Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 662: Break one by one

"Oh!" The mage guardian was in a fixed state, unable to dodge this huge arrow at all, and was hit hard at once!

The giant arrow passed through the body with great force, shot through the entire guardian of the mage, and continued to shoot toward the bright starry sky with a red blood, adding a touch of blood to the bright moon .

And the original Master Guardian who still had 70% of his health suffered heavy damage, his health suddenly dropped to 13%, and he was in serious injury!

The power of the siege crossbow is clearly displayed. This siege equipment cannot be resisted, it can only be avoided!

This time, Huang Yi would have no problem killing the mage's guardian. He immediately rushed forward and greeted her with the **** battle in his hand.

The mage guardian belongs to the wild ss. Unlike the ss of the tower of the gods, the less the blood, the heavier the injury, and the weaker the strength. This crazy attack on Huang Yi couldn't be avoided, and he could only be passively beaten.

"Oh!" Finally, under a heavy sentence from Huang Yi, the guardian of the mage finally died, and the body fell from the sky and hit the street fiercely!

At that moment, Huang Yi's military achievements soared sharply, breaking through from the colonel to the colonel level! The rank bonus has been increased. His experience has also improved considerably, and he will soon be upgraded again. The value of the guardian's killing far exceeds that of the player. Killing a guardian is equivalent to the combat skills and experience gained by killing many players.

A 165-level super guardian was killed in the hands of Huang Yi! This is the first time he has killed a complete and unscathed level 150 and above!

Judging from the level, the 165-level guardian is only 9 levels higher than Huang Yi, not too much level suppression. Before Huang Yi was able to kill the ss who exceeded 10 levels in the Tower of the Gods before! But this mage guardian is an ss that exceeds the watershed of level 150!

The reason why level 150 is called the Great Watershed is because this is the second level of players!

Levels 150 and above are for second-turn players, and only second-turn players can deal with them. Although Huang Yi was as high as 156, he did not conduct the challenge trial of the second turn. It still belongs to the level of a turn. There is no qualitative improvement in strength, so it is difficult to kill a 165-level mage guardian.

However, his equipment is the best, and there are various bonuses such as named attributes, martial arts titles, and the title of guardian of the mainland. These additions have greatly increased his strength, allowing him to use the mage guardian Hit 70% of your health! This is already a remarkable feat. If you change to an ordinary player, you don't have to play at all. If you want to delay time, you ca n’t delay it unless you make a second turn.

Huang Yi was able to kill a complete 165 level, which is equivalent to completing a feat that can only be completed after two turns!

In the second world, every 50 levels is a huge watershed!

Level 50 is the level of War Soul Awakening and One Turn;

Level 100 is the level of the Holy Land, the advanced level of the battle spirit;

Level 150 is the second turn level;

Level 200 is the sky domain level;


If Huang Yi completes the transfer trial, then this 165 level will be nothing to him. It can be defeated on its own, without the need of a siege crossbow.

"Blood God, there are still several siege crossbows below, you haven't used them, I am going to seduce the rest of the guardians, and then use your siege crossbows to shoot them one by one! , Huang Yi ordered a voice toward the blood god.

"Okay. Master!" The blood god's heart nodded, then stepped eight blood vessels, and walked to another siege crossbow with a great arrow on it.

Immediately afterwards, its huge body suddenly changed and turned into a little blood-red cute bat, quietly standing in the siege of the siege, catching up, very hidden.

"Xiaolong, let's seduce those guardians!" Huang Yi patted Xiaolong's head. Immediately flew towards the nearby area.

Next, Huang Yi swayed in search of player killing nearby.

His four ultra-wide range attack capabilities are used to cover an area of ​​two or three hundred meters, which is extremely wide! With such a high attribute, it only takes two or three seconds to kill the player. For two or three seconds, the enemy could not escape his skill range of two or three hundred meters. Only some resistant knights can escape, but Huang Yi's **** battlefield has a blood strike bonus. Can make up for the knife regardless of distance, so even a knight can hardly escape his killing, only death.


Beihai City's point will be on stage.

Miyamoto Musashi stood here quietly, looking up at the bright galaxy.

In the air in front of him. There are six trump cards floating. These trump cards are painted with a character, who is exactly the image of six guardians.

Among them, the two front cards are bigger than the other four cards, surrounded by patterns, and the characters painted on it are magnificent. One is a warrior carrying a giant axe, and the other is a pagan holding a whip. These two people are the two 175 level guardians.

The four smaller trump cards represent four 165-level guardians: a female mage, a male archer, a pagan upper body, and an assassin holding a dagger.

"Click!" Just then, there was a harsh noise in the air, as if something had broken!

Miyamoto Musashi immediately lowered his head, glanced at the trump cards floating in the air in front of him.

Suddenly, he found that the trump card was missing one, and the original six trump cards had only five left!

He searched around and suddenly saw a broken trump card on the ground! A 165-level female magician was drawn on the card, but at this time it had been broken into several pieces and scattered on the ground.

At that moment, Miyamoto Musashi stunned slightly, then bowed his head so incredibly, staring at the fragmented trump card. I can't seem to believe that a guardian who can only be dealt with by the second turn player has died!

The guardian who spent a lot of guild contribution value in exchange is dead! Those contribution values ​​are ruined!


At this point, Huang Yi was still near the ambush of the blood god, looking for players to kill.

Now many players have been scared off the line, there are fewer and fewer players in the city, and his killing speed is far less than before.

"Huh? Here!" At this moment, Huang Yi's sharp eyes swept across the night sky, and suddenly he saw two guardians with wings flapping in the distance. He was flying quickly towards him.

The two were wearing armor, holding axe, and were warrior guardians. A man in leather armor, holding a bow and arrow, was a hunter-guard. Among them, the breath of the warrior guardian is obviously more powerful, and there is a faint taste of the top sacred power.

"Oh!" Just then. The archer yanked the bow and fired a sharp arrow towards Huang Yi, forming a streamer in the air, which looked like a shooting star from a distance!

Huang Yi quickly urged Xiaolong to go away, and the arrow shot in front of him, almost hit him! He could even feel the heat wave after the arrows rubbed against the air.

"Little dragon. Run!" Huang Yi patted Xiaolong's head, riding it quickly flying towards the place where the blood **** ambush a few hundred meters away!

The two guardians quickly caught up, they were extremely fast, getting closer and closer to Huang Yi, and they were about to catch up!

Just then, Huang Yi rode the dragon to the ambush site of the Blood God, and he quickly adjusted the angle. In order to let the two guardians fly over, they are in the best siege crossbow aiming position.

"Oh!" Finally, the two guardians finally caught up! Started the attack directly towards Huang Yi!

The warrior used his charge skills and rushed straight towards Huang Yi with a huge axe. He was aggressive like a tiger with wings!

And the archer opened his bow and shot a magic arrow toward Huang Yi, the arrow with a strong magical atmosphere. Friction with the air produced a severe howling!

"Flying axe!" Huang Yi quickly countered, and the **** battle in his hand blasted straight towards the soldier's onslaught!

"Oh!" Almost instantly, the **** battle hit the fighters on the charge, forcibly bounced him and broke his charge trajectory!

But it's not over, this time. The actual target of Huang Yi's flying axe was the archer. After the **** battle bounced the soldier, he quickly hit the archer and shot him at a specific angle towards the area that Huang Yi had planned.

"Hmm! Hmm!" Almost at the same time. There were two sharp breaking sounds on the ground! Can be heard from a long distance, as if two missiles were launched!

Along with that violent sound, there were also two big huge arrows! They shot from different directions on the ground, impartial, and just shot in the direction where the archer was ejected!

"Eh! Heh!" The archer was just in the time of being bounced off, and he couldn't escape at all. He was immediately passed by the two giant arrows and brought out two long bloods!

In a short time, the 165-level super guardian was hit hard! Suddenly, the blood volume plummeted from full value to 7%, which is at the stage of dying!

Those two huge arrows are exactly an attack brewed after Huang Yi's blood **** ambush for a long time!

There are two siege crossbows nearby. Just after Huang Yi bounced the archer onto the common shooting track of the two siege crossbows, it quickly changed back to the body, extended two blood vessels, and pulled two siege The drawbar of the crossbow fired two huge arrows at once, which worked wonders.

The archer suffered so severely, two shocking blood caves appeared on his body, and he could only flap his wings in the air, and it seemed that he could not even fly!

"Quick decision!"


Huang Yi seized the time, riding a dragon to forcibly start the charge towards the archer in the air ~ www.readwn.com ~ close to the other side!

In the state of quick judgment, he almost turned the **** battle and dance into a phantom, and hit the archer with a drum beat in general.


More than ten seconds later, Miyamoto Musashi, who was still at the top of the stage, heard another "click" sound.

The archer's trump card is broken!


Do an update time survey.

This book consists of two chapters a day, a total of 6,000 words, except for outbreaks. (This update is the same as most novels)

Now, I usually update at night.

The other is a chapter in the day and a chapter in the evening. The update amount is the same. It is still 6000 words per day, but the time is staggered.

Which one do you prefer? (To be continued ...)

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