Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 653: An epic **** battle

Taking this opportunity, Huang Yi immediately checked his **** battle.

[Blood War of Emperor Somret] (Epic, Weapon-Long Soldier)

Melee Attack: 1100-1280 Sanctuary Points

All partners of the contract partner +10. In the riding state, the owner shares the bonus.

Strength +200 Sanctuary Points

Attack +35

Critical Chance +15

Within that day, each enemy target killed can increase its attack power by 1 and reset at 0 points every day. The maximum attack power cannot exceed 100,000 points.

Attack Speed ​​+30

The upper limit of anger is +300, which increases 2 points of anger every second. For every enemy killed, there is a small probability to get 2 points of anger.

Incidental skills:

[Blood Strike]: You can ignore range attacks, attack all targets that have been attacked within one minute after use, and cause all targets to have a damage equivalent to 20 attack power. Each use requires 5 health and a 1 minute cooldown.

[Axe]: Ultra-long-range attack skills, struggling to throw the weapon in the direction of the target, the weapon automatically tracks the target at a speed of 100 meters per second, and all enemy targets hit along the way will be forced to bounce off and cause Equivalent to 30 damage. The maximum attack distance of the flying axe must not exceed 20 times the level value, which can be recalled at any time. Each use consumes 5 health and a cooldown of 5 minutes.

[Let's tie it]: Protect your wife completely, resist all attacks for the other side, last one day, both sides need to be on the same continent, cooling time is 100 days.

Durability: 5000/5000

Requirement level: can be increased as the level increases, the current level is 145

Equipment rating: 7152

Item description: If there is no way out, let go and kill. ——Somret the Great

After reading the attributes of this epic weapon, Huang Yi was full of shock. This epic weapon is the strongest equipment he has ever seen, which has greatly enhanced his strength! Especially the attack!

The epic weapon's basic attack power alone has reached more than 1,000 sacred points, which is equivalent to more than 100,000 points of attack. The **** battle when there were only 4 parts before was only more than 300 points. After being promoted to epic, it has tripled!

The other additional attributes have also been greatly improved. In addition, after the **** battle is promoted to the epic equipment, there is an additional attribute-"Every enemy killed within the day can increase 1 attack power, reset 0 points daily, the added attack power The upper limit cannot exceed 100,000 points. "

Now that Huang Yi is in the midst of the national war, this attribute can play a big role.

In terms of additional skills, in addition to the flying axe and the tie knot just obtained, Bloody Battle also has a very useful skill-"Blood Strike", which can attack all targets previously attacked regardless of distance within one minute .

This skill solves a big problem of Huang Yi, making it more convenient for him to kill the knight players! In the battle, even if the knights ran away in all directions relying on the state of the knight's body, Huang Yi did not need to hunt them down one by one. As long as the opponent ’s body of the knight is over, using this skill, they will be able to uniformly make up a knife.

The power of this epic equipment can actually be seen from the equipment points. It is as high as 7000 points, which has doubled from the previous 4 parts!

At this stage, the average player's overall equipment points are about 10,000. Huang Yiguang is this epic weapon, which is almost catching up with the average player's overall equipment!

At this time, with the disappearance of the **** of love, the love peaches floating in the sky began to disappear, and the wedding ceremony was about to end soon. When the ceremony is over, they will be sent back to their respective places, and Qin Shiyu will return to the high platform again!

Some experts from the East China mainland on the square have begun to attack them! All kinds of arrows, magic, and energy shot towards them. But the sky of love peaches has not completely dissipated, and their attacks cannot cause damage!

At this moment, Huang Yi stood in the void and shouted toward the audience: "People who are not martial arts guilds quickly withdraw from the west side of the square! Otherwise don't blame me for accidental killing! I started the national war against the martial arts guilds Not targeting the rest of the East! "

His voice with an undisguised murderous tone rang across the square, the last warning before a massacre was about to begin, with heavy oppression.

All the reporters in the audience, watching the lively innocent players, immediately evacuated towards the west of the central square, lest they be affected. The video picture in front of the audience suddenly became confused, showing that the photographer was rushing away, and the sense of crisis was immediately conveyed through the video picture.

The members of the martial arts guild looked at each other, and everyone felt a fear before death.

"Don't be afraid! We still have many ways to deal with him!" At this time, Miyamoto Musashi on the high stage immediately uttered a voice, a strong voice with a sense of security, stabilized the military hearts of those members of the martial arts guild.

At this time, Huang Yimin came to Qin Shiyu's ears and said softly, "Xiaoyu, you have now lifted the abduction and can go offline normally. My avatar just discovered Beihai City, and you're looking for a nobody Take it offline, you can see my situation from the live broadcast. If there is anything, you can call No. 2's subordinate 'Yun Dan is still there' and let him go online and send me a message. "

Yun Dan is still in this person, the hunter player who gave him the love of God for No. 2 a few days ago.

"Good! Brother Yi, you must be careful!" Qin Shiyu nodded, and immediately kissed Huang Yi, her soft lips lingering, she seemed to let her love pass through this kiss, all poured into Huang Spill over.

Huang Yi, while kissing, joined Qin Shiyu's team, and used her to marry her newly acquired marriage skills.

Suddenly, a layer of loving peach-like translucent enchantment appeared on Qin Shiyu's body, moving with her movement.

The next day, this layer of enchantment will guard her firmly, transferring all the attacks she received to Huang Yi. As long as Huang Yi doesn't die, she won't die.

Finally, the ceremony is over!

The pink starry sky returned to its original state, the peaches of love falling from the sky disappeared, and Huang Yi and Qin Shiyu drifted back from the air to their previous positions.

Huang Yi returned to the middle of the crowd on the square, and Qin Shiyu returned to the high platform, under the butcher knife of Miyamoto Musashi!

Miyamoto Musashi looked like he had been looking forward to it for a long time, his face was blue, he immediately waved the Toyo knife in his hand, and chopped down lightningly towards Qin Shiyu!

Qin Shiyu was abducted for so many days, already in a bad state of hunger, and his overall attributes fell to an extreme. There was no power to dodge this attack, and I was sturdyly hit!

"Ding!" A sound of intersecting gold stones sounded, and Miyamoto Musashi's mighty slash was cut on Qin Shiyu's body of love peach costume enchantment, and he could not cut any more! His attack was transferred to Huang Yi's body!

But Huang Yi is now doubling his overall attributes, and his defense is terribly high. The damage that Miyamoto Musashi has caused him is very limited!

Miyamoto Musashi responded extremely quickly and immediately changed his strategy. He released a control skill towards Qin Shiyu in an attempt to control her! Regain this hostage!

But the same, after the control skills reached Qin Shiyu, he was blocked by that layer of love peach enchantment, transferred to Huang Yi's body, and controlled Huang Yi!

"Boom!" At this moment, a dark cloud appeared over a corner on the east side of the square, and dense lightning burst down! On the ground, a lot of hot magma emerged, making that area look red and red, and the air was filled with green poisonous mist, hazy and unreal!

In just an instant, it became a human purgatory! There are tens of thousands of players standing within the range, and all of them are suddenly attacked by super powers!

That's what Huang Yi's incarnation made! He can now turn on the killing ring!

This massacre immediately caused chaos in the whole audience. Qin Shiyu seized the time and immediately jumped off the square from the high platform, mixed with a million people, and fled outside the square.

Countless players started attacking her along the way, but no matter how intensive and powerful the attack was, no matter what skills they were, they were all blocked by that layer of love peach-shaped enchantment and transferred to Huang Yi's body.

Now, no one can stop Qin Shiyu from leaving!

Among the crowd, Huang Yi looked at Qin Shiyu, who was getting farther and farther, and his face relaxed.

He is now under a lot of attacks and is controlled by various control skills, unable to move. But his blood volume dropped extremely slowly!

He is the least feared person in the world!

He is legally protected and can only sustain up to 10 attacks per second! Except for the top 10 attacks, the attacks of the others have no effect;

In his martial arts title ~ www.readwn.com ~ has an attribute-when attacked by multiple enemies, the 10 attributes of the highest attack power are reduced by 20 until the end of the battle. This attribute cooperates with the law to protect this talent, which is perfect;

He has the curse of killing and doubles all attributes, including all survival attributes such as defense, resistance, health, etc .;

His fighting spirit is the perfect fighting spirit, the defense and life activation are the highest three layers, the bonus range is considerable;


This ability makes him able to cope with the attacks of a million players!

At this time, Huang Yi saw that she had hit all the negative states, and could not help using amnesty immediately!

A stream of clear current flowed through him at once, relieving those negative states on him, and within a minute, exempting those states.

The next moment, he clenched the **** epic battle in his hand and stormed into the crowd! rs


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