Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 658: invincible

"Ah!" At this time, in the distant battlefield of Huang Yi, the screams of members of the martial arts guild kept coming. That individual was a member of the martial arts guild and her compatriot. That individual voice hit her eardrum and tortured her heart.

Finally, Oda gritted his teeth and took out a red power stone from the storage ring.

This is the special power stone. From the first kill on the 100th floor of the Tower of the Gods, they have been searching for the special power stone, but with little success, the special power stone is too rare to be encountered.

It wasn't until a while ago that they bought a special energy stone at a high price from the hands of an ordinary player. This is the only one they have now.

"Oda City, don't do stupid things." Just then, a familiar voice suddenly sounded over Oda City, a voice enough to stir her heartstrings.

Oda City looked up, and suddenly saw Huang Yi riding a dragon stopped in the high air in front of her, looking down at her.

In the endless hustle and bustle of the square, she looked up at him as if everything around her no longer existed.

At this time, their distance was extremely close, but extremely distant. It was not only distant in the camp, but also distant in emotion. Just now Huang Yi proposed to Qin Shiyu in front of her, making the two of them impossible.

"Oda City, don't waste special energy stones, you can't help Miyamoto Musashi, even if you fuse his body, you will still fail!" At this time, Huang Yi persuaded again towards Oda City.

There is a lot of legendary equipment on Oda City, which is as conspicuous as Haoyue on the field. Huang Yi's sniffing treasure naturally found her. However, he has been deliberately avoiding to hurt her because the other party helped him.

Just now he noticed that Oda City took out a special energy stone, guessing that she might have a big move, and could not help but immediately flew over Xiaolong to persuade her to prevent the two from fighting.

Oda forcibly calmed down. Deliberately showing a cold look, said: "You are making trouble in our Beihai City, killing our people, shouldn't I have shot?"

Huang Yi pursed his lips and said, "I did this because your brother forced me to do so. I don't want to fight with you, of course. I can't stop you. But I have to tell you, even if you The corpse of Miyamoto Musashi is not my opponent. And you will die at that time, I don't want to hurt you. "

"Then try it! If I can't deal with you, then I have nothing to say." Oda said coldly, but her eyes were covered with a mist of water. It seemed like I couldn't help crying.

She immediately turned her head away, holding back tears forcibly, and waving her hand gently toward Miyamoto Musashi's body.

Suddenly, a gray smoke radiated from her arm, like a snake meandering through the void, passing through a group of people in the square. Crawled towards the body of Miyamoto Musashi!

At this point, the media reporters had already locked the camera here. Seeing Oda ’s move, the reporters ’tone suddenly increased by an octave—

"Audience friends! Just killing God and even Miyamoto Musashi were killed, showing an unstoppable momentum! But now, Oda City has shot, and the skill she just used was just before the contest In the team final. Shocked the world ’s corpse fusion skill! This skill allows her to merge with Miyamoto Musashi ’s corpse, adding all the other attributes and levels to herself. In this way, the **** of killing will face a huge dilemma ! "

"Miyamoto Musashi is now level 119, and Oda City is level 125. Once she merges with Miyamoto Musashi's body, the level will soar to level 244! This is already an intermediate heavenly powerhouse! And the **** of killing is nothing but Is a 151-level sanctuary master, there is a gap of nearly 100 between the two. Such a powerful enemy. I am afraid it is difficult to kill the dilemma. In the original contest, the killing God made every effort and at the same time Three incredible ways of using special energy stones, skill replication, and attribute swap potions have defeated Oda City under the fusion of corpses. Now, he does not seem to have these conditions ... "

At this time, countless reporters have once again expressed their pessimism on Huang Yi. It is difficult for them to imagine that there is any way for Huang Yi to deal with a mid-level Tianyu strongman!

However, they did not dare to say too much. After all, Huang Yi's Jedi counterattacked too many times, and he made unexpected counter-attacks again and again. Miracles are not strange to him.

At this moment, Miyamoto Musashi's body stood up, but his expression was extremely dull, taking a stiff but rapid pace, and rushed towards Oda City. Hit her well and merged with her!

Suddenly, Oda's body changed. The front was still her own face, but the back became Miyamoto Musashi, and her level suddenly rose from 125 to 244! Real Intermediate Celestial Powerhouse!

At that moment, the whole world seemed to be quiet!

Members of the martial arts guilds in the square, journalists, onlookers, the masters of the remaining guilds in the East China mainland, and countless viewers in front of the TV all stared at Oda City!

This is the highest level of players they have seen so far, level 244! Although this is only a skill effect, it does not really reach the sky domain, and does not have that level of sky domain ability.

But this level alone is enough to crush Huang Yi, a 151 player!

"Oda City, I really don't want to be your enemy." At that moment, Huang Yi, who was supposed to be in a weak position, suddenly said to Oda City as if not affected by her body fusion at all. .

Oda bit his lip without saying a word. Everyone is waiting for her to defeat Huang Yi with the pressure of Tarzan, but she also does not want to be against Huang Yi.

The two of them did not want to be enemies, but they had to be enemies, and they became helplessly.

Oda city clenched his teeth, clenched his knight's spear, and violently blasted a fierce shot at Huang Yi!

This is an attack by the mid-level Celestial Powerhouse, even if it is a shotgun, it is enough to deter everyone in the audience!

At this highly anticipated moment, Huang Yi saw Oda's shot and immediately counterattacked. He only said one sentence--

"Oda City-die."

The next moment, in the horrified eyes of countless players, the original mighty Oda City fell down!

She is a 244-level intermediate heavenly strongman, an inestimable powerhouse, and she is so strangely dead!

Huang Yi's sentence seemed to have some magic of death, saying that whoever dies will die!

"Spike potion!" Just then, countless people blurted out the name of a potion!

During the competitions a while ago, Huang Yi's spike medicine once shocked people around the world! When Huang Yi used this medicine, he just said the other party ’s name, and then the other party died.

Now, the death method of Oda City is exactly the same as that of Huang Yi's use of the spike medicine, which naturally reminds him of the spike medicine.

"But he has never taken a potion before! What's going on?" Soon, some people made a sound of doubt. Huang Yi did not drink the potion from beginning to end, as if he had such a spike ability directly.

In fact, this is indeed a capability of Huang Yi!

After his national honor value reached 7 points, he gained a name-giving skill that was exactly the same as his name-spike!

The effect of this skill is equivalent to the effect of the Spike Elixir. It's just that the cooling time is up to 100 days. Huang Yi has never used it before. This is the first time.

This precious skill abolished a precious special energy stone from the martial arts guild, and even killed Oda City once, falling from 125 to 124. However, Oda also has the ability to not explode equipment after death, only loss in level.

The martial arts players in the audience looked at each other, but did not expect that the heavy skill of Oda City, in front of Huang Yi, is still invalid!

Oda City, who had high expectations, entered the footsteps of Miyamoto Musashi! The two strongest members of the martial arts guild lost so incredible!

At this point, the martial arts guild has been completely defeated at the player level! Can't find a player who can fight with Huang Yi!

In the future, the martial arts guild will bear a shame-even if Huang Yi left the hero continent and did not enjoy the bonus of China's national honor, in Beihai City, one of the most important cities of the guild, in the top heavenly enchantment Under the circumstances that all means are available, while the Budo Association enjoys the Japanese national honor value bonus, and with the hostage in hand ... it is still killed by Huang Yi!

Of course, they would not know that this was because Huang Yi had the curse of killing.

Huang Yi glanced at Oda's body and sighed slightly in his heart. Subsequently, it continued to use four ultra-wide-range attack capabilities to slaughter members of the martial arts guild.

He is no longer fighting, but escalating.

At this point, Miyamoto Musashi's body disappeared, appearing in a resurrection point in Beihai City ~ www.readwn.com ~ he has now completely lost the spirit of that leader, his face was dull.

He couldn't figure out at all, why the various methods he had prepared carefully could not deal with Huang Yi! The opponent is like restraining him from birth, no matter what he does, it is futile!

"Brother, what do we do now? No one can fight God to kill God!" Just then, Miyamoto Musashi heard the voice of Mengjun coming, and he was also killed by Huang Yi and resurrected. Here.

"Now, we can only let the guardian shoot! We have made so many preparations and occupied the absolute advantage to deal with a player in the area, but the guardian has to take the horse to kill him, I am not willing to!" Miyamoto! Musashi gritted his teeth, but was helpless.

Subsequently, he stepped out of the resurrection point enchantment step by step, leaving the night of Jun with a particularly bleak back.


This is the fourth change on the 16th! This is the second change for the leader of the puppet pedigree, and one change will remain until tomorrow.

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