Heroes Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 796: Deep into the magic land

After he had enemies with the half-orc race, the guilds created by some half-orc players on the hero continent announced that they would be his enemy and unite to destroy him.

Among them, there is a guild called the cornucopia, whose chairman is a hanged ghost, a firm anti-Yellow spill. As a result, his cornucopia guild was destroyed by Huang Yi, the guild was dissolved, and the hanged ghost was killed.

Unexpectedly, after so long, they met again on the Central Continent. Fate is really a wonderful thing.

Obviously their group did not notice that Huang Yi, whom they hated, was not far away. Now that the enemy is bright and dark, before this revenge has begun, they have fallen into a disadvantage first.

Before long, Huang Yi followed the crowd to a narrow canyon.

The ground here gradually turned black, as if poured with ink. If you go further, it is a barren land.

At this point, many people looked dignified, stopped and began to prepare various magic items, ready to enter the barren magic land.

Huang Yi is not prepared. He is too weak now and has no intention of hunting those demons. He just wants to make a fool to search for the thunder right hand.

Finally, he reached the end of the canyon, and in front of him was an endless black wilderness, full of barrenness and corruption.

This place is shrouded in a matrix formation released by the seven demon kings. It is a small world of its own. There is no day or night, and the sky is bleeding red all year round. There were some dead trees on the ground without a green leaf, and occasionally a few crows stood on the branches. Every now and then, there was a cry, a wailing cry. Spread far away.

This picture alone makes people feel a sense of loss and despair, it seems like a land where no hope can be seen.

After the crowds came here, they dispersed separately, and went from all directions to the depths of the barren land.

Huang Yi gradually came to a remote place, seeing no one in all directions, could not help but summoned the dragon, and rode him into the air. Flying towards the depths of the barren magic land.

His goal is very clear, that is, Tianmo Mountain in the depths of the barren magic land!

Demon ca n’t directly use the equipment in the second world. It needs to be immersed and eroded in the magic pool, and it can only be used after the equipment is completely demonized.

Thunder's right hand is half an epic piece of equipment. The equipment is too powerful. It must be immersed in the magic pool for years to be demonized. And campus basketball fans have said that the masters of the Warriors League can still feel the guard in the barren land. It means that the handguard has not been completely demonized, and it is still immersed in the magic pool.

And the only magic pond in the deserted magic land is in the Tianmo Mountain in the depths of the deserted magic land.

Xiaolong flew very high, hiding in the blood cloud on the sky, it was extremely difficult to be found, and no demons were encountered along the way.

After flying for a little while. Xiaolong finally carried Huang Yi to the area of ​​Tianmo Mountain.

This mountain is so vast that you can't see it at a glance. Occasionally, crows fly into the air, wailing in wailing, and spreading across the wild.

The ground was covered with towering dead trees. It is 100 meters high, and the lush dry branches are like a dense net. Covered the scene below.

Huang Yi's gaze was carefully scanned and searched below. The information he turned over in the library showed that the demon pond in the deserted magic land was guarded by heavy soldiers in a demon building called the deserted magic hall.

On this day, the range of the Magic Mountain was too large. Huang Yi flew on the dragon for a long time, and found the west side from the east side, and the east side from the west side. After circling back and forth, he never found the barren magic hall. On the contrary, it was discovered by the Mozu several times. Fortunately, Xiaolong flew fast and threw them away.

"Huh? I found it!" At this moment, Huang Yi finally saw that there was a little black spot in the far sky. If he looked closely, he could see that it was a large hall, most likely the barren magic hall he was looking for.

Huang Yi immediately urged Xiaolong to fly down, and his body flickered into an eyeless form.

The no-eye-monger form has an increase in body size as Huang Yi's level increases. Now Huang Yi is more than 120 levels, he has the size of a bison after turning into an eyeless monster.

Next, with the visual ability of his heart, he walked forward in the dead woods.

The closer to the barren magic hall, the more demons that Huang Yi met, and those demons have treated him as a kind and did not come up to attack.

Finally, he came to the front of the barren magic hall and looked at it from a close distance. The hall looked even more magnificent.

The Desolate Demon Hall is hundreds of meters high, and the whole body is stacked with huge black stones. Each stone is the size of a door panel. The architectural style is simple and rugged, and there is no fancy decoration.

At this time, two rows of Demon guards stood neatly at the entrance of the hall. They were holding a long spear, wrapped in simple black cloth strips, knotted in muscle, and powerful. The body of each guard is enchanting, and his strength is above the high-level sanctuary level. Among them, there are six guards and even the top-level sanctuary level, and it is the top-level sanctuary that exceeds 190 levels.

At this time, countless demons gathered from all directions towards this hall, most of them were higher demons, with injuries and black magic blood flowing on their bodies, staggering into the hall.

All this information is the same as that found by Huang Yi in the Oscar Royal College Library.

This barren magic hall is an important building of the barren magic land. Only some high-ranking demons can enter. The magic pool of the desolate magic hall is the source of the power of the demon tribe. No matter how many injuries they have suffered, as long as they soak in the magic pool for a while, they can recover and become alive again. I want to go to the magic pool to heal.

This kind of eyeless demon Huang Yi is not a high-level demons, let alone his level is more than 120, he is not qualified to enter this hall.

However, it is not possible to use absolute stealth. There is an anti-stealth array set by the seven demon kings in the hall. You cannot use any stealth skills in it. Even if the stealth master dragon stabs in, it must show its figure.

Huang Yi watched the hall with his heart and eyes, thinking about the way in.

His sniffing treasure ability can clearly feel that there is indeed a semi-epic level equipment in the hall, most likely the Thunder's right hand!

At this time, a guard swept over in the direction of Huang Yi, with sharp eyes, and seemed to warn him that the low-level demons would quickly retreat and not stay here.

In order to avoid revealing flaws, Huang Yi immediately turned around and left here, returning to the previous dead forest.

"The group of half-orcs are so powerful. Fortunately, their target is not us, otherwise we have already been killed and we cannot escape."

"Especially the God-headed man headed by me, I feel that he is only a little behind the level of the heavens, and only the emissary can defeat them!"

At this moment, Huang Yi heard that the two wounded demons were supporting each other as they walked towards the barren magic hall, talking while walking.

"Half-orc, God-given man, is it because they hanged the ghosts?" Huang Yi heard the argument between the two demons, and a guess came out of her heart.

He could not help but open the eyes of time towards the two demons and looked at their past.

Soon, he discovered that these demons had previously come from the east of Tianmo Mountain. About ten kilometers from here, they met a group of half-orcs, and they were about to be killed, and that group of half-orcs was indeed a group of hanged ghosts.

Huang Yi thought about it. Now he can't enter the barren magic hall, it is better to go and see the movement of the hanged ghosts first. If he had the opportunity to eliminate them, he would not be merciless, he would not be a good stubble.

Huang Yi found a remote place, summoned the dragon again, rode it towards the east of Tianmo Mountain and flew quickly, looking for the hanged ghosts.

The dragon was so fast that he flew to the place where the two demons had hanged the ghosts of their half-orcs before long. But at this point there was no one left, and the half-orcs should have left.

Huang Yi rode on the dragon and continued to search around. The group of half-orcs was more than a hundred people, and the target was too large. It should not be too difficult to find.

"Boom!" At that moment, in a distant valley, a dazzling light suddenly lit up. With a fierce roar, a group of crows flew from the woodland and flew into the sky.

Huang Yi immediately rode the dragon and flew towards the valley.

Flying over the valley, Huang Yi suddenly saw a fierce battle in the dry woods of the valley.

Hundreds of Orcs are besieging a top-level Sanctuary Demon. The top-level sacred demons roared, but couldn't break out of the encirclement. They were wounded with injuries, their actions became slower and slower, and they seemed to be killed soon.

These more than a hundred orcs are the orcs who hanged the ghost!

The tops of their heads were densely covered with dry branches, which obscured the sight of the sky ~ www.readwn.com ~ but no one found Huang Yi.

"The priest team pays attention to keep it no-fly, don't let it run away, otherwise it informs the rest of the top demons to come over, none of us can escape, all of us will die here!" At this time, the hanged ghost waved his sword sharp Hit the top of the top demons, and commanded loudly.

Huang Yi looked down at the scene below, touched his chin, and suddenly came up with an idea.

He immediately urged Xiaolong and quietly fell from a remote place to the ground.

Later, he put away Xiaolong, his body shook, transformed into a half-orc form, and his identity became a big badass. He immediately rushed in the direction of the more than a hundred orcs.

"Hurry up and attack, it will die!" At this moment, the voice of the hanged ghost command sounded again, with a hint of excitement in his tone.


Today's fourth change, this is the second change. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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