Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 641: The biggest wave of public opinion in history

Gradually, one day passed and the enchantment of Muyi City never closed. Huang Yi stayed out of the city until late at night.

As soon as he got off the line, he heard the sound of Thor from the direction of the big cell, and he seemed to be meeting with the criminals in Rose Prison to say something important.

Huang Yi saw a plate at the door of the cell with a few hoes on it. It is estimated that someone saw that he didn't go to dinner, so he reserved him a special dinner. Huang Yi's heart warmed, he immediately walked over and picked up the hoes, and while holding them, opened the cell door and walked to the largest cell.

At this time, the cells of the Rose Prison were quiet, everyone was sitting quietly in their cells, and did not enter the second world, listening intently to the words of the prisoner Thor in the large cell.

"Now, everyone is a master of each country and has a strong appeal in each country. Next, you must find ways to build momentum for Ayi! Let at least one billion people around the world stand on Ayi's side and use public opinion to force Dead Miyamoto Musashi! Let him have to let go! "

"Yada Koji, you are now the person with the highest position in the East Ryukai that we planted under the Heavenly Emperor. You try to let the Heavenly God also participate in the wave of anti-Miyamoto Musashi. Tiandao and Miyamoto Musashi have been competing for the first place in the East. As leaders, they are not united, and Heaven should be happy to step on Miyamoto Musashi at this time! "

"Fujii, Fujiwara, those of you who are in the Budo Association, try to stir up the internal division of the Budo Association and set fire to Miyamoto Musashi's backyard!"

"Ying Lin, you are now the leader of Singapore players, and your Majesty is also Singapore ’s greatest strength. You make a public speech. Condemn Miyamoto Musashi! With your influence. It basically represents the voice of Singapore players. 75% of Singapore They are all Chinese. In terms of blood, they will also be on the side of Ah Yi. "

"Rosive, you were the former executive editor of the New York Times before you went to jail. You want to use your previous connections to get the New York Times headline and publish a negative news about Miyamoto Musashi. . "

"By the way, the Associated Press, Reuters, and AFP. You all have a relationship, and let them make negative news about Miyamoto Musashi on TV."

"Provsky, I remember that the guild of yours and the guild of giant bears reached a strategic cooperation a while ago. You go to encourage the gigantic bears and work with him to eliminate the Miyamoto Musashi Budo Branch in Russia!"


The Rose Prison was quiet, only Thor's voice was rapid and full of majesty. Orders were issued and passed into each cell!

The criminals in Rose Prison were once the elites of human society. Once they started their relationship in their fields. That power is inestimable. It can be said that only the world federation can do this. Even it is estimated that it is very difficult for the world federation to run. After all, the world federation only controls more than 70% of the countries and regions in the world, and nearly 30% of the countries are still autonomous and not controlled by the world federation. Among these countries, the deterrent power of the World Federation is limited.

The Rose Prison is a worldwide public prison with criminals from all over the world. In addition to the criminals of the world federation, there are also serious offenders of sovereign states such as China, the United States, Russia, India, and so on. The Rose Prison is jointly managed by the World Federation and these sovereign countries, but most of the prisoners in it are criminals of the World Federation, and the World Federation has the greatest influence.

After Huang Yi finished his last bite, he finally came to the door of the big cell. At this moment, a hundred people were sitting in the dim cell, all of whom were the little ones among the thousands of criminals in Rose Prison. The jailer Thor was sitting in the middle of the crowd, issuing orders to everyone.

This kind of scene, if it is placed in a bright conference room, is like a meeting, but now it is placed in a dark rose prison. Even the windows are small and pitiful, and the light that can come in is very limited. The people sat on the floor, one by one in the darkness, and only one outline could be seen.

"A Yi, you are finally offline!" At this moment, Thunder God found Huang Yi outside the door and waved his hand and greeted him.

Huang Yizhang pulled open the iron fence door, walked in, merged into the darkness, and entered hundreds of criminals.

"Good brother Yi!"

"Good brother Yi!"

Suddenly, the criminals in the big cell turned to look at him, greeting each other respectfully, and their eyes seemed to be stars in the dark, exuding admiration and respect.

Huang Yi nodded toward them, then came to Thor's side, and asked with concern: "Did you throw off the battleship of Miyamoto Musashi?"

"Take it away!" Said Thunder God, and stood up, those bright eyes showed a smile, patted Huang Yi's shoulder, and said, "Thanks to you going back to contain the first battleship, for We fought for the evacuation time, but the second battleship that Miyamoto Musashi sat on failed to catch up with us and returned without success. "

"That's good!" Huang Yi breathed a sigh of relief. "Next, I can let go of it on the East Rim mainland."

"Then you have to be careful!" At this moment, the little prison overlord only suddenly reminded him, he was sitting next to Thor, very close to Huang Yi, "Now there is only so many weeks left before the annual festival, Once you fall on the eastern continent, you will most likely not get the best personal award. "

Hearing these words, Huang Yi could not help looking at Thor, and his heart was slightly heavy.

Raytheon's death sentence will be executed this year. Only Time can save him. If Huang Yi can't get the best personal award, then he can't make a request like Mr. Huang Sha, the president of Time. It can be said that the best individual award is more than an honor, it is more important that it represents whether Thor can escape the death penalty!

"Don't put pressure on Ah Yi!" Thor shook his head toward Wang and said, "Even if Ah Yi can't get the best individual award, I can hope to get it. I created the world's first ocean-going ship. Since then, various countries have begun to have contact and entered a new era of navigation. This era was opened by me. And our Sun Guild was once the world ’s highest market value guild. In addition, I got a broken artifact of Poseidon, which was the third A person who has been given a name, both in the individual and team competitions, the top four, and the 100th floor of the Tower of the Gods, I also led the solar group to get a first kill ... I have done a lot of things, this year the world can There are only a handful of people who can compare with me, and my chances of winning a prize are actually not small! "

"Not only that!" At this time, the overlord's old voice also rang: "In addition to the best individual award, the best team award, the best guild award, our hero guild and the sun guild are all winning titles. Most In terms of the best newcomer award, Yinglin is not a loser to tnt. I am sure I can hit the best newcomer award. Unfortunately, I am old, or I can sprint the best newcomer! "

In the darkness, a pair of originally heavy eyes gradually flashed the light of hope. This year's annual ceremony, Rose Prison's lineup is extremely luxurious. Of the five top awards, in addition to the best charm award, the remaining four items have a great chance to get.


After the meeting, the people in Rose Prison returned to their cells and entered the second world. They began to sit and prepare for Huang Yi's public opinion in their respective continents. In the shortest possible time, they must stir up public opinion to the highest point and press Miyamoto Musashi severely.

Huang Yi, however, was always outside Muyi City. The enchantment didn't close that day, so he had to wait outside. However, he had the hands of the gods and finished the tower of the gods 10 times directly, and the leveling progress did not fall.

The next morning, Huang Yi went offline for breakfast, and then went to the forum to take a look.

Sure enough, after the joint hype of the Rose Prison, the organization, and the top guild forces in China, the public opinion was really exploded. The top 20 news in the 24-hour hot post was all being said. this matter--

"Kill God to protect the remaining hostages of the heroic continent, give up the opportunity to escape, and return to the east of the East alone after the break!"

"The killer back appeared on the cover of Time Magazine! All well-known media around the world focus on the East China continent!"

"The feat of killing the gods to sacrifice life has detonated global public opinion! Anti-Miyamoto Musashi waves have been launched all over the world!"

"Muramoto Musashi suffered global condemnation, and the stock price of the Budo Association fell 47.3%!"

"The Ganga guild, India's largest force, announced the suspension of trade cooperation with the Budo guild!"

"Russian leader Teddy Bear led the elite masters and eliminated the Russian branch of the Martial Arts Association overnight, annexing all assets!"

"Singapore Myth Camp made a public speech, severely condemned Miyamoto Musashi, and dispelled the Budokai ocean ships in the port!"

"Three million Japanese players besieged Beihai City and asked Miyamoto Musashi to release the hostages! Beihai City was forced to close the gates and open the canopy of enchantment 24 hours!"

"Tendao, one of Japan's two leaders, remains silent, and Miyamoto Musashi is isolated and helpless! More than four million members of the Budo Association retreat overnight!"

"The latest support rate for the Best Individual Award has been released ~ www.readwn.com ~ The killing support rate has soared to 91.6%, and the ranking of Miyamoto Musashi's support rate has plummeted to the bottom 5!"


The effect of public opinion detonation was extremely obvious. Huang Yi opened the forum and could hardly see the rest of the posts, all of which were discussions on this matter.

Miyamoto Musashi's previous hostage-taking incident had already created a crisis of public opinion. His superb masters, by doing so, have been ignored by many people around the world.

After yesterday's incident, coupled with Huang Yi's hype, Miyamoto Musashi's reputation is even more stinking. Some alliance forces that have maintained good relations with Miyamoto Musashi have begun to clarify relations with him.

Since the opening of the Second World, there has never been such a tidal wave of public condemnation. Even the Martial Arts Association itself has seen a crisis of division, with more than 4 million members retiring.

The public opinion has been fully established, and then Huang Yi waited for Miyamoto Musashi to respond. (To be continued ...)

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