Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 656: That's what this festival really means

Miyamoto Musashi stood in the void with his hands on his back, his tone seemed to be in the overall situation: "The attribute swap potion I used was not the type you have used before. You used Type A at first, both for players and It can be used for only one hour. But I am using type b now, which is specifically for players, and it will end until our party dies! Therefore, this tactic of delaying time is destined to be invalid. When I deal with you, I have considered all possible situations, this time, your death is doomed! "

After hearing the specific information of the property swap agent, countless people suddenly realized that they finally knew why Huang Yi would drag Miyamoto Musashi to the sky, and then hid in hiding. It turned out that he was trying to delay time, waiting for the potion duration to end! If the property swaps potions and really only lasts for an hour, then delaying time is a good way!

But from the words of Miyamoto Musashi, Huang Yi's abacus was wrong! Miyamoto Musashi has prepared a lot of methods carefully. Even the model of the attribute swap agent has been taken into account. The duration of the attribute swap agent of this model is unlimited. The end condition is that one party dies!

"Kill God, don't have to wait. It's meaningless to delay time. Come out and fight with me!" Miyamoto Musashi said as if summing up. He raised his head and glanced down, as if the emperor was scanning his territory, high above him, and no one could stand by him. He doesn't have that wide range of offensive capabilities, and it is unrealistic to try to force Huang Yi out with an attack.

The air is still quiet, Huang Yi is still invisible, it seems that it really no longer exists.

Everyone in the entire square looked up at the empty battlefield. The picture in front of me is through the perspective of those reporters. Synchronized to all players in the world watching live broadcast!

Time passed minute by minute. Huang Yi never showed up! His absolute invisibility can last for 5 minutes, and the cooldown is exactly five minutes. As long as he is not attacked or attacked, he will always be in stealth.

"Kill God, why haven't you come out yet?" After a long time, Miyamoto Musashi once again forced a question. Some people on the field began to lower their heads, twist their necks, and soothe their muscles.

"Kill God. What's the difference between you and a rogue?"

Ten minutes have passed, and the void battlefield is still empty, leaving only Miyamoto Musashi's voice floating alone. Huang Yi will appear in the air every five minutes, but will be invisible again instantly. This time was too short for Miyamoto Musashi to attack him.

"Kill God, where did you go before? Why is it becoming a tortoise? Are all Chinese like this?"

Twenty minutes have passed, and Miyamoto Musashi's words are getting more and more unpleasant, but no matter how unpleasant he is, Huang Yi just never shows up.

The players in the audience simply sat cross-legged on the ground with their eyes closed. Many players even went to the offline toilet. The tense atmosphere has been greatly eased.

"You coward! Do you really have to wait an hour to see if the effect of my potion will disappear? I can tell you for sure. You are destined to be disappointed!" Finally, Miyamoto Musashi seemed tired and cross-legged Sitting in the void and resting, it seems that he really intends to wait for half an hour.

The reporters did not know how to spend this long live broadcast blank, but had to point the camera at the empty battlefield while shifting the topic and talking about the annual ceremony 5 days later.

"Audience friends, it is difficult for us to determine when this war of killing God will continue. The third annual festival will be held on June 5, India time. All awards are systematically evaluated and there is no judging panel. The results of this declaration of war will definitely affect the system's judgment of the best personal award! "

"The act of killing God is a rogue. Now the situation is obvious. He can be seen to be in a disadvantage. As soon as he appears, he will die. Once he dies, the system will guild the result of this war to kill. Judging from these previous actions made by God, there is no particularly great feat to support the victory of this national war. Therefore, the system will most likely judge China to be defeated, and it is very likely that the killing of God will miss the best personal award. "

"However, it is going to be an hour soon. Miyamoto Musashi's words are true and false, and soon we can see the difference. Maybe it will be a key node ..."

Finally, an hour passed between Miyamoto Musashi and Huang Yi swapping attributes!

Those offline players are back online, those who doze off cross-legged on the square are awake again, and the eyes of countless people all over the world have returned to the void battlefield!

Miyamoto Musashi also got up, looked around again, and said: "Kill God, an hour has passed, you should have seen your attributes have not been changed back, you do not need to hide anymore. You dragged The longer you go, it only shows that you are weaker! "

"Yeah! If you want to fight, fight immediately, and if you lose, rush to admit it. It will be no different from a kid playing rogue."

"It's boring to wait. It's so late now. I haven't brushed the Tower of the Gods today!"

Some martial arts guild players in the square have also joined together, and some have even been trapped in yawning.

But no matter what people say, Huang Yi just doesn't show up!

Soon, the audience booed, and the various discussions whispered!

Huang Yi's current behavior is simply no mastery!

"Tendo, what do you think God is doing now?" At this time, the famous Japanese master Samurai suddenly came to Tiandao and asked aloud.

Tiandao shook his head slightly, looking up at the empty battlefield, and said, "I don't know, but judging from the various deeds before the killing of God, he can't be rogue. He must have done this for his reasons."

"I also think that killing gods is not the kind of person." Fengxi, the vice president of the Eastern Conference of Guilds, nodded and analyzed. "Killing God is extremely terrifying. Don't underestimate his actions. On the surface, he is now He is at an absolute disadvantage, but aside from the emotional factors of the country, he can analyze it objectively. There is still the possibility of killing God. This seemingly desperate moment. He has already experienced many times. Just after he rescued Qin Shiyu, A typical example. "

At this time, another deputy president of the Eastern Association of Guilds touched his chin and groaned: "It's not the way to wait. This way! It's 0 o'clock in more than ten minutes. If the **** of killing doesn't show up, We will dissolve and do our own work. The system has intelligent judgments. If God kills it again, it will take a long time. The system will inevitably interfere. We will come back to see it at that time. "

Everyone also basically acquiesced in this decision, chatting while waiting.

Finally, the time reached 0 o'clock in minutes. Many people in the audience decided not to wait, and began to scold them away, and decided to do their own thing.

But at this moment, Huang Yi suddenly appeared from the air, no longer invisible!

"Coward, you're finally out! I'm almost asleep!" Then. When Miyamoto Musashi saw Huang Yi appear, he was relieved.

"It's a new day. I have to show people with a new look." Huang Yi nodded, his tone relaxed, like a chat.

Their conversation immediately attracted everyone's attention!

Those in the square who originally wanted to leave stopped one after another and looked up at the empty battlefield again!

Those listless reporters immediately got excited and continued to explain!

The sleepy viewers also sat upright, watching the live broadcast intently, waiting for the battle to end!

At this time, Miyamoto Musashi pulled out the Toyo sword around his waist, walked step by step toward Huang Yi, with a momentum of oppression, and said: "You should have appeared long ago, and there is nothing to hide for a long time The difference? Not to die yet. "

"There is a difference, do you know what day it is?" Huang Yi asked while watching Miyamoto Musashi come over.

"Today?" As Miyamoto Musashi walked, he thought slowly for a while, and said, "Today is May 31! Oh no! Now it's past 0 o'clock, it's June 1. By the way, this is Children's Day, do you want to celebrate Children's Day? How good! "Miyamoto Musashi said, smirking.

"Actually, the true meaning of Children's Day means that you will be as weak as a child on this day." Huang Yi also laughed, and did not mean to avoid Musashi Miyamoto.

"Really? Then I'd like to see who is weak like a child!" Say, Miyamoto Musashi waved the Toyo knife three times, in the bright moonlight, it seemed to strike three lightnings, three swords. Suddenly came over to Huang Yi!

Huang Yi didn't dodge or dodge, just like giving up resistance, and still flew by these three swords!

All audiences around the world seem to have seen Huang Yi's body about to be cut into three sections, killing Beihai City!

But the next moment, after cutting those three swords on Huang Yi's body, they disappeared without any trace!

"Huh?" Everyone was shocked!

"What life-saving skills? See how long you can last!" Miyamoto Musashi continued to wield the Toyo sword, chopping sharply towards Huang Yi in the past.

But after these swords hit Huang Yi, they disappeared without exception!

Gradually, ten seconds later, Miyamoto Musashi still failed to kill Huang Yi, and even a little damage was not hit!

"I don't believe you will be invincible!" Miyamoto Musashi snorted ~ www.readwn.com ~ immediately rushed to Huang Yi's face and chopped the Toyo knife in his hand directly on Huang Yi's neck.

But what shocked people all over the world is that after the sharp blade was cut on Huang Yi's neck, they could not cut any more, as if blocked by an invisible force!

"I'm really invincible in front of you." At this time, Huang Yi nodded.

His killing gods name has an attribute-after surpassing the enemy level 30, you can ignore any enemy attacks.

Previously, Miyamoto Musashi was level 120, he was level 149, and the gap between the two was level 29. This attribute will not work.

However, there is another attribute of his god-killing name--on the 1st of every month, he will automatically upgrade to the next level.

Today is June 1.


Outbreak today, this is the second more, ask for a recommendation. (To be continued ...)

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