Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 631: Space tunnel

Gradually, Huang Yi followed Mengjun through the endless darkness, and came to the deepest part of the flower room. There is no cave here, it is a huge basement.

In a corner of the basement, there was a group of people **** with their backhands. They had silk scarves in their mouths, blindfolds in their eyes, couldn't speak, couldn't move, and couldn't see things. They are the hostages of the hero continent.

In addition, there are many people in the surroundings, and there are one or twenty men in black closely guarding them, one by one, they are fierce and fierce. However, when they saw the arrival of Mengjun, they suddenly greeted them respectfully.

"Bring the Chiba Phoenix Dance of the Heroes Guild." Meng Junlin directly gave an order.

The two men in black nodded and immediately walked into the group and escorted a woman out.

Huang Yi took a closer look. Although the woman was blindfolded, from the rest of her exposed face, she was exactly the hunter's master, Chiba Fengwu. She and Anonymous were the most powerful people in this group of hostages. . The rest of the hostages were high-level executives in charge of internal affairs of the guild. Only two of them were real masters, but they met Miyamoto Musashi, a super-class master, and were eventually captured.

"You're lucky, you can be free right away!" Mengjun patted Chiba Fengwu's shoulder, and held her away.

Chiba Fengwu's eyes were blindfolded and she had to leave the palace with the other party. But this time, Huang Yi did not leave with him, and he continued to stay here with absolute invisibility.

He immediately sent a message to Thor, Yun Sihai, and others, and told them to split the road. The head of the guild and the famous masters all the way out to Muyi City. The other way is composed of some people who are not so famous, such as the men brought by various guilds, etc. These people go to Beihai City.

at this time. More than a hundred people, such as Thor and Yun Sihai, have landed on the East Continent! They immediately followed Huang Yi's instructions. The leaders of the guilds such as Thor, Yun Sihai, Lu Bu, Diesu Qiufeng, etc., or famous masters, formed a group and hurried towards the wooden city where Huang Yi was located! The remaining group formed the second regiment, and the leader was the lonely leader of the Cavalier Hall of the Heroes Guild. He led these people to Beihai City!


At this point, in another corner of Beihai City, an ordinary man was drinking in a pub.

He pours a large mouthful of fruit wine, then habitually uses a tracking ability. This tracking skill is not the same as the tracking skill of ordinary people. The tracking skills of ordinary people need certain conditions, such as obtaining target objects. Or they have fought against each other and have had an interactive behavior before they can track them. However, his tracking skills are more advanced. He only needs the other person's name to track each other, even if they have never seen each other before. This tracking skill is similar to the tracking skill "Eye of Monitoring", which is only available to the guardians of the mainland, and is a skill on which he depends.

These days. Musashi Miyamoto has arranged a special task for him, that is, to master the masters of the hero continent such as Thor, Yunsihai, Huang Yi at all times! They will come to the east continent at any time, and Miyamoto Musashi wants to grasp their whereabouts as soon as possible.

However, the man has used this tracking skill numerous times in the past few days, but has not used it successfully, and the tracking target is not on this continent at all.

This time, he was just like countless times before. With a try attitude, I used this skill. When he entered the tracking target, he didn't even think about it, and he just said a name casually-Yun Sihai. All he knew would be the masters who would go to the east to rescue the hostages. Only Huang Yi, Thor, Yun Sihai, and Lu Bu were famous presidents. As for what they brought with him, he didn't know, he couldn't say the names of the others.

The man was waiting for a hint of failed skill use, he even poured a glass of wine for himself and wanted to continue drinking. But this time he froze! His tracking skills have been used successfully! He actually found out where Yun Sihai was. At this time, the other party had landed on the East Continent, and was moving quickly in the direction of Muyi City!

The man was slightly shocked and immediately sent the news to Miyamoto Musashi: "The masters who came to the rescue from the hero continent are heading for the City of Woods!"

next moment. Miyamoto Musashi, who was far away in Miki City, immediately received the news. The corner of his mouth slightly lifted, and he planned to come here, and has already been more than half successful!

The reason why he wanted to take hostages in the East China mainland the other day was not just for Huang Yi. He has even greater ambitions, and that is to take this opportunity to be a group of masters who eradicate the heroic continent! Reduce the high gesture power of the hero continent, then start a large-scale national war, and officially invade the hero continent!

As long as the presidents of the well-known guilds such as Huang Yi, Thor, Yun Sihai, Lu Bu, and Qiu Qiufeng dare to go to the east continent, then he has a way to kill each other so that they cannot return to the hero continent!

Now, the other party is here. Although his men only tracked Yun Sihai, he can speculate on the whole, and the rest must follow Yun Sihai's side and go to the City of Woods.

"Immediately prepare a magic cannon, aim at the only way to Muyi City, and wait for Yun Sihai and others to appear and immediately kill them with a magic cannon!" Miyamoto Musashi immediately sent a message to one of his men.

Originally, it was very difficult for him to kill masters such as God of Thunder, God of the Sea and the Clouds, but the strategic big killer with magic artillery was different. As long as he aimed at the ambush in advance, even a group of strong masters would hate it. dead. This kind of magic cannon is far from being blocked by humans!

With the order of Miyamoto Musashi, an old man with white hair in an inconspicuous small village outside the city of Muyi immediately walked out with a group of adults.

The group of people pushed a cannon cart, and there was a horrible magic cannon on the sports car. The cannon holes were black and black. It was facing the sky and emitting a cold light in the sun, as if to blast the sky.

The old man looked back at the group of people and said, "Push this magic robe to Lanxi Gorge. There is a place to go to Muyi City. When the Chinese people arrive, we use this magic robe to serve them. "

"Yes!" The group responded immediately, then pushed the gun cart harder.

At this moment, their target Yun Sihai and others are chatting while walking.

"Lu Bu, don't be so anxious, killing God just lets us pretend to go to Muyi City. The real point is over Beihai City, now the defense of emptiness over there, Miyamoto Musashi they don't know our plan at all, wait for Beihai City After the hostages have been rescued, we still have to return to meet them! "At this time, Yun Sihai saw Lu Bu summoned the mount and wanted to hurry on the road, he couldn't help but stop when he was born.

"I just want to wait to kill some Japanese people, these days are too uncomfortable." Lu Bu smiled and waved the weapon in his hand, but still put away the mount.

"Do you say that killing God can save our hostages? If we can't save it in one fell swoop, then we will be very passive!" At this time, the chairman of the Nether Church Die Su Qiufeng, biting a weed and asked casually. Soon.

"Say it later! If you can't save it, then kill it! I, like Brother Lu Bu, have long wanted to kill the Japanese!" A strong man carried a huge axe and spit in a spit. Said quietly.


In stark contrast to the ease of Yun Sihai and others, the tension of the second team. At this time, they were riding on their respective mounts and rushing towards Beihai City. In Huang Yi's instructions, they were going to save the hostages. Whether they succeeded or not depends on their group of people.

At this time, they were rushing towards Beihai City one by one, and their horses were all top-tier fifth-tier mounts. They were all mighty. Although there were only dozens of people, they were actually as powerful as iron riders of hundreds of people. .

Beihai City is very close to here, and not long after, a city appeared at the end of their sight. In order not to be noticeable, they put away their mounts and switched to walking.

"Zheng Yiyi, three samsara reincarnation, is there any problem with the cooperation skills of the two of you?" At this time, the deputy chief of the Knights Hall of the Heroes Guild suddenly turned back and looked at the two masters of the Nether Church and asked.

"No problem, our space tunnel is very suitable for transfer. You can rest assured that your killing gods." A stranger wearing a commoner smiled slightly. His name is Zheng Yiyi. One of the two top pagan masters.

"Yeah! As long as the hostages can step onto our space tunnel, they will definitely be able to teleport out ~ www.readwn.com ~ At this time, another man in a commoner nodded. His appearance and appearance were exactly the same as Zheng Yiyi, He called Samsara Samsa, and Zheng Yiyi were twins in reality.

The two of them have a very special cooperation skill, which requires two people to release together to take effect. When two people in two different places simultaneously release a skill called "space tunnel", a space can be set up in two places. The tunnel, at the end of the tunnel, came to this end of the tunnel all at once.

This skill is much more flexible than the teleportation skills of the mage type. The teleportation skills of the mage type can often only be transmitted to the city, but not to the wilderness. Moreover, in the East Continent, the Master's teleportation skills are invalid. Only some special teleportation skills will be effective. Zheng Yiyi and Samsara's cooperative skills are one of them, as long as they are on the same continent. , Whether it is the hero continent or the east continent.

"That being the case, then we will see your tunnels later. If your skills fail, then we can only kill them in the North Sea City with Brother Kill God." Nodded lonely, and then looked around everyone again, saying : "The hero's guild immediately followed me, and the rest stayed here to pick us up! Zheng Yiyi, you also followed us to release the port of the space tunnel! Samsara, another port where you build a space tunnel outside this city "" (To be continued ...)

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