Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 709: edge ball

"But the times company upholds fairness, and fairness and justice conflict. Bing @ 火! 中文." Mr. Huang Sha shook his head and said, "Fairness is to give everyone the same thing. Justice is to let everyone Have the same thing. "

Mr. Huang Sha said, once again took out a pack of fishing bait, sprinkled it evenly, and spread it aside, "The inside of the wall is hosting a wonderful ball game, and an adult and a child outside the wall want to watch the ball game. Adults can I can easily see inside the fence, and the children ca n’t even see my toes. At this time, I gave each of them a brick. For adults, it does n’t matter if the brick is cushioned, and if the child is a brick, I still can't see the ball game in the wall. But it's fair because I give everyone the same things, no favoritism. "

Then, Mr. Huang Sha sprinkled a lot of fishing bait directly in front of the dying fish, and continued: "Of course, if I give the child the brick of the adult, and let the child put two bricks, he will I can see the ball game in the wall. This is justice. I let them all have the same vision and can see the game. But this justice comes at the expense of the fairness of that adult. "

Speaking of this, Mr. Huang Sha suddenly paused and said, "The company of the times has a special status, and you may think that our company can be unbridled. In fact, on the contrary, we are on thin ice every day, because when we have more power, It is often harder to control this kind of force. If the time company exerts an imbalance in the power of the world, it will bring a disaster that destroys the surname. If I favor one side, it must damage the other's interests, which is obviously a break Balanced."

Mr. Huang Sha sprinkled a lot of fishing lures to those fresh fish schools, and said, "You have repeatedly emphasized how the world federation decays and how harmful the surname is to the world. But I am more afraid that the world federation is After I disintegrate, there will be a greater crisis in the world. So I choose to pursue fairness, treat everyone equally, and do not favor any party. The direction of the world is up to you. "

After speaking about this, Mr. Huang Sha said: "Of course, absolute fairness does not exist. I can only do it on the surface. For example, the poor can only enter the second world with free virtual equipment, and The rich can buy advanced virtual equipment and get advanced occupations directly, which seems unfair. However, more powerful rare occupations are treated equally and must be completed in rare tasks. Everyone has only one chance and fails. You can only choose ordinary occupations. The same is true in the real world. We do not get involved in politics, but some of the things we do will inevitably affect indirectly, which is unavoidable. "

After speaking, Mr. Huang Sha sprinkled all the fishing baits, carried his hands again, and calmly asked, "I think you should understand what I mean. Then, let's talk about your wishes!"

Huang Yi smiled slightly, then shook his head, and said, "In fact, it is difficult to balance the details when the strength is strong, but in the macro aspect, it can do something that was not possible before. You say fair and Justice cannot be achieved at the same time, but with the company's current strength, it can do it. Now that adults and children are outside the fence, can you just push it down? "

Mr Huang Sha raised his eyebrows and asked with interest: "How do I say this?"

Huang Yi immediately told the truth, saying: "Actually, I came for Thor this time, and his death sentence is about to be executed. I know that judging by the company's discipline, it is impossible to intervene in politics so plainly. You also I said that Time is always a technology company. So, my request is another ... "

Next, Huang Yi elaborated his wishes in detail, which is a way he thought of a while ago.

"Oh? Is this a wish?" After listening to Huang Yi's wish, Mr. Huang Sha gave a slight hesitation, and then laughed: "You are playing the side ball, but it is undeniable that you just avoided Time's company this way Discipline. It happens to be fair and just at the same time. I can promise you. "

"Hoo!" Huang Yi exhaled a long breath, and a hanging heart relaxed, and said, "Mr. Huang Sha, thank you! You are a man full of justice! I have always admired you ! "

"You don't need to thank me. You have to thank the one who worked hard. If you don't get the best personal award, I won't agree to your wish." Mr. Huang Sha said, patted Huang Yi Shoulder, said: "You still call me Blood Song! When I was as old as you, I also galloped in the virtual world. Blood Song was my name in the virtual world. Now I see you, I seem to see It was the spirited me that year. "

"Mr. Blood Song, can I ask you a question?" Huang Yi asked suddenly, with a movement in his heart.

"You said!"

"If a player grows to an unprecedented height, without an opponent, and can't even beat him, what will happen to the second world?" Huang Yi asked thoughtfully.

"This problem is very simple," said Mr. Huang Sha, with a look of remembrance: "You know the hope system! That was the predecessor of the Second World, and it was also the virtual world I galloped. When players reach in the virtual world At the highest peak, then this system will open the next world. It is equivalent to re-making a brand new virtual world product. We will not let the virtual world become the world dominated by a certain player. When there are such signs The time is when the life of the second world is coming to an end and when the new world is opened. Hopefully the system will become the second world for this reason. "

"So after opening the new world, what about those people in the second world now?" Huang Yi continued to ask.

"Except for individual players who can maintain their original state and enter the new world, everyone has to restart a new journey. But even the player who can not enter the new world will also be subject to some huge restrictions. They The power of the new world cannot be affected prematurely, and their fate will be left to those players in the new world to decide. "Mr. Huang Sha said, showing a meaningful smile, saying:" I think you might go At this height, I am looking forward to your growth. Well, my wife is waiting for me to go for a walk, I have to go offline, goodbye. "After that, he disappeared into the air.

In the empty courtyard, there was only Huang Yi alone. The air was quiet, and people couldn't help but want to close their eyes and go to sleep.

Huang Yi still looked down at the pond. The fish were still playing in the water, and the goldfish, which was dying, finally scrambled for bait, and began to recover under a strange energy.

He glanced at the goldfish, then smiled slightly.


In a flash, more than half a month passed.

Huang Yi's level has been restored to level 25, and she can transform into a half-orc form. But he still maintains the form of a ghost cat, and the five girls of Yueyue and Begonia have never recognized his player status, only if he is a real cat.

He just kept hiding while waiting for his strength to recover.

In these days, the Second World has undergone some great changes. The last time the pope, tnt, and Musashi Miyamoto fired the first shot on the hero continent, a large-scale national war broke out.

This time is not Huang Yi's last little national war on the East Rim mainland, but a real dogfight between real nations and between legions and legions.

Because the Pope, Miyamoto Musashi, and Tnt had long planned to invade the heroic continent, they made detailed preparations and hit the heroic continent by surprise. At present, their momentum is very fierce. They have occupied a large area of ​​the heroic continent, built a large number of fortifications, and steadily fight, while advancing, while digesting the occupied land, they are continuously transporting new troops.

On the heroic continent, since the last time that Yu Shengsheng made his announcement at the annual awards party, the forces behind him have started from all aspects to shape him into a leader of Chinese players. He quickly formed a legion, and almost all the top Chinese guilds joined it, making him stand out in a moment.

The resistance that was born from the heart did play a role, they slowed the progress of the three-nation coalition. However, judging from the fighting data these days, the counterattack to be born from the heart is still more defeated than defeated. Even those battles that have been won are piled up by the advantage of the sea of ​​people, and the loss of troops is far more than The enemy.

On this day, after Huang Yi went online, first went to the forum and took a look at the 24-hour forum hot post.

"The winner of the Best Charm Award, one of the Indonesian leaders, Floating Disturbance, announced that they will form the National War Corps, join the three-nation coalition forces of Miyamoto Musashi, Pope and Tnt to jointly invade the hero continent!"

"The mysterious desert island world stone resource grab battle escalates, the two bear leaders and Pharaoh start the national war!"

"The largest port on the Ganges continent has seen a large number of ocean-going ships heading to the hero continent. Analysts believe that this move is likely to be an invasion by the Indian player leader Ganges ~ www.readwn.com ~ hero continent."


The 24-hour hot post of the forum was basically occupied by the news of the national war, and a war that swept the world began to burn rapidly!

Among them, the hero continent is the absolute center of war, and more and more countries want to participate in the invasion and take a share. Once this momentum is formed, the hero continent is likely to face the joint invasion of various countries around the world!

This momentum must be stopped as soon as possible!


I have written more than 2 million words. The plot is getting more and more complicated. More and more things to consider. The more difficult it is to write, the ug has recently increased.

Yesterday there was an ug. In the Best Personal Award last year, Huang Yi's wish was to waive his own punishment, not the death penalty of Thor, and correct it here.

Today is still a change. This is a new transitional stage. I will lay down a new scroll foreshadowing. Let me think again. (To be continued.) Q

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