Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 665: Kill Level 175 Guardians

"You have finally been promoted to maturity! Otherwise I will waste my spare means." Huang Yi looked at Xiaolong with relief, walked over and touched his head. In this battle, he also reserved a backup means, and was just planning to use it. However, when Xiaolong is promoted to the growth stage, there is no need to waste spare means.

At this moment, Xiaolong raised his head proudly, glanced at Huang Yi, shook his wings, and the dragon's mouth rose slightly, as if to say, "Look, I'm terrible, right?"

"I know you're great! Let's go! Let's kill the warrior guardian!" Huang Yi said, immediately turned over and rode Xiaolong's back, and clamped his stomach as usual.

"Oh!" The next moment, Xiao Long fluttered his wings and flew out like an arrow off the string. The speed was too fast to form a phantom!

Huang Yi was unprepared for a while, and was about to lie down from behind Xiaolong. Fortunately, he responded quickly and immediately clamped Xiaolong's belly. This stabilized his body and became familiar with Xiaolong's new speed.

After being promoted to the growth stage, the dragon's strength soared, and the flight speed in the state of "Holy Dragon's Birth" was much faster than before! And it now has a combat power, far from the time when the milk and milk were only coquettish!

"Huh? What monster!" At this moment, the warrior guardian who had been hit by the dragon's brute force crawled out of the ruins, and was ashamed and shameless, and saw the majestic body of the dragon in the sky, and was suddenly shocked.

He was just buried in the rubble. He didn't see the scene of Xiaolong's promotion and didn't know what happened. But Xiao Longguang is from the breath. Far more than before, let him have a feeling of palpitations.

"Whoa!" Just then. The dragon flying in the air suddenly opened his mouth and spit hard at the soldier guardian below!

Suddenly, a golden flame sprayed out of Xiaolong's mouth, and sprinkled on the warrior's guardian, turning the earth where he was into a sea of ​​fire.

This kind of flame is golden and bright, very different from ordinary red flames, and has a sacred breath. Contains amazing power.

This is the second skill that Xiaolong awakens after being promoted to the growth stage—

[Sacred Dragon's Flame]: Sprays a sacred flame, inflicting 50% of the sacred damage and 50% of the fire damage to enemies in the area, and reduces the enemy's movement speed by 20 within the next 24 hours %. The wider the sprayed flame, the smaller the damage value and the more concentrated the sprayed flame. The greater the damage value. The widest range of flame spraying shall not exceed 200 meters. The daily spraying time must not exceed the second level of the Golden Holy Dragon. This skill can be upgraded accordingly as the strength of the Golden Holy Dragon increases, and the remaining effects are activated.

This skill is a very rare skill with divine attack! And the proportion of the holy system is as high as 50%!

Divine attack and dark. That is to say, the magic attack is equally famous, which is a kind of harm that cannot be resisted. Equipment with divine resistance is very rare, and most people do not have divine resistance. The golden holy dragon is the top dragon family that is born to use the Holy System to attack. This skill deeply reflects this.

The damage data of this skill is relatively vague and is controlled by Xiaolong at any time. The larger the range of spit, the less damage. The smaller the range, the higher the damage. In terms of duration, it is linked to Xiaolong's level. It is now more than 50 levels and can spray more than 50 seconds per day.

However, this is only the current data, and this skill will improve with the improvement of Xiaolong's strength. When it is promoted to the sanctuary, or heaven, or morphological adulthood, maybe this skill is not 50% of the sacred damage, but 60%, 80%, or even 100%! There may even be other effects, not just slowdowns.

This time, the scope of the holy flame sprayed by Xiaolong is very small, and it is limited to the small area near the warrior's guardian!

"Ah!" In the golden flame, the body of the warrior's guard trembled, and he couldn't help but made a slight painful sound. He quickly fanned the wings behind him, and quickly moved away from the flame.

However, the dragon's holy flame adherence is very strong. Although the warrior's guardian avoided the flame range, the body still burned with flames, and did not go out, continuing to hurt him. And in the next 24 hours, his movement speed will drop by 20%, which is another great effect of the flame of the Holy Dragon. Although the deceleration is only 20%, it can continue for 24 hours!

"You guys are getting stronger, but it doesn't matter, it just adds a little more fun to me." At this moment, the warrior guardian held back his anger and said in a thick voice. Then quickly fluttered his wings and rushed towards Xiaolong, waving a giant axe at will, chopped it down wantonly, and wanted to hit them like sandbags as before!

At this moment, Xiaolong's body shook slightly, and almost turned into a stream of light in front of the soldier's guardian. The speed was so dazzling. It easily escaped the attack of the warrior's guardian, turned around the back of his hand, quickly stretched out its two front paws and grasped him fiercely!

"Wow!" Suddenly, the armor of the warrior's guardian looked like paper, and it was easily broken by the dragon's golden claws. The dragon's claws like daggers were inserted into his body and brought out a large piece of blood. .

"Heavy sentence!" Huang Yi behind Xiaolong also seized the time, immediately waving the **** battle in his hand, slammed the warrior's guardian, and the powerful attack power was released on the warrior's guardian!

In the previous battles, Huang Yi's biggest shortcoming was his moving speed. He had a strong attack power in the air, but it was difficult to hit the warrior's guardian. He was always dodged by him and played very passively.

But now, when Xiaolong is promoted to the growth stage, his movement speed is greatly increased, which makes the roles interchangeable. On the contrary, it is difficult for the Warrior Guardian to attack him, but he can attack the Warrior Guardian! His powerful attack power has finally come into play!

In this attack, in addition to hurting the opponent, Huang Yi's blood-sucking properties also play a role, absorbing his life value, which is no longer the previous state of blood skin.

"How can you ... be so strong!" After this attack, the Warrior Guardian seemed to be blinded, slightly surprised! But after all, he was a top sacred domain power, and soon he calmed down, suddenly turned and waved a huge axe, and attacked Huang Yi and Xiaolong again.

This attack, he was very serious, not as casual as before, as if he really valued the opponent Huang Yi and Xiaolong.

"Oh!" Before the axe of the warrior's guard had been cut off, a golden light flashed in the air, and Xiaolong's tail was yanked **** his body, and his arm was yanked away! His attack was unsuccessful, but he was stabbed by a barb on the dragon's tail.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Huang Yi smashed a re-judgment again, and immediately the warrior guardian was fixed in the air, motionless!

This time, Huang Yi was fortunate to play the dream of the legendary ring robber king, the "settlement" effect, making the warrior guardian unable to move within three seconds!

Huang Yi Xiaolong hurriedly took advantage of the opportunity given this day, struggling to attack the guardian, all kinds of damage methods poured out!

This change on the field was immediately shown through the eyes of reporters in front of audiences all over the world!

This fighting situation suddenly changed. Huang Yi, who was about to fall off the previous moment, was now playing so fiercely that it was almost too late to react.

"Audience friends, at the moment when the **** of death is about to fall, his strange dragon-shaped contract partner suddenly seems to have made some breakthrough and his strength has soared! Now that the **** of **** and it cooperate together, they have a perfect tacit understanding. The fight was extremely fierce, and the warrior's guardian seemed to be in a disadvantageous position. At present, this battle is still blurred, and I don't know if God can kill it smoothly ... "The reporters also quickly changed their mouths. According to the form on the court, I made a fuzzy evaluation.

However, the next battle was not blurred, but the very obvious Huang Yi prevailed! Because at this moment, a blood **** waiting for the moment suddenly released the siege crossbow!

"Oh!" A sharp voice rang out suddenly, a siege crossbow on the ground shot a huge arrow, pierced the night sky, and shot hard at the soldier guardian who was fixed in the air!

Unsurprisingly, the giant arrow pierced his body all at once, and continued to shoot into the vast starry sky with a blood stream, as if to shoot into the universe's galaxy!

The Warrior Guardian stepped into the footsteps of the two former Level 165 Guardians, and was killed by a large amount of vitality with the siege crossbow. His health plummeted to 48%, leaving only half a life!




In the next battle, Huang Yi and Xiaolong hit the warrior guardian, just like when the other side hit them before, they completely turned into sandbags. The Warrior Guardian has a strong strength but can't hit Huang Yi, the speed is too slow, and he can only follow the dust behind them!

"Axe of Despair!" At this time ~ www.readwn.com ~ The Warrior Guardian has been beaten to the end of his life, and has exerted a range of attack capabilities, making himself surrounded by a giant axe, as long as he is near him Will be hurt.

"It's over to you, Xiaolong! Spit fire!" Huang Yi saw this and immediately patted Xiaolong's head.

Xiao Long immediately flapped his wings, and distanced himself from the Warrior Guardian, leaving the opponent's skill range.

It opened its mouth again, spurting out the golden flame of the holy dragon before, and continued to hurt the warrior guardian by long-range attack! Burning his last health is getting less and less.


It didn't take long for Miyamoto Musashi, who was still on the podium, to suddenly hear a "click" sound.

Warrior Guardian's card is broken!


The second and the next one. (To be continued ...)

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