Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 691: King Kong

There are five talents in the mutant half-orc, two of which are the most valued by Huang Yi.

One is the same race nemesis: the ability to understand the orc race, after being attacked by the half-orc race, the damage is reduced by half; when attacking the half-orc race, the damage is doubled. In the form of Beastmaster, the effect of this talent is halved.

The other is [Immune Evolution]: disease resistance +100, toxin resistance +100, completely free of any diseases and toxins, and its own disease, toxin attack increased by 20%. In the form of Beastmaster, the effect of this talent is halved.

Up to 100 points for disease resistance and toxin resistance! This value has exceeded the normal 75-point full value of resistance, and also exceeded the half-orc racial talent of 95 points, completely exempt any diseases and toxins!

This time, the poison of ss can no longer hurt him, the poisonous gas is like fresh air and has no negative effects.

In addition, Huang Yi's defense and health have also been improved, but the disadvantage is that his attack power has dropped a lot, not as high as before.

Attack power drops, it should be more difficult to kill ss, but he has no intention of defeating the opponent by conventional attacks.

Not only that, he even did more to weaken the attack!

"Borrowing light! Transforming life!" He immediately converted all the light-boring attributes of the whole body from strength to life!

In a short time, his attack dropped again, but his health increased a lot!

"War spirits! Switch life uprisings!" Then he set his own war souls uprising. Switched from 30% attack to 30% health!

This time, his health exceeded the 10,000-point sanctuary mark. Into ordinary calculation methods, that is 1 million points of blood! This is already as powerful as his best attack!

After doing all this, he finally used the racial skills of the mutant orcs—

[King Kong's Body]: Can only be used in the mutant half-orc form. It can temporarily transform the attack ability into survivability. The attack power, critical strike chance, and critical strike effect are reduced by 90%. Health, defense, and dodge are increased by 10. Times. Lasts 20 minutes. Cooling time: 10 days.

This skill can only be used in the mutant half-orc state. He has not used it much before. But this skill's life-saving ability is unparalleled, sacrificing 90% of attack ability, and improving the survivability by 10 times!

霎 Time. There was also a layer of golden cuticle on his body, and the skin had completely turned into metal, reflecting a tough luster, looking indestructible and impenetrable!

His health, defense, and dodge have increased 10 times! What is this concept? If we do not consider the cost of weakened attack, simply looking at this increase, even the most famous potion of Miyamoto Musashi-the guardian of the **** of life. It's just an increase of 10 health!

At this time, Huang Yi was more resistant than the Cavaliers at once. He had 1 million health points before, and now has 10 million points of blood after tenfold! This is the highest life moment in his history!

However, his ability to attack was greatly weakened. You can't beat ss! On the field, it is equivalent to becoming two people who are incompatible with each other, and no one can help them!

"Blood killing!" At this moment, Huang Yi brought out the newly added incidental skill after the star of killing the **** was promoted to the epic level.

In the next minute, he lost his life. Will double the loss on ss!

He completely gave up avoiding, still attacked by that ss. And he also actively released a series of equipment with skills to deduct his health!

"Apocalyptic!" Huang Yi first used the skill attached to the legendary shoe [Footprint of the Doomsday], which requires 10% of his health to be released!

In a moment, his blood was deducted by 1 million!

And ss's blood volume has gone crazy 2 million!

Prior to this, Huang Yi needed to hit a critical strike with heavy judgment before he could produce such a large amount of damage!

"Blood Strike!" Immediately after, Huang Yi consumed 5% of his health and used a side skill of the epic **** battle.

Suddenly, he deducted 500,000 health points, and ss's health dropped by 1 million!

"Flying axe!" He kept on spending 5% of his health and flew out the epic **** battle!

"Absolutely invisible!"



Next, Huang Yi used some foreign skills to deduct his health.

Foreign skills learned through the channels of equipment, skill books, and blood of talent are generally released by consuming health. He is now trying to consume his own health, so that he can deduct double his health!

Now, ss is really poor in donkey skills. It doesn't have extra life-saving skills, can't stop Huang Yi's **** killing, his blood is being deducted less and less, and the death is getting closer and closer!

Finally, after Huang Yi consumed 3% of his health value to release the shadow dance, the final blood of ss was finally forcibly deducted, and he fell down!

At this moment, countless reporters and viewers who are following the leaderboards are also seeing the birth of a new world record!

The world is sensational again!

"[System Tip]: Congratulations on clearing the 170th floor of the Tower of the Gods in single player mode. The clearance time is 87 minutes and 25 seconds. Become the record creator on this floor and you will get a generous reward!"

Finally, Huang Yi passed the customs! Created a new world record of 170 layers, this is his sixth world record! Another super reward is about to be earned by him.

In the empty space in front of him, a glittering treasure box quickly appeared, which contained a record of additional rewards.

He took a sigh of anticipation and reached out to open the treasure box!

The contents of the treasure box are similar to the previous ones, with a total of four. The first three are an experience dan that increases experience by 50%, an a-level energy stone, and a soul spar.

And the last thing is super reward!

This is a wooden token!

This token is green and slap-sized, with two vigorous characters written on it—hero!

[Heroic Order]: Reduce the difficulty of heroic trials by one level. After passing the trials, the level value will be increased from 15 to 20.

Hero Trial! Huang Yi was slightly surprised, I did not expect to get such a thing!

After being given a name, after level 100, they can go to the Central Continent for hero trials.

But the Hero Trial is very difficult and requires a certain amount of luck. After Huang Yi was promoted to the 100th level, he was always busy with the rest of the matter, and couldn't tell the heart to go to the Central Continent for the hero trial, and he was not sure that he could pass the trial.

But this heroic order has dispelled his anxiety, it can reduce the trial difficulty! In this way, the assurance of passing will be much greater. And after passing the trial, you can directly upgrade to level 20!

Hero trials take an extremely long time, ranging from as little as a month to as many months as possible, which will greatly slow down the progress of leveling. Therefore, after the hero's trial passes, there will be an additional reward, that is, the level will be directly increased by 15 to compensate for the delay in the leveling progress due to the trial.

This heroic order can make this level of improvement even more obvious, from 15 to 20, which is equivalent to 5 more than others.

For example, other players passed the trial at level 150. After the end of the trial, it was level 165, while Huang Yi 150 went to trial, and after the end, it was level 170!

Huang Yi stowed this heroic order well, and when he went to the central continent, this heroic order would be able to show its radiance.

He also included the rest of the things into the storage ring, and then took the experience dan directly, increasing the experience value by 50%, and the level broke to level 163!

He came to the 180-level ss, put his hand on it, and pulled his dead soul out, sucked it into his war soul, and replaced a more than 170-level soul.

This level 180 soul has 1% more defense and 1% health than the previous level 170 soul. Although this amplitude is small, it is very impressive when it comes together bit by bit.

Next, he teleported out, teleported in again, and started killing monsters and leveling.

This time he can't beat the last ss, because his [King Kong's body] in half-orc form has a cooldown of up to 10 days!

The skill of bleeding and killing must be matched with the skills of King Kong's body to greatly increase the health, in order to exert the maximum effect. But even so, Huang Yi didn't want to use this attack method, unless the defense was too strong like the zombie just now.

Because Huang Yi's own attack power is not weaker than this method, his attack power has exceeded 10,000 sacred points, which is equivalent to 1 million points of attack power. After using heavy judgment to hit a crit, even if the enemy ’s The defense value resists a part, and can still cause more than a million points of damage.

What's more important is ~ www.readwn.com ~ In combat status, you will not return after turning into a half-orc! If the enemy still has a spare means, he will not be able to cope with the strongest Beastmaster status.

The night was getting deeper, and Huang Yi practiced the level over and over again. He did not use the gods' handcuffs to directly obtain the experience value of the monsters. The hand cuffs could only be used 2,000 times, and they would not be used up.

In addition, the experience value obtained by using the gods' handcuffs is calculated in the normal way, which is equivalent to the experience value of a 170-level player playing 170 towers of the gods without additional bonus. And Huang Yi is now 163, killing those monsters that exceed their own will have an additional experience bonus.

Gradually, one night passed and a new day came!

Huang Yi finally got off the line. He had a good breakfast, took a comfortable bath, and then took a bit of exercise. Then he slept comfortably in bed and replenished his energy.

He didn't go back online until after dinner in the evening.

At this point, the 195-level guardian has returned! This is Huang Yi's last enemy! Also the strongest enemy! (To be continued ...)

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