this world. That lonely person, left her like this.

Just then, Oda gritted his teeth suddenly, and seemed to have made up some kind of determination, shouting, "Slow!"

"What's wrong?" Huang Yi stopped and looked back at her.

At this moment, his face was slightly sideways, his body covered with warm sunlight, reflected in Oda's eyes. She looked at him greedily, every second seemed to be a luxury, every time she looked at it, there would be richer pictures to remember in the future.

"Take me away!" Oda said in a trembling voice, and seemed to tell all the secrets in his heart through this sentence. She wished she could stay with Huang Yi forever, like those elopement stories in a fairy tale, and escape to a place without people.

Huang Yi stood still, no matter what he thought, Oda City would say something like this. After a while, he wondered, "Why?"

Oda closed her eyes slowly and said painfully: "If you have to say one of the benefits of doing this ~ www.readwn.com ~ you can take me as a hostage, and you must take my brother and let Qin Shiyu go."

At this moment, she betrayed her brother, her affection for nearly two decades, and severely lashed her heart.

But behind that pain, it was full of happiness. If he became his hostage, he would have done something for him!

Even if you cannot become Qin Shiyu, you can temporarily touch his heart!

Even if he and he are still enemies next time, he will be a little soft-hearted!

Even if he does not fall in love with himself, at least he will not forget himself!

Even if he just uses himself, he can stay longer with him, and take more air he has breathed!

Oda City comforted herself over and over again in her heart. At this moment she was as extreme as Miyamoto Musashi, also for uncompromising purposes, at no cost.

But Miyamoto Musashi is because of hate, and Oda City is because of love.

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