Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 671: Everything is ready

This time, the level 165 guardian was very frightened. As long as Huang Yi repeated the previous routine, the next one to kill was him!

The Level 175 guardian also frowned. Although he thought he was not afraid of Huang Yi, he really wanted to lead to a void battlefield that could not escape. The risk was still too great, or he would die here.

The two guardians glanced at each other, then both chose to leave the place, flying without a trace. Although they are the guardians of the territory, after all, Huang Yi did not attack the territories. They do not need to make unnecessary sacrifice here.

In this way, a siege situation that was originally unsolved suddenly fell apart and lost manpower.

Gradually, Huang Yi riding the dragon relying on the speed advantage, torn the 165 level guardian of that void battlefield to an end, ending the battle!

The void battlefield dissipated, and he was passed back to the original place again. The dark clouds dispersed and the sun shone brightly. There are no more enemies around, and the only 185-level guardian who can defeat Huang Yi in Beihai City has been sealed. Huang Yi can act recklessly.

Next, he continued to attack the wall brick of the magic tower according to the previous plan. As long as the attack continued, the wall brick would be destroyed sooner or later.




This time, a strange scene appeared in the central area of ​​Beihai City. Their enemy, Huang Yi, rode on a mount similar to a dragon-shaped creature, and attacked the city's important building magic tower in a grand and bright day, but no one stopped him!

Beihai City at this time. It's as if no one can take it, and Huang Yi is still so provocative.


On the other side of Beihai City. Miyamoto Musashi is standing in front of a window on the highest floor of the city hall, looking out towards the city center. His eyes seemed to penetrate countless distances, and saw Huang Yi, who was struggling to attack the magic tower.

Just then, the door behind him was opened, and a young boy walked in. It was Xingkong, one of the vice presidents of the Budo Association.

"Just now the Guardian was killed by two more, our Level 185 Guardian was disappeared by him with one skill. I don't know where to go. He is attacking our magic tower, no one can organize him! He is invincible It ’s invincible! ”The starry sky opened the door to see the mountains, and couldn't help but be sighed. In the end, he even said two invincibles, showing helplessness to Huang Yi.

"Let him attack! He can't break it, when the magic tower is about to be broken. The magic of the enchantment that day will feed back the magic tower for automatic repair. He is destined to do nothing." Miyamoto Musashi said lightly. With a sound, there was no fluctuation in tone.

"Then let him be so arrogant now? Now the whole world is saying that we can't deal with a whole guild. Can we continue this shame?" Starry sky came to the window. Standing with Miyamoto Musashi, looking at Beihai City in the sun outside the window.

"Our contribution is now increasing rapidly, and soon we can summon a 195-level guardian, and that's when he will die." Miyamoto Musashi said calmly, and then he turned to look at the starry sky. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised and he said, "And. A rare professional at our Cherry Blossom Association found an important clue."

"Oh? What's the important clue?" Starry suddenly became curious and asked quickly.

Miyamoto Musashi said, "In fact, the strength of the killing **** is not strong. After all, he does not have two turns. He still has one turn. At most, he can only fight with a 150-plus frontal battle. Where he is really strong is His strange mount! "

"Yes!" The starry sky nodded suddenly. "His mount doesn't know what the origin is, it is fast, far beyond the 165-level guardians, and the **** of killing depends on the speed advantage to kill those guardians, otherwise His own strength is not at all an opponent of the Guardians. "

Miyamoto Musashi smiled slowly and said slowly: "The clue that the rare occupation found by the Cherry Blossom Guild is the origin of the mount! The rare professional is a dragon grammarist, and he finds that the killing horse is a dragon. ! "

"How is that possible?" The starry sky was suddenly startled, incredible: "His mount just looks like a dragon, but the dragon has no feathers, and his mount had black feathers before it. The feathers changed after yesterday's breakthrough. It became golden yellow. We have never heard of such a dragon. "

"We have limited vision and can't see that the dragon race is normal, but the dragon grammarian's perception of the dragon race is very keen, and his perception will not be wrong. That is indeed a dragon race. We only need to abolish the killing horse mount. Drop, let alone a level 195 guardian, even a level 165 guardian is enough to kill him. That mount is the key to defeating him. "

"Then you have a solution?" Xingkong asked expectantly.

When Miyamoto Musashi flipped his palm, he immediately took something out of the storage ring.

This is a magic bottle with a transparent liquid in it. It doesn't look like anything, it seems like boiling water.

"This potion is called Rage Dragon Liquid! You can make a dragon violent and lose control in one day. As long as it is used for the mount that kills God, then he cannot control the mount for a while, and wait for his As soon as the mount fails, the **** of killing will change from a **** to a mortal, and can be slaughtered by the guardian at will! "Said Miyamoto Musashi, holding the bottle of medicine tightly in his hand.

He turned his words and continued: "But to be on the safe side, this bottle of potion can't be wasted now. When the 195 guardian summons it out, we will let the 195 guardian use the potion himself and kill the **** at that time. You must die! "

"I didn't expect that it would be so troublesome to deal with a killing god!" Xingkong heard the plan of Miyamoto Musashi, and immediately felt, "This killing **** is just like the previous blade, everywhere first, people can not understand. And he acts better than the blade Even more unscrupulous, such an opponent is terrible. "

"But he only needs to die once, and he can completely lose the threat." Miyamoto Musashi said, turning his head and looking out the window again. The deep eyes seemed to penetrate the distant distance again, and saw Huang Yi.


At this time, Huang Yi was still attacking the brick wall of the magic tower. The blue light on that wall tile was getting thinner and it seemed to disappear at any time.

"Boom!" At this moment, Huang Yi finally made the blue light of that wall tile completely dim, and produced several cracks.

But also at this moment, the blue pillar of light rising up from the top of the magic tower suddenly split back down, converging along the wall of the magic tower into the broken wall brick, almost The crack in the wall brick was repaired in an instant, as it was.

Seeing this scene, Huang Yi froze for a moment, this magic tower even has the function of automatic repair, which he had never thought of.

From this point of view, it is an impossible task to destroy the magic tower. At least he is not capable at this time, at least he must be able to do it at the level of heaven.

Huang Yi felt his chin, stopped his action, and thought about it. Now there is less and less time left for him, and Qin Shiyu ’s state of love and knots has a very limited duration. If he does n’t think of a way today, then Qin Shiyu will have a hard time escaping.

At this moment, Huang Yi suddenly looked up at the blue beam of light rising from the top of the magic tower, which was the source of the magic power of the entire sky screen. And just after he broke the wall tiles, some of them came back and repaired the wall tiles. From this point of view, at that moment, the sky curtain enchantment should not be supported by enough magic power, and it was in a fragile moment!

Thinking of this, Huang Yi suddenly had another plan, he continued to attack the wall tiles above the magic tower. But this time, he stopped when he hit the wall tile almost to break, and attacked with another wall tile, repeating it again and again.

Time passed by little by little, the sun fell from the east to the west, and finally fell completely below the horizon. In its place, a bright moon carrying seven colorful stars slowly rose from the east.

At this point, Huang Yi had almost reached the critical point of breaking hundreds of wall tiles. As long as he attacked again, those wall tiles would shatter.

Huang Yi finally closed his hand, and then he sent a message and asked, "Are you ready?"

"Alright!" Soon, he received a message from the other party.

Huang Yi nodded slightly, and he had prepared the means for Qin Shiyu. The next step was to get Qin Shiyu online.

He immediately sent a message to No. 2's staff-Yun Dan was still sending a message in the past, asking him to call Qin Shiyu offline and get her online.

It only took about three minutes ~ www.readwn.com ~ Qin Shiyu went online, and she immediately sent a message to Huang Yi: "Yi brother, why would you call me online?"

"Xiaoyu, you immediately go to the Lilac Garden in Beihai City, there will be someone to answer you! After you return to the hero continent, remember to stabilize the guild people, do not let them come over, I can let go of my hands and feet to fight, once With the helper, I will be burdened and I cannot fight happily. "Huang Yi urged.

"What? Don't you follow me?" Qin Shiyu's words were full of surprise.

"I'm going to attack the magic tower for you and can't go together. Also, I still have things to do here. I want to earn some more merit. When the system determines the victory of the country, try not to judge me to lose. Rest assured! Everything I do has my own considerations. You may not know it now, but you will understand it in the future. "

"Okay, then I'll go to Lilac Garden now." Qin Shiyu did not continue to ask questions, and soon gave him a stable answer.

Huang Yi took a deep breath and looked up at the sky enchantment in the sky. Now that everything is in place, it is only Qin Shiyu that went to Lilac Garden. (To be continued ...)

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