Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 680: God King Crystal

Dia was silent. .

Soon, he trembled, and seemed to associate his woman with a ghoul.

In the darkness, his round eyes revealed a horrible and painful light. He hugged his head, his shoulders twitched slightly, as if sobbing. But he did not dare to cry out loud in order to avoid being discovered by outside ghouls.

The man who killed countless ghouls is as vulnerable as a child at this moment.

Huang Yi didn't speak, so quietly squatted in the darkness, listening to the man's cry. He couldn't imagine the pain, the dearest person, became a monster in a blink of an eye, and was also a monster that must be removed from his mission.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe she has become a ghoul! I don't believe ..." Suddenly, Dia shook her head desperately and said again and again.

Finally, he looked up, grabbed Huang Yi's collar, and questioned: "You said this morning that you saw her as a ghoul? What evidence do you have? My son is good, why do I Will his wife become a ghoul? "

"Would you like to see it with your own eyes?" Huang Yi was not angry, and asked back: "As far as I know, there is a passage under your cellar that leads to the outside of the town. You can pass this passage. Go outside the town in person and find your wife. "

Diya heard the words and became silent again. After a while, he said nothing and immediately returned to the cellar. Huang Yi immediately followed and entered the cellar.

The cellar is deep and connected to the ground by a ladder. The cellar was piled with debris, and in a corner, there was a closed door.

At this moment, the little boy was lying on a small bed under the entrance, under a yellow oil lamp, watching a book with interest.

"Dad!" The little boy screamed obediently when he saw Dia going back to the cellar.

Diya held back the tears, walked over and hugged the little boy tightly in his arms. He hugged tightly, as if embracing the whole world.

After a long time, he suddenly turned to look at Huang Yi and said, "Please help me take care of him first, I'll go out."

"Good!" Huang Yi nodded, came to the little boy's bed, and sat on the edge of the bed.

Diya immediately walked to the closed door in the cellar, his tall and heroic body looked a little desolate in the light of the yellow oil lamp.

When he came to the door, he opened the door forcefully, exposing a passage, took a deep breath, walked in, and disappeared into the depth of the passage.

There were only Huang Yi and the little boy left in the cellar.

"Little guy, what's your name?" Huang Yi asked softly, touching the little boy's head.

The little boy raised his small head for reading. Wu Yu's eyes looked at Huang Yi and said obediently, "Big brother, my name is Josda."

Huang Yirao looked at the book that the little boy was reading with interest. The book looked quite old, with a few big words written on it— "First World Overview". The author of this book is a famous bard and scholar of ancient times, and also the dean of the Royal Academy of Oskan at that time-Mu Yan Qing Qing.

"Josda, do you read this kind of book?" Huang Yi said with a little surprise. Josda should be reading some books about children's surnames at this age, but he did not expect to read professional books about the First World.

There are many worlds in this universe. The top three are the first world, the second world, and the third world. This is based on the number of god-sealers in the world. Huang Yi is in the Second World. The rest of the world are all kinds of names, such as the blood map world where the blood **** is, the Oroas world where the liquid is, and so on.

Among so many worlds, the most powerful world is the first world!

Many books in the Second World are dedicated to the First World. Such books are generally only read by scholars, and ordinary people do not read such books at all.

Josda nodded his head and said, "Yeah! What's the matter? Big brother!"

"Nothing." Huang Yi shook his head and got a deeper understanding of Josda's curiosity.

"Big brother." Josda suddenly turned his eyes, stretched out his little hand and held Huang Yi's arm, and said diligently, "Tell me the story of a wild god.

Huang Yi hesitated and touched Josda's head with a smirk and said, "Speak again! Didn't your father talk to you today?"

"I just like the wild desolate god. The story of the cracking sky! And what you know may not be the same as your father knows." Josda bit his little lips.

"Okay!" Huang Yi nodded. Later, he told the wild **** that he had learned.

In the **** town full of ghouls, in this humble cellar, Huang Yi was under the light of this peaceful oil lamp, telling the story to Josda. His voice had a long-distance flavor, as if it was from distant history, which made Josda fascinated.

"... Bastard God. Cracking Sky, and finally got a tear of the gods, and successfully created his own artifact-the spear of the cracking sky!"

"Tears of the gods?" Josda seemed to hear a new term, and suddenly flashed in front of him, "What are the tears of the gods? It turned out to be the main material for making artifacts. Is it as powerful as the crystal of the **** king? ? "

"Do you still know the crystal of God King?" Huang Yi was slightly surprised, this Josda's knowledge was too rich, not like the amount of knowledge a normal child should have.

However, thinking that the other party would read professional books like "First World Overview", Huang Yi was relieved again. Josda should have read a lot of books when he was young.

Huang Yi said: "I heard that the crystal of the **** king is the most powerful treasure, and the tears of the gods are not as good as it. The tears of the gods are a kind of treasure mixed with the tears of the gods. I don't know what it is. "

"Since you don't know what the God King Crystal is, how do you know that it is the best treasure?" Josda's little hand supported his chin and looked up at Huang Yi and asked.

"I also saw it elsewhere." Huang Yi said vaguely.

When he first entered the second world, he once read a post on the forum, which listed some feats in it.

Among them, the crystal of the **** king is worthy of the first place, the tears of the gods are ranked second, and the water of the contract is ranked third. Huang Yi's tears of time ranked ninth.

However, this is only the player who ranks according to the treasures he has learned. Some are not accurate. The only thing that can be definitely correct in the entire list is the number one **** king crystal. Because the author of that post said that he had seen a short description on the notes of the greatest alchemist, magic alchemist. Yinshui-the crystal of the **** king, the first fetish on the continent!

Enchanter. Silverwater is the great alchemist of ancient times, and is also recognized as the greatest alchemist in the history of the second world! It's impossible to get his words out.

At that time, the second world had only two distant continents: east and west. It was not split into hundreds of pieces as it is now. Therefore, the continent at that time actually refers to a world.

The true meaning of the phrase "the first fetish in the continents!" In the note of the magician. Silverwater is "the first fetish in the world!" This contains all the rest of the world!

The crystal of the **** king is such a powerful treasure!

"Where did you see it? Isn't God King Crystal related to the barbaric deity. Is it because his master Huangdi stayed?" Josda asked with a cannon, seemingly abnormal to God King Crystal. interest.

"Then I don't know. History is too long and too far away." Huang Yi shook his head. His understanding of such things as God King crystallized was limited to posts in that forum.

"You tell me! I finally heard someone who knew something about the King of Crystals." Josda immediately puffed out and stretched out her little hand and shook Huang Yi's arm.

"I really don't know!" Huang Yi sighed helplessly, looking at this sticky ghost, could not help changing the topic, and said, "Be fair, you can also tell me a story in exchange!"

"Okay!" Josda nodded helplessly, no longer entangled with Huang Yi, and said: "Then I will tell you a first-world story. In the first world, there is a **** named Savage God. By……"

"Very god?" Huang Yi froze slightly. He happened to have an imitation of a god, but he didn't expect the little boy to talk about him.

"Yeah ~ www.readwn.com ~ Savage God is the greatest person in the first world!" Josda said, revealing a respect in his eyes, "Savage God's father is in the divine realm. God of war, the mother is the night goddess in the realm of God, they defy the laws of the gods are not allowed to have emotions, combined in private, and gave birth to the gods of God! , Both died, leaving only one child of the Savage God. "

"A wild **** was born from a golden cave in the high mountains. He was born riding a wild cow and could fly on clouds. He became the strongest in the first world in the second year of his birth, and was successfully sealed in his sixth year of birth. God. In order to avoid the gods of the divine realm and save power to avenge his parents, the wild **** chose to enter the demon world and became one of the 108 great deities! The first world, because of the existence of the wild god, became more To be strong, he is the greatest person in the first world. "

Josda said at the end, the small face had become extremely respectful and yearning.

After listening to this story, Huang Yi could not help frowning. Some parts of the little boy made him feel a little puzzled. He could not help asking: "There are more than ten god-sealers in the first world. The greatest person? And after the savage **** has sealed the god, it should have nothing to do with the first world. Why does it make the first world stronger? "

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