Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 707: I will remember until death

Subsequently, Mr. Huang Huapeng of Time Corporation slowly walked from the backstage to the front of the microphone, and nodded his head toward the people all over the world. He said gently, "On behalf of Time Corporation, thank you for your achievements in the Second World in this year. We I am very happy to see that human life is getting better and better because of the Second World, and the trauma caused by that nightmare nuclear leak has gradually recovered. This year, the progress of the Second World It has been greatly accelerated, especially the individual top masters, whose strength has far exceeded the current average level of the world ... "

Mr. Huang Huapeng said a concluding remark before he said, "In the year just passed, the competition between the Second World Masters has become more intense, showing a blossoming situation. Let us take a look at the best of last year. The style of the 100 finalists! "

The voice fell, and a promotional video of 100 finalists began to play on the big screen, and names that hit the world appeared.

This is the most important award. Every finalist is basically a leader of the country. A lame person who will make the whole country shock. Every time a person appears, a scream can be heard at the scene. sound.

The moment Huang Yi appeared, the audience was instantly boiling! The screams reached unprecedented levels!

"This is the winner!"

"No need to broadcast, the best person is to kill God!"

"Give him the trophy directly!"

There was a roar of roars at the scene, and no one cared for the finalists displayed behind the promotional video. Countless people agree that this award can only be awarded to Huang Yi! No one has achieved more than this year!

Finally, all the finalists' promotional videos have been played!

"Thunder god, did you feel something wrong?" After looking at the entire shortlist, Huang Yi frowned suddenly and wondered.

"what happened?"

"There is one person, I think he can be nominated for the best newcomer award, and even can go to the nomination stage, but just 100 of the best newcomers are shortlisted. But he is not. If he is not a newcomer, but a Old players, that should be able to be selected as the best individual award, but there are no him in the 100 finalists of the best individual award, this is abnormal! "

"Huh? I know who you are talking about! It is really strange, because of his strength, it should not be eliminated!" Thor also nodded suddenly, guessing the person Huang Yi said.

"Next. Let's pick ten miles and see which ten high-handed names are on it!" Just then, the gentle voice of Huang Huapeng came from the TV.

Huang Yi and Raytheon quickly stopped talking and re-focused on the TV.

Audiences from all over the world are also hanging out, looking forward to the nominations of the masters they support.

There is a very important criterion for becoming a superb master. That is if this person has nominated the best personal award, as long as it is nominated, it is already a great honor!

Super-class masters may not be able to nominate, but the nominees must be super-class masters!

Finally, on the big screen at the awards scene, a promotional video of ten nominees began to play!


"Japan-Emperor Wu"

"Russia—Big Bear"



"China-The Sword King"



"China-Kill the God"

"China-Emperor Sword"

Nine of the ten nominees are super-class experts who have been famous before. The only Dante from the United States is a big dark horse!

Huang Ding, a man of Dante, has also heard of it. He is a master who has made significant progress in the United States recently, and is faintly called the third American player leader.

Not long ago, Kidd, one of the two leaders in the United States, died in a car accident, and his family is preparing for resuscitation surgery. The void left by Kidd is basically filled by Dante!

So Dante is the biggest variable of the best personal award!

"Surely the **** of killing won!"

"Don't open the envelope, just announce the God of Killing award!"

There was a loud noise again at the scene. Can be heard clearly even in front of the TV.

Mr. Huang Huapeng of Times Corporation looked at all the audience at the scene while unpacking the envelope, and smiled: "In fact, like everyone else, I think it is a god-killing award. But each award is judged by the system comprehensively, and the results are at any time. All are subject to change. This year's envelope card may be different from last year. This year is the electronic card. Maybe the system changes the winners in this second. It is not necessarily that the electronic card can be displayed synchronously. There is no last minute And no one knows the specific results. "

Just then, Mr. Huang Huapeng finally opened the envelope. Draw out the electronic card inside.

The flash of countless cameras on the field suddenly burst out! All cameras are staring at Mr. Huang Huapeng!

Everyone in the world clenched their palms, waiting for the birth of a new king of the world!

Countless media reporters are waiting, their fingers have been pressed on the news button!

The executives of countless companies are paying attention, and the contracts for endorsements have already been drawn up!

Huang Yi and Thor were motionless, holding their breath!

Finally, Huang Huapeng looked at the name on the card, and said positively: "The third individual annual best personal award, the winner is-"

On the big screen at the scene, six finalists who were present at once were aired!

The pope looks at ease;

Miyamoto Musashi's eyes closed;

Eiffel pursed his lips;

Dante looked excited;


"Kill God!"

The next moment, Mr. Huang Huapeng uttered two words! Resound through the world! Hitting the eardrums of nearly 10 billion people!

These two words, like the gospel of the **** of life, instantly wrapped the thunder **** in the dark, making his body tremble slightly!

"Congratulations to God of Killing for being the first master to have won the Best Newcomer Award and Best Personal Award! It deserves it!" Mr. Huang Huapeng applauded first.

"I already guessed it was him! No one was his opponent at all!" The audience also followed the tide of applause and discussion, and the noise was very loud!

"The previously written manuscript of the killing gods really came in handy! It was not written in vain!" All the media in the world released the already-prepared Huang Yi award-winning topic for the first time!

"Be sure to find God of Killing, and let him endorse our products. The price is whatever he wants, and money is not a problem!" A global top 500 enterprise boss directly ordered to his subordinates.

Next, the major achievements of Huang Yi began to be played on the big screen. Players all over the world revisited every miracle he created--

"Kill God to become the first perfect war soul. Get 1 national honor!"

"God kills first to the 100th level and get 2 national honor points!"

"God-killing became the first player in the 5,000-person tower of the Gods of Gods. The player who personally contributed more than 50% won 1 national honor!"

"Kill God took the lead in completing the second transfer and received 1 National Honor!"

"God Kill was the first to be promoted to a god-level profession and received 1 National Honor."

"Slaying the gods and leveling the East Continent! And become the best performer!"

At the beginning of the promotional video, it was a six-significant system announcement!

This year. His achievements are too many! Earn 6 points for national honor alone!

In addition to this, he also has a number of shocking feats-disintegrate the hunting of 100 holy strong men in the half-orc holy land; become the guardian of the heroic continent; kill the 203 barbarian sky; drive back the 295 barbaric **** Create hero guild; create hero teaching; get the runner-up in individual contest of the contest; lead the hero group to win the championship of the team contest; create five world records of the Tower of the Gods; break the world record many times; occupy the first place in the world ranking for a long time Wait.

In the video of the promotional video, his words at some important moments also sounded--

In the awards evening of the contest, he faced countless scoldings and said calmly: "This game is the loser is king, I want to win. So I must lose!"

In the Temple of Heroes in Longdu, he said to the church members kneeling on the ground: "As long as there is a species, everyone is a hero!"

On the Godship, he said to the top of the top Chinese guilds: "I'm going to block Japan!"

In the central square of Beihai City, he said to the people all over the world: "I am the same as Qian Fu!"

At the critical moment of the national war, he knelt in front of Qin Shiyu and said, "Except for the proposal. I will not kneel to anyone!"

At the wedding, he said to all the reporters who scolded him: "Even if everyone misunderstood me, I would still guard all of this!"


This sentence touched people's hearts time and again, and cooperated with what Huang Yi did at that time, so that people all over the world knew him better.

And some secret feats were not broadcast, for example, he awakened Nefarem's blood; repelled the demon pioneer who would invade the heroic continent; arrested a giant and restored it to the ancient giant; Obtained three of the top dragon dragon gold holy dragons as pets; destroyed a Nirvana of the cursed king and so on.

After a minute. The trailer was finally played and the screen turned black.

At the same time, Huang Yi ’s last line resounded throughout the world—

"I declare ..."

These three simple words became the last sentence of the promotional picture! Meaning long!

This is his line of adjudication skills. It is the most famous one in the world. It is almost everyone's knowledge!

Everyone knows ~ www.readwn.com ~ when he said this. That means one person is going to die!

Whoever he wants to die will have to die!

It's like a tyrant, the king wants to die, the minister has to die!

End with these three words. Full of incomparable deterrence, who is the next person to be sentenced.


"A Yi, thank you very much!" In the darkness, Thor patted Huang Yi's shoulder heavily!

At this moment, all the gratitude of this man is contained in this short sentence.

Sometimes thanks, just forget it.

Sometimes thanks, I will remember until death.


Ask for monthly tickets, recommended tickets! The conditions in the hotel are not good. I have just finished writing it, sorry. (To be continued ...)

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