Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 704: Killing is another redemption

Huang Yi and Thor were watching beer on TV while drinking beer. Ice @ 火! The Chinese prison is quiet and quiet, almost all the criminals are in the forum, watching the live broadcast simultaneously

"Countdown to the Second World Annual Ceremony, 9, 8 ..." Finally, after a burst of advertising, the countdown to the opening ceremony of the third annual Ceremony started!

At this moment, the media in various countries around the world are counting down in their own languages!

More than a billion viewers are watching the annual festival through various channels. The second world has become empty, and almost all players have gone offline to watch the opening ceremony!

When the countdown reaches the last second, all audiences around the world hold their breath and stare at the screen!

I saw on the big screen at the scene that the promotional video of this annual festival was played, accompanied by shocking background music, and passed into the eyes of every audience around the world-

Under the moonlit night, a team of five hundred people ran wild in the wilderness on a fierce mount, raising smoke all the way. The trampling iron hoof is like a torrent of torrents, unstoppable, and even the entire screen slightly shakes!

The camera passed over the group and gave a close-up for the collar. This is a bald man with blue eyes. He is the tnt who gained his fame last year. The hundreds of people behind him are his Majesty's Kingdom Association. This association has only five hundred people, which is the size of a group. However, in the round robin competition of the contest, it had an unbeaten record of 31 consecutive victories!

"The most explosive explosive is not tnt, but human anger." Just then, tnt's thick voice sounded.

The camera turns. Switched to a desert under the scorching sun. A man was marching in the vast desert. He was wrapped in bandages like a mummy, holding a woman in his hands.

The sand storm came and covered the sky, but the figure of the man walked steadily. In the endless sandstorm, holding the woman step by step towards the camera, his face was gradually revealed in the hazy sand and dust, and it was the Egyptian leader Pharaoh! He stared at the woman in his arms. He said softly, "Even if I become a mummy, I will not forget you."

Next, the camera was switched again and again, and a representative master appeared. Each master had a line of his own, corresponding to their identity, as if they were a monologue in their hearts:

You can say that I am in heaven, in fact I have been on the road. ——The Pope (Paradise Guild, Founder of Paradise Church, American Player Leader)

Every hunter starts with prey. ——Big Bear (world's first hunter. Russian player leader)

No matter how powerful the Emperor Wudi, it is impossible to be invincible. ——Miyamoto Musashi (Winner of the individual contest of the contest. Japanese player leader)

Ordinary people are ordinary because they have a common problem, which is that they are always ordinary. ——Yang Yuheng (common player leader, draenei patriarch)

Heroes are sad about beauty, but what about heroines? ——Oda City (the world's first female master)

The knife is only sharp, and it is sharp when there is light. ——Blade (the first person in the world, the best individual in the first annual festival)

The scariest sword is always hidden in the sheath. ——Li Jian (Best Individual in the Second Annual Ceremony)


Finally, the trailer came to an end.

A corpse of bones appears in the picture, and the ground is full of the bodies of various deities. In the endless corpse, stands a tall throne. There was an emperor sitting on it, holding a battlefield, dripping blood, his expression was full of suffocation, as if a tyrant. He looked down at the vast corpse and slowly said--

"Killing is another redemption!"

The voice falls, the music stops, and the video ends.

The last person in the promotional video just now is Huang Yi!

In last year's promotional video, he also appeared last, but that was more like the last meaning of the ranking.

In this year's promotional video, he also made his last appearance, but as an epic character.

In a year, he grew too fast.

"Ayi, Time Company made your screen too pretentious, but I like it, haha!" At this time, Thor turned to look at Huang Yi and made a noise.

"Let's see. I don't know who the flag bearer of the Chinese delegation is." Huang Yi said, picking up a cigarette on the table and smoking while continuing to watch the live broadcast.

"Dear gentlemen and ladies, everyone! This is the biggest event of humankind once a year ..." At this time, a picture of the main stage appeared on the TV. The host used the two most widely spoken languages: Chinese and English. Mankind proceeded with the opening remarks. Hundreds of thousands of spectators at the scene flashed into one, just like Xinghai.

Next, the host introduced the heavyweight guests who came to the scene, including senior executives of Times, senior executives of the world federations, presidents or presidents of several major powers, and some first-class experts in the second world.

This was followed by a cultural performance session, which showcased some of the customs and customs that have been held in India.

The general process is the same as last year's annual ceremony, there is no change.


"Next, some delegations are invited to enter!" Finally, the opening ceremony came to the most anticipated link!

Delegations from various countries began to enter the venue in turn. The flag bearers held their respective national flags and led the finalists of each country to walk on the red carpet.

"Now coming to us is the Indian team. Among all the awards this year, they have a total of 2,744 finalists. The flag bearer is exactly India's first-class master Mr. Ganghe ..."

The delegations came out one by one, and the moderators introduced each one.

After waiting for a long time for Huang Yi and Thor, they finally waited for a delegation with the largest number of people. The bannerman in front of them was holding the familiar five-star red flag.

"Now coming to us is the Chinese delegation with the largest number of finalists. In all the awards of this annual ceremony, a total of 3,446 of them were shortlisted, which is almost the same as last year. The flag bearer at the forefront is very famous in China. The master wants to be born from the heart! "

"Huh? Why is he? Even a gentleman!" Thor was surprised for a moment. The standard-bearer is usually played by the country's player leader. He and Huang Yi are qualified, but they are not present. In addition, the standard-bearer should be born from the blade, dragon thorn, and sword.

Although Yu Shengsheng is also a master, it is a level worse than a few of them, even worse than a gentleman.

There are too many Chinese delegations, and it takes a long time to enter the venue. The host also took advantage of this time to introduce more: "China is the strongest country in the second world, and there are as many as five top-ranking experts. With the gentleman's words, there are six. But unfortunately, none of their six top masters have been present at this annual ceremony ... "

Thor and Huang Yi suddenly realized!

It turned out that none of the top Chinese masters had gone! In addition to these people, China's top masters are undefeated, willing to be born of heart, and the second brother of medical science.

Among them, Yu Shengxin is indeed the most suitable. He has a strong political background and is one of China's official representatives. However, there was a blade on top of him, and it also had a political background, making him unable to stand up.

Now, all the first-class masters haven't gone. It is finally possible to be a leader from the heart, and it is a complete exhalation!

In the TV, Yu Shengsheng raised the national flag with one hand and greeted the audience with one hand, looking slightly proud, as if he were the king of the world.

"I want to be born from my heart. His real name is Zheng Jing. He is 25 years old. The second generation of standard officials and the second generation of wealth. His father's department is all senior military and political officials, while his mother's department are all financial giants. Even his girlfriend's side also has a strong background! If you talk about it alone, the blade can't compare with him! "Raytheon stared at the desire in the TV picture and introduced it to Huang Yi. He was a former military figure in China and was familiar with political forces.

And Huang Yi's understanding of desire from the heart is mainly in the second world. In the second world, the guilds to be created by Xinsheng are called the Kingdom, second only to the first-class guilds such as the Hero Guild, the Sun Guild, Xuanyuan Family, the Ming Club, and the Ming Church. The main sphere of influence of the Tianmu Guild is in the west of the Big Six, which is too far from the sphere of influence of the Heroes Guild.

When the former hostess Musashi hijacked the hostage, he did not hijack the country's high level, whether it was Huang Yi or the Hero Guild, he had no friendship with the other party. It is always well water that does not violate river water.


At the same time ~ www.readwn.com ~ On the beach in Hawaii, Miyamoto Musashi, tnt, and the Pope are gathering together, watching a wireless TV in front of them, blowing the cool sea breeze.

"Just three of us appeared in the promotional video, what a coincidence!" Tnt showed a cynical smile and stared at the TV screen.

"These are all false names. Now I just want to get to Hero 6 sooner." Miyamoto Musashi said with a gloomy look. He was not happy because he entered the promo. He was clearly still thinking about the national war.

"Indeed, our fleet needs to speed up a little bit!" The Pope touched the stubble stubble and calmly said: "Now is the best time for our coalition to invade Hero 6. The first-class masters in China are still hiding Retreat, killing God has just reincarnation, Dragon Spike has not appeared for a long time, it seems to have left Hero Big 6. And the mysterious sword god, is unlikely to come out to stop us. The rest is a thunder god, it is difficult to stop us .And these days they are paying attention to the annual ceremony. We are now invading, and the resistance is much less. "

"If we knew the place of samsara's reincarnation!" Miyamoto Musashi pinched his fist, and Huang Yi appeared in his head again. (To be continued ...)

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