Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 683: Tyrant Envoy

At the moment when the words "blood hoof" were pronounced, the wind seemed to stop at the treetops, the moonlight seemed to stop waving, and the torches seemed to stop swaying. The whole forest seemed to stop for a moment.

But the tauren around were expressionless.

Those tauren looked calm and seemed to be facing the most ordinary thing.

No one knows how important the word "blood hoof" is for future history!

No one knows that these simple two words will become an epic that will always be remembered by future generations!

Only Huang Yi, a character from the future, knows the weight of these two words. He stared blankly at Josda in Ironhoof's arms, his small face flickering in the flickering firelight.

I did not expect that the child he had just held in his arms turned out to be the famous blood hoof. This is one of the top ten gods! The most important person in the history of the entire Second World!

Just then, Huang Yi received a system prompt—

"[System Tip]: You participated in an important piece of history. The results of your actions are in line with the original historical development trajectory, and you completed the second trial."

The trial was finally completed, Huang Yi calmed down and was relieved.

In the original history, Josda may have come to this half-orc tribe in other ways. Players need to participate in this challenge trial, and the results of what they do must conform to the original trajectory of history.

Although this challenge task did not kill the ss, but only participated in a plot, it was actually difficult to complete. If Huang Yi was a little negligent, he didn't notice that the people in the town became ghouls. Then once night comes. Very likely to be killed. This trial also failed.

Even if he saves his life, if Josda isn't found, this challenge will not continue.

Even if he finds Josda, if he doesn't understand their story in depth, or if he simply kills Josda, or kills Josda's mother, then he will not be able to meet the subsequent Diya. Nothing later.

Fortunately, what Huang Yi did. In the end, it was in line with the historical trajectory, and successfully passed the trial.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a force of attraction, and his eyes changed, and he was teleported to another place.

Here is a chaotic void. There are two stone tables in front of each. Each stone table has a slightly sunken palm print. Next to each palm print is an introduction written in the common language of the mainland.

Huang Yi walked over and looked at them. These two palmprints represent two professional branches. Next, he will choose one of them to complete the second transfer. This process is the same as the previous one.

Huang Yi first studied the handprint on the left--

Hand of law enforcement. After pressing the palm, you can transfer to become [Tyrant Enforcer].

Devil history. There was once a cruel demon tyrant. He established an immortal kingdom in the demon world. Countless ordinary people in the demon world were under his slavery. Even other demon gods dare not provoke him.

His Majesty's Majesty, there are two terrifying professions-law enforcement and punishment!

Law enforcement enables the power of law enforcement to tour the kingdom of the tyrant and kill all those who violate it. Enforcement makes blood flow everywhere. Occupational characteristics focus on violent attacks, plus certain hunting ability.

After transferring to Tyrant Envoy, you can get the following professional bonuses:

1. Increase the strength of 1000 sanctuary points, increase physical strength, agility, and intelligence by 200 sanctuary points, and obtain 200 free sanctuary attribute points.

2. Increase all attributes by 30%, increase attack power by 50%, attack speed by 50%, and critical strike effect by 50%.

3. The maximum anger value is increased by 300 points, and the anger value obtained when attacking is doubled.

4, exclusive skills [declaration] has been improved, in the void battlefield, if the enemy's status level exceeds himself, the enemy will ignore a status level.

5. New professional talents [reserved rights]: No matter what kind of weakening they suffer, all attributes will not be lower than the average value of all warrior players in the world.

This law enforcement is still the usual line before Huang Yi, basically a purely violent occupation. The same as the executioner when Huang Yi turned around.

Next, Huang Yi looked at the handprint on the right--

The hand of punishment, after pressing the palm, can be transferred to [Tyrant's punishment].

The punishment enables him to grasp the power of punishment and the privilege of conviction. He can sacrifice all kinds of crimes to the offender without penalty and carry out the punishment as he wants. Occupational characteristics tend to weaken enemies and improve themselves.

After transferring to a penalty, you can get the following professional bonuses:

1. Strength, physical fitness, agility and intelligence will increase by 500 points each, and get 200 free attribute points.

2. Increase all attributes by 15%, attack power by 25%, life by 25%, and defense by 25%.

3. The maximum anger value is increased by 200 points. The anger value obtained during the attack is slightly increased. After being attacked, a large amount of anger value can be obtained. If the enemy's crit hits, his anger value will be full instantly.

4, exclusive skills [declaration] has been improved, in the void battlefield, to increase their own 10% of all attributes, and weaken all enemies 10% of all attributes.

5. New professional talent [Deprivation of Rights]: Only effective for players whose level exceeds themselves. When killing players who exceed their level, they will get 30% of the experience level of the opponent's current level, which can only take effect once a day.

This branch of punishment is characterized by weakening the enemy and improving itself, and this is equivalent to increasing the attack. And this branch takes care of both life and defense. Corresponds to another branch judge during a turn.

There is no good or bad between these two professional branches.

Although the law enforcement has added 1800 sanctuary points in terms of attribute points, the penalty has added 2200 attribute points. However, the punishment made it more mediocre, all four attributes were added equally, and did not highlight Huang Yi's most important force.

The other benefits are similar, but the styles are different.

Huang Yi pondered, thinking about the direction of transfer.

In terms of attribute bonuses, he prefers law enforcement, and the direction of this branch's bonus is more suitable for his purely violent output route.

But the new professional talents of the two branches made him worry.

The new talent for law enforcement is [reservation of rights], which can prevent him from appearing in a situation where he has no power at all. For example, that night, Huang Yi was exchanged for attributes by Miyamoto Musashi, and even an ordinary player is far worse. If there is a right reserved at that time, the situation will not be too ugly.

This talent makes up for Huang Yi's ability deficiency. If he suffers weakening, as long as he still has some attributes, then his skills and other means will be sufficient to combat.

The new talent for punishment is [deprivation of rights]. This talent is dedicated to upgrades, and every time you kill someone who exceeds your level, you will get 30% of the enemy's current experience. This upgrade speed is absolutely super fast. If a 200-level player is killed by Huang Yi, it is estimated that the other party's 30% experience can make him upgrade several levels at once.

Although this talent Huang Yi is currently unavailable, because no one in the world has a level higher than him, he is the first in the world ranking list. But this can't last long. If it weren't for his repeated adventures these days, his top position on the ranking list would have been surpassed by Yang Yuheng's group of ordinary players.

As long as he has this talent, it can be said that he will not be a problem in upgrading in the future. Just look for players who exceed his level to kill and you can quickly upgrade.

The new talent in both branches is very good, but fish and bear's paw can't have both, he must choose one of them.

After much deliberation, Huang Yi finally began to choose the first branch law enforcement ambassador. He planned to go all the way to the blackout on the road of violent output.

The next moment, Huang Yi stretched out his palm and pressed heavily on the hand of law enforcement.

Suddenly, a red energy poured into his body from that palm, rushed to the limbs, and merged into his body.

[System Tip]: You have successfully transferred to [Law Enforcement].

Upon his successful transfer, Huang Yi clearly felt that his strength had suddenly improved a lot!

On pure attribute points, his power has soared by 1,000 sanctuary points, which is equivalent to 100,000 power! The three attributes of agility, intelligence, and physical fitness are not so important to Huang Yi, and they all have a considerable improvement. Huang Yi added the remaining 200 free attribute points to the most important power.

In addition, there is a bonus range, which increases the overall attributes by 30%, and also increases the attack power, attack speed, and crit effect by an additional 50%! These kinds of additions make his strength far beyond a turn and a big step.

This is the transfer! You can directly let a player step into the sky!

Before ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ Huang Yi needed to ride a dragon and rely on the speed advantage to kill the 165 level guardian. But now after the second turn, even if he does not ride a dragon, relying solely on his own strength is enough to kill the 165 level guardian! Even Level 175 Guardians are eligible to fight.

And if he rides a dragon, then relying on the speed advantage, he can completely fight the 185 level guardian!

But this is also because Huang Yi passed the s-level challenge, the attribute bonus will be higher than others. If it is a level A challenge, then the achievement will be weaker. And many players can't even complete the level a challenge, they can only complete the level c, and even the level d mystery, the attribute bonus is far less obvious than Huang Yi.

At this time, Huang Yi took out something—a pretty storage ring!

When he killed Mantian, the heavenly powerman, he had not been able to open the storage ring.

In order to prevent the contents of the ring from being obtained by others, the half-orc sacred place has specially added a seal to it, and only the half-orc with a certain strength can be opened! (To be continued ...)

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