Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 765: Knife marks

Huang Yi's body was riding a little dragon back a little, so as not to affect anything.

Finally, the avatar flew to the forefront of the vortex and pierced into it.

"Click!" Suddenly, the avatar was stirred into the sky by the vortex's power, completely dissipated between heaven and earth.

His avatar died almost without resistance. The vortex was like a grinding disc. Whoever entered it would be crushed into pieces!

Huang Yi stared at the vortex from a distance, afraid in the heart, and had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​looking in.

However, he is not completely helpless. He is about to end his reincarnation in about two months. At that time, the vast amount of experience accumulated in the past six months will suddenly fall down, and he can be promoted to the level of heaven, even an intermediate level area. At that time, maybe I can absorb the blood of the mysterious python and evolve into a mysterious python.

Once evolved into the mysterious python, he should be able to enter the vortex to find out.

Next, Huang Yi no longer cares about this black vortex, but puts his mind on the epic item and the artifact fragment.

He landed on the ground, digging hard according to his perceived position, and found the two things shortly after.

One of them is the artifact fragment perceived by Chao Chao Xi Ji. It is block-shaped as a whole, crystal clear, and it is indeed larger and brighter than the last fragment. Huang Yi put it into the storage ring.

The other thing is a fist-sized bead, which exudes a very familiar blue light, beautiful.

This pearl Huang Yi has been seen once before, it is the epic pearl! He had already obtained one when he broke the 160th floor of the Tower of the Gods.

An epic pearl can make a piece of legendary equipment eligible for promotion to the epic level, only need to complete certain conditions.

Huang Yi almost didn't hesitate, and directly incorporated this epic pearl into his head gear-the Death of God.

"[System Tip]: [Death of the Gods] incorporates the epic orb, which has the potential to be promoted to epic equipment. As long as the conditions are completed, the promotion can be achieved. The first condition is: accepting a Celestial Strongman Blessing. "

This condition is difficult for others, but Huang Yi does not lack the guardian of the heavens, and the ship's call tide is fully qualified.

"Let's go, Xiaolong, let's go back! Come back later!" Huang Yi patted Xiaolong's head, looked at the giant eye, and marked the seat down. I plan to check it out after I have evolved into a mysterious python.

Xiaolong immediately left Huang Yi, getting farther and farther. The eyes behind them were still open, and the bloodshot inside was always trembling, watching them go.

Returning to the Yunfan ship, Huang Yi asked Huo Chaoxi Ji to bless his turban. Completed the first promotion condition.

Soon, the second condition came out-the absorption of three holy spar. This difficulty is also not high, Huang Yi took out three holy spar to absorb the death of the god.

This time, the last condition of this epic pearl is to absorb the flesh essence of a heavenly powerhouse.

The last time he obtained the Epic Orb, he just needed to absorb the essence of a 180-level top sanctuary strength, and now the difficulty has been greatly increased.

He couldn't achieve this condition for the time being, only to see if he could run into a celestial sea beast on the way. Kill it.


That night, Huang Yi's incarnation finally arrived at Phillipsburg in the Mustang Plains. His eyes of surveillance showed that the blade was here.

Huang Yi looked at a mountain on the grassland in front of him. On the mountain was an old castle. Inside was a spire building, which seemed like a sharp knife in the dark. The walls of the old castle building are in ruins. Several dead trees stuck their branches out of the old castle, and three or two crows stood on the branches, watching Huang Yi coldly.

The white moonlight shone on the old castle, and the night breeze screamed, like the mourn of a wild ghost, and the old castle showed a horrifying feeling.

However, Huang Yi's sniffing treasure ability shows that there are up to four epic pieces in the ancient castle. Eight pieces of legendary equipment. And all of these equipment are on the same person.

That man is undoubtedly the blade!

In terms of equipment quality alone, he has surpassed Huang Yi.

Players can wear seven pieces of armor and four pieces of jewelry. A weapon adds up to exactly twelve pieces of equipment, which shows that the blade's entire body of equipment is already legendary and epic!

And Huang Yi's body now has three epics, which are the **** battle, the star of killing the gods, and the dream of the sand robber.

In addition, the Thunder Gauntlets and the God of Killing that has just been incorporated into the epic pearl are called semi-epic, and can be promoted at any time in the future.

There are four legends, which are the footprints of the Doomsday Angel, the dragon armor, the cloak of cloaks, and the golden belt of Anoswa.

He also has three pieces of jewelry in a 100-level orange ancestor suit. The attribute bonus is very low, which weighs on his strength. But the jewellery has collateral skills to raise the level. After much deliberation, he had no intention of replacing them for the time being.

The ranking list shows that the blade is now at level 150 and has just reached the advanced sanctuary level, which is a few dozen levels lower than the super-class masters such as Pope and Miyamoto Musashi. But now it seems that his equipment far exceeds them.

Next, Huang Yi walked into the castle according to the perceived position.

Entering the castle in person, the gloomy feeling was even more obvious. The wind seemed to be chilly, and his footsteps sounded abruptly in the night sky. Several crows standing on the dead branch suddenly startled.

Huang Yi went all the way to the depths of the old castle and stopped in front of a marble building. The building looks tall and solemn, but it is obviously too old, weathering is very serious, and there are striking traces of rain washing, making the wall look mottled.

The wooden door of this building was hidden, Huang Yi felt that the blade was on the third floor of the building.

The next moment, he stepped forward, pushed open the wooden door, and walked in.

The building was empty, there was only a spiral staircase, and there was a faint candlelight from it. Huang Yi stepped up step by step, footsteps sounded clearly in the dark air.

After a while, he climbed to the third floor, and a gorgeous sight suddenly appeared in front of him.

There are oil paintings hanging around the walls. The furniture around them is luxurious and luxurious. The silver candlesticks are carved with exquisite glyphs. The candles are lit up, emitting a dim light and swaying slightly, showing a mysterious feeling.

In the center of the room was a huge, long dining table lit with candlelight. A figure was sitting there with his back to Huang Yi, as if eating dinner. There was a dinner opposite the man, very rich, with wine and meat.

He actually prepared two dinners!

"I haven't seen God for a long time, come here for dinner! This is what I specially prepared for you." At this time, the man didn't say a word back, the tone was like the reunion of an old friend, it was the voice of the blade!

Huang Yi came quietly tonight and did not notify the blade, but the blade knew that Huang Yi would come to him tonight!

Huang Yi immediately walked over and sat down opposite to the blade, enjoying the sumptuous dinner without mercy.

"How do you live in this kind of place?" Huang Yi cut a juicy steak, looked up at the blade and asked.

For a long time, the blade was still the same, his face was sharp and angular, and he looked handsome and handsome. Under the swaying candlelight, the eyes had the youthful spirit and the middle-aged man's wisdom.

He is still wearing the iconic gold-yellow armor, and two golden-yellow swords are on the table, even for dinner.

The breath of the two fighting knives was very strong, and the handles of the two arrived were actually broken, which seemed to be the famous broken handle of the blade. But now it has become two complete knives.

Blade held up the wine glass on the table, took a sip, and said, "Do you think it's horrible here?"

Huang Yi nodded and continued to eat.

"This is the place where the heir to the sword, Phillips, lived. He is a vampire, so this castle has a nasty smell." Blade put down his glass and said.

"Then what are you doing here?" Huang Yi asked with a sip of wine.

"I'm here to study the sword of the King of the Blade." Blade said, shaking his hands, and took out five sheepskin rolls and placed them on the table.

Those five sheepskin rolls are very old, seemingly countless years ago, the corners have been worn out. On each of the five scrolls, some messy lines are drawn, which are different and irregular, but each stroke is extremely powerful, as if it is a knife.

"I have now acquired the weapon of the Emperor ~ www.readwn.com ~ but have not obtained his sword. The Emperor once traced his marks on a sheepskin roll. The sheepskin roll is One of these five sheepskin rolls, and the remaining four are fake. I only have one chance to choose, and once I choose the wrong one, I will never have the chance to obtain its full heritage. God's eyes stared at those five sheepskin rolls.

"What does this have to do with you coming to this castle?" Huang Yi asked while researching the five eyelid rolls.

The lines on the five sheepskin rolls are different, but the strokes are almost the same, as if from the same person. Huang Yi couldn't see, which trace of the sheepskin roll was the real knife.

The blade turned and looked around, and said, "Because Phillips, the owner of this castle, successfully obtained the sword's inheritance of the sword emperor two thousand years ago. It is my last heir. I want to find him Practice the marks of the knife method. When he practiced the knife method, he may have accidentally left knife marks on any wall, table, pillar, floor, etc. of this ancient castle. Compare the sheepskin rolls, maybe you can find some clues. "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read m.)

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