Heroes Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 803: Get married

"In the future, we will hunt and kill the Demon Clan every day. I will quickly rise to level 200. By then, I will be the strength of Tianyu, and the **** of killing is just a garbage that has not been reincarnation. I can pinch him casually. That beast! "The hanged ghost strove to attack the 193-level demons and continued to curse.

"It's best to kill him again and reincarnate so that he can't get up!"

"Reincarnation is too cheap for him, you should kill him again and again, kill him back to level 1!"

Other half-orcs also conform to the Tao. Huang Yi is treated as a soft persimmon in his words, which can be randomly manipulated.

"Huh? It seemed like someone was flying over that day! That was ... kill God!" Just then, a half-orc suddenly found that a dark shadow had come from the sky!

And that black shadow is Huang Yi's mount, riding on it, is Huang Yi in the form of a half orc!

At this time, Huang Yi was turning his head to look behind him, and the demons who pursued him were not far away from him. In the farther direction of the desolate magic hall, countless demons came out in a dense crowd. They were like a crow, covering the sky and the sun, and rushing towards this side, there were thousands of them!

The Desolate Demon Hall came out of the nest, and there may even be more Demon races coming out of the Demon King's Gate and coming here!

Their flying attitude is very weird. Thousands of people form the shape of a pair of huge wings and fly towards here together, like some kind of matrix method to increase the flying speed.

Under this formation method, the flight speed of all of them is forcibly increased, and the speed is close to Huang Yi! Continue like this. They will catch up soon!

Huang Yi destroyed the magic pool and stole the dark stone. This evil will definitely cause the monstrous anger. Once caught up, I do not know what kind of torture.

Huang Yi turned his head back, and immediately saw the more than a hundred orcs of the hanged ghosts below them, and a plan flashed in his mind!

He immediately shouted towards the group of half-orcs who hanged them: "Everything is in our hands, we will return to the half-orc holy place!"

Then he urged Xiaolong. Rushing towards the group of half-orcs who hanged the ghost!

"Sure enough, it's a half-orc holy land!" Those demons who chased him later heard Huang Yi's words, and immediately cursed the half-orc holy land, and became more convinced of the people sent by the half-orc race.

However, the group of hanged ghosts, after hearing Huang Yi's words, looked at each other and did not know what happened.

"Very good. You actually brought it to your door and everyone killed me!" The hanged ghost didn't think too much. He sneered at Huang Yi and waved his hand, and immediately attacked Huang Yi!

The remaining more than a hundred half-orcs followed suit, launching attacks. Densely poured down to Huang Yi in the sky, surrounded him all at once, drowned him!

If it was Huang Yi before, it would definitely not be able to escape such a fierce attack, but now he is still in the state of King Kong. Some life-saving attributes have been turned tenfold! It is no problem to resist the attack of more than a hundred orcs!

And almost all the talents of his half-orc form are to increase survivability. One of them is a talent specific to the Orc race--

[Same nemesis]: The ability to perceive the half-orc race is halved after being attacked by the half-orc race; when the half-orc race is attacked, the damage is doubled. In the form of Beastmaster, the effect of this talent is halved.

The attacks of these half-orcs hit him, to weaken half!

What's more, he still has the talent to protect the law, only taking up to 10 injuries per second!

All kinds of life-saving capabilities, even if Huang Yi only has more than 120 levels, in the face of the siege of more than a hundred half-orcs, they still have the ability to continue to dive.

At this point, the thousands of demons in the sky are about to catch up, covering the sky and the sky, and being powerful, casting a huge shadow on the ground!

"Fuck the half-orcs, stop quickly and hand over the dark stones! Accept our torture!" The group of half-orcs roared as they pursued!

Just after the demon of the Demon Clan came to the Desolate Demon Hall, he did not perceive the dark stone. Naturally, it was speculated that Huang Yi had stolen it!

However, Huang Yi changed his face and identity in the Desolate Demon Temple. They didn't know that Huang Yi was killing the gods, only that he was a half-orc!

At this time, the hanged ghosts also heard the roar from the sky in the distance, and could not help looking up!

Suddenly, they found the hordes of demons flying fast in the sky, and their faces were so pale!

"Oh my God! That's ... thousands of demons!"

"How come! Are they going to riot?"

The group of half-orcs, who hanged themselves, murmured immediately, and the hands holding their arms couldn't help shaking slightly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Huang Yi riding the dragon quickly landed in the middle of the group of half-orcs, and then put away the dragon! Mixed in the crowd.

"Dance of Shadows!" Huang Yi's body suddenly disappeared, using stealth skills.

This stealth skill only has 10 seconds, and it is an ordinary stealth effect, which can be seen by the hidden skill, but it has a good advantage, that is, it will not appear in any way within ten seconds!

Although these orcs are still attacking him, they cannot beat him out of stealth!

"Hunting!" Huang Yi stiffly carried the injuries around him and rushed out of the crowd in stealth!

After the hunting skill was deified, the distance of each charge was increased to 80 meters. He made five charge effects in the rune and rushed out 400 meters at once! Throw the orcs away from behind!

"Absolutely stealth!" Then, Huang Yi switched the stealth skill to absolute stealth again!

The advantage of absolute stealth is that it cannot be seen by any hidden ability. As long as it is not attacked or launched, it can last up to 5 minutes! The cooling time of this skill is also five minutes, which can be used continuously!

He was now four hundred meters away from the half-orcs. The enemy will not be able to attack him, which is definitely the best choice for stealth.

After cooperating with this stealth skill. Huang Yishen escaped unconsciously from the group of half-orcs without being discovered by anyone!

The group of demons in the sky still thought that Huang Yi was still in the half-beast crowd.

They saw with their own eyes Huang Yi dived down from the sky and fell into the hundred orcs, and all of them were there, and none escaped!

"Surround them! We will torture them a little bit by the cruelest means!" The thousands of half-orcs flew over in a hurry, screaming. Immediately surrounded the more than a hundred orcs who hanged their ghosts!

Thousands of demons surrounded more than a hundred orcs, with three layers inside and three layers outside, as if they were iron buckets, and the people inside couldn't rush out!

After these demons surrounded the group of half-orcs who hanged them, they did not continue to chase forward. They all thought that Huang Yi was still in the half-orcs. Did not escape.

In this way, the real murderer has fled, and the unlucky half-orcs who hanged their ghosts are carrying black pots, facing the wrath of all the demons in the entire barren magic land!

"Give up the Dark Stone!" At this moment, the leaders of these thousands of demons stepped forward. Commanding at the group of half-orcs who hanged the ghost, it was as if they were giving orders directly.

This demon is the great man who came to the desolate magic hall before. He is huge, standing in front of more than a hundred orcs of hanged ghosts, like a hill. The powerful momentum poured down like a mountain.

"What dark stone?" The hanged ghost looked up at the huge demon leader. Trill asked. At the same time, they also stopped their hands and did not dare to besiege the 193-level demons.

The 193-level Sanctuary Demon race rushed out and stood with the demon races outside, snarling angrily at the hanged ghost: "You dare to besiege me, you all die here! Everyone! Come on, kill me! "

The demon leader patted the devil's shoulder and said, "Don't worry, they are destined to die, but they must hand over the dark stones before they die, otherwise they will die in the most cruel way." After that, his eyes narrowed for a moment, staring at the demons of the dangling ghosts unwillingly, with a cruel bloodthirsty light in his eyes.

The hanged ghost said anxiously: "You have misunderstood! We don't even know what a dark stone is. The half-orc was not our man just now! He is the **** of killing, the enemy of our half-orc family! Didn't you see? Just us He is attacking him. "

"Oh?" The leader smiled slightly. "Since it's your enemy, then find him out and give it to me."

The hanged ghost swallowed his throat and immediately said, "Everyone searches for me! Find out the animal that killed God!"

Suddenly, the more than one hundred half-orcs turned around and looked around each other, and some also opened up the hidden skills, searching around.

But Huang Yi had already escaped unconsciously, and they could not find it at all.

Seeing that he couldn't find Huang Yi, the ghost hanged his head and said, "He, he didn't know what was going on, and disappeared. We just saw him here clearly."

The face of the demon leader suddenly cooled down ~ www.readwn.com ~ It seemed to have lost patience, saying: "You don't have to make up stories anymore, my patience is limited! I will give you one last chance, quickly Hand over the Dark Stone! "

"We really don't!" Said an orc anxiously.

"Oh!" The next moment, the leader of the demons opened his mouth instantly, stuck out a whip-like tongue, directly wrapped the talking orc, pulled it back into his mouth, and chewed slowly.

"Ah!" The orc made a scream in the mouth of the leader of the Demon Clan, and then there was no sound. One of his bitten arms, falling with the blood of the sky, fell and fell to the ground. .

"Well, it's delicious!" The demon leader swallowed the chewed half-orc, licked his lips, sighed, and then turned his eyes to the hanged ghost.


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