Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 646: Hunting down all masters in the East

Huang Yi's body and incarnation raged in the crowd of the Martial Arts Association. Two bodies ran into each other. Wherever they went, people would die. There was no one. Fortunately, all the knights who survived the state of the knights were screaming and escaping without the courage to fight Huang Yi.

"Squeak!" At that moment, the siege crossbow at the end of the long street heard a winding sound, and the huge arrow had been refilled by the group of teenagers, and it was about to be launched!

No one here is Huang Yi's opponent to kill God, only this siege crossbow can threaten him!

"The French Open is back!" At this moment, Huang Yi's body stretched his hands towards the end of the long street!

Suddenly, a net made of light was scattered towards the end of the long street. The speed was extremely fast. Like a lightning bolt, all the teenagers next to the siege crossbow were caught!

The next moment, Huang Yi made a tick in his palm and immediately took back the optical network! The teenagers were dragged over and turned into a pile of corpses scattered around Huang Yi.

Huang Yi's French network has been upgraded to the second level at level 125, with an additional attack effect, which will cause all the netizens to deal a damage equivalent to 100% of his attack power! But now Huang Yi has the curse of killing, the full attribute doubles, the damage effect of this French network is also soaring, and this group of teenagers is instantly killed.

Without the threat of the siege crossbow, Huang Yi killed people even more unscrupulously, one by one, the living lives fell under his **** battle. The sound of that war go into the flesh clearly sounded in everyone's ears, like the sound of cutting pork in the slaughterhouse, making people sound creepy.

A few minutes later, this one-sided slaughter is finally over!

The ground was extremely bloody, and there were corpses everywhere on the ground, mixed with orange and purple clothes on the ground, covering the entire long street, and the blood gathered into a small river into the drainage ditch. All journalists and accompanying audiences. He stared motionlessly at Huang Yi in the corpse mountain.

At this point, he was covered in blood, holding the **** battle tightly in his hands, and standing quietly in the long street full of moonlight and corpses. The drop of blood on the gunpoint and crossblade of Zhan Ge in his hand was dripping blood drop by drop, hitting the blood in the ground, making a "click! Click! Click!" Sound. In the silent field, it seemed extremely clear.

The world is quiet, and those reporters have forgotten to understand.

"Don't keep up! I will hurt you by mistake." At this time, Huang Yi turned his head and spoke to the group of reporters and the audience outside the long street. He then crossed a corpse and ignored the equipment on the ground. Walked towards the end of the long street alone. His avatar fluttered his wings and flew forward from the air to find his way.

Those reporters and pedestrians, just outside the long street, watched the distant Huang Yi far and wide, all the audiences watching the broadcast live. Also staring at the back of Huang Yi in the video.

Just now Huang Yi's **** slaughter made everyone feel the trembling from the bottom of his heart. He seemed to be a real god, he had no human touch at all, he only knew how to kill. But the reminder before he left showed that he was still emotional and would at least take the initiative to avoid manslaughter.

"We can fly over!" At this time, some journalists with flying capabilities still said deadly. It is difficult to fight while flying in the air. Battles are generally conducted on the ground and rarely spread to the sky.

Next, these reporters either gave birth to wings or used flying tools and flew into the air one after another, flying in the direction of Huang Yi. Continue to broadcast and comment for players around the world-

"Audience friends! Audience friends! This is destined to be recorded in the annals of history, May 31, 2123 AD. Killing God alone, like the East Continent, declared war, this is the first national war since the Second World opened . More importantly, this national war is against one whole country. Next. What is the fate of killing God? Will he win this national war? Please continue to pay attention to this station, we will continue to fight with God Go forward together and witness this historic battle ... "


At this time, on the central square far from Huang Yi, Miyamoto Musashi, the vice chairman of the starry sky, Guitiantong, and Ling Luo, who had just been killed by Huang Yi, were all standing here.

Just now Ling Luo was killed by Huang Yi once, the level dropped by one level, and a piece of equipment broke out. Fortunately, it was an orange outfit, which had a limited impact on his strength. However, the loss of level made him a lot of pain. He was originally 121, but now it has fallen to 120, just like Miyamoto Musashi.

"You mean, he killed you with one stroke?" At this moment, Xingkong looked at Ling Luo, which was about his age, and opened his mouth to ask.

"Yes!" Ling Luo patted his chest in fear, recalling with some fear, "I thought how strong he was, I could resist that one or two times and use my life-saving skills to escape, but I Did not resist, he at least doubled his attributes! "

"Now, ordinary methods can't defeat him!" At this moment, Vice President Gui Tiantong touched his beard, and the dim eyes looked at Huang Yi's direction, and said with an old voice.

"What now? The killing **** has opened the war mode. There is no scruples about killing. Our previous plan failed!" At this moment, Ling Luo turned to look at Miyamoto Musashi and asked.

"He declared war on us. This was an unexpected joy!" Miyamoto Musashi not only did not feel nervous, but laughed, and seemed very happy. "Before, killing God was only directed against our guild. It was only a personal grudge. But Now that he has declared war on our entire country, the nature of the matter has changed, and he is now the enemy of all of us on the eastern continent. "

Said, Miyamoto Musashi immediately turned his head to look at the vice-chairman Starry Sky and said, "Starry Sky, now you immediately invite all the guilds in the East China Sea, and let them send elite masters to rush here to siege the public enemy of God together, our The teleportation array is open to them, and they are only allowed in and out. Although the current killing gods can't be dealt with by ordinary means, all the masters in the eastern continent are different. They have all kinds of special skills. It ’s just humans, and we ca n’t resist the masters of our entire country. In addition, there are many more methods that Beihai City has prepared for him. We have not used the top potions, siege equipment, magic cannons, and high-level guardians of the sanctuary. Then! "

In the end, Musashi Miyamoto carried his hands on his back and calmly summed up his voice: "This time, God will not only die, but will also affect China's defeat. By then, his reputation will be severely damaged. He will start the war Model, this is the dumbest decision he has ever made in his life. "


At this time, Huang Yi was walking step by step in the long street, covered by a striking red halo in the shape of a blood drop, which could be seen far away. This halo in the shape of a blood drop is called a war halo. As long as it is visible to Japanese players, he can easily recognize that he is the public enemy of the country.

As Huang Yi walked, he looked at his killing curse. This curse needs to kill enough 1 million people to be lifted. He is now only a few thousand people, which is still far away. Every curse has a lifeline, and the lifeline that kills the curse is to start the national war mode to kill people, so that you can kill people without gaining sin.

In addition, killing in war mode can also get a very small amount of experience value of the enemy's current level, similar to killing monsters. Just after Huang Yi killed that group of people, the experience value increased slightly.

And after killing the enemy, you will get the corresponding combat power according to the rank of the enemy. The higher the rank of the enemy, the more military power will be obtained. Just now, Huang Yi, like everyone, is a soldier with the lowest rank, but after the massacre just now, he has been promoted to the second rank. Starting from the superior soldier, the rank has some attribute bonuses. The bonus of the superior soldier is relatively simple. When healed by the player in his country, the healing effect is increased by 1%, and when facing the enemy player, the attack power is increased by 1%. And if it is the marshal rank of the highest level, the attribute of the bonus is a world of difference, the kind of bonus can only let ordinary players look up!

"Huh?" At this moment, Huang Yifei's incarnation in the air found that there were hundreds of players in the martial arts guild in a street at the end of the long street. There were more than a dozen siege crossbows in front of them, all of them had already set their arrows, and they aimed at the exit of the long street, ready to shoot him as soon as Huang Yi appeared.

"Come out! Xiaolong!" Just then ~ www.readwn.com ~ Huang Yi summoned Xiaolong immediately, let it make the Holy Dragon come to life, and then turned over and rode up.

"We went behind them from the air and killed them!" Huang Yi touched the black phoenix feather on Xiaolong's body and said quietly towards it.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Xiaolong nodded, and immediately flew from the long street to the low altitude, flying in the direction of Huang Yi, passing over buildings and making a big bend.

The black wind feathers on Xiaolong could make the smallest sound with the air, and flew silently, and soon flew to the rear of the group of martial arts guilds.

At this point, all of these players held their breaths and stared at the exit of the long street. No one knew that a killing **** had come behind them.

"Enforcement-trial!" Huang Yi rode directly on Xiaolong's body, and suddenly circled with it, giving a wide range of attack capabilities.

Suddenly, the **** battle caused a strong storm, raging with the green mist of AIDS, like a whirlwind blowing into the entire crowd! (To be continued ...)

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