Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 693: Strongest 1 battle

This scene was also quickly shown through the eyes of some reporters around, in front of countless viewers watching the live broadcast!

"Audience friends! Now that the **** of killing has lost that strange mount, his strength is greatly reduced, and he can no longer maintain the invincible momentum before. It seems that this time he must die in the hands of the 195 level guardian, this is not The myth of defeat will end here ... "

In just a short time, Huang Yi lost his non-combat skills and also lost his greatest help!

People also finally understood the words of the former Lone Star Emperor-"Kill God, the next moment is to show your true strength!"

After losing Xiaolong, Huang Yi did show his true strength! Was beaten back to its original form!

However, Huang Yi calmed down quickly. He pursed his lips, looked at the Lone Star Emperor, and nodded: "You're right, I should show real strength!"

After all, he turned to look at the raging dragon, and reached out and pointed at it!

In a short time, the raging dragon suddenly turned into a ball of blood, drawing a trajectory in the air, sinking into Huang Yi's body!

A living dragon was suddenly absorbed by Huang Yi. This picture was so shocking that his jaw would fall to the ground.

Those reporters were dumb and didn't know how to explain the scene in front of them. Huang Yi had never used this skill before. But everyone knows that the emergence of new skills often means that Huang Yi played a new hole card!

The Lone Star Emperor also put away the look of arrogance, and became a little dignified. Huang Yi's skill is really weird.

At this moment, Huang Yi's body was glowing with blood. He clearly felt his immense power. He just did use a skill he had never used before. This is a brand new skill he gained after level 140 evolution to the Golden Holy Dragon-

[Attribute borrowing]: In any form, you can borrow the attributes of a dragon contract partner. After borrowing, you will superimpose all the attributes of the dragon contract partner on yourself for 30 minutes. Cooling time is 30 days.

This time, Huang Yi's various attribute values ​​suddenly spiked directly! All the attribute values ​​of Xiaolong have been added to his body! In particular, the attack power soared to 15,000 sanctuary points. In addition, all other attributes are skyrocketing, such as what health value, defense value, attack speed, crit chance, crit effect and so on.

This is not as simple as one plus one. Adding the two attributes adds a geometric increase in strength. This is like a level 100 player, and the strength is definitely not equivalent to two level 50 players.

If before, the enemy could easily kill him and the dragon, but now Huang Yi has borrowed the attributes of the dragon. Maybe the other party can't even break his defense, he can't kill him at all.

Similarly, perhaps the enemy's defense was too high before, and Huang Yi could not break the defense of the other party. However, after borrowing the attributes of the dragon, it may be easy to break the defense and take the enemy's life.

When the attribute exceeds a certain range. Even if you improve a little bit, the actual increase in strength is geometric! This is why the 195-level guardian and 185-level guardian have only ten more levels, but their strength is in the sky and one is in the ground!

The skill borrowed from this attribute is a bit similar to Oda City's Corpse Fusion. But it lacks a level addition effect. The corpse fusion can add attributes and levels together. But Huang Yi's attribute borrowing can only superimpose attributes. Cannot stack levels.

Feeling his powerful power, Huang Yi felt a war in his chest, and immediately fanned the wings of the golden holy dragon behind the illusion, and rushed towards the Lone Star Emperor.

His movement speed has been greatly improved, and the movement speed of Xiaolong has also been borrowed from him! He turned into a golden shadow, and rushed towards the Lone Star Emperor aggressively in the moonlight, and the **** battle in his hand lit up a sharp golden man!

The Lone Star Emperor did not dodge. He directly grabbed Huang Yi's **** battle with a pair of big hands, and seemed to want to see how strong Huang Yi's strength was.

"Oh!" The two finally met each other at the next moment!

A fierce shock wave scattered around the center where the two of them fought, as if two shells collided in the air, and Huang Yi's cloak was blown up.

Huang Yi and Lone Star Emperor took a step back each other and continued to confront each other, showing considerable strength.

After Huang Yi borrowed Xiaolong's attributes, in terms of pure attribute values, he was no weaker than the 195-level guardian of the Lone Star Emperor!

However, he just made a heavy sentence, but was blocked by the hand of the Lone Star Emperor, without causing much damage. The hand of this lone star emperor seems to be holding the hands of heaven and earth, and can even go against his **** battle.

"You really have some strength!" Lone Star Emperor stood still, nodding slightly. He patted the dragon robe on his body, and seemed to pat the dust, showing the kind of indifference that nobles should have.

With his pat, the dragon robe on his body quickly exuded a golden light, which reflected him like the same round of sun, full of noble and powerful feeling, people dare not look straight!

This is obviously a skill of the Lone Star Emperor, and it should be a combat skill, otherwise it cannot be released!

"Oh!" At this moment, the Lone Star Emperor quickly rushed towards Huang Yi!

This time, the momentum of the Lone Star Emperor was far more than when Huang Yi was just charging, like a meteorite that struck out the flames in the atmosphere, hitting Huang Yi with brute force!

"Yeah!" This second encounter, Huang Yi showed weakness, and was repelled for several steps before he could flap his wings and stabilize his body!

Huang Yi could clearly feel that the Lone Star Emperor was suddenly much stronger at this time. The golden light on his robe seemed to be an attribute-enhancing skill that made him stronger than before.

In the case of not being able to use non-combat skills, the two abandoned the fighting skills. The strength and weakness depended entirely on whether the attributes are strong or not. This is the most primitive, rude, and most effective style of play!

right now. Huang Yi's attributes are once again underwind, not as powerful as the Lone Star Emperor. He must strengthen again!

The next moment, he summoned a mighty and powerful god!

In this super-strong duel, the Savage God should have no role to play. After all, it is just a fake body. Its strength follows the level of Huang Yi. Now it is more than 160. It is not an opponent of the Lone Star Emperor.

But Huang Yi's purpose is not the same, he summoned the wild god. Reach out directly towards it!

Suddenly, a familiar scene reappeared, and the body of the Savage God suddenly turned into a blood, submerged in Huang Yi's body! It's like being absorbed by him.

After absorbing the Savage God, Huang Yi's breath suddenly became extremely powerful. He raised his hands and whistled with wind and sound, like a **** war god. Standing under the starry sky, it is not lost to the lone star emperor in the golden light!

This skill is also Huang Yi's card trick, which is his 90 level Nefarem skill-

[Focus of Demon God]: It can be combined with the demon god. After the demon god, the demon **** does not occupy the quota of summoning contract partners. At the same time, only fit with a demon. Each use consumes 10 Nefarem Power.

right now. Huang Yi and Xiaolong and Manshen both fit together, and his strength far exceeds his normal level! Attack power has soared to 20,000 sacred points, which is two million attack power!

These two fusion skills have a feeling of making gods out of thin air, and they have created a super strong one!

next moment. Huang Yi's body turned into an afterimage, rushing towards the Lone Star Emperor!

"Oh!" The two met for the third time. Another round of intense shock waves spread out, sweeping everything!

Huang Yi did not retreat, showing the super strength after the integration of the Savage God!

The Lone Star Emperor was motionless, like a photo, fixed in the air!

"Nightmare!" Huang Yi's luck burst out of his watch, and he even played the legendary ring-in the dream of Sand Pirate King, only 1% of the negative state "nightmare" can be played, leaving the lone star emperor in a "fixed position" "Forbidden magic", "deceleration", "blindness", and "bleeding" among the five negative states, lasting three seconds!

Within these three seconds, the Lone Star Emperor can only be attacked by Huang Yi!

"Quick judgment!" Huang Yi opened the ability to increase attack speed instantly, increasing attack speed by 50%! The **** battle in his hand almost turned into a phantom, and he couldn't even see it!




Every sentence was heavy, with Huang Yi's unparalleled attack power at this moment, and poured wildly on the lone star emperor!

"Eh! Hh! Hh!" The sound of bluntness hitting the flesh spread all over the square clearly, and it sounded like people couldn't help shrinking their necks.

The reporters took a few steps back involuntarily, and the live broadcast suddenly shook slightly, and the audience could clearly feel the fear of the reporters.

From the battle to the present, Huang Yi ushered in the real output opportunity for the first time, and he can pour out his powerful attack power unimaginably!

However, this was largely due to luck. He had a nightmare with only a 1% probability, otherwise the lone star emperor could easily escape.

The precious three seconds passed little by little, and Huang Yi's super strong attack power caused great damage to the Lone Star Emperor. However, the opponent's blood volume is also extremely horrible. Even if Huang Yi is attacked so madly, his health is still huge.

Finally, the precious three seconds have passed!

The Lone Star Emperor finally recovered ~ www.readwn.com ~ His Wei An's body burst into a circle of dazzling golden air, like a sun burst!

The huge shock wave flew Huang Yi far away!


The following words are free of charge:

I was in a bad state a few days ago and owed several chapters. Today I am in a better state.

Recently, a reader asked me why this book was not updated. I was surprised. This book has been updated all the time. Later, I found out that other websites have not been updated.

This book was first published. Starting Point, Mobile, Telecom, Cloud Bookstore, and other websites that cooperate with Starting Point are updated daily. The rest are pirated websites, which I did n’t know. If you do n’t see the update, please come to the starting point, move these places to see, it will always be updated here.

In addition, there is the problem of typos. There are very few typos in the genuine version. When pirated websites are reprinted, there will be a lot of typos and missing characters. Even the chapters of other novels come in and the content is disordered. These are not my problems. Thank you . ——Huang Huayi (To be continued ...)

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